Hello everyone,
in the last part, we talked about the Škoda T-12, an improved version of the original LT Vz.35. Today, we are going to have a look at the ultimate evolution of the Vz.35 series (and possibly the best descendant of the original Vickers ever designed), Škoda T-13M.
As noted above, Škoda T-13 was derived from the original Š-IIa (LT Vz.35) and was the most advanced version of the tank ever built. Its advantages were its stability, relatively smooth running, track durability and the fact the tank was very resistant to throwing a track and – last but not least – large, roomy and comfortable fighting compartment. Relatively, of course.
The vehicle responded to the wartime shift in supply lines as well and used more of the molybdenum steel instead of the older chrome-nickel alloy. The armor was strengthened as well to the following values:
Armor – hull: 30/25/25 (8mm roof, bottom)
Armor – turret: 30/25/25 (8mm roof)
The vehicle was powered by the same 135hp Škoda T-11/2 engine as the T-12 (8,62 liter water-cooled, 4 cylinder, 135 horsepower at 2000 RPM), allowing it to go as fast as 32,8 km/h. It weighed 12,6 tons (10,71 hp/t).
Length: 4,9m
Width: 2,115m
Height: 2,325m
Clearance: 0,35m
What made it different however was the fact that instead of using compressed air to shift gears and steer the vehicle, the steering and gearbox were purely mechanical. That was the reason why the vehicle was designated with the letter M, as in “mechanical”. Additionally, the vehicle had an advanced steering system for smooth steering and turning on the spot (neutral steering) and the gearbox had a pre-selector. Engine watercooling system was improved as well and so was the air intake of the engine – the air (unlike in the previous models) was no longer streaming through the combat compartment, annoying the crew (this was no useless feature – some of the American tanks had the same issue as late as in 1945, making the life living hell for their crews in the harsh Ardennes winter).
The tank was, unlike the T-12, armed with the original 37mm Škoda A7 gun (capable of penetrating 43mm at 500 meters (30 degrees)). It was to be equipped with German FuG 2 or FuG 5 radio.
The decision to make a prototype was taken in Spring 1940, but given the wartime production and its needs, this project went anything but smoothly and the vehicle took practically an entire year to build (in March 1941, it was reported that the prototype was built and trialed). The documentation about the trials however is very sketchy and the Germans were apparently not interested in what they saw as a development of an obsolete platform, so nothing really came of it.
Strangely enough, the prototype T-13M actually survived the war (it’s listed amongst the vehicles present at Škoda in July 1945), but its further fate is unknown, it was likely scrapped straight after the war, as many of other wrecks and prototypes.
One more LT vz.35 improvement project existed, but it never got past the proposal stage. It was designated T-14 and it was built upon the T-13M platform. There were however improvements. For one, the vehicle was heavier (the armor was like on the T-13), it was to weigh 12,95 tons. It was to be armed by a 47mm Škoda A11 gun (quite powerful, capable of penetrating 50mm at 1000 meters, which was quite good for its time) and its main “selling feature” would be the fact that the design was “tropicalized” for the use in Africa (improved engine cooling, ventilation, better combat compartment sealing, improved engine and ventilation dust filters, heat-reflective paint). However, the Germans at that point preferred the development of the advanced Škoda T-15 light tank and were not interested in this design. No prototype was ever made.
In World of Tanks, T-13M would make a nice tier 2 premium, T-14 a tier 3 premium. Of course, there is the issue that we do not know what the T-14 looked like (likely a mix of T-13 hull and T-12 turret), but even so.
Pavel Pilař – Lehké tanky Škoda T-11, T-12 a T-13M HPM 2/2002
Vladimír Francev, Charles K. Kliment – Československá obněná vozidla 1918-1948
Ivo Pejčoch – Obrněná technika
Thanks for all these amazing (and interesting) articles SS!!!!
Its helps fill my fetish for tanks and WW2
This is the most amusing comment ever I’ve seen after Donkey.
This is the……SPARTA!!!!
As much as I appreciate the tanks, I am more impressed with the suspension on the truck in the 2nd picture… lol
I’m not sure which model but its most likely going to be a Tatra truck which their unique supsension system. Quoting their webpage:
“This is a unique chassis concept which originated in the 1920s and has not yet been rivalled. The main principle is the use of a central load-carrying tube and axles with independently suspended swinging half-axles bolted together into a single unit.”
Looks cool how it adapts to terrain and probably works good as well, I was allowed to drive one in a field when I was little (with supervision obviously) but sadly can’t remember much apart from the fact that roadside ditches and muddy road with tracks really deep didnt mean shit to that vehicle, it just kept going no matter if you crossed the ditches or were driving with one side in them and then just wanted to get out by slightly turning the steering weel, jumped right outta the mud holes! Was impressed as a kid :)
That was my first thought, I haven’t however found the exact type of the vehicle either.
It is Škoda! Most probably Škoda Š-6VT-6 (Škoda 6K). I also searched for tatra first, but after this discovery i thougt – of course, why would Škoda used Tatra trucks for ther purposes?:)
Ha, found it! 1930′s Skoda 6k military flatbed for transporting tanks. Sadly I didnt find anything in english so I’ll try to sum up what it says: all (1 front, 2 rear) axles were powered, two tires on both rear axles, all the axles were “swinging”, air brakes and the frame (of the flatbed I guess) was made-from/reinforced by steel U-profiles bolted together. My translation isnt probably right in technical terms but at least something :)
EDIT: damn, qayl was faster :)
I found the same page;) More interesting info and photos is in this book (cz lang) http://books.google.cz/books?id=x8iJAgAAQBAJ you can read quite lot for free. This truck was used as part of tank rescue and transport set, ordered by cs army. For two tanks, with trailer, winch and crane, used improved tank motor from Š-II, only prototypes made, canceled by germans.
Pretty cool, those trucks. Goes to show really how clever people were back then, too. :))
jesus dude, if za germans had this kinda truck during rasputitsa season in 41/42 they would´ve won the frikin war!
It would probably help them a lot with getting stuck in mud all the time and seeing as this is pre-war czech technology (which germany occupied), its possible they used some. But probably not enough or they had the truck factories manufacture something else or whatever the reason might have been for not using tatra trucks on bigger scale. I dont know, somebody better educated in this part of history has to answer this :)
Well..this is what Wiki says…and it sums it all up.
“During the occupation of Czechoslovakia in World War II the Škoda Works were turned into part of the Reichswerke Hermann Göring serving the German war effort by producing components for military terrain vehicles, military planes, other weapon components and cartridge cases. Vehicle output decreased from 7,052 in 1939 to 683 in 1944, of which only 35 were passenger cars. A total of 316 trucks were produced between January and May 1945.[9] The UK and US air forces bombed the Škoda works repeatedly between 1940 and 1945.”
Copy paste?
Sure, but the pictures were originally on wot-news, so… hence the watermark.