
- Storm states that it is principially possible to rework WoT (or any game) to a different engine (UE4 mentioned), but the issue is how much time would that take, not whether it’s possible. It’s not an option to simply stop developing the game for a year to do it.
- Evilly confirms that the “bonus for premium tanks” is legit
- tier 10 reward tanks (VK7201) will also get bonus XP and crew XP bonus
- these changes to the premium tanks are not final, apparently more bonuses will be announced on Russian Tanker’s Day (14.9.)
- confirmed: 9.3 test tomorrow
- in 9.3, M6A2E1 will be also buffed
- bonus experience gained by premium tanks will NOT count towards the account average experience, it will be treated as bonus XP for missions (SS: no average XP statpadding for you!)
- the buff to premium tanks was considered for a long time already
- no larget credit making bonus for premium tanks than they have now is planned
- the premium bonus XP will be added to Churchill III 1,35 coefficient
- the additional XP for premium vehicles will add up to the crew XP bonus for premiums as well
- the VK7201 and M60 will recieve 5 percent bonus to XP
- for now, there is no info available on the Italian autoloading Leopard
- Q: “I bought WG shares and they are useless!” A: “Don’t buy WG shares. It’s voluntary :)”

75 thoughts on “4.9.2014

  1. Hmm i dont know, but i got quite a good feeling about the 9.3 update.
    -AFK Gets punished, so you dont need to waste your reports on them and can give them to notorious flamers.
    -Premium tanks get their XP raised. Nice for crewtraining. Also nice that CW-Reward Tanks are considered aswell.
    -New Light tanks. In my Opinion this is nice new Lategame Content. Because i am quite geeky on the Leo1 on t8 and the Waffelträger destroyer t49
    - New HD models :3

    I hope they dont f*** it up like last time so they need to make like 3 Emergency patches.

    • It’s for crew training mostly. I, and my friends, have done that thing in the past where they release a prem tier 5 for a new line for $10 the patch before the rest of the line is put in and then you play it purely to train at least a 1 skill crew for the line before starting it for real in tanks that actually matter.

      God knows if these xp bonuses had been in before I would have loved having to play half as many chi nu kai games to get that first skill.

      I’m more curious as to what the “other bonuses” are. Reduced repair cost? Reduced ammo cost? If buffing xp/crew xp isn’t all there is and it’s not an outright credit income buff idk what else it could be.

      • Premium tanks already cost less than their equal-tier counterparts to repair and resupply. That’s always been true.

  2. - these changes to the premium tanks are not final, apparently more bonuses will be announced on Russian Tanker’s Day (14.9.)

    what about the stuff what US server has? infinite premium tank reimbursement or something like this

    • Yeah, im waitin’ over haf year for it :D they can atleast make event so you can get some prems back and never sell them again :D

      We all make mistakes and its unfair that some of us have second chance and some of us dont.


    • US can ask for their premium tanks back?
      It would be awesome if we would have this option.

        • 72 hour window for premium tanks, which are defined as tanks you can currently buy for gold ingame; “gift” tanks and tanks that are no longer available in the game store are indefinitely recoverable. I just got my Minimaus (Pz38H735f) back after almost two years, and I’m planning on getting my Pz. B2 back as well.

  3. With Mentor and Accelerated Crew Training, Churchill III will earn stupid amounts of crew Exp @.@

    Edit: napkin math says 304,2% rate on crew Exp with full bonusses. Wow.

  4. - for now, there is no info available on the Italian autoloading Leopard

    The Italians had a 105 mm autoloader on their Leopard tank? =O

  5. - the premium bonus XP will be added to Churchill III 1,35 coefficient

    Why it gets only 35% bonus XP instead of 40%?

  6. “oh dear france… in how many years will you be extended ?
    -There was too many paper tanks, soviet clones and unbalanced germans, I’ve surendered”

  7. - Storm states that it is principially possible to rework WoT (or any game) to a different engine (UE4 mentioned), but the issue is how much time would that take, not whether it’s possible. It’s not an option to simply stop developing the game for a year to do it.

    Make a scheme for the next 1 or 2 years for what content to add and add it to the new engine too, after 1 or 2 years, you won’t mis a thing while you have a brand spanking new engine.

  8. “- Storm states that it is principially possible to rework WoT (or any game) to a different engine (UE4 mentioned), but the issue is how much time would that take, not whether it’s possible. It’s not an option to simply stop developing the game for a year to do it.”
    But it’s an option to hire more and competent developers yet you greedy fucks don’t do it and don’t give a shit about it.

  9. in 9.3, M6A2E1 will be also buffed. Does that mean they are going to offer it out again.. LOL of course not just wargaming looking after their friends..

    • They never offered it out before besides the $100 WoT pre-purchase. If they offer it again I will be very, very disappointed!

  10. More wargaming scratching the backs of their buddies.

    - the VK7201 and M60 will recieve 5 percent bonus to XP.

    Wargaming kissing the ass of their buddies for years.

    • yep… Sounds like a lot of the WOT LABS buddies that got those special tanks too.

      did you notice this one too:

      - bonus experience gained by premium tanks will NOT count towards the account average experience, it will be treated as bonus XP for missions (SS: no average XP statpadding for you!)

      UM? Sounds to me like someone is hinting that there is a connection between the 3rd party stats site, that they always deny there is a connection. But, I think we have known for a long time, this connection has existed. They do the dirty work of the stat business for wargaming for free.

  11. But no money $$ for the perms that have to face tier X’s ? Ever since the removal of battle tier 12, tier has been getting screwed $$. Take the Lowe for example. Has to face tier X’s it can’t hardly reach its full credit potential using AP rounds fighting tier X’s, and so if you use APCR a bit better, but there goes all of your credits. Up in smoke.

    You paid cash for these tier 8 tanks to make credits, and training etc. But instead it all got watered down by the removal of battle tier 12.

    Where’s the beef? Or– Where’s the credits $$? That’s what a lot of people forked over REAL CASH for. Some businesses would get in trouble for doing things like this, under cutting the customers. Most places if you don’t adhere to your agreement, you have to refund money back. Wargaming takes to many liberties with things people have paid money for.
    Why are they doing this now all of a sudden? Sales in perms. dropped down too low? People not playing them anymore? Someone filed a law suit somewhere? mmmm?

    Kinda makes you wonder.

    • Yeah..I dont really play the t34 or lowe anymore..dont need the crew train anymore. For money the jg88 and and superP are way better

  12. Ectar is repeating that this increase Prem.Vehicle XP does not include the Tier 10 ones. It was written twice in your post, but not who said it. Do you have this information?