
- according to WG, the popular myth that a bot plays better than bad players is a myth. Bots do not have better stats than even bottom 20 percent of players.
- if 20 percent worst players were banned, Wargaming would not lose any income, because those people don’t spend any money. Furthermore (these are the words of an ex-developer, who recently left WG):

“The ban of accounts of under 48 percent winrate would have almost no effect on making money off the game, if we consider how much do these people donate and compare it with how many people, that really pay, leave the game because of them (or already left), how many people start twinks with bots because of them etc.

Although it’s not the noobs’ fault – it is the fault of game designers, people responsible for balance (both in combat and balance of ingame economics, XP gains) and level designers – they created such a set of problems that if the noobs were the only problem in the game, they would be tolerated. And so, when we consider the large amount of issues which are not trying to fix and which they do not even admit – we get what we have.”

Oh yea, and after some digging – that “super secret Fury movie” tank for the Fury competition? Apparently, it’s going to be either a special camo for the Sherman (so it resembles the main tank of the movie) or a premium “Fury” version of the Sherman. One of those two. That also explains why it was not tested on supertest – there was no point, the tank is in the game already.

Much secret, many original, wow!

154 thoughts on “23.8.2014

  1. From that 20% of players most of them play with bad internet connection or they run game constantly on 25 and less fps so they should not play this game anyway. Why they do not play some other games, where they would have more fps? It would be better for us an even for them, because they would have much more pleasant experience while playing.

      • i use to play on 13 FPS on my old laptop (it has Intel/stock graphic card). playable, but if you go into any map with lots of trees (noobshire, murovanka, etc…) you’ll get MASSIVE fps lag as your feeble 13 fps goes down to 3-7 fps.

        and then you die.

    • I played around 20-25 fps and it was doable, even enjoyable. Though then I decided to go back to old render and got 70-110 fps, no joke.

      Old Render is Best Render

    • dont play it then. guess noone wanna play football with you if you have no fuckin legs for it…

      • i played the first 13k with only 10 fps, its with the last patch up to 13-17 fps… (winrate 45%)

        • Yep same as me 5 – 15 fps max on PC what did not have min req . City maps forme did crash all time and in maps like Siegfried Line city was crash all time . And I still have like 48 or 49 % win rate lol .

          • Are you all implying 45% or 48% are acceptable numbers?
            Last thing I want are reds that are satisfied with their horrid performance…

            • Stop being a supremacist cunt for a second and consider they see 5 images per second. Do you have any Idea how many actions a player with 60 FPS can make in that time and they won’t see half of it?

              • That’s kind of the point people are making mate: Instead of accepting that they don’t have a gaming computer and that they can’t play every game ever made, they still choose to load up a team-based PvP game, experience a slideshow where they can barely take part and go “oh well, maybe next battle”, while shitting it up for their 14 teammates.

                That’s selfish behavior on an amazing level when you think about it: Instead of realizing that it’s time to save some money for better parts and playing properly, the rest of the playerbase should just tolerate the shittyness and effectively being outnumbered. It always strikes me as incredible that people have no issue accepting hardware limitations on consoles (PS3 can’t play with PS2 or PS4, just buy a new 400 dollar console!) but cannot accept that playing online PvP games on an Apple II isn’t acceptable to the community at large, when they could likely upgrade their machine sufficiently for less than a new console.

                It’s the most strangely entitled behavior I’ve ever witnessed, that if they pretend playing on 10 FPS and constantly crashing (resulting in being AFK in-game) isn’t a problem for themselves, then it isn’t a problem for anyone else either. I’ve had terrible second-hand computers for most of my PC gaming life but I didn’t go out and load up the equivalent of Crysis for my computer specs. Instead, I played older games I missed or stuck to regular PvE games where it doesn’t matter that I’m on 15 FPS.

                When I grew tired of that shit, I got a part time job and saved up for a computer.

                • Your elitism is still completely unfounded. You are also implying these players have no jobs, or the time to take up another job. This attitude is absolutely disgusting, no one is playing this game to please you.

                  Blame Wargaming for all these shortcomings, for absolutely no skill based MM whatsoever, for horrible performance of their client (their game is not that fancy, it should run fine on a 3 year old computer even on highest settings), don’t blame the players and don’t tell people to stop playing just because of your arbitrary definitions of what’s good enough and what is not.

                  Also, the whole notion that these players don’t contribute towards wargamings profits is a fallacy and incredibly short sighted. One of the main reasons F2P is so incredibly successful is because you need players to fill your game for your game to be fun. Games with subscription models went F2P and it massively increased their profits, not because the game suddenly became good, but because the game is finally worth playing again with many people actually playing it. If Wargaming were to ban everyone who didn’t pay for the game at all, queues would increase, battles would take forever to start and so on. That’s when the paying players would stop playing, because the game would be less fun for them.

                  Also, in a game where 80% of the playerbase are pretty bad at the game, you form a platoon with 3 good players and unless the enemy team also gets such a platoon, you’ll win any battle 90% of the time. If you banned bad players, that would disappear and those elitist unicums would probably also quit playing, because their 90% win rate is where their fun comes from.

                • TBH this is why in some ways F2P games are way more frustrating.

                  On Eve for instance not many people would pay 15$ a month to fail and have horrible lag from there own machine. So what it does is filter out the players who are ready to go and the ones who are just bored and shouldnt play.

                  Also @Quin you are so full of shit its funny . Everyone even the F2p guys admit the bottom 25% of players contribute like 5% of the income of WOT Next some F2P games make tons and some dont. F2P is massively more successful on games that are not graphics dependent BTW. But almost all FPS games are bought and thats not F2P or they use oild graphics engines.

                  Lastly no one does 90% wins in a platoon esp if the players are only “good”

                  75% wins is godly and 80% is only a very few could do.

              • WHo cares? His point is they dont have the machine/equipment for it so they should wait to get that equipment or not play.

                Its like a guy who doesnt have cleats and plays soccer/Footy and slips all over the place and loses except for lucky times and takes up a roster slot for another guy who could have played…Or worse loses his team the game everytime its up to him and the team has all done there jobs.

                How is it fair to his teammates that he can only see 5 FPS?

                • You know in Eastern Europe most of the people gets ~250 Euro / 320$ monthly…
                  Sometimes the only way to get some entertainment is playing WoT on the old second hand computer…

                • I played my first 20k battles or so on an old laptop with 10 fps on average.
                  I played not caring for stats, always rushing forward for simple fun – and because I’m bored easily always alt-tabbing during pre-battle countdown, so it happened I realised battle started way too late.

                  And still had 53% win ratio.
                  If you are so lame you need to have 60 fps to play decent then it’s your problem.

                  Also stop whining about bad players hurting their teammates. As in every game with random elements (this time – tandom team matchmaking) bad players hurt you as often as help you. Even more – if there is 1 bad player added to your game, he has 14 slots on your team and 15 of opponents team to choose from, so more often then not he is on the other side.

                  Last but not least: try playing WoWp and you will se how MM works in a game with much less players.
                  Players that don’t pay are still needed for F2P because with more players, it’s easier to create the games.
                  It isn’t a problem with creating random battles, but every other game mode is atm borderline of not having enough players

    • I play on 25 FPS pretty much all the time and I still have pretty good stats. My internet connection is also shite because I’m sharing it with 2 brothers..

      • got stable 10-15 fps, ~60% WR, can’t imagine having better pc – i would hit the roof!

          • Google his name, First result “Win Rate: 59.56% ” “WN8 Rating : 1,724 (Very good)”

            I have a Old buddy in Relic 2, With about a 60% Winrate, 2000 WN8 Recent, And a 400MS Ping with about 15-20 fps.

    • they are just plain bad, wot is slow paced and you can play with lag and low fps.

      and no, red players are red because they buy premium tanks with less than 100 battles and fail hard, in fact these players are very profitable in short term, since they spend a lot of money altrough they will leave soon.
      (Aside of the usual afk bots)

      • constantly ~ 20fps, 16k battles, 2k overall wn8, 59% winrate, (and im not talented at all in videogames other than fifa), dont see ur problem:P

        • in this type of game more fps is no advantage. but less than 60 fps is a pain for my eyes in every game. 120 fps @ 120hz monitor is smooth =)

      • I think you should read the post again. The guy in question actually knows what he is talking about, while you’re making a stupid guess about a player type that apparently doesn’t exist.

        No, your 100 battle premium tank tomato is not a thing.

    • back with 256mb video card i ran minimal setting, around 17-20 fps. now with 2gb one, 20-25 on improved high. 24 fps is the rate movies were filmed back in the day, so its comfortable. you dont really need 40-50fps for camping in a bush. :P

    • fps has very little to do with why tomatoes are…well…tomatoes.

      For example, I run the game on the lowest possible settings with around 20 to 30 max, and sometimes even 15 and below fps.

      Doesn’t stop me from being quite good at the game (around 2k-ish 60 day wn8)

  2. Yep WG cant in balance, like Serb or veider ” we know what is best”, it was with WTE 100, with tier X meds and Tds and other shit, like its so hard to give E100 mause 2 turret? PLayers see where the problem is ()afcourse not 45% bobs) but they dont care….


          That added on US server would be worse than Black Friday…

    • Yes. Even if they are easy to frag, having 2 noob top tiers in your team means you’ll have a bad time.
      make a special MM where all the 40%ers meet their equivalents ;)

          • I’m not scared, it’s just the fact that everyone in skill MM reaches a point where you meet better players than you, a point where you keep losing , it’s inevitable for every player in such system, your skill only determines on how soon you reach it.

            • Yep. ELO dependent games are kinda harsh, one reason being you can never beat anyone once you’re in the top, you start falling until you can beat some noobs again and then back up. That’s the reason I quit Dota 2, I was getting better, but so were the opponents, and my plummeting WR wasn’t exactly a reward.

              • I bet you want to lose against “überpro” players every time you play… again and again.
                And people call ME masochist?

        • I don’t know what’s wrong with you people. You cannot or you just don’t wanna think out of the box.

          Just because LoL uses a more or less successful scheme that doesn’t mean it should be introduced in WoT. In LoL’s environment that skill based MM is required.

          However in WoT I’d rather introduce a system where there are players (either skilled or unskilled) distributed equally on both sides. Thus skilled players would have the chance to beat the hell out of tomatoes (strange fetish tho) while newbies would also find opponents from the same category -if they’re lucky-.

          Yes i know Serb and the other …men… think that unicums need to be their arses licked out, therefore sealclubbing environments must be provided for them but i think this is plain bullshit…
          I personally prefer to face skilled opponents instead of bots struggling to leave their own base’s circle…

          Just imagine a 49 – 51 % game where either there are 15-15 players with an average wn8 of 2500 or where all the players have 500wn8 on average OR where there are 4 unicums, 10 goodies 10casuals 6baddies distributed EQUALLY… it shouldn’t be that hard to adjust the MMsystem’s algorythms…
          Of course platoons need to be handled somehow, but i guess its not hard to balance it….

  3. i say dont ban noobs.. mostly because i am one. but still its not like we suck every battle i have won many battles for our team. yeah i might lose a battle every onc in a while because of poor actions but hey if jingles didnt spend money on the game he wouldnt have half the tanks he has. i like to actually Earn my tanks instead of cheating to them!!! http://worldoftanks.com/community/accounts/1004400314-the_mustache_sniffer/
    there go make fun of my stats

    • I think you’re fine, I checked your Noobmeter and as long as you keep your steady improvement you should become a decent player later.

      I think you should focus in some specific area in order to improve your gameplay. I guess your main weakness is that you were dying too fast in battles, marked by your low survival rate and cap/reset stats (which will only happen in late game). In addition, your spotting point is absurdly high, your damage ratio and K/D ratio is low, which also support my initial theory.

      I think it’s mostly caused by your tank composition, which is mostly filled by lights. Try to focus in survive longer and making low-risk moves without resorting to camping. In order to do that, make sure you have known the basic survivability tips (I think there are some great YT videos which is focusing in survivability), including basic game knowledges which are tends to be overlooked (such as “have you train your crew correctly? do you have sixth sense as your priority for lights/meds/tds?” etc). Surviving longer in fight (not by camping) is one of the most important aspect in improving WR afterall : You can’t influence the game if you’re dead, and that guy who snipe in the back 24/7 most of the time with his IS-3 won’t be dependable for the late game.

    • Not only are your stats utterly terrible, you are also a recruiter in a clan named after a division of SS warcriminals.

  4. So hes saying it is pay to win?
    Bottom half of player base dont spend any money at all and are the worst performing, top half of the playerbase even the worst players do well if they pay?

    • No, you basically don’t know how to read.

      He said that the bottom 20% of worst players don’t pay anything in the game. That doesn’t mean that the next 20% up doesn’t pay as well.

      As far as I understood this is that bottom 20% are both unskilled and don’t pay. So I’d assume they’re playing very rarely, thus not enough to improve their skill, and don’t spend on WoT because of that or are just retarded and poor at the same time.

      • “The ban of accounts of under 48 percent winrate would have almost no effect on making money off the game, if we consider how much do these people donate and compare it with how many people, that really pay, leave the game because of them (or already left), how many people start twinks with bots because of them etc.”

        Notice he was refering to those with under 48% win rate as having almost no effect on making money off the game. As the average win rate that means half the player base not 20%.

        • No, he didn’t say those under 48% win-rate has no effect on making money.

          What he said was that those players with win-rate below 48% makes as much money for WG as they “lose”. Lose hear meaning alternative profits that could be gained from better paying players, if they didn’t leave the game because of those noobs.

          Basically, what he meant, that the income loss from banning those noobs would be completely mitigated by the increased revenue from better players, who wouldn’t then leave or who would even come back.

          TL;DR – WG would make the same amount of money even if they banned all < 48% wr noobs.

          • Which again comes back to defining ‘better players’ as those who pay money and not bots or freeloaders.

            What hes saying is they want stiffer competion as when there is stiffer competition people pay more for the edge.

    • It’s more of a pay2getAnAdvantage or pay2getGoodStats.
      You can regularly see padded smurfs and unicums being ouplayed like total noobs by regular orange/yellow players. But that’s how WG made this game, they make mad money on people throwing money at the screen and telling themselves it’s skill.

  5. Under 48%? Good heavens, no. A 48% is still pretty close to the average.

    Under 45-44% accounts with more than 6-7-8k battles? I would wipe them without a nanosecond of hesitation

  6. And guess what – skill based mm would separate ones from the others, so it would be a really rare situation of having a cookie and eating a cookie.
    But fucking not.

    • While I can understand your point, it would have quite a backlash on everybody.

      Battles where all players are below 48% would look like a total chaos and wins would be random. Most new players wouldn’t like this.

      On the other hand, games with players above 56% WR would look more like… ugh I don’t know how to describe this, in FPS genre it would be called an 360 quickscope fest. Players would be so good that you’d almost always win or lose only by a little or just luck because a shell flew few milimeteres higher or the enemy tank moved a little so you could penetrate it because the players wouldn’t make any mistakes at all and the game would feel like being extremely difficult.

      There would also be something like ELO HELL from League of Legends. An unlucky streak of loses would get you there and once there you’d never be able to improve your WR because of how many bad players there are and your skill would be meaningless in battle where you get 15 vs 14 noobs. you’ never be able to get out of there.

      So no, skill MM has more drawbacks than advantages. You’re not here to acquire championship of some sort or a gold medal. You’re here to play and enjoy.

      • Skill described not by WR. In fact it can be any other factor, like effi, wnX, and in case of landing with total noobs, experienced player can rock.
        If skill describing factor would be paddable, like effi, it would be quite fun for padders only to pad it and suddenly wake up in battles over their skills.
        About noskills – I doubt that they can distinct chaotic battle from non chaotic, and since they play with WR below 45% and effi like a leg from my table, I doubt that they would notice any difference.

        • >Skill described not by WR. In fact it can be any other factor, like effi, wnX

          EFF is not recognized by WG, there will be no cooperation in that matter. XVM is only a mod, it’s tolerated but not recognized as well by WG. So don’t dream about incorporating them to any sort of skill MM in WoT. WoT would have to develop first its own rating system, different from current one since it’s not geared to this… as we all know.

          >experienced player can rock

          It only takes 5-8 players in a team to land one penetrating hit each to kill you. No matter how good you are, it’s pure luck for a player to kill the other 15, considering you got 14 potatos in your team and you’re the only good player. This is just pure fantasy or wet dream you’re talking about. I assume you think it’s easy to get out of Elo Hell, you’re wrong.

          About noskills – I doubt that they can distinct chaotic battle from non chaotic, and since they play with WR below 45% and effi like a leg from my table, I doubt that they would notice any difference.

          Wrong, even bad players can see there’s someone good on their team, even without XVM and then they stick to him, well not all but usually enough to lend their firepower to good players aid. I’m not saying that all potatos will do this but mostly a good players accompanied by potatos who at least can point-and-click at targets is enough to win the battle, that does make a difference. In a battle without even one good player, the battle is chaos and everyone new can realize this after getting used to controls and interface. So if they know they can’t achieve anything… would they continiue to play ? I mean a new player with neutral rating has to learn at first so its natural for him to get a bad score in the beginning. In skill MM he’ll have a harder time improving because he doesn’t have good players to follow and there are those newer than him, descending slowly in to ELO hell and dragging him down along.

  7. if they did ever ban people under 48%, my clan would be gone…i mean, i have one of the best winrates(i know, winrate isnt everything) in my clan. look me up. yep, thats me with a 47% winrate

  8. They mentioned during the E3 stream that there would probably be a Fury skin for the Sherman coming to help promote the movie. Sounds like they are just taking it one step further by doing the Xbox method and making a “special” tank with the skin on it.

    • on the Xbox version there are tanks that shouldn’t even be a thing lol.. Prussian meds with the german 8.8mm

  9. Banning people for being shite..dont know, slippery slope. What they could do is create a separate bracket for them. all sub 48% play between themselves…

    • there was a guy explaining why that is the worlds most stupid idea…. read his comments…

      • I dont mean rating based MM or anything like that. Just separate the frustrating part from the mainstream. If they quit – no harm done, its not like they are paying customers. They have it implemented already just not for randoms…
        Just draw an arbitrary line where you think the player becomes profitable (say 49% winrate) and separate him from the bottomfeeders.

          • Elo was made for Chess which is a 1vs1 game, it’s not designed for team base games to rate individual members of the team.

            Elo system WAS used in League of Legends ranked gameplay and was replaced by a completely different system . I played League of Legends and participated in this system as well. Elo system created an ELO hell, read what is ELO hell first. You should present your own fact to support your statement if you’re accusing me of talking bullshit.

              • After reading a description of it on the LoL forums (A game I currently don’t play, although I admit it looks interesting, maybe one day I’ll go play it), I can easily see the comparisons between the two. They’re both team-based multiplayer games pitted against enemy team-based teams. In LoL it appears that when ELO was used, it created a middle section where average players tended to concentrate, which in this case was set at 1,200 or so for the ranking points. For one, since the game didn’t know the actual skill of beginning players, the actual rankings of people in this section could vary a lot, some could be very bad, some very good. It would be exceedingly difficult for a player who isn’t extraordinary, but is good, to escape to a higher level, since if their team wins they automatically face harder opponents next time, and a single player’s influence over victory amongst equally matched peers is limited.

                In WoT, while game mechanics may differ, the same basic principles apply. There would be a concentration of the vast majority of players into a single belt of average play, which would be difficult to escape and leave. There would be a lot of bad players/trolls/idiots at the average levels, since for good players having difficulty in escaping to high levels, there are the same problems with moderately bad players.

                So it appears that the LoL experience was that while the ELO system worked for them at really high levels, and really bad levels, it did not work for them in the average. This makes sense, since there are major differences between a chess system and a team play system. In a chess system you have full responsibility over your own play, being a two player game. While in a multiplayer game with however many players LoL has, vs WoT’s 30 players, the influence of a single player, while still there, is not there to the same amount.

                This was just reading from one of their forum posts, which did get a number of up votes, but it seems to point out that it didn’t work well for LoL, and if anything with WoT’s greater number of players per match (I think, I might be wrong) it would be even worse. There is a reason they abandoned it after all.

                • (Isn’t letting me reply to your comment which is in reply to mine, so replying to my own to put it next to yours).

                  Well you’re right concerning your argument, and the opposition was specious in their counter-attacks. I hadn’t heard of ELO before, and it provides a good representative of what otherwise might be the case if matchmaking isn’t set up the way it is and instead went on a skill based system. Glad to be of assistance.

  10. I can’t believe that so many stupid people read this blog. Ever hear of statistics? Or logic? You ban everyone under say 48% and guess what? Everyone that stays will lose WR because SOMEONE STILL HAS TO LOSE!!!

    Sure, you special snowflakes think life would be great, but all you would do is bring yourself that much closer to being 49% yourselves…

    • >you special snowflakes

      muh sides

      Though you are right, someone has to be at the bottom, someone has to be defeated, the worse the bottom is the higher we can actually up our score. Statistically that is.

      Ofc, the article was also about income from those players or rather lack of it, but that’s just theorizing.

  11. “The ban of accounts of under 48 percent winrate would have almost no effect on making money off the game, if we consider how much do these people donate and compare it with how many people, that really pay, leave the game because of them (or already left), how many people start twinks with bots because of them etc.

    uh…..doesn’t that make world of tanks a PAY TO WIN game?

    cause the people who pay would (according to wargaming’s logic) be above 48%
    and the people with less than 48% would not be paying.

    wow…for a free to play game….that looks alot like the statistics a pay to win game has…

    • >cause the people who pay would (according to wargaming’s logic) be above 48%
      and the people with less than 48% would not be paying.

      but that’s not even implied in the whole text

      No one said that paying gives you better WR. It is said that 20% worst players from 100% player base do not pay. That doesn’t mean that 20% next players , above the 20% worst don’t pay as well or that among top payers aren’t people with bad stats or that all top 20% best players do pay.

      You are right that this particular stat is simillar to p2w but your post is more of a thought-shortcut and your judgment can’t be justified just by this one stat.

    • it was “quoted” from a developer who worked there….
      first developers are the last people to talk about business.
      second people who leave a company usually talk shit about it…

      so who give a shit what a low life dev says about the Game?

    • uh…. no. i just means you can’t understand what people are saying.

      just read the text again. and then again and again. you will come to the conclusion that it just says that very bad players donate very little to no money for the game. if you suck in a game for a reason, you wont invest money for it, don’t you?

      if you are stronk you have a high WR, if not you have a low WR. money is not a factor here.

      apart from that, this “dev” claims that low rating players are not tolerated bedause the rest of the game is so bad and unbalanced – total nonsense at best. i like the game and i think that it’s fine in most aspects, still i don’t tollerate 45% WR tomatoes – but not that much that i would ban them for being bad. which idiot came up with such a stupid question in the first place?

  12. How has no one figured out what the tank is yet? its obvious as hell. Its that “Ripper” camo sherman SS posted a few days ago. “but its only gonna be for WOT360!” lol ill bet not.

  13. The amount of monkeys on this game is absurd, I took a break from the game a month ago doing some battle sometimes and I think I will restart playing on Semptember.

    I’m usually calm but.. damn, I do battles with 3-4-5k damages and I lose all of them because of noobs… Doesn’t matter if I play at tier 5 or at tier 10, I always get a rage because of this, I’m not able to take this game as a game anymore.

    They should make a skill based MM or something similar because since this game became famous the number of idiots triplicated.

    I love this game but I seriously hope in something to happen because right now I am very frustrated about this and I’m not able to play without raging after losing so many times.

  14. The reason we have “above average” players “good” players or unicums is because ….



    Introduce skill based MM and see your win rate drop, also your WN8.

    Accept bad players a s part of the game. They feed you your top guns. It’s a fair deal. Live with it.

    • +1

      When whiner potato died early and later his team lost : “NOOB TEAM AGAIN! Y WG Y U NO INTRODUCE SKILL MM Y U NO BAN BOTZ!!!”

      When whiner potato got lucky, reversing a near lost match and got Top Gun, he think it’s (only) because he’s a good player. He didn’t realize that most of the time reversing a near lost match involving a bunch of bad tomato survivors in the other team.

      Bad players exists in both team (and it should be distributed proportionally over time), and it’s up to you to capitalize that fact or not.

  15. Skill based MM should be first thing to introduce but hey, WG doesnt care

    And so we are still dealing with imba teams, imba as fuck, either with one team full of good players and the other one filled with noobs.

    Futhermore, introducing skill based MM would let the players to improve their skills and get better and better through hard work

    You are a noob that plays in 0-20/100 WN8 battles ? Get better and you will meet better players. Simple as that

    Basically the perfect solution would be to introduce three tiers – 1) for newbs/noobs/bad players (but not as bad as noobs), 2) for medicore and above averange players and 3) for good players. Simple as that. No more MM like team 1 – noobs + 1 good player versus team 2 – 2 unicums, good players and few noobs

    • Want to get better?

      Want to have skill based MM?
      Play LoL or DOTA. Come back when you came out of ELO hell.

      Want to play with unicums?

  16. When it comes to stats its four things: Good Players, Bad Players, Unlucky Players, Padders.

    Good Players: Players able to carry in really bad situations.
    Bad Players: Can’t play the game. (sometime bots)
    Unlucky Players: Players that are Average or Slightly over average that come to be one of the only ok players in their team, these players aren’t able to carry although they (kindof) know what they’re doing.
    Padders:Players who use better tanks to their advantage OR players who take newbies at lower tiers as an advantage.

    • There’s no such as thing as “unlucky” in a game where the statistic is based from 1000++ matches. Based on your description, they’re average/decent players who can’t carry the game (yet). Labeling average players as “unlucky” implies that the good players are good because they are lucky. You can’t become an unicum by relying on luck.

      • 1000 Matches, 600 of them you come on the terrible team, 40% winrate.

        As in being ‘unlucky’ your getting on the terrible side more times then the better one. Incapable of doing anything as your not that skilled.

        ‘Good players’ are sometime ‘Average Players’ that do well because the opposing side are most of the time idiots.

        Yes, you can’t become a unicum relying on luck, but when it comes to winrate you can. Effi and wnX no.

        • As much as you want to deny it, MM is always neutral and despite of the flaws it will distribute the team evenly in the long run (1000 matches is already way past normal distribution minimum sample). Moreover, good players could carry a terrible team.

          I still believe that WR is a very good indicator of a good player. WnX is terribly inflated by damage. Yes, dealing damage most of the time is an indication of a player with a good individual skill, however there’s simply a lot of variables which WnX can’t show.

          For example : It’s 3 vs 5, you’re in a relatively healthy fast autoloader sitting in a good position, fighting a 3 vs 3 battle faraway from your base. However, one heavily damaged enemy tanks start capping and your teammates aren’t fast enough to return (although they’re still pretty strong).

          You can stay there, farming damage while losing the match, or fall back and try to defend the base. First option most likely will grant you higher WnX, but your WR drops. Second option may grant you victory, but possibly you won’t have a chance to deal significant damage later. In this kind of case, I think WR will display a better team-skill compared of other stats. Tanking damage with armor, sacrificing yourself to kill crucial enemy, distracting enemies to allow your teammate to push, etc… There are a lot of crucial abilities which a simple WnX can’t show in its stats.

          Yes, WR can be inflated by a lot of factors (platoon is the usual scapegoat), but so does WN7 (ELC APCR plat, anyone?). Moreover, you also can’t find a player with a very good WR relying on luck. Just show me a 60%++ player with bad Effi and WnX if you can.

  17. i´m a bad player, but i buy gold every month for ~50€, and i have a winrate of 46,7% , its a lot of money since 3 years…

    • And just imagine you spent 20, just 20 euros a month paying some good player willing to give you private classes in training room with mumble/teamspeak .

      You wouldnt need 50 euros a month worth of Prem ammo ever again.

      • i need it to make free-xp , i buy premiumaccount, permanently camo, tank slots in garage, and change to credits, but i dont use prem-ammo

  18. Bots do not have better stats than even bottom 20 percent of players.
    but they hav better stats than 15 % of players . belive me wg know how to speah like politicans

  19. There is a simple truth, that I Play by:

    Pro Players can have a bad day or battle, bad Players can have a good day or battle.

    Today some “uberpro” STB1-Player (Personal Rating 10k+) bashed “all those noobs” in his (our) Team from the beginning. We lost, but guess what? Me being an “noob with no skill” did 3k dmg with my 121. Uberpro Seelenschnitz did not even 1300 dmg with his STB1. So, truth be told: Banning or bashing anyone below 48% Winrate is just plain stupid. Using XVM is even more stupid. Some effing morons even suicide if Winrate of the Team is below 50% according to XVM. Great Job. I hate it, why not just Play and hope for the best?

    This Statement above is known as Wuestenfoxx’ Law. Deal with it. Live by it. Tank on :)

  20. “Furthermore (these are the words of an ex-developer, who recently left WG):
    it is the fault of game designers, people responsible for balance (both in combat and balance of ingame economics, XP gains) and level designers – they created such a set of problems that if the noobs were the only problem in the game, they would be tolerated. And so, when we consider the large amount of issues which are not trying to fix and which they do not even admit”

    What he is referring to is that the game is rigged. It gives the illusion of competition, with very little real competition.

      • He means noobs.

        What he is saying is that player frustration with low-skill noobs is misdirected. The real (but hidden) cause of frustration is deliberate choices made regarding game development. i.e maps are deliberately unbalanced etc.

          • 1. On the balance of probability, yes.
            2. A lawsuit would be possible, but extremely difficult. In practice it would have to be a class action directed by a state consumer rights body.

              • Does it mean he has to give the lawsuit to Minks’ authorities? Or can he address those files to any country’s jury because WG is international?
                Just asking.

                • Well, the WG HQ is in Cyprus; EU citizens have an advantage in this case, they just apply to the Court of Justice of the European Union ;), but US… I don’t know :/

  21. WR is shit rating…i have 48 % cose im often too drunk to kill 15 tanks every battle…

  22. Bots CAN be better than players. just come to SEA. we have plenty of those tards. and this is speaking from someone who’ve been into SEA and EU, and seen how the EU bots and SEAtards play. Yes, the bots are better.

    ps: how much did that noob i see an hour ago pay to get a Maus under 4k battles with shitty stats =O

  23. Here’s an idea, how about you LIMIT to tier VI bad players under 45% Win rate so they can’t progress any further unless they are over 47% ?!? Believe me, it would actually work and all battles over tier VI would be clean. the hell with it, even MM Won’t be such a big problem anymore just saying.

    • This is a good idea. Actually, it’s a great idea. This will allow new players (and those still trying to come terms with concepts like tactics and teamwork) to play others of their ilk (almost a skillbased MMing, but not quite) and allow those who know what they are doing not to be saddled with less useful people on their side.

      Another shame WG won’t do this, it’s a win win all around.

  24. Even though I’m not even the brightest player in the world (47% win rate and a noob), I do put money into the game by buying world of tanks cards at some stores in America. Just banning the bottom 20% of the players isn’t going to help the world of tanks community and second it would probably start a riot/Revolt against wargaming. So if you have noobs on your team, deal with it, not every game is going to be a loss and its not all about the stats, some noobs tend to try to help their team the best they can. Not every noob is stupid, and yes I make mistakes however I do keep in eye on my map and I do try to help my teammates the best I could. World of tanks is all about about teamwork although there is almost none at random battles. Winning a one on five match with the enemy would make you a good player however you can’t just win every one on five situation if the 5 remanding players that your facing work together to take you out. Though you could be a skilled player, there is no skill required when you work with another teammate on a really good player. For example if you have a good player on the enemy team who is around the corner and you are a noob, you can’t just come around the corner yourself because he’s going to win the one on one engagement, if you have another one or two noobs who go along with you around the corner, the good player has decide which one he has to shoot since both you and the other 1-2 noobs is concentrating fire on you. Just because you think skill in world of tanks is more important in world of tanks than teamwork that just doesn’t make you a better player when you have two or more players shooting at your tank at the same time and do have a sense to attack you from multiple angles or concentrate fire on the same fire. It really takes teamwork to win games not stats of a good player to carry you since he can’t just carry you every game.

    • Play offline games then. How in the fucking hell can you find any entertainment in playing with 600 ping?

  25. Personally I play on the basis that the entire team is potato until proven differently. The only true bad players are those that bitch about XVM stats and demoralize the team or those that suicide.
    Special mention to those that do both.

  26. Banning low winrate bobs is stupid, i dont think wg would ever do that. “no income from them hurr hurr” b.s i’ve seen tons of 43-48% bots/tards who run T34 and jagdtiger at 0k, probably having premium as well. Pro claners get their gold from CW, so they dont need to spend That much.
    One time i was in the kv-2 with 3 other teammate, one of them did absolutely nothing. We tried to hunt the last sniping tds, then this tomato in his T1 heavy started to cap the white.flag. I was actually surprisee, since the.worst player had the best idea, why hunt them whem we can cap? Eventually the enemies.got there too, i got rekt, but the t1 had hp and could click at a tank, so we won. This was just an example that rarely even a full noob can do something clever.

    The mission reward better be a tank at least, ru gets type we.get camo? good joke

  27. First of all it’s all because of those noobs the u feel superior (like a good player), meaning if they ban the 20% lowest WR players there must be new sub 50% WR players … we can’t all be more than 50% that’s mathematically impossible (meaning hello new noobs). and 80 ping will not be sufficient to win.
    most UNICOMs have less than 60 ping and they use tricks that are impossible with a high ping.

    • Ping is mostly irrelevant… FPS is more dominant. (try to hit something with 5 FPS and try to hit it with 50 if you don’t believe me)
      But i agree with you on the rest.

  28. How do they make money if there werent any poor players (in skill and money wise) to be stomp upon?

  29. I’ve been saying for years that there should be TWO main servers for WoT; one for Premium account holders to play each other and one for the F2P leechers.

    That way people who are willing to spend money on the game will get a better playing experience because there would be a lot less bots/afkers, people would actually care about winning and playing well. Once your premium account expires you switch back to the tomato server until you pay for Premium again.

    Not only would it make the game 10x better, WG would probably end up making much more money from people paying for Premium account because everyone would be deseperate to avoid all the bot/tomato teams.

    • Bots can buy premium you know. So can tomatoes. I know some people who are prem and still go AFK after 2-3 mins because “50% more XP… even if i lose!”.

      BTW what you imagined is a clear “P2W” case.

  30. Some thoughts:
    – The ONLY reason why this thread even exists is because of the sheer frustration that many players have with some of our fellow teammate. Personally, I don’t have a problem with them when they’re learning, so long as they’re smart enough to stay away from top tiers. What REALLY annoys me is a muppet who’s used a BOT to get himself a BatChat, then proceeds to be AFK for the first 2 mins, before rushing off to suicide. Seriously, STOP playing T10 tanks
    – Do remember that this is a TEAM game. Says so all over the material that’s on the net. As such, players who think they can turn up and swan around are simply WRONG. By hitting that battle button, you SHOULD be thinking that it’s your job to help your team, NOT to be AFK or shoot your own team in the back. As an analogy, imagine you go to a park and ask a team to play football with them, THEN proceed to sit down and look at the clouds instead of defending. That’s the equivalent of being AFK in game. BOTH are “just games”, and both TEAMS have a right to have some expectations on their PLAYERS
    – Ref the earlier comments about hardware being the fault. Seriously, I just don’t buy that. When I see really useless players in T10 tanks, doesn’t make me think “hey, he’s got a bad frame rate, which is why he’s avoiding close combat”. Makes me think, “hey, he’s just deliberately SUICIDED in his IS8. THAT has jack all to do with frame rate. That’s a player who’s absconded from fulfilling the expectations of his team mates
    – Ref Skilled based MM. Just NO. Good players want to avoid even playing with tomatoes, not be saddled with being OBLIGED to carry them. I’m sick of being in games where out tomatoes have just thrown away games, despite me doing maybe 5k damage in a T9 tank
    – Leagues, YES. If WG won’t ban tomatoes from playing in T9 and 10 tanks, then please give us LEAGUES. Just two is enough, i.e. an upper and a lower. Still gives us a spread of players within each league. Means that the good players can avoid being anywhere near tomatoes, whilst the tomatoes and PuFFs (i want to PLAY FOR FUN), can jackass around together with the bots and the AFKers to their hearts content.

    • but hey,, it’s their MM that sometime tend to mix BOTs,, unicunt,, and newbies,, if he seriously new to this game,, i don;t really mind,, a unicunt,, nahhh that will make the game more challenging,, but hey,, here come the bot with their sweet accuracy (accurate enough to blow up a village in sand river),, about headless chicken tier 10 player,, use their useless sacrife as distraction,, i kill a WTF E100 in my T-44 last night because he focused his eyes on a bullrush T-62A (that ridicoulusly,, died because a KV-5 ram him)

  31. I like to keep my winrate a bit on the low side it helps to keep the clan leeches off of me.