- new LT’s in 9.3 will definitely not be delayed
- retraining of crew roles (SS: as in, radioman to driver for example) will be implemented
- current stage of the Stronghold mode is only the beginning, there will be many new things
- spotting range minimap circle, render range minimap designator and spots where the enemy was seen last time on minimap will not be implemented
- 9.3 will bring new comfortable garage interface
- T57 Heavy will be nerfed a bit
- apparently, if a bot plays better than a player would, Storm does not see the issue in having such a bot in battle
- the reason why HD JT will not come with HD JT88 is that there is a lot of work to do on the HD model even when “just a gun” is changed, such as testing and modelling
- hatches will not be changed to spaced armor (as some player proposes)
- on RU server, the whine about “too many corridor maps” started after a certain popular videomaker (Murazor) started whining about it (SS: I wonder if this happened the same way on EU…)
- there are no plans for a cooperation on UI elements with modmakers
- why there will be no alternative turrets on tier 10 tanks: “We make it on one, we have to make it on other tanks as well. And there are no alternative turrets for every tier 10 tank. Plus, the concept of tier 10 tanks is that they are closer to historical originals than others.”
Cannoneer (WG vehicle historian/developer), talking about 112 and 113 armor (related to claims that the armor is incorrect):
“At first, we made it analogically to WZ-111, which was made analogically to IS-3. After that, we recieved an info from the Chinase that it was made differently and so we fixed the collision model, but the fix was delayed to “when it’s done”. And now, apparently, everything has to be fixed with the change to HD model” and “visual model, unless new info appears, will correspond to the collision model” (SS: as in, collision model is decisive in this case, not the visual one)
- regarding the fate of the Sixth sense: “For now, we haven’t decided. There are several variants. For example to enable it for everyone by default.”
- it’s okay if a premium tank gets buffed during its rework to HD, nerfs are however not allowed apparently
- it’s apparently possible that HE shells (SS: specifically on low caliber guns) might be improved, but developers havent figured how
- the info from not so long ago that the viewrange of all classes apart from LT will be nerfed “has to be confirmed”
- turning cranks and such when the gun rotates (for example on arty vehicles), the way it is in War Thunder, will not be implemented for now, but maybe later
- special perks for gold will not be implemented
- crew XP to free XP transfer will not be implemented
- new spotting system: “when it’s done it’s done for now”
- T-34-3 will be buffed a bit
- it’s likely that premium FV4202 will come around New Year, but no promises
- Storm does think it’s possible the amount of FV4202′s will be around the same number as the amount of T34′s was, when it was given out as premium
- for now, there is no info on the mythical FV100 80-100 ton British heavy tank, WG will look for it. Cannoneer adds: “Unfortunately, there are no pictures. Or any info whatsoever. The amount of tanks in the game, that do not have any pictures in real life, is extremely small.”
- ingame tank wikipedia is not planned for now
- there are plans to implement the ingame armor inspector like in War Thunder, but this has been postponed due to more important tasks
- FV304 will be nerfed in 9.3
- T92 Light Tank will not come in 2014
- developers will look for info on Japanese and British light tank branch candidates as well, so far there is nothing there
- patch 9.5 will not come until New Year
- premium tier 8 Soviet medium tank? “When it’s done it’s done” (it’s not modelled yet)
- apparently, developers have no technical means to stop the chat command mods
- there will be some fixed in MM mechanism, but Storm won’t say what exactly, but it will be to make setups more “fair”
- 9.3 will bring “only a few” HD tanks, 9.4 will bring more
- devs are also working on new ingame sounds
- there will be no free tanks in 9.3 (SS: as in, no free T37 of KV-1S/KV-85 both), the XP spent on Chaffee will not be compensated
- render range turned to a circle – in medium future
- tanks flipping on roof will come with the “new physics” introduction, also medium future
- Firefly will be a medium tank, not a TD
- teamkiller punishment system works well: “Fuck off with your ‘accidental’ shooting of teammates every battle. To me it happens once per 100 battles.”
- Ruinberg on Fire will be removed and switched for a winter version of Ruinberg
- statistics do not show that arty suffers due to new city maps
- there will be no special “no gold ammo” battle mode
- no new US branch will come this year
- T-54 gold shells will not be nerfed
- Havok is still being worked on
- Type 62 crew is based on what Chinese partners told WG about the crew member roles
- apparently, traverse limit indicator will be added to all the modes (arcade/sniper/arty), there are no further plans beyond that however
- Storm states that the vehicles turning on their roof will happen rarely, so it won’t bother players
- Storm to a player, who is whining that he did tons of damage and still lost the battle, recieving less XP than the lowest members of winning team: “You lost – suffer!”
- FV215b (120) will be completely removed from the game, it won’t stay as an alternative tier 10 heavy
- a player proposed (to make games less campy) to reduce accuracy, make shells lose more penetration with distance and to buff the LT/MT speed. Storm states that reduced accuracy (even on the move) would make players camp even more because they would have to stop to aim properly. More penetration loss will be bad for tanks like KV-5, whose penetration is bad the way it is and to buff LT/MT speeds is not possible, because you’d get totally unrealistic models.
- artillery will NOT be removed from the game
- Storm confirms that the Schmalturm PzIV will have the additional side plates modelled in collision model after all (SS: as in they will count as armor)
- Storm, regarding the FV4202 changes: “The vehicle will get its armor nerfed by a lot, the gun will be switched for a less powerful one and the engine will be worse as well. Generally, the only thing in common with the old tank will be the name and partially the way it looks.”
- mobile version of WoWp and WoWs is not planned for now apparently
“At first, we made it analogically to WZ-111, which was made analogically to IS-3. After that, we recieved an info from the Chinase that it was made differently and so we fixed the collision model, but the fix was delayed to “when it’s done”. And now, apparently, everything has to be fixed with the change to HD model” and “visual model, unless new info appears, will correspond to the collision model” (SS: as in, collision model is decisive in this case, not the visual one)”
So its the visual that is incorrect?
Does this mean that when they “fix” the armor of the UP 113, they will also remove its spaced armor?
“- Type 62 crew is based on what Chinese partners told WG about the crew member roles”
I get the feeling the Chinese partners arent very… smart… to say the least…
What’s the problem with the Type-62 crews???
They don’t match up with the WZ-132. The commander operates the radio as opposed to the loader.
WG: fuk logic
Type 62 is also known under its industrial designation, WZ132
so practically both are the same, the crew should match
No, WZ-131. WZ-132 is the proposed upgrade, and AFAIK it was scrapped.
The reason why the crews don’t match is because originally they got wrong information, but as you may have noticed WG is very opposed to altering Premium tanks because it tends to cause shitstorms.
hey if you paid for a coffee would you like it to be swapped by force with moonshine? i paid for my coffee, therefore i want to keep it coffee. the moonshine can wait.
That’s the idea, yes. Even through the crew fixing would be a good thing (as it would then match the other crews), people hate changes.
The problem is that the WZ-131 and Type 62 are identical. The very same tank, just under a different name. Like the WZ-120 and Type 59 are in fact the very same tank aswell. But on the Type 62 the Commander doubles as Radio Operator while on the WZ-131 (and WZ-132) its the loaders job. Which is a contradiction, so one of them is obviously wrong. And in-game this translates into problems with your Radio Operator crew skills, when puting your crew in the Type 62.
Didn’t they intentionally flip the Radio Operator role to the Loader, because of both’s lack of viable skills and perks? Didn’t they also stop doing that at some point and completely forgot about it?
eh? why? Chinese tanks are 100% copies of the soviet ones.
Except they arent.
“apparently, if a bot plays better than a player would, Storm does not see the issue in having such a bot in battle”
This made my day.
but it’s true, if the bot is better than average tomato then why should I be mad about it ? The team as a whole gains from it, because he supports the team with his gun as opposed to a “living” player who dies in a first minute.
he’s stealing a spot that could be taken by unicum
You’re stealing air from some unicum.
The problem is, no bots are better than 85+% of the players in the game. they may be better than the -15%, but that 15% can learn. bots never will.
Well not with that attitude they won’t.
What if I told you the bot’s source code gets updated and made better thus it can get better faster then a noob can learn? I made bot for RP-mmorpg and it did everything faster and better then a player could…
I agree, majority of bots are poor and mostly play worse than an average tomato. Thats why its an issue. However, if a bot is so well scripted that he actualy is better than an unskilled player, then why pursue such bot ?
Yeeeah, a blood-red tomato with 36k battles camping base with an E-75 that has 5k battles on it won’t get much better…
welp i only play with 55+ or 2000+ recent/overall, mostly unica cos pubs are cancer, so technically i can’t be. also my recent has been 60+ 2000+ for a few months, scrubby but gud enough compared to random pubbie kthxbai
Well, if the bot ends up in the enemy team and is way better than the tomato that the mm put into your team..
Bot still can’t read/listen to what you are trying to say to him in chat, whereas a real player no matter how bad he is can and might listen.
Most bad players don’t listen to anybody and try to tell others what to do alot, that’s the problem, the bot just does what it has programmed.
what if a (tard/noob)Bad player turns off chat???
Behind every Bot there is a noob who doesn’t know shit about the game because the Bot does all the grinding.
And guess what exactly this player will sit in a Tier X and ruin your next game.
Well… that is true…
“- Ruinberg on Fire will be removed and switched for a winter version of Ruinberg”
Kinda reminds me of this:
Nice long sexy info posts xD
Oh jeah xD
“- regarding the fate of the Sixth sense: “For now, we haven’t decided. There are several variants. For example to enable it for everyone by default.””
Huh? If it’s available to everyone…why have it? If it’s available, then it’s your decision to train the commander to have it. All skills/perks are a trade-off in the advantages you want to have for your crew.
I think if that happen, The commander that already had the skill will has a exp refund.
Everyone gets it by default on the 360 version and it works quite well. I don’t see a problem with them making the PC version work the same way – as long as they give any Commander with it a 100% gold respec.
Sorry, but I disagree. What is the point of skills/perks that you need to train? Why not have all the crew with all the skills/perks by default?
RPG aspect I think.
Its just a single perk and it would work very differently than normal Sixth Sense on a kind of checkbox basis like on the 360.
1.Is your tank spotted
2. Is an enemy aiming at you.
3. Is the enemy aiming at you within your Commanders Peripheral.
If all these checks are true a small Detected! indicator pops up in the left corner to tell you your being aimed at.
if it’s already aiming at me, its usually too late.
Because compared to other skills its totally out of balance.
actually its one of the few “useful skills”
if we dont count repairs, firefighting and camo.. wats left ?
2% signal range ?
2% viewrange ?
1% terrain resist?
things that take forever to get to 100% skill, yet they make almost zero difference.
For the skills you mention, it’s 20% signal range, either 3% view range or 2% but with reduced penalty from Observation Device damage, and 2% less resist on medium (grass and stuff, ergo over half the terrain in the game) and 10% less resist on soft ground (swamp and rivers and such).
All worth taking, IMO. Even the Radio Range boosting skill has it’s uses, but generally only on lower tiers where you still have tanks with 300m Radio.
I’m sure if every player had it on every tank most of the bad players would play better.
Not likely. Most bad players will poke out aim and shoot. They might hit something if they take their time. If their sixth sense light goes off, they’ll jerk the trigger before they’re fully aimed and then fully miss.
Because it’s so OP that it’s considered a necessity and thus breaks the balance of skills. For every other member of crew it depends on type of vehicle or your style of gameplay, but commander? “Get 6th sense first!” – except on very rare cases (facehugging heavies)
It activates 3 whole seconds after you’re spotted. that’s enough time for most tanks to aim.
But, go figure, even the best players say “get it first, this skill is a MUST”.
There is a reason for that. Not all tanks have a good shot, or are loaded, when aiming at you. It gives you a significant advantage in awareness.
Not to mention that 6th Sense can be used to spot enemies. I do that quite regularly with KV-4 which I know I can’t spot anyone, but if I position myself so that the enemy has only few locations to spot me, I can figure out their position. If really obvious, I can shoot them. Otherwise I just know the general location and can avoid getting shot at.
Necessity =/= imbalance.
A rammer and GLD are generally considered “necessary” too, but it doesn’t make the other equipment all useless, does it? Even when some of it is pretty useless…
Sixth sense is the only crew skill I grind for. Dumbing this down takes away one of the few goals there are in this game.
But in game design, if there is a skill that is basically used universally and by default, it is broken and needs a look.
T-34-3 Buff? YAY! Any Infos how and what?
FV215b (120) => When I have the thingie, will I get the Chieftain (?) switched in, or will I have to grind again for the new t10 thingie?
It’s just a replace. You can keep the chief
>T-34-3 Buff? YAY! Any Infos how and what?
Well take a flying wild guess! If you play this thing like me, then you know what’s the worst thing about this tank.
They wont buff depression.
Rate of fire and soft stats it is then :)
Good for me! I already like the tank. :D
I could settle just with aim time and dispersion buffs. Honestly that’s all I need to make this thing work for me
I think that any modules you have will be sent to the depot, if the ammo is not compatible it will be repurchased for its value in silver, including gold rounds. Crew will be retrained to the new tank, and finally you get a shiny new tank in your garage. If you have purchased cammo and/or labels, they get transferred as well.
That has been the SOP for tank replacement. See the KV-1S to KV-85 transfer post.
“- artillery will NOT be removed from the game” Someone just had to ask eh….
They dont have anything else to ask… So :)
Gee, and I was hoping their answer would change the 40,001st time they asked.
I still see remove_arty_from_game as the most popular tag in the foreseeable future on the forums.
arty in wot is like submarines in world of warships so…
Except submarines were never implemented in WoWS. There are far too many arty in WoT now, they can’t remove them.
The amount of players who’ve played them will need to be compensated for the loss, and there is no way WG can determine that. Even if they did, all that free XP would be dished out and you’d have even more bad tankers free XP’ing their way up where they don’t belong.
Arty add diversity too. :P
I do play arty, I admit it. but my highest tier is a tier 9 med, the T54E1.
While my highest arty is a tier 7 Lorraine.
I honestly don’t have much problems with arty, honestly. It might come from playing them, and knowing how to avoid them, but I dunno.
I do get arty near missing me a lot though. Trololol now ya gotta reload dude. have fun with your 40 seconds!
“Arty add diversity too. :P”
Camping =/= diversity.
- why there will be no alternative turrets on tier 10 tanks: “We make it on one, we have to make it on other tanks as well. And there are no alternative turrets for every tier 10 tank. Plus, the concept of tier 10 tanks is that they are closer to historical originals than others.”
They only say this so that people who drive the American tanks won’t have a precedence to ask for the turrets that don’t have massive tumor cupolas.
Possible. but it makes sense for balance reasons.
“Plus, the concept of tier 10 tanks is that they are closer to historical originals than others.”
It should read “Plus, the concept of tier 10 tanks, that are real tanks, is that they are closer to historical originals than others.”
- there are plans to implement the ingame armor inspector like in War Thunder, but this has been postponed due to more important tasks
Man i remember when they first talked about it back then in 2012.
- on RU server, the whine about “too many corridor maps” started after a certain popular videomaker (Murazor) started whining about it (SS: I wonder if this happened the same way on EU…)
Because there are much more corridors now, I got the same impression but whether it’s bad or not…. I’m not sure.
- T-34-3 will be buffed a bit
Srsly, my only premium tank, it’s gun has a nightmarish handling… it’s very uncomfortable tank to play and I’m not talking about bad gun depression because that’s something I got used to by grinding chinese tech tree, the accuracy and dispersion are just a pain in the ass. Gee I ha a bad luck to put my money on THIS tank, could’ve bought FCM 50t..
I love to tease those T-34-3 with my T-59. Well… Until those guys started to shoot golds =.=
Yes T-34-3 is nowhere near Type 59. Mostly because of the gun, the handling is just terrible. The gold shells aren’t any solution, yes their performance is sweet! However, this thing is made for earning and with this accuracy and dispersion, I’m not going to waste credits on gold shells.
I love my T-34-3. and I OWN an FCM. This buff makes me all kinds of happy inside.
The gloriously long french limousine ? :D I envy you :D
You could have gone and do a little research. All you had to do was go to the vehicle specific portion of the forums and have a look at the topic titles.
dude, I played this tank on test server, everything was alright with it. The problem lied in the fact that russians paly at very close range and brawl alot, which made it’s god forbid handling a minor inconvenience.
Yuropoors tend to camp alot and fight at longer distances and even if there’s a chance to brawl, there’s always someone in the back ready to shoot you in the ass when you try to circle the guy. That’s why T-34-3 was so great on test and isn’t that good on live server for me. I just had a false impression. The distance at which Yuros fight makes this tank less effective.
Oh yeah and the forums, I tend to vomit alot when I keep reading the official WoT forums, sorry, too much reddit cancer, clan drama and attention whoring.
Eh… Just pick some weaker tanks and abuse the shit out of them. And if you think you cant beat some tank alone just run. lol
At least try to survive as long as you could but still be a useful teammate of course .
Thanks for input, though I’m not going to make any running away in this tank, the engine is poor like with all other chinese meds. Good thing that at least the sheer size of the shell allows me to track a heavy with one shot when i want to escape. Ah well, I just wait for the buff. It’s not like I need it to grind the credits all the time.
‘Storm confirms that the Schmalturm PzIV will have the additional side plates modelled in collision model after all (SS: as in they will count as armor)’
Best news for a long time!
So far, it is my worst performing premium. With this change, I might actually play it.
Really? I can’t see it being much worse than any of the other tier 6 German mediums that all use the same gun.
“the concept of tier 10 tanks is that they are closer to historical originals than others.”
HAHA. That’s rich.
Most of the tier 10s are completely made up or differ enormously from their historical counterparts and “they’re closer to their historical originals than others”.
That’s just fantastic.
Fv4202..completely unhistorical..fv215..completely fake..wtf100 hahahah..is7 no where near historical. Im sure there are more, but yeah, t10 is one of the fakest tiers of all
How is the IS-7 no where near historical?
It’s severely nerfed, from what I remember, from it’s real-life counterpart.
Though, Storm was talking more to equipment and visual realism.
So he’s right in not wanting MORE unhistorical things added, as the players don’t seem to want it.
so FV4202 will be premium tank?
Well, we got another sleeping princess here, yes it will, it’s been said at least a month ago.
Yes. The importance question is: Will the FV4202 will be gave for free to players that have it already When WG replace the tank with a different tier 10.
The answer lies in this very article…
“Nothing is true, Everything is permitted”
Yep,the WG creed. :D
- artillery will NOT be removed from the game
I don’t really understand the reason behind this matter. Why would the removal of the arty class make the game better?
Because it will ease the rectal pain of butthurt noobs who got killed by it. Nothing more and nothing less…
that makes sense :P
because they would stop ruining every single fucking battle thats not Charkov, Ruinberg or Himmelsdorf?
they are not ruining it, ltp.
simply dont sit on one place for 10 minutes, learn how to move, search for cover and so on…
IMHO arty in game just helps to reduce camping… Whenever there is arty in enemy team, I try to move a lot. When there is no arty, I can camp behind one bush for half of the match…
Nope. Got artied to death when brawling 7-8-9 line on Redshire, there is only one cancer proof spot and to stay there is textbook camping.
Arty creates more camping, not the other way around.
wrong. I move near constantly when not in arty cover. I get near misses, but only occasionally get a direct hit. even then those aren’t pens. just direct hits. so no big deal.
just lol
fuck all slow tanks (ie: <40km/h) right?
fuck all brawling right?
fuck all thin-roofed tanks right?
I know a way I can get clicked less: be a camping SoB behind spotting range. WTF100 best tank confirmed, GG.
I agree, T95 drivers should just learn to play. Obviously they’re only going 13kph because they’re shit at the game. These silly noobs in the AT series seem to have the right idea, but they’re just slightly too dumb to open the throttle all the way up.
And those heavies that have strong turrets? Silly scrubs, using one of the strengths of their tank (if not THE strength, in the case of some Americans) …they should be running around like scouts and tier X mediums.
Speaking of mediums, those guys who use their tanks properly to get around the enemy flanks obviously deserve to take a shot in the back from a now closer and more accurate artillery piece. That’s what they get for not taking cover and/or trying to be heavies, like mediums are obviously meant to do.
Artillery doesn’t reduce camping. I’m not sure who started this idiotic idea that “hurr threat of arty makes people want to rush and increases the pace of the game”; it does the exact opposite. I’ve lost count of how many 6-10 artillery games I’ve been in that had come to a standstill because people were too afraid of being nuked from across the map in the next moment after they poke out of cover and are lit up.
The ONLY thing that has “helped” this is the map reworking to add more high-walled corridors to maps, so people can duke it out in relative peace…the problem being that this has been detrimental to other tank classes as well, and there’s still the problem of being spotted when leaving the covered area and immediately getting one’s shit blown in by a preaimed, and at that point very frustrated, artillery player.
None of this is exactly rocket science, so I’m having trouble seeing how people don’t understand how detrimental artillery is to gameplay and game pace.
Quote: “people were too afraid of being nuked from across the map in the next moment after they poke out of cover and are lit up.”
Stop staying in one place for the whole mach for th earty to know were u are and focus on you when u get out of cover
Kemp bush, unfair plane?
Because “staying somewhere the entire game” is required for arty to focus in on you, right? And not the 5 or 6 seconds it takes for them to aim?
Seriously every aspect of the “ARTY STOPS CAMPING” argument is just fucking stupid..
And it’s hilarious at the same time because the same arty players who say “ARTY STOPS CAMPING” will, in their next breath, say “USE COVER NOOB”
You don’t seem to realize how combat in WoT works. Allow me to enlighten you.
Your heaviest tanks split (if the team actually deploys properly instead of lemming-training) and go to these things we like to call “choke points”. They then attempt to hold those points, because doing so allows your team’s weaker/squishier tanks to hopefully do their work – flanking, sniping, scouting for flankers and or snipers, etc – without immediately having their shit kicked in.
That is how a battle generally plays out when 1: artillery is absent, and 2: either team isn’t being pants-on-head retarded. The win goes to whichever team manages to gain a tactical edge. Or spawns on the side of the map that isn’t at a disadvantage from the start. Whichever. Games like this are usually worthy of people spamming the chat with “gg”.
On the other hand, by your logic, every 7 seconds or so, said heaviest tanks should give up the point of the map that they’re trying to hold and relocate, preventing artillery from aiming in on them fully. Presumably you believe the other team should mirror this, instead of doing the obvious thing and pushing the flank, taking advantage of the tanks who are for some reason deciding to run somewhere else on the map to throw off the aim of someone chilling in the back of the opposite base, instead of standing their ground. And all this while, enemy artillery is supposed to politely not fire on the tanks, nor preaim somewhere in their path, as they break hard cover and relocate.
Now, I could sit here and tell you that you’re wrong and how you apparently think engagements should work is idiotic, but instead I’m just going to let the above sink in. Hopefully, at some point your brain will engage and you’ll come to that conclusion yourself.
Because arty sucks ass and is a broken game mechanic:
* RNG dependent, great amount of luck involved
* promoting passive gameplay
* less skill needed than for the other tank classes
* skill gap between for example a green arty player and an orange/yellow arty player is much narrower that between a green and an orange MT driver
* you can’t disengange (if i see a Maus in my T44, i just decide not to fight it head on)
* you can’t fight back
* boring gameplay
There is a reason for synonyms such as skycancer, scumbag, retarty, …
Watch this
http://www.twitch.tv/anfield_us/c/4100439 :)
because fuck arty
it’s not like the guy tried to dodge. going in a straight line is the only way an arty can reliably hit you on the move. and hitting on the move targets isn’t easy.
Please watch the video again, mate. He made a 60° turn 2s before he got clicked and even before that he didn’t drive in a straight line.
He turned a little. but he did not deviate enough from his path. That arty was lucky, but he was going rather straight. regardless of those tiny turns.
AMX is one tank that is particularly vulnerable to arty anyway. most other tanks would not have been penned,
@Septfox Malkier
Because of posts like yours i wish there is an +/- reputation on FTR. That deserved all the upvotes. Too bad i’m lazy myself to write something like that and usually am much more rude towards clickers :D
60° – tiny turn, yeah right.
But you know what, actually it doesn’t even matter whether Anfield played this perfectly. It doesn’t change the fact that arty is a broken mechanic (which was the core massage of my original comment – the video was just there to undermine it. It is kinda gamebreaking to wreck a toptier tank like that from across the map, just because you hit the RNG-jackpot)
Talking to denier yields nothing- this guy will still think Anfield as a n00b who doesn’t bother to dodge clickers
Dodge. In a heavy tank going 20-30kph with usual sluggish heavy tank properties.
Lmao. This guy should quit his day job.
- Storm confirms that the Schmalturm PzIV will have the additional side plates modelled in collision model after all (SS: as in they will count as armor)
Time to bring it out and snipe away!
Wait… If they count as armor (not spaced armor though), a shell that just hits the side plate and then misses the tank itself will still inflict damage?
Nah, they’ll be spaced armor. Implementing them as 5-10mm thick normal armor, while hilarious, would cause unprecedented levels of rage among the three or four people on each server who still play the PzIV S.
It’ll end up being something like the Ausf H we now have at tier 5 (but somewhat different, if I recall right the PzIV S uses the Ausf J hull).
“…recieved an info from the Chinase that..”
Damn Chinase guys :)
Hello SS!
I know this sounds like I am a dick but in every article, you type “recieve” instead of “receive”.
Correcting this will save a lot of nerves from the grammar-nazis.
huh??? wut??
No! Don’t even start it! Before it gets to late!
Thank you. I prefer it my way. :)
- there will be no free tanks in 9.3 (SS: as in, no free T37 of KV-1S/KV-85 both), the XP spent on Chaffee will not be compensated
soo 55k exp needed to research chaffee will stay? not mentioning how hard it was to grind 55k from M5 stewie… hopefully at least T6 will be unlocked when it comes
No, what this means is that the new Chaffee will need far less XP to unlock than previously. All those who spent 55K XP to unlock the old Chaffee won’t be compensated for the difference, likely significant.
“FV304 will be nerfed in 9.3″
:( I’m grinding the Bishop right now, 10000 xp away. Same thing happened to me with the Hellcat.
I also play plenty of other tanks, and I don’t have an OP-1S or T18 in my garage.
I rarely play my FV anyway. I miss a lot due to the shell travel time. I’m better in my Lorraine 50 55.
Moral of story: don’t be cancer.
That would be true if metallic pixels in your computer could be malfunctioning over-reproducing cells in your body.
but they can’t. so arty is not cancer.
Yes it is. Now go fuck yourself you and your clicking cancermobile.
My sincerest apologies. It’s cancer of the game, because it metastasize to nearly all parts of the map, every map, and no matter what ever therapies/nerfs applied, they grow back in numbers.
Nice, FV304 nerf in 9.3 :)
“after a certain popular videomaker (Murazor) started whining about”.
Whining is mostly what Murazor famous for. I mean, there is more to this guy than that. But constant whining sticks with the audience the most. And his beard. And his carpet :)
“The amount of tanks in the game, that do not have any pictures in real life, is extremely small”.
LTTB, maybe?
I guess that’s the basis of his popularity – whining
Yes, because pointing out problems in the game is called whining. Very mature attitude, to call someone whiner while you suck at the game developing.
I take it you have seen most if not all his videos? Even he himself says in his videos that he is whining and some of them are called “The best of whining”. Or maybe you just have an “opinion” without really knowing what it is that people are talking about?
- developers will look for info on Japanese and British light tank branch candidates as well, so far there is nothing there
And yet again we’ll all remind them that’s absolute rubbish and there’s plenty of British ones waiting to go for a full 2-8 Light Line…with spares.
You’re rubbish. There are plenty of vehicles, there isn’t a coherent line.
Good job opening your reply with an insult, very mature.
And then there’s the point of there not being a coherent line. Have you looked at the American auto-loader line!?
You have the M2/M3/M5 light tank line, the M7 was designed as replacement for the M5, but is a medium tank in a line that is nothing but light tanks up until tier 8.
After that you get a tank that is completely unrelated to any other tank in the line and which, frankly, should be on the other side of the tech tree (before the T20 most reasonably).
Both previous tanks were cancelled before they were put into production, and were succeded by the M24 Chaffee, which is in the other light tank branch.
After the T21 (which should be just as much a medium as the M7) you get the T71, an autoloader tank designed to be airmobile (which was also a requirement for the M41, but it got too heavy). Not to mention that the T71 is a mix between 2 projects, as per WG fashion.
After the T71 there would be 2 more viable light tanks (T92 and (X)M551), but WG decided to suddenly make this an auto-loader branch.
The T69 has nothing at all to do with the T71 other than that it happens to have an auto-loader.
The T54E1 was a heavy gun tank (105 mm gun), the only existant T54E1 in the world has a sign next to it saying “Heavy Tank”, yet WG decides it’s a medium tank somehow.
Please, don’t talk about coherency.
Hey SS,
it just came to my mind, that these long posts are quite full of things like “X wont be changed” and such stuff. How about splitting these news in 3 categories, for example “things that change”, “things that DONT change” and one for common stuff? Shouldn’t be that much of an issue for you, right? :)
But anyway keep on with you work, much appreciated!
Nope. Too complicated.
No refund for Chaffe owners, no free researchs in T37 (remember ALL tier 5 scouts when move to tier 6 receive elite tier 6 scout… i dont say give T37 total elite with M41 researched BUT T37 with ALL modules research is fair to compensate the painfull grind to Chaffe and the extra xp we need farm and win to have modules) i think somebody in WG HQ needs remember them that WOT is no more the only game of tanks… WT fuck them a lot and is for me inferior to WOT… AW looks a lot more WOT but with modern tanks and if Obsidian learn about the fails from WG… lol in 3 months after release of AW WOT EU server is going to have problems to be over 100.000 players… and i think a lot of premium players are going to leave WOT (if they are clever with AW and do a super offer of 60 euros a year prem accout or 100 euros 2 years of prem many prem guys from WOT are going to say bye bye prem WOT account).
PD: i dont understand WG… now when they have competitors they become greedy… looks like their plan is to compensate future lose of incoming give players nothing and increase cost… no sense.
It’s not particularly greedy. Chaffee grind was not hard. I don’t mind.
- FV304 will be nerfed in 9.3
Noooooooooo, dont touch little Bert!
In the immortal words of Patrick – “Touch”
Go fuck yourself with those kawaii shit nicknames for a cancer. That little piece of shit can burn in hell together with you. Faggot.
Nothing personal, were Bert born and raised a LT/TD it would not need to be killed.
But he chose the way of cancer.
RIP Bert, rest in pieces. You will not be missed.
“- on RU server, the whine about “too many corridor maps” started after a certain popular videomaker (Murazor) started whining about it (SS: I wonder if this happened the same way on EU…)”
corridor maps suck.
Yet we have them because of the RU players insisting they like them more. Kind of ironic, yes?
“9.3 will bring “only a few” HD tanks, 9.4 will bring more”
Hmmm… this seems familiar… Is this going to be a running joke? :D
Last we heard 9.3 was bringing 18 HD models, interesting that they say that’s a “few”
I was actually thinking about this earlier today, if one considered how many tanks they have to convert, releasing only 20-ish models on a 1.5 month patch cycle would mean it would take WG over 20 years to get around to all of the ones currently implemented in patch 9.2(as in, absolutely no progress modeling new vehicles, which increases the workload)
I really want to know where u heared that 9.3 will bring 18 HD tanks, because it is not true
“9.3 will bring around 18 HD tanks apart from new regular tanks”
- premium tier 8 Soviet medium tank? “When it’s done it’s done” (it’s not modelled yet)
Yeah… because having another Russian medium premium is sooooooo much more important priority wise than to finally giving the French tree a medium premium crew trainer – you know.. the OLDEST “new” national branch added to the game. (Soviets have the Matilda IV Lend Lease – 5 crew trainer, the French could have just as easily had a BDR G1R at tier 5 as well)
US still doesn’t have a prem TD and Germany has 3, Russia has 3…
Technically US is the “oldest ‘new’ nation”.
Yeah you def need a medium trainer for the 3 medium tanks that the French have. THAT should have priority. /sarcasm/. Soviets have 3 tier 10s, 2 tier 9s etc…
> it’s okay if a premium tank gets buffed during its rework to HD, nerfs are however not allowed apparently
My Type 59 engine says hi.
> Tier X, more historical
WTE100 and the FV215b say hi too.
> T-34-3 buff.
This shit is Hilarious. Fair enough though, it was always a bait-and-switch sales gimmick. The owners of that thing deserve a buff, if they haven’t sold it already.
Bait and switch? I love my T-34-3. lol.
“- crew XP to free XP transfer will not be implemented”
SS; you probably mean “free XP to crew XP transfer will not be implemented”. This would make more sense….
- 9.3 will bring new comfortable garage interface
Garage is most comfortable right now, cant stress GPU more than 100%.
- apparently, if a bot plays better than a player would, Storm does not see the issue in having such a bot in battle
Storm: “Player X, go defend/reset”.
Player X: (no response , bot)
- 9.3 will bring “only a few” HD tanks, 9.4 will bring more
Earlier , “9.2 will bring only few HD tanks, more will come in 9.3″
- Ruinberg on Fire will be removed and switched for a winter version of Ruinberg
WRoF , Winter Ruinberg on Fire , because.
nonono, they have to put OUT the fire in ruinberg, the 8-bit tales do not lie!
On the bot thing, exactly his point. Bots don’t play better than players, so therefore, ban them. Otherwise no one would have any issues with them.
On Ruinberg….never could really tell the difference between vanilla Ruinberg and burning Ruinberg, always takes me time to realise which map I’m on.
- T-54 gold shells will not be nerfed
because they are fair the way they are………..well if you drive a T-54 that is
not so much if your on the receiving end of a gold spaming T-54.
I think gold spamming in t-54 is silly. it’s got good enough pen. 201 is not wimpy at all.
Unless, of course, for example you’re fighting off an E-100 alone at midrange because your team is dead/across the map faffing about chasing a waffletractor around a rock/etc.
Then 201 pen is just a pain in the ass. He can just sit there all day, laughing as you bounce off his flat-on lower plate, whilst derping 750dmg HEAT through your turret and killing your d00ds. It also has difficulties with certain other heavies and mediums when forced to fight the fronts of them.
330mm of penetration IS pretty ridiculous, though. The best choice would be to nerf it to something less click2pen and improve the top 219 pen gun so it isn’t quite as utter shite as it is now. That extra 18mm of penetration makes a surprising difference, but the aim time/accuracy debuffs for it are just so…bad : \
If you are in that situation, different tactics might help, such as making him come to you then circle of deathing him.
BTW, I also feel E-100 does not need HEAT either, I pen things just fine with 210 pen in my T54E1. and I still penned things when I ground it from stock(penned an E50(tier 9) 7-10(two clips) shots, as an example) with stock gun(173 pen). I think the suckiness of a lot of players comes from overreliance on prem ammo instead of their mind and Knowledge. being stupid is a choice not to learn, one that is easily fixed. sure there are different IQ levels, but a hard worker with low IQ > a lazy and worthless genius.
A lot of ‘bad’ tanks I enjoyed a lot because I used my head… not saying I did pro levels, but I enjoyed them, nonetheless.
I’m rambling. sorry if I said too much.
It’s not whimpy, as in being the lowest pen of all the tier 9 tanks in the game. Let’s be honest, the T-54 has pathetic penetration
“- retraining of crew roles (SS: as in, radioman to driver for example) will be implemented”
Yeah but when??
It’s not urgent to me, what crew do you need retrained? (curious)
I want to dump my 4-perk crew into T-127 for some lolfun, but it has a radioman instead of a loader I have currently :(
“artillery will NOT be removed from the game”
Fuck you WG, you know it’s OP and forces bad gameplay. Arty is cancer.
It’s not OP, and forces players to not stand still. it’s the players who fall for the lie, and sit still who get pwned.
No, it forces players to hide behind cover and it creates a “no-man’s land” in a tactical game of mobility.
Making the vast majority of the map unsuitable because artillery just further enforces camping tactics and corridors.
lol. arty isn’t that bad, seriously. besides, I like having to watch out for more than just tanks, it keeps me on my toes. I relish the challenge.
And ‘the vast majority of the map being unsuitable’ is due to taking cover from other tanks, not just the almighty(not)
(su-26) 5.2 – 73 (BC 155 58) second reload artillery. The only tanks that have to fear arty are slow Heavies and camping Tds. mediums and lights generally have little problem if they utilize their mobility.
Best arty counter? Arty! I love shooting unspotted artillery in my Lorraine. :P
It’s not OP, and forces players to not stand still. it’s the players who fall for the lie, and sit still who get pwned.
Could you be any more retarded than this?
U are retarded my friend, if u camp like an idiot arty will hit u first becasue u are an easy target, if you move he cant hit u. Also artys shoot first at popular camping spots, if u are there u are a retard and u deserve to die
So you admit that arty is the best counter for arty.
A unit that is best countered by itself is the ultimate definition of broken…
Which part of a.projecting excessively high alpha b.across the map c.beyond draw range d.unseen e. for unreliable result isn’t broken?
- there will be no free tanks in 9.3 (SS: as in, no free T37 of KV-1S/KV-85 both), the XP spent on Chaffee will not be compensated
I dont mind this one but any info about XPs that people have saved for 7T LT ? I guess its still moved to tier 6 so I started grinding XPs for tier 7. I hope it won’t get moved to another tank.
Moved to tier 6? no…. chaffee stays the same tier…. I have saved XP for the t37 however, and when it comes out I will grind for bulldog.
… then… t49! :D
In the end T37 is the actual chaffe… to have a tier 6 they only need copy chaffe stats.
I farm to xp in Chaffe but i dont see fair that the other 2 old tie 5 tanks give you elite the tier 6… see VK, i understand they can say “no free slot no free tank no free 100% no tier 7 researched” but dont give all modules in T37 researched at least in an insult, we grind chaffe as it was a tier 6 and well the grind with M5 when they release the tier 5 scouts was not fun same grinding the modules for Chaffe at cost of tier 6.
“Plus, the concept of tier 10 tanks is that they are closer to historical originals than others.””
waaait, isn’t the game “historically accurate”?.
wg is digging their grave more and more with stupid bad changes everytime i read ftr.
Havok should’ve been out by 9.0, now it’s not even in 9.3, but 9.4 or mabe 5…. retarded… all delays, delays, delays, retarded empty patchs, stuff that noone needs, etc etc
try making a game. it’s much harder than it looks ungrateful player. I’m learning how to develop games right now. you know nothing, shush.
- 9.3 will bring new comfortable garage interface
I hope it’s the one from the supertest leaks pictures. It looks very nice and sleak.
- it’s apparently possible that HE shells (SS: specifically on low caliber guns) might be improved, but developers havent figured how
Well, unless they are going to implement infantry or field artillery there is no really use of HE. Irl it was rarely fired at other tanks(well, except those really high caliber guns like KV-2 etc.) as it was quite ineffective against thick armor.
- 9.3 will bring “only a few” HD tanks, 9.4 will bring more
Isn’t 9.3 supposed to bring us like 30ish new HD tanks?
- a player proposed (to make games less campy) to reduce accuracy, make shells lose more penetration with distance and to buff the LT/MT speed. Storm states that reduced accuracy (even on the move) would make players camp even more because they would have to stop to aim properly. More penetration loss will be bad for tanks like KV-5, whose penetration is bad the way it is and to buff LT/MT speeds is not possible, because you’d get totally unrealistic models.
I wonder why the fuck morons like this are even able to ask this retarded questions.
How can 9.3 bring 30ish HD tanks if 9.2 brought only 4 new HD tanks after 9.1 brought no HD tanks? So in 4 months since 9.0 has been released, ( it might be more dont quote me on that ) they only done 4 HD tanks. When do you want them to make 30ish HD tanks?
- Ruinberg on Fire will be removed and switched for a winter version of Ruinberg
Winter version of Sand River is for soon? :p
So what ?! Fuck me and other chaffe drivers-it was easy to grind 53000 with M5 stuart wasn’t it guys????? And now what we can to do ? Fuck ourselfs rigt?
”it’s okay if a premium tank gets buffed during its rework to HD, nerfs are however not allowed apparently”
What about centurion 7/1? Its turret armour is now useless. Mantlet was made 20% smaller and cheeks are way weeker then they were before.
54 gold ammo not going to be nerfed.
Well why not? Almost everything else that gold spam is normal on got a gold nerf, why not the Russians?
And seriously, no xp refund for those of us who unlocked the Chaffe for 50k?
Remove arty? Which mentally challenged personality proposed that dumb idea? Some 12-yr-old whiner from Russia?
If u no liek getting shot by arty, play arty, and do the shooting at. Deal with it.
WG decides to give VK2801 and T-50-2 owners a tier 6 light, while chaffee owners are stuck with a fucking tier 5 light after paying nearly the same xp and credits like they did on the VK2801 and T-50-2 back when they were tier 5 end lights.
Fucking hell.
- Storm to a player, who is whining that he did tons of damage and still lost the battle, recieving less XP than the lowest members of winning team: “You lost – suffer!”
Developers still don’t get it.
But I guess spending time and money fighting bots, AFKers, late game suiciders, watching whole game modes die (try getting a TC game on Asia these days) and pissing off the better portion of your player base is better than admitting a single game mechanic like xp on loss is screwing things up.
i wanna see a bot training room
- spotting range minimap circle, render range minimap designator and spots where the enemy was seen last time on minimap will not be implemented.
why don’t they just introduce them as perks and skills for the crew.
spotting range for the gunner, last seen for the radio operator, render range for the commander.
>> – apparently, if a bot plays better than a player would, Storm does not see the issue in having such a bot in battle
Like, really?
I’m paying to play against humans and the only thing that counts is my belief that i still play against humans only. If it’s gone, i’m gone too.
I don’t care if i’m better or worse than computer – why should i? If i want to play against machine i have plenty of singleplayer games…