
- during the 9.2 test, there was a limit on creating the Strongholds: your clan had to have at least 20 people. This limit was removed in the live version
- it’s possible that HESH mechanics will be changed along with the FV4202 switch according to Storm (SS: there was an idea to simulate the HESH effectivity against sloped surfaces by massively increasing HESH round normalization)
- apparently according to Storm, the FV4202 switch is planned after New Year
- there is not enough material for a second full British medium Vickers branch
- it’s possible that Chieftain prototypes will have a place in the game as well
- Evilly confirms that the “free FV4202 for those who have the tier 10″ is the version the developers are working with
- according to Evilly, some individual premium tanks are so bad that they will either be buffed, or removed from the shops completely

105 thoughts on “30.7.2014

  1. “- according to Evilly, some individual premium tanks are so bad that they will either be buffed, or removed from the shops completely”

    Matilda Black Prince buff?

    • This one doesn`t apply for KV-5 I guess, since it`s already been removed from the shops. Damn, KV-5 really need penetration buff.

        • I have to agree here: The KV-5 is quite good, but only if you know how to use it. I’d guess that around 90% of the people complaining that it’s underpowered don’t have any idea how to play the damn thing. Yes, it has tons of weakspots, but that can be solved by reverse sidescraping and moving your turret around. The gun isn’t great, but if you mount a GLD, Vert Stabilizer, and a Gun Rammer you can effectively shoot weakspots from close range over and over (your armor helps with that as well, especially if you reverse sidescrape). Finally, it’s just hilarious to have a 3-way platoon of KV-5s and charge down the other side of the hill on Himmelsdorf at whoever was unfortunate enough to have stayed to fight >:D

          • KV5 is utter shit, and the argument if you know how to play it, is piss poor. Yeah given enough dedication, you could rock a loltracktor like no one’s business, does not mean you are not going to be fighting the machines limitations all the way to the bank.

            KV5 is shit everywhere but at the top of the mm list. End of of story. If you are good with it, congrats, it more you than the machine. You should be proud of that also.

            • Except KV-5 is a demanding tank with unique gameplay.

              Honestly, your arguements dont work.
              Do you mena to tell me Zergs are underpowered because Terrans are easier to learn?

              Yeah. I think not.

              • Its shit it was good with old MM, now you have only big HP pool, after accuracy buff everybody hits your weakspots, if not use gold, penetration is ultra shit after normalisation nerf. Yes its good sidescraping but thats all, IS6 can do the same good. KV5 was good old days back, with old MM, now when you have half team tier 9 and rest tier 8 just this tank is for pain, im not playing it enymore, and i see KV5 in battles rare too. The whole meta in tier 8-9 has changed a lot, and bufs like turret turn speed increas and + HP for this tank is shit.

                • Good then.

                  There is no reason to make you believe it, I might as well be arguing to a wall.
                  Take it as it is. KV-5 requires expert players and a uniques playstyle. Simple as that. Under those conditions it aint inferior to other premiums (under the very SAME conditions).

            • I tend to get top-tier matchmaking on US West 90% of the time. When I don’t, I just avoid anything that I can’t pen in tier 9 (mostly just front-facing E75s and ST-Is). Plus, I platoon with a buddy in an IS-6, so when I get into tier 9 fights, I can form a (small) flanking party and kill E75s from the rear >:D

              Either way, it’s not a shit tank if you know how to use it properly (as others have stated before). It’s completely unique in its playstyle (you can’t play it like a KV-4 and expect to do well every time) and should be played as such. For me, it took a really long time to get used to it, but now, I love it to death.

              If they were to buff it, however, I think they should make the weakspots a bit less weak. Maybe 140 armor instead of 120. Otherwise, the pen’s pretty much fine the way it is (besides, there’s a reason why 219-pen APCR exists, and the tank makes a butt-ton of money either way)

          • KV-5 is only good with retard pubs who auto aim with standard ammo or a 3 way platoon of them. I don’t care how good you are the weak spots on the front kill the thing because backwards you don’t have the mobility to push effectively.

            • to Alexander Yordanov
              Do you hav KV5? i Have, i played it a lot, but now it shit, if you wana pain from game then this tank for you, it was balanced with OLD MM with OLD ACCURACY and penetrations, now you are meat and must work hard, or fire gold only, IS6 is better in all axpect now so why you must have KV5 when IS6 is? And what KV5 buffs recaived for new +2 MM? Inres HP and turret speed? and normalistaion nerf? You wanna talk how KV5 is good? just stop talk shit then or show your games on KV5.

            • Personally, I drive it forwards, but then whenever I reach a corner, I turn around and reverse sidescrape. Driving the thing backwards all the time renders the 40kph forward speed useless.

      • Not sure if u know that kw5 is banned in 1vs1 because it’s freaking dpm and toooons of hp

        • I happened to 1v1 a T30 (the tier 9 American turreted tank destroyer with the 155 gun) yesterday while driving my KV-5. We were both on full hp. Guess who won? KV-5 :P

      • Model is wrong, armour needs reworked, stats are weird and don’t match the turret. MBP needs attention and some changes to buff it for sure but it’s no where near to being crap enough to get removed.

        • The 114 frontal armor on that thing is troll enough that I don’t think it needs a nerf. If you’re being penned frontally in a tier 5 game, you’re probably not angling enough :P

          I do admit, the shell velocity seems really low (and thus, it’s harder to lead shots) but the mobility of that thing is hilarious fun for a heavy tank with 114 frontal armor at tier 5.

          (God, I’m posting a lot today…)

      • Matilda BP is only good on very short distances (it reloads faster than it aims, so you can’t use that sick DPM at the distance), it’s excruciatingly slow, has weak armor, very expensive gold ammo (because it has unreasonably large penetration). And, unsurprisingly, it performs poorly according to vbaddict – it’s not the worst, but one of the weaker tier V premiums. And yes, I own it and I like it, but it’s really lackluster compared to Churchill III so it could use a buff.

  2. >>> – Evilly confirms that the “free FV4202 for those who have the tier 10″ is the version the developers are working with<<.<

    Yey, found a bug, if you make some <> your text is erased

    Anyway, so what that thing evilly said means? For now they intend to give a free premium FV4202 to those who already have it?

          • Dont know… Maybe there will be a time limit time to get a FV4202. 4 example: Like today, everyone have the FV at least before this day will get a FV for free the rest dont. You know if they give It to anyone has the FV. From now to next year, it will be a huge amount of free premium tanks and WG will not like that :)

            —My Eng is awesome as always—

            • It doesn’t make sense, if they want to make a profit on giving a free premium, they need to leave some time for players to buy ~month premium account, like with IS-6 or SP events.

              • Never needed the premium (or huge amount of free time) to get the free SP, The the event going along side the mini campaign gave me enough free slots, and just doing x2, x3,and x5 gave more than enough xp for most trees, but the jap crap was a little rough for me.

  3. - according to Evilly, some individual premium tanks are so bad that
    they will either be buffed, or removed from the shops completely


    Srlsy, no other tank desrves a buff like this one. Give it back its old depression and give the gun at least 100mm pen…

      • idk what your talking about i love the Matilda4 maybe a small RoF buff? and give it the same pen as the KV220

      • Aaaaand ? Matilda IV is on tier 5 by mistake. It should be put on t4 with lower HP, but then it would be just a copy of UK Matilda.

        M4A2E4 was a glorious tank with its uber gun depression. Thanks to that you could go into full hulldown and act like a bunker. Turret can bounce shots – hull cant. Gun will have trouble penning anything at distance, but in close range with hulldown you could be a big help to the team. But then they took away it depression. And made it way less agile than it was before

        All you can do now is fight t4 or less. Dont even try to approach t5 cus you will be eaten alive

        Also, M4A2E4 has the same MM. Fighting T6 isnt rare. If you are at bottom – you can leave the game

        Maybe I’m the last person that still owns this tank and plays it. Maybe. But goddammit it makes me angry as fuck when I think what WG did to this “gift” for beta testers…

          • Awesomely frustrating. 86 pen is low, 102 pen APCR is ridiculously low for the cost, and considering how much it can bounce due to RNG shenanigans, it doesn’t carry enough ammo to really carry hard if needed.

            A penetration buff to match say, the American tier 5 premium mediums (92mm/127mm) would be perfectly fine, or even 91 like the Excelsior and T14; I was very pleasantly surprised when I bought my Excelsior and found how much its measly 5mm of extra penetration mattered.

            I love the tank to pieces, but ugh, bouncing off weak spots and even other mediums is just irritating.

  4. “- according to Evilly, some individual premium tanks are so bad that they will either be buffed, or removed from the shops completely”

    Then they should buff Löwe to be firing at 6 rounds per minute (as opposed to the advertised 5rpm) –or– they should buff the damage to 390 since all the 105mm guns like on the Centurion and Leopard 1s do 390dmg.

    • T29, T32, T25AT, KT, VK 4502A etc schould all have 390 dmg? U srs bro?

      • Not premium tanks tho :P Besides, Tiger II has significant advantage over mobility and rof than Löwe.

        With Lowe being really slow and poorly armored (that even a Cromwell can pen it frontally), it should be just right to compensate its terribad firepower to balance things out.

        • Tbh Lowe and T34 got only 1600 DPM. While T34 got bigger alpha and better penetration, Lowe could use more rof.

        • Premium tanks are balanced to be worse than their standard counterparts on the same tier.

        • Dude, at the moment the Lowe is better armored than the Tiger 2, especially when hulldown or sidescraping, what are you on?!?

          • armor based on thickness is out dude, the lowe is worse than the T34 in all accounts

    • that would make no sense. Those are absolutely different 105s. All T8s 105s have 320 alpha.

    • no. HESH needs a higher normalisation to be correct as it does not ‘autobounce’ at 70 degrees and can still be effective at +80 degrees.
      HESH and HEAT are not the same thing.

      • This.

        This important part of HESH is the ‘SH’: Squash Head. The round actually flattens against the surface it hits and acts like a disc-shaped charge. Because of the shape and contact area a large shockwave impacts the armor creating substantial spalling. Better normalization would better mimic the effect but creating a perpendicular cylinder (circular or elliptical) based on point of impact and basing damage off that would be even better then the blast sphere currently used (as HE)

    • Heat is nothing like HE, heat is a chemical energy round that uses a shaped charge to penetrate armor.

      • HE is the same but without the shaped part. Granted the “shaped” is the most important part of that description, but to say “nothing” is unrealistic. HE is just explosives, HEAT is shaped explosives designed to shoot a jest of molten material into the armor expending most of its energy penetrating instead of blasting the air.

        • *That should be “shoot a jet” not “shoot a jest” (firing jokes at people is effective tho)

  5. WG NA FAIL… On the launcher it says eight improved maps.. I watched the video it says 6 lolloolol

    • yea, because that was part of this topic.. if you want to cry about something so lame, open your window and start screaming.. kids…sheesh

  6. Basically WG do not know what to do, so they are exploring options. Happily WOT players in EU forums do have some pretty good ideas. Nice to see these ideas are being noted by WG and explored.

    The idea of a Chieftain research tree from tier 8 through tier 10 makes sense, making use of prototypes.

  7. - according to Evilly, some individual premium tanks are so bad that they will either be buffed, or removed from the shops completely

    Currently, the Sexton I is the worst premium tank in shop, because it is just a ctrl+c, ctrl+v version of the Sexton II
    Seriously, i see more KV-220 in battle than Sexton I

  8. Actually, there was no limitation on creating strongholds… no minimum on clan members

  9. - apparently according to Storm, the FV4202 switch is planned after New Year

    So 9.5 Likely? If 9.3 is mid/late September, that makes 9.4 early/mid November, and 9.5 in January 2015

    - there is not enough material for a second full British medium Vickers branch

    Why not introduce the FV301 as a LT and finish the line with the Vickers and a Prototype? There was a good looking tree on the EU forums that I cannot find now but it was something like:
    T7: FV301 >> T8: FV101?(not sure) >> T9: Vickers MBT prototype >> T10: Vickers MBT
    (As I said I can’t find the tree now so T8 and T9 may not be correct but it was LT > LT > MT > MT)

      • It does make sense in some cases, but in this one, there are several 1950s and 60s LT projects to choose from to make a T6-8 LT branch and I see nothing wrong with finishing it with the Vickers, since those are fairly lightly armoured tanks with good mobility (maybe not speed tho)

            • nm, the FV101 in the earlier comment it’s too new, but an early prototype may work, or another LT. We could add the A46 in as a T6 LT as its an early version of the 301 with a little less armor and less HP on the engines. The FV301 could also have a nice side path into the FV304 as well

  10. it’s possible that HESH mechanics will be changed along with the FV4202 switch according to Storm (SS: there was an idea to simulate the HESH effectivity against sloped surfaces by massively increasing HESH round normalization)

    so basicly the pen nerf on 183 hesh, will be ineffective when that happens… unless they nerf it even more to below 180…

    • I think if they rework the mechanic, ALL the HESH rounds will have their stats updated to accommodate the new mechanic (at least to some degree).

      • but how many thank got hesh? the only tank activly using it is the 183.. lets hope WG does not screw it up so that THAT hesh round got about 275 effective pen again..

        • I have to say that FV 215B (120) FV 4202 and the Conqueror are all using HESH as normal HE ammo. If you would also look up some other tanks, the Leo 1 for example used HESH aswell. And just to say the FV215b with his 120mm HESH (which is the standart HE) is quite devestating. Aim for weakspots or shoot the side of french tanks, boom 500 dmg

  11. The only premmy tank that really needs a buff is the valentine 2… Tier2 gun on a tier 4 tank. Ilove the SUPER matchmaking on it though.

    • You have to be joking, it’s an epic seal clubbing tank. Personally I prefer it to the German Pz.B2. It’s great for missions where you have to kill X number of tanks in a tier 4+ vehichle. The standard ammo is perfectly capable of dealing with a lot of the paper armoured targets you meet and if you need to use APCR it’s very cheap so who cares.

  12. - according to Evilly, some individual premium tanks are so bad that they will either be buffed, or removed from the shops completely

    T26E4 does not qualify since it is not bad but merely terrible.

  13. Pingback: Q&A 30.07.2014 | WizjerCzołgisty.pl - Codzienny blog gry World of Tanks

  14. “- according to Evilly, some individual premium tanks are so bad that they will either be buffed, or removed from the shops completely”

    AT 15A drivers approve this post.

  15. Premium tanks that in my opinion that under perform or are very difficult to play. T2 Light, PzIV/S, Valentine II (You need to use that much premium ammo, its not a money maker). Better match making is all that is needed for many of them. T-34-3 needs a little bit more gun depression. Lowe damage is anaemic.

    OK ones I found T127, E25, JagdTiger 8.8cmm (boring but good credits). Dicker Max. SU-122-44

    Matilda Black Prince is very situational, Sexton1? whats the point, apart from crew training?

    • Are you saying the Su-122-44 needs a buff?
      To what? To it’s Tier X TD DPM?
      To it’s medium tank mobility?
      To it’s armor that is one of the best among Tier VII TD’s?

      Why not just turn it into a T90, then?

  16. - Evilly confirms that the “free FV4202 for those who have the tier 10″ is the version the developers are working with.

    It’s so unfair to those who will buy if FV4202 will be premium tank, and players will get it for free to those who have it before the replacement. Just replace it like what happen to T-50-2 that was replace MT-25. I hope WG won’t make another mistake for giving free premium tank. I know some will disagree. I like to play fair and square.

    • Bad idea- people get attached to their tanks; the T-50-2 is a great example of that. People loved that little thing and when they removed it it created a huge backlash. On the other hand, people who grinded to the FV4202 and have grown attached to it won’t want to see it just disappear- since the 4202 fits well as a Tier 8 premium I see no problem in giving those who made the grind continued access to their tank. And if you believe that’s unfair than perhaps you should make the grind yourself and get a free tank.

      • You are right in the thing that WE NEED THE T-50-2 BACK!
        On the other things i disagree.

    • lol someone mad he doesn’t have a prem account or gold to free xp

    • Unfair to give a free premium to those that already have it? Mine fv laughs in ur face.
      I love it just the way it is now. Love to spam hesh at people. I could happily live without it being switched to anything.

    • Why is it unfair?
      If you buy it for the premium tank, you get a premium and the C.Action X.
      If you already had it, you get the premium tank and the C.Action X.
      There is actually no difference.

      What you are suggesting is that if you get a Tier X artillery, it should behave differently if you bought it because you are worthless clicking shit, or if you bought it because you want to show the world what cancer is saying “Back2Garage learn to camp skrub”.

      It’s just dumb, as you can see. Why a person gets a tank is none of your business.

  17. - Evilly confirms that the “free FV4202 for those who have the tier 10″ is the version the developers are working with

    So If I buy the FV4202 in a couple of weeks I will get the T8 premium when the switch is made am I reading this right?

    • It was always very likely that you would have been given a 4202 when the change was made. They have not said you would get a PREMIUM 4202. Its possible they will give one without crew/credit bonus’s.

      • Yeah I knew that but I thought it might of meant people who own it currently own it not in the near future.

  18. Your posting on the FV4202 have been nothing but confusing and contradictory, You posted that it was going to be switched, then posted that the dev said they will never switch the tank, Now you are posting that the tank is going to be switched. all in the span on like 2-3 weeks.

    Which one is it? Is it getting switched or not? and to what?

    • If WG gives out mixed messages it’s not Silents fault. If you want 100% accurate info stop reading news about future changes.

      • I’ll read whatever I want, and I’ll use the comment section to ask questions about any question I want. I know the information isn’t accurate, that’s why I’m asking for clarification. derp -.-

    • “Which one is it? Is it getting switched or not? and to what?”

      Is it getting switched or not? : Absolutely 100% at this point.

      Which one is it? : Today it is being switched to the Action X, previously top developer (Storm?) said Vickers MBT. WG is deciding, currently they believe they’ve decided but since we are 5+ months away from it actually happening, it can change (as it has already done several times).

      Also currently decided: FV4202 will be a T8 premium medium. WG hasn’t officially stated whether players who own a 4202 will get the premium for free or not. Even if they announce it, its 5 months away, lots of time for them to decide to change their minds.

      When reading FTR keep in mind: Any tank switches/trees are not final until you see it in a Test Server. Any tank stats are not final until you see them in the Live game.

  19. “there is not enough material for a second full British medium Vickers branch”

    the Obj140 “line” splits splits at tier 9. so what the hell……..

  20. PzV/M10 worse penetration, view range, and gun depression than most of the elite medium tier below, and almost as bad as some of the stock medium tier below. Fails to have as good figures of most of the stock mediums of the same tier aka needs a buff to at least be as good if not better than the stock mediums of it’s own tier, not even asking for parity with the elite of it’s own tier, just better than their stock numbers!

  21. We have to wait till next year? Kind of disgusting. If this was russian tanks were talking about they would be here next patch. Nope. Two tanks which have been talked about since the British line came out and they are taking there time with it. Wargaming incompetence at its best. They have a serous lack of professionalism.

    • stronk russian bias. fookin tea drinkink british bulldogs may rot in hell…

      anyways, along with the replacement i guess 3more t54 prototypes will be introduced, since “t54 is (one of) THE most produced tank in history”

  22. Maybe give the FV4202 to those who have it for a year or so… that will fix… something ^_^ Still… I don’t think there will be free premium tanks given.