Wargaming Introduces Anti-Suicide/Quit System

Source: http://worldoftanks.ru/ru/news/pc-browser/1/fair_play_9_3/

Hello everyone,

in 9.3, Wargaming is introducing new system to punish suiciders early quitters from battle and AFKers. According to the post, linked above, this is done specifically to punish players, who quit early, depriving the enemy team of one kill for example.

The anti-leaver system

If you try to quit the battle prematurely, you’ll get the following screen

It says “Your team needs you. Quitting the battle until it’s over or until your vehicle is destroyed is considered to be a desertion and can be punished”

After a certain number of these quits (Storm mentioned the number 3), the player will stop getting any XP/credits or medals until he starts playing fair (exact conditions are not known). This system will not be applied to complete newbies.

AFK checks

A new AFK check system is implemented. If the game recognizes you were inactive in battle, you will – just like above – after a warning, stop recieving XP and credits. This system does however take newbies and situations where for example you lose internet in account.

Suicide checks

Practically the same goes for intentional suicides as for the matters described above. First a warning if you suicide and if it repeats itself, 0 creds/XP/medals for you. Random accidental suicides will not be punished.

Basically, if you see the warning window, you aren’t getting anything for the battle. Next battle will be okay, but your account will be flagged If the behavior as described above persists (a flagged account gets punished), you’ll get fined for longer time.

183 thoughts on “Wargaming Introduces Anti-Suicide/Quit System

    • So you think it’s great Wargaming is doing symptom treatment instead of fixing the problem ?

      If MM was doing a better job and if RNG was 10% not 25% and if tanks were better balanced. Then you wouldn’t have this problem in the first place. Then it would be a joy to play this game. But when you get into a match where MM decided to fill one side of the map with unicums and the other side with botters and a few normal players, then people will quit / suicide / leave. Or when you get into a match with 5 arties and 5 high alpha TD’s in your T8 Heavy tank. Or when you have a game where no matter how hard you try and how well you aim, you get nothing. Because the server decided ..oh well … it’s his time to get screwed, then people quit / suicide / leave.

      Yes, Wargaming need to do something, but this is not the way to do it.

      • You’ve got so many problems with this game and you still play?

        You’re the one clicking “Random Battle” and that’s what you get. A random battle.
        You don’t get a team full of great reliable players, that’s what Team Battles or Company Battles are for. Go play that, if you can’t handle the game mode YOU chose to play.
        Stop with your conspiracy “the server decided” talk. There’s no such thing.

        This IS the way to go. You get a warning and there’s obviously two “leave” and “get back in the fight” buttons, so you can once more, decide if you want to be flagged or just deal with it.
        At least go and die in a position, where I can use you as hulldown cover. Thank you :)

        If you can’t deal with Random, don’t press Random! :P

          • You can grind anything and everything. I’ve seen players with no random battles and fully upgraded tier 8 tanks (NOT PREMIUM) in some team battles, after checking their accounts, I saw that they had 1-8 tier tanks fought (as in nothing got skipped) in only team battles, with descent win ratio and good xp/game

          • Yes you can, even better than in random, if you have great teammates / good friends that is. If you don’t… well, answer yourself but I pity you in such case.

            • I agree you can grind it, but no nothing grinds faster than pubs….Nothing.

              I have some of the best friends/talented guys on the NA server and still cannot grind in those battles even 50% as fast because simple math and amount of players.

              Pubs are filled and take 30 secs to get into where as Team Battles are 3-5 minutes as a whole.

              Strongholds are the best of both but still are much slower.

              Theres a reason why stronghold is so popular and thats because its packed and 2x as fast as the company/team battles to get into.

              But still why in the world would G and Havok ans SEAL and Fame guys ever pub when they have those teams? Answer is, pubs= fast grind.

        • “You’ve got so many problems with this game and you still play?” troll argument. Don’t use it.

        • @ Riising

          When you say ‘randoms are random’ and the ‘server decided talk’ does not exist.

          Have you read this, in particular the ‘dynamic matchmaking’ part:


          I believe Rusakova was simply describing the effect of the patent i.e ‘fiddling’ the MM.

          Would you care to review your assessment of ‘Random Battles’?

      • very good point, but such things never happen. WG has a shitty bussiness model. after their wallets being stuffed with money and brains full of vodka, their employees are not thinking straight.

      • Rusakova – by quitting and f**ing up your and your teammates statisticks, you are the one who makes those teams full of red players, so others would ragequit even more.
        But try sometimes stand against chances and help the team to win.
        I have been in shitloads of games, which my team have won even, when some idiot bravely announces that he is suiciding. And if he wouldn’t do that, those low win-chance games which are won anyway would be even many more.

      • ^^^

        He has a point. These are symptoms of a larger problem that are foundational within the game. They are punishing the symptoms once again like they always do. If you were ill would you go to a doctor that practiced medicine like this? I don’t think you would at all.

        So, I think they need a cure for all their other ills in the game.

        Match Maker
        Player Community
        Flawed Stats System
        Brawling Maps for all classes of tanks that don’t work.
        Broken platoon system full of troll platoons for seal clubbing.
        Patent Software* that keeps you just below 50% win rate.
        Company battles where you face stacked Unicum Bush Wack traps.
        Soviet style forum moderators, that ban people that speak out
        Removal of Battle tier 12 to cheat Tier 8 perm. tanks out of earnings after you have paid cash for them (watering down a purchase agreement.)
        Customer service that herds you instead of serving you.

        All of this, but not a thing done to the illegal mods in the game, Warpack users, or the BOTS ?

        Where is your police force at now? Can’t seem to stop the BOTS or the illegal mods?

        Tough cops??? Out for donuts on that one hugh? Easier to harass your paying customers?

        • Boris Baronoff I can’t decide if you’re trolling or you just another fucking dumb retard.

          MM – if you understand how the fuck it works, you will be able to play the best tanks of their tier and score credits/xp HAVING fun. Grinding is no fun for anyone.

          RNG- this the most retarded argument ever. I have dings on my batchat from a is7. RNG? maybe… but how can RNG help when you have 50 mm armor against 258mm pen gun? Well? if you can understrand the ballistic in game you will understand it’s all about the angles..

          Player Base.. they are mostly nubs.. just like you .. i can live with it.

          Flawed Stats System – Learn to use your fucking tank, stop blaming the system idiot.. plenty players can do it.. because they use the system not whine about it.. classic nub whinning

          Patent Software* – this is priceless.. I play @54% winrate and most of my clan is above 50% the highest in my clan is around 60% winrate.. what the fuck are you talking about? again.. LEARN to play game.. the vast majority of player under 10k battles don’t know how to play this game.. they just think they do.. it’s more than pressing battle button.

          And join a good clan if you don’t want to get fucked up by good players in Company Battles. and btw company battles with random people it’s useless.. you need coordonation, tactics, team work, training..

        • They said there going to fix the fail platoon thing, im guessing it’s the same sort of system from the 360 version that the cammander chooses a tier and you cannot use any tier out of balance with that

      • Suck if up and play the fucking game, and get better at it. Maybe you’ll win more.

        The best part about this punishment system is that it’ll be impossible to afk-bot anymore.

      • Dude.. grinding XP is anything BUT fun!!! stop whinning and play the damn game, do your part, don’t leave like a freaking tomato

  1. Interesting….does it take into account a computer crashing as well? Because mine occasionally has crashes due to an unstable power supply….God bless my laptop -_-

    • “After a certain number of these quits (Storm mentioned the number 3), the player will stop getting any XP/credits or medals until he starts playing fair ” this bit is probably meant specifically to take into account the fact sometimes you don’t have much choice. Unfortunately they just can’t know whether you computer crashed or you intentially made it crash (to avoid the anti-leavers system).

      • Dude, if your computer crashes, and you actually did sh*t leading up to that (i.e; you’re not AFK), it doesn’t count as a quit, because if you can get your computer back up before someone kills you, you can reopen the client and get back into battle like nothing happened.

        *working as indended

    • The system seems to be aimed towards repeating patterns and not outliers. It’s also self-balancing, apparently using progressive features so if you start playing nicely you lose accumulated heat :)

    • If you crash 3 times a day yeah you are probably gonna get a fine. And you really are gonna deserve it cause the other players do not care about your power shortage, they are not responsible for your problems, you should be able to carry your weight in games :)

      • It doesn’t happen all the time. Usually the first game after I turn on the comp, but after that it behaves itself. But it’s erratic, sometimes it crashes more often than not. Most times, it just stays alive no matter how long I play it. I understand that I need to carry my weight (Often, far more than my weight -_-), but I want to play the game, I just need some time to keep my comp stable.

    • If your computer crashes, the game is no longer conected to the internet, so: “This system does however take situations where for example you lose internet in account”

    • Somehow I don’t consider “healthy” having to fight against 29 players – 14 retards and 15 enemies.
      It’s a waste of time and money, since those 14 retards from your team will do shit, and regardless how good you are, you will get shit too, because there is exp and credits pool.

      Direct results of being raised in communist country: collective responsibility and leveling down at their best.

  2. Nice! And I love that screen, but the general needs a moustache.
    Or maybe make it by nation, like
    Russia – “Stalin is not amused”
    Germany – “You are literally worse than Hitler”
    China – “你让状态下!”
    Brits – “U WOT M8?”
    French – “This is why everyone thinks we just give up”
    Japan – “任天堂は誇りに思っていない”
    USA – “No more free burgers.”

  3. Wait, you mean players actually leave the game before the end or their tank goes boom?…… ;)

    • Tank goes boom even now, if you quit to garage before you die. In 9.3 you will get additional penalties.
      If you die in battle, then you can quit to garage with no problems.

      • Actually your tank remains on the battlefield as though you were afk. They USED to blow up when you quit out, which was removed because people were doing it to deny enemy players kills out of spite, or they ragequit as soon as something started to go wrong, resulting in the odds being stacked against your team even more than they already were.

    • Scumbags are only the ones who drive into water.
      They should take pride in making all the arty haters butthurt and fight to the last drop, at least I do.
      Nothing like oneshotting the first medium that comes for you.

  4. What about scouts? Tanks like the ELC AMX can’t exactly start turning when they have their cloaking net on just to prove they’re not afk, right?

    • An AFKer is different. In your ELC you will start spotting people, you distance covered meter will not be 0. An afker will just sit in the base doing nothing.

    • Unless you decide to stay cloaked through the entire battle ON THE EXACT SPOT YOU SPAWN ON, you’ll be fine

      EDIT: and you’d have to do that 3 times in a row too, you know …

    • If ur not moving to keep ur net up then it obviously means you have moved somewhere useful so thats already you down as not afk in the games mind

  5. A good step in the right direction… if this system works properly. I like that grumpy face on the message, reminds me of the drill instructor of full metal jacket ^^

  6. No creds/XP/medals …this could work against swearing ppl too. Simply if you will throw around insults in every battle, it will cut you income till you start act as civilised person again.

      • I don’t mean it so strictly, but I know players which type this “sentences” every time they are destroyed and chat ban is not enough apparently.

    • You can always turn off the chat completely if your innocent eyes don’t want to look at that. Or you can just stop being uptight that much and get over it.

  7. This is a great change. WG is really starting to shine in my eyes. Glorious updates, lots of missions that prove the word of Free to Play and now this.

  8. If I see a battle I don’t want to fight (for whatever reason, and there are a few valid ones on top of the “can’t be arsed to play arty on a shit arty map” ones), I’ve always pointed myself at the enemy and hit rrr until dead. At least I’m doing some spotting that way. How lazy are you that you quit/suicide without trying to have any impact at all?

    • “for whatever reason, and there are a few valid ones on top of the “can’t be arsed to play arty on a shit arty map” ones” – people like you bring this game down.

      • So you think my three year-old smashing his face open on the table isn’t a valid reason to leave the keyboard during the game? Well fuck you very much, you bring humanity down. People take this *GAME* so seriously it’s a wonder you’re not all out to kill each other outside the game.

        • so when ur “three year-old smashing his face open on the table”. Instead of acting u wait for the 30 sec to pass, to turn ur tank towards the enemy and press r 3 times?

          • I will only say that you’re obviously not a parent. Point at enemy + rrr does *more* for my team than I would otherwise achieve under such circumstances. They will at least see and shoot at the enemy that nukes me.

            • It concerns me that your “three year-old smashing his face open on the table” happens so often that you actually used it as a good example.

              Regardless, most of us are focusing on your consider the “can’t be arsed to play arty on a shit arty map” excuse as valid reason to rrr and leave.

              • *sigh* That was used as a reason that people very frequently used. Personally, I stopped playing arty after the nerf.

        • no, no more reproduction words or this can go out of hands and we will soon have full hands of special people. And i think no one want this

        • wtf man, there was nothing about your three year old. I was pointing out the argument of being in arty on non arty map. If you cant play it on any map, dont fucking play it at all.

          And just by the way, if your child is smashing his face open on the table, you should maybe dont play in the first place.

          If you recognized from my one comment that I bring humanity down, well played to you. Such a fucking genius.

          • The greatest problem with World of Tanks is not newbs. It is not arty. It is not people suiciding, team-killing, or blathering you location in world chat.

            It is people being assholes, which we’ve amply demonstrated here.

            • so are you acually implying that I am being an asshole here?? Seriously??

              You said to me first “fuck you very much”. I really dont see any reason to call me an asshole here, but hey, you dont seem like a brightest person ever, so lets just leave it like this.

              • You basically suggested that there is no reason whatsoever that I should impede your enjoyment of a game for my own reasons, not matter what they are. So… Yes. You are one. I said there are valid reasons, and you said that’s what brings the game down. I disagree, I feel that people who feel that way are what brings us as a species down.

                • Okay, for the last time. I said, that reasons like THE ONE YOU MENTIONED, quote “can’t be arsed to play arty on a shit arty map” are downbringing. If you got your kid to look after or whatever, thats your business and I get that, but refusing to play the game just because you dont like the circumstances (map in this case) is an asshole behavior for me. Ofc people have valid reasons to go afk, but those should not really happen that often.

      • nice to pointing out your tactics this way WG can improve this system to perfection, so we can get rid off this kind of players

        • Saying that someone is not right because he’s not a parent while you are playing tanks when your kid is hungry is really mature. Almost as mature as suiciding because you ended up on a city map in arty. You dumb fuck.

        • +1
          Reminds me of parents that bring their 3-year olds to a cinema because for whatever reason they didn’t get a babysitter.

          • Seriously? I need a babysitter to play a game inside my own house because you’re annoyed by 1 player out of 30 in a 15 minute game not pulling their weight?

            • It’s not about being the 1 in 5 or 15 or 150, it’s about being responsible to your fellow players, whom all devoted a few to 15 minutes to the very game that you are in.
              Kids carry the future of our generation, and I do respect the parents who devote a major portion of their lives to raising one. However, being a parent does not entitle you superior status to players that are not parents. If someone bring his 3yo to a cinema, he’ll quite likely be asked to leave. If you fail to fulfill your role in the game to the extent that WG feels it necessary to discourage players like you, I’d like to ask you to fix your gaming environment by having someone babysit or wait until your kid requires less care before playing wot.

              tl;dr: If your 3yo is like the ones I know, maybe better have someone babysit your kid or wait till he’s asleep before playing wot.

              • For one I don’t know what 3yo your around but most aren’t the holy terrors you’re making them out to be and for two if your a parent your a parent period no you don’t have to keep an eye on them every second of everyday however if I’m in game and my child gets hurt and you expect me to stay in game you’re gonna be pretty butthurt cause my child comes first and to think that hitting the battle button on a GAME means more than someones child than you are the one in the wrong now if it happens often then maybe he should watch him every second of the day but for it to happen on occasion is not unacceptable.

  9. I’ll still suicide. I wasn’t doing it for profits or anything anyway. I’m doing it when the team is clearly loosing and I can’t turn the tides of the battle, no matter how good I am. Why would I allow the enemy to get exp by killing me since it’s not my fault they got to do that.

    That’s right, when I’m playing arty, I position myself as close to a water or a building to be able to insta blow myself or drown if danger gets close. I love the rage that I cause to meds that manage to get past my team and find a pile of scrap metal instead of a functioning and juicy exp piniata. Don’t get me wrong, if I consider that I can one shot the bugger, I’ll wait for him and probably kill it but if the situation is hopeless, no point in offering free exp.

    Hate me. See if I give a fuck. I’ll still do it, no matter what WG does. Well, banning would probably make me stop but until then: Deal with it™

    • You know the enemy team gets the shared XP of your suicide anyways? That’s not a valid reason to hurl yourself off a cliff. Though as I’ve stated above there *are* valid reasons, no matter how much the frothing at the mouth sort disagree.

      • Better all of them getting 0.1 than one guy getting 50 exp + 1 kill – especially if that kill would mean Top Gun :)))

      • There is never a valid reason to suicide. Ever. Your given reason of “trying to play arty on a non-arty-friendly map” IS bullshit. What map are you referring to? Himmelsdorf? 5 kills in my Hummel. Stop being a quitter and TRY to do something. You might just pull off a few kills, which is definitely more useful to your team than “spotting one or two tanks so I’m not useless.”

    • I think Serb should implement solution to that u will receive more “funtastic” teams so you will be teached to not kill your self and fight to the end.

    • “Why would I allow the enemy to get exp by killing me since it’s not my fault they got to do that.”

      Why would you deny yourself the opportunity to earn more XP and credits by doing as much damage to them as you can before they kill you? I’ve been in situations before where I was 1v7 and took out three more before they got me. This is with all types of tanks, arty too. My Cromwell’s Kolobanov was 1v8. It’s easy enough to do too, because they think they’ve got an easy kill, and you show them you aren’t going down without a fight. Unless you totally fail at defending yourself, it easily pays for the rounds and repairs. Suicide isn’t worth it.

      • I’ll always go for the legitimate death. I was playing arty once on Ruinberg. The flank I was on fell before I even got two shots off. So I turned my tank and ran headlong into a line of enemy tanks… Shotgunned a KV1S from full health from 200m away. I was already taking fire from an E-25 or something with a small caliber pewpew gun, so I figured “fuck it”

        Usually on city maps, I’ll try to support with arty, but after a few minutes, if I can’t get any good shots off, it’s shotgun mode.

    • They are your opponents, not your enemies. You are buddies playing the same game on the same server. Maybe next time you end up on the same team, and the credits your HP fed him got him a shiny binocular that lit up shit for you to shoot.

      • If they are against me they are my enemies any and all harm that can be supplied to them is what I will apply.

        If it will hurt them to scuttle my tank after my last shot I can reasonably expect to fire by jumping off a cliff or drowning I will do it given the chance.

        • I’m not playing arty, but sometimes do suicides when everything is hopeless and only if my team did suicide brainlessly on the 1st minutes of the game. I could forgive enemy arty suicide but not arty running to the middle of the map then die on the 1st 15sec. of the game for I have no idea why they did that, and they are not fv304

      • They’re not my buddies. They’re contenders. They could get to a tier 10 before me. My clan could lose a war on the CW map because I had -1 tier 10 tank while the enemy clan had the player I let have exp by killing me and he had the shinny tier 10 before me.

        Situations and situations.

          • I don’t leave in shit anyone, not even in randoms. When I die (suicide) the battle is already lost. Of course I don’t suicide in CW battles (unless ordered to do it).

  10. i don’t see myself playing WoT’s after 9.3 than. supposed to just let myself get killed for the enemy team or be punished because my team sucks? as if

    • Again, why would you deny yourself the opportunity to earn more XP and credits by doing as much damage to them as you can before they kill you?

  11. Funny how all the a**hole players are coming out and crying “mimimimi I cant kill myself anymore if my team loses while I camp in last corner of map”

  12. in match for 2 minutes, 10 of the team mates dead, oh no i must fight! lulz! alone against 10-15 tanks!

    but team needs you? third minute, alone, what team?

  13. Well, so now instead of going to water I’ll just go forward.

    Anyway – this “thing” needs some closer investigation about punishment cooldown – after enough suicides at high tiers sealclubbing mode may be really fun – no costs, no need of exp and credits, newbie massacre, all legit. Dunno if it is the result WG desires, but may work.

    And after that, when xp and credits will appear, go back to high tiers and high retarded teams MM sets up.

    If teams would be worth playing, there wouldn’t be temptation to suicide – skill based MM is the fucking answer.

    • oh god, please. Dont start this skill MM discussion again. You will lose the argument eventually.

      • There is no reasonable argument against team skill MM besides slightly longer queuing periods. Would have no statistically significant influence on WR (because the statistical average game has matched teams) but would make games more reliably challenging with less predestined wins or unavoidable losses.

        Only tier placement would remain as a systematic randomness, much more tolerable than having one team stacked with reds and the other with purples by chance — and notice the MM *does* match (balance) tiers between teams.

        • If you are any good player, just imagine the games filled with players 1700-2400 WN8 lets say. Then figure it up yourself :)

          In other words, challenging doesnt necessarily mean “fun”.

    • If you’re regularly getting to the point of having a cool down period, most of us would rather you just simply quit playing. Well, you’re not really playing, more like simply clicking battle and walking away.

  14. BS, my computer is mediocre and some games its fine other games it crashes and sometimes my internet dies, now with this AFK thing, its going to be hard for me to play world of tanks because my computer tends to have problems where it does crashes due to client or internet trouble and I hate it when it happens, why can’t they just turn the hd content off in this patch too that would be nice.

    • If you actually bothered to read the article you’d see that it will not count the games where you lost your internet connection. And if your PC is crashing that often then fix it and remove the cause. Playing like that will only harm it further until the point where it won’t start anymore. Blame everything else for your own stupidity is the meta among pubbies apparently.

    • That’s quite unfortunate for you, but why should other players be punished for you having a bad computer and internet connection?

  15. So, now the new best way to annoy people will be to have them fall from bridge at every occasion, if no one get ram dmg it will be a sucide and if you manage it enough then bam they get punished… yep

    • Suicide will now be more like team damage, which in a sense it is. If you do it often enough, you get punished. It’s astounding to see so many people here actually worried about getting punished for something that should happen so rarely as not to be a concern. If you are regularly committing suicide in whatever form or fashion you prefer, you deserve to be punished for it.

      • well … sometimes even starting battle is a suicide… considering the player you sometimes get in your team…

        • i had a battle few days ago where 6 of or team members died in the first minute (tier 6 battle!) after that i simply drove into the water because we already had zero chance to win.
          So, if suiciders will get zero XP/cred, it wont change anything because in battles where your team gets roflstomped by the enemy, you would get only <100 XP anyway…

          • “after that I simply drove into the water because we already had zero chance to win.” And you know that…how? Because you could see into the future? I do not give one single flying fuck about XVM and its bullshit win chance ratings. I have watched 5% chance to win games wind up in total roflstomp steamroll upsets, and I have also seen 90% games go south fast. NEVER. GIVE. UP. RNG makes all win chance predictions a load of shit.

    • If you ram into an enemy and explode, that should be fine. If you just jump off a cliff, you won’t be.

    • if u die while ramming it is counted as if the enemy would have killed you and therefore wont be punished ;)

  16. Finaly, i will punish these onclickers arties :D
    You know simple put your tank gun into artilery gun and tada its got killed himself :D
    straday korycnevoje dermo

  17. Considering that Kamikaze badge requires you to destroy yourself and kill someone with you, will it also be viewed upon as a negative?

    • Contrary to the name (well, the connotation of the name), you don’t need to die to get Kamikaze, you just need to ram kill a higher tier vehicle. Besides, I don’t think dieing from ramming will be considered quitting.

      It is very difficult to determine algorithmically whether someone has quit by their behaviour, so they can only limit it to ‘player quit to garage’ or ‘player drowned without being rammed/shot at’, etc. I suppose the suicide runs that will now occur (very difficult to discern in computer code when someone is intentionally trying to die or is just a bad player) are potentially useful to the team as scouting.

    • I thought this was funny what I found in the other FTR thread today, what one of the dev’s quoted from that conversation that they had.

      “Developer 11 (US): Usually banned/disgruntled players are thriving in a forum called wotlabs.net, players that dislike arty/TDs are led by a banned player on the forums.”

  18. I some time’s enjoy suicide when a player is close to getting a badge and your the last tank left and because I play arty and if I can get my bat to water your not getting top gun, Pascucci’s medal or Burda’s medal and I will still do it when these changes come

  19. 0xp what a punishment… -1000xp(no xp even from games following the afking) and -10k credits and more with high tiers .. fuck’em.. sitting in the spawn doesnt help anyone.. even active baddies can serve as a pinata to divert shots hitting good players

  20. with 9.3 they introducing it and with 9.4 they will remove or fix it ;)
    at beginning it will fail so hard and bring a lot of complaints

  21. Well, I thought that a system like this was already implemented. I vividly remember a game where I was part of a TOG platoon, I was the last one left in the platoon and there was one enemy left, a Matilda, on the other side of the map. The allied team was horribly out of position to finish it quick so I parked in the cap and left the game to play a game in other tanks with my friends. When the results came though, despite doing top damage, there were virtually no rewards, like 90% of the xp and credits had been wiped.

  22. “This system does however take newbies and situations where for example you lose internet in account.”

    >Believing anything WG says.

    I foresee a new age of constant ctds no matter how good, bad or indifferent your computer is and telia’s servers have at least quintuple their aneurysms ensuring you are constantly screwed out of credits, exp, and/or medals.

    I also foresee the anti-afk system having very questionable coding and guidelines so if you get a 999 ping spike even if the rest of the game is smooth and you go on to be the MVP of the team and win you will get no credits, exp, and/or medals.

    WG’s response to all this will be “how terrible” “stop playing on a potato” “it’s not on our end, it’s on yours” “working as intended” etc.

    This will go on until World of tanks get’s pushed out of the market by better tank games.

    • Responding just to your anti-AFK comment. The AFK punishment will most likely only affect people who never move throughout the entire battle, or who stop dead and never move again. If you have a moment of not moving, but then come back and finish the game, I doubt the system will punish you.

  23. “After a certain number of these quits (Storm mentioned the number 3), the player will stop getting any XP/credits or medals until he starts playing fair (exact conditions are not known). This system will not be applied to complete newbies.”

    Uhm, the player who quits already receives 0 exp and 0 credits + a repair bill. Does this mean that the player will actually receive no rewards for a battle he plays until it’s over (for him?) after that?

    Or are WG once again too derp to understand their own game.

    • Nope, you got it right. If they get hit by this, they lose all profits for several games after that, even if they get an excellent round.

  24. Finally a system in place to prevent certain deliberate players actions, good!

    But in WG fashion: they make a system that does not remedy the CAUSE, no; instead they design a system, because they want, to remedy the SYMPTOMS.

    I think the idea behind it is not bad, no certainly not. But cause of these behaviors will not go away with plain automated punishment, because the causes are several problems with “edged in stone game features” which inhibit certain behavior in certain players.
    No fix the cause and you fix the problem.

  25. inb4 griefers on your own team pushing you into water to get you penalized for ‘suicide’.

  26. Pingback: Wargaming představuje Anti-Suicide/Quit systém