Hello everyone,
you might have seen the video with RU251 yesterday. There is one interesting part in it however, apart from the tank itself. Check this out:
The text below says “Module (right track) damaged by the shot of Bot 06″
Apparently, this is the first glimpse of Wargaming testing bots in the game. These could be useful for some things like tutorials or PvE mode, let’s just hope we won’t see them in the game instead of real players, we have enough of our own bots already…
Interesting though.
Probably for testing things when other co-workers cannot be bothered… Nice find tho!
The very first moment I thought that WG intentionally released a number of bot accounts to infest WoT…
Fucking PVE!!!
FUcke yes!
Poor bot in his stock VK4502P getting 1v1 wrecked by a light tank.
If it actually is a bot though, it was turning it’s hull and turret at the same time to try and catch the RU and keep it’s front facing it’s target. It also hit every shot it fired, chased the RU when it ran away and put a shot through the turret right as it popped over the ridge. Only thing it didn’t do right was back up to the building or run for the rock to prevent circling, or repair kit his tracks. This engagement was biased towards Murazor because of the tanks they were using, but I’m very interested to see how these bots would perform in a non-biased engagement.
Personally I’m with WarGaming in their belief that there’s nothing wrong with bots provided they’re at least better than your average lemon, orange and tomato. Done right bots can dominate most players (See: Unreal Tournament 3), and I actually like having the cannon fodder bots in Titanfall.
It also changed it rotation direction when Murazor passed the 180 degrees-from-the-gun mark.
Bots à la Unreal Tournament, Quake and all those old school arena shooters were tough to beat, because they had as good an aim, reflex, and omniscient battlefield awareness as the player wanted.
A bot on the hardest difficulty would headshot you as soon as you went around a corner, because it knew you were going to be there, and knew exactly where an when to fire….
So yeah, you can easily make a bot that utterly crushes human player, and a bot like that would dominate in WoT.
I really wish they didn’t though….not a bot that trades the lack of ability to play along side human players fluidly with perfect accuracy.
The last thing we need are perfectly accurate bots in FV183s in random places on the map.
bots. i love them in wc3.. they play jist like a player would. i play wcarcraft 3. theres a game called battle tanks insane. and depending the difficulty.. easy med or hard. depends how they play. and honestly id rather be playing against bots they dont complain that your cheating or hacking or even saying im a dick for useing cheats. i enjoy playing with bots its good practice. and its a good easy fix to.. not kidding they act like real players its funny. also Depending on the teir and class of tank they will act very very differently. example in wot they might program a bot as a light tank to spot other players and sit in a bush. and if it gets spotted it might run away and relocate around till he drops off the raidar. and maybe it would even active scout. and will watch the player and ifvthe players goingvto shoot ahead of it. it may turn the other way making a s pattern. if artys lit up. it will do f2 request fire. if it alone it will go after the artillery and or curcle a lone and defenceless heavy tank. and it will depend on the class of tank too and like a player it will unlock tanks in a tree like a player would. so in tier 1-3 they play like an easy mode aka tomato/orange and make mistakes, and if they cant pen a tank they move to a next tank, or shoot at a weak place, while a tier 4-7 plays like a medium difficulty. making a mistake every 2-5 times in one game example: they will act like a potato or a lemon, but with a brain to not complain and do better everygame like they learn to do better. and if a bot knows that another player is all alone and is defending the flank thats the weakest he will say help! aka f7 and that bot says affermitive. and go to back up that player. (if that player is in serious danger and cant take on the tanks on that flank and wg all they have to do is to tell the bot what is most effective way to defend the base. on a minimap. they will help remove camping i can see the fun in wots again. Now at teirs 8-9 They start playing like a lettice or a cabbage, and like before read a minimap and knows when a flanks in danger.. of being over run. as for tier 10 unicrum status.. as if your fighting against quickybaby or RDDT clan members, or even the game devs them selves. if they see an opening to a flank thats fallen they will assist another flank and will angle its armor against the attacker and if theres arty in play they will keep moving they wont sit still. etc.. and there you have it the perfect way to program a bot in wot. they dont bitch or moan and if they have to carry a team then they gotta do it. again depending on the tank they are useing means diffient tactics. if it is a scout they play as a scout would not die as others do and its a good way to teach players how to advoid dieing as a scout tank. if its a td they stick yo bushes.. and if they have to go on the offence to help the team they will. same for arty.. etc etc etc..
ran out of time.. as for the colliding into things they just have to put a path and put markers what is passible snd what isent passible. simple fix
Ss i got screenes of wargaming bot in battle it was driving mtsl two gunned monster
Looks like the same thing WoWp has. You can form training room only by yourself and a number of bots. Pretty useful for training new maps, finding weakspots in less intense way. It will still shoot you, but it will not pen you everytime, and they can be quite easy to trick.
The problem is how will they make them work in WoT. In WoWp you have 3D space which is filled with… NOTHING. There is nothing for bots to collide with so they can move pretty much easily. Here in WoT where is 2D space, I don’t know how will it work.
Anyway I look forward to them. They could be something useful.
And suddenly, bots learn how to use bugs and fly into the ennemy base spotting everyone then explode in a blaze of glory. :D
bots are needed for practice matches, sometimes you wanna check if a certain gun will pen certain tank at certain angle, distance and which side.
hard to find some one to do it with
WG introduced PvE in WoWP (and of course fucked it up making PvE server barely available), so it can happen in WoT as well.
I also had the impression that the Tiger (P) and WZ-111 in the video concerning the T-54 Light were behaving as bots: they follow the T-54 Light only with the turret, almost do not turn their hull, stay totally static
Maybe wargaming has bots already in WoT for a long time giving them fictional stats.
That could be the reason why many proven botter accounts WERE NOT BANNED
SRSLY if they got bots on test that perform quite good, why not? It shortens waiting queues, is barely noticable with so many human idiots. Perfect crime!
In my opinion there could be some truth to this and i kinda believe it seeing as some tankers act
I have yet to witness a bot with an AI that is not predictable, once you learn a trick or combo to defeat them, you will simply pwn them easily over and over again without effort. At least tomatoes can be quite unpredictable and random.
*Puts on Tin Foil Hat and agrees with you*
I hope they are not using these bots in random battles…
PvE is a MUST for this shitty game. but WG is to greedy to make such thing happen.
I hope we will be able to play lower tiers on special missions.. High tiers and already have CW, team battles and Companies (except Tier 4 compa)
Something which would work with Tier 3-5-7-9, also :p
And to earn something…
How about this:?
Well, the WoWS developers’ blog had an article on how they use bots for testing purposes some time ago, I guess WoT uses similar methods
As soon as there are WG bots in randoms, i’m out.
Maybe there are already, we just think its users who do botting?
Its possible right?
If they fail to provide what they are advertising, i.e. PvP game, i’m out too. So far, i’m being patient, but when it gets worse or official – you know the deal…
Well they can change right? i mean if it makes people stop curseing and actully learn how to play, read my long wall of text above ^^
yep, bots are used for testing when you only have a few players.
Bots will kill the game. We like the current crop of vegetables and fruits. The omniscient battlefield awareness would be a killer unless you attacked most bots 2v1.
Any chance this is because Bot (if you read it as Cyrillic text) is Wot?
That’s exactly my first thought
While everyone around says that bots sucks badly and that they cant compete with players, I bet that older (well, I’m 20 so even not that old) players remeber the bots in Quake 2
If you dont or you dont know the bots from this game let me just say the same thing as exocet said above:
Those bots at high level were deadly
I dont think that there is any human that is able to beat such bots on the highest level. The bots usually went straight for the railgun. After that they were able to place a one-hit-KO headshot from the other end of map on you. Seriously. You are running around and went around the corner/outisde the building where the bot was ? BOOM – headshot. Blah, even without a railgun they were able to smash you to the ground with base weapons. You think that Dark Souls series are hard – try launching bot on Quake 2 on highest difficulty and try to beat it…good luck, you will need it badly
So yeah, it is totally in 100% possible to make a bots for PvE modes for WoT that will be able to compete with players or even that will be able to chop the players to the bits and smash them to the ground.
PS: I’m a bit drunk so the typos are highly possible.
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