Hello everyone,
Russian game producer Anton “Evilly” Pankov met players during the Tanker’s Day event at the Stalin Line museum in Belarus. Here’s what he said, courtesy of Ridethehorseman, RU LJ user.
- 2015 will be the “Year of Random battles”
- 9.4 will bring the Stalingrad map as well as initial stage of Havok
- new reworked Historical battles will resemble coordinated company mode battles (each team will play one conflict side), it will include PvE elements as well
- first PvE tests will come in 2015
- there will be multicore support in the future
- 9.4 will bring “new version of Bigworld” (SS: here I am not sure by with the meaning)
- T95E6 and Object 907 tanks are reserved for third and fourth CW campaign
- it will be possible to gain a reward tier 10 tank as a mission reward (VK7201 and others) in random battles, but only one (SS: as in, players will have the chance to get the M60 they so wanted :))
- the mission from the question above will be “individual mission” (SS: as in, presumably, different for each player)
- there will be tanks turning on their roofs, but only after testing, developers want to be really careful with them
- Chaffee race will come in 9.3
- camo system is doing fine, won’t be changed
- Clanwars will not change drastically
- premium tier 8 arty will not be released
- tier 9 and 10 premium tanks won’t be implemented
- physical gun barrels won’t be implemented
- special camo with ponies, Game of Thrones maps and Katyusha rocket launchers won’t come (SS: Russians asking all the great questions)
- premium FV4202 will be given out, but not for free, but as a mission reward (Evilly explains: “you unlock the FV4202, you complete the mission in it, you recieve a token, profit”)
- Chaffee XP price in 9.3 will be compensated in the form of XP awarded to the “old” Chaffee, so you can unlock T37 straight away
- Panzer IV Hydro will come with new Razer headset, MTLS tankette won’t be released
- Panzer IV Schmalturm and T-34-3 will be buffed
- WG is actively fighting bots
- in order to run Havok, “notebooks will need a teflon plate under them” (SS: as in, it will be requiring)
- there will be a special commander rating for Stronghold mode
- developers are developing a system that will automatically ban players, if they say some phrases in chat (SS: “jew”, “polak”, “Auschwitz” and others – good, good! :))
- apparently, in Russia, World of Tanks is the strongest free time competition against alcohol and clubs
- Android Blitz will come this Fall
- Windowsphone Blitz was postponed
- infantry will not be implemented to WoT
- EU and RU server won’t be unified
- new clan positions (?) will come in 9.3
- there will be a special video, explaining ricochet mechanics
- accidental ricochet to friendly tanks will not be punished
- amphibious tanks have nowhere to swim and thus are pointless
- tier 10 light tank will not be implemented – for now (SS: “for now” emphasized by the author)
- the render range won’t be turned into a circle for now
- multiturret mechanism was postponed for far future
- HESH rework was postponed for far future as well
- Sturmtiger fate was not decided yet completely, either it won’t come at all, or it will be tier 10 or premium tier 8
- Minsk 1944 map is in development
- KV-220 will not get its historical engine
- random battles will not be split in leagues, but developers will try out the skill matchmaker (no details yet however)
- crew won’t be displayed in tanks
- Vickers MBT Mk.3 managed to fit in tier 10, but it was scrapped due to it “not being interesting”
- everything’s fine with collisions
- Chieftain prototype will not be British tier 10 medium, Chieftain itself will be British tier 10 heavy
- E-50 Ausf.M will not be removed from the game
- Evilly on roaming: “Roaming was implemented and works normally. Ping to EU from Minsk is 30-80, depending on the quality of the provider. For the USA, it’s 100+, but it’s playable. Sometimes I play on EU myself, when I get a series of losses on RU.” (it’s possible it will be implemented in the future, for example for money. This was not decided yet.)
- Sturmtiger fate was not decided yet completely, either it won’t come at all, or it will be tier 10 or premium tier 8
Premium T8? Serious WG? It would be the T8 FV215B 183 with really good armour as well!
T10 would be much more suitable, if it appears at all of course.
*shrugs* Hell if I know.
AS T8 Premium.
They could implement it with a 12.8 cm without ACPR (like the gun on the “Sturer Emil”.
After all, its got no camo, useless armor, slow and sluggish.
well, that would barely make sense, the only gun ever used on it was the 38cm
i saw something somewhere about the germans and a proposal to put a 8.8cm pak 43 L/71 on it.
however, i cant find much on it, so id say its probably bullshit. but it would be worth looking into further….
Yes, this is in the game for a long time.
It is called Jagdtiger 8.8 and is historical.
The Sturmtiger is a complete different Tank and had the 38cm only.
Make that T8 FV215B 183 with really good armor and the ability to shoot over cover (like the kv-2 if you aim in 3rd person sometimes you can do it)
- premium FV4202 will be given out, but not for free, but as a mission reward (Evilly explains: “you unlock the FV4202, you complete the mission in it, you recieve a token, profit”)
What a bunch of bullsh… probably inc. an insane grind mission + additional luck missions like “get a top gun with damaged gun” and etc.
Ftw, they should revoke all free T34′s and make them do stupid missions with M3 Lee
Dont give them ideas!
just make it a one shottable tank if a shell flies in the barrel…
Sturmtiger at tier 8? WTF? It should be at least tier 11…
I am 100% sure Sturmtiger wont be implemented in random battles (maybe in HB or stronkhold as a consumable)
Please come, cause lots of players are expecting this montster. Of course tier 10 material. FV215B 183 level alpha? No problem, it fires a rocket, not a shell. The same “shell” distribution mechanism as arties? No problem, it fires a rocket, not a shell. British howitzer like “shell” speed? No problem, it fires rocket, not a shell. Horrible accuracy? No problem, extremely short barrel and, of course, fires a rocket.
Just implement it!
The original Sturmtiger design called for a 210mm howitzer, the same one already in the game on the tier 8 GW Tiger SPG. It should be a much easier gun to balance against than the 380mm depth charge launcher.
- premium FV4202 will be given out, but not for free, but as a mission reward (Evilly explains: “you unlock the FV4202, you complete the mission in it, you recieve a token, profit”)
I kinda saw this coming after last night’s post :-P Makes sense, you don’t want the player to just unlock the FV and get it as a prem for free, you want them to work just a bit more than that XD
hopefully not another play 3000 games in one month mission type…
Of course not, that would be too easy.
>Get 50k spotting damage in a tier 2~5 artillery
Take tier 4 french arty and troll platoon with tier 10.
When is this likely to happen?
I ask as I will be away for all of November and not have access to a PC.
They were talking about adding it in december or early new year I think
this will be a mission for unemployeds only, again …
Or those who dropped out of school.
20,000 base XP every day for 31 days, starting February 1st and ending March 1st.
seems legit comrade
- random battles will not be split in leagues, but developers will try out the skill matchmaker (no details yet however)
hopefully they reject that idea again. No need to punish good players for playing good and honor bad players for playing bad.
somehow i never understand this “good player will be punished”.
Isn’t it more punishment when you as a good player are in a team with 10-14 tomatos and the enemy has 10-15 green, blue or purple players?
well with skill-mm u will get even more tomatoes to your teams to compensate ur skill, so the teams are “even”. So as to say: Skill mm will lead to good players getting even more shitty teams.
Isn’t this just one kind of skill MM?
One where teams are rearranged so that a average skill level is on both teams.
and another one where 15 player with a certain skill level fight against 15 other player with a certain skill level.
Hell, it would be enough for me if they make it so that you don’t end in a team full of tomatoes and the enemy is full of unicums.
The rest is ok.
random battles will not be split in leagues
so no teams of same skill lvl ;)
Obviously the battles where you are alone against army of tomatoes and you end up with another Radley-Walter’s or Pool’s medal never happen, huh?
I’d rather play World of Warplanes than play WoT with unicum shitheads all the time.
To be honest, my last radley or pools was a long time ago.
And better to make 4000+ dmg without a medal as 1000 dmg and a pools.
I thought that the idea is that after the teams are made for mm to sort them by skill (win rate in this case) so both sides have the same number of skilled players.
Personally I doubt it will work. Those whining for a skill sort in mm are thinking about wn8. WG only uses wr, so the butthurt will reach really high levels fof those xvm whiners.
this wont work anyway, as when u start sorting by WR the only thing u will achieve is everyone getting 49+-1% winrate, which will result in ur skill-mm not working anymore.
Cause professional sports matches are 50/50 coin tosses. No, what it does is reduce the number of steamroll victories/losses. As long as the league brackets aren’t small spreads (50-51%, 52-53%, 54-55%, etc) and instead general classification (Poor, Average, Good) it will be fine. You don’t put a majority little league team (tomatoes) against pros (unicums) and expect a fun or fair match.
sry, but i wont even waist my time arguing with someone who fails the reading test:
“random battles will not be split in leagues”
Oooh, PvE in historical battles! Although, not looking forwards to the Havok engine, it will be the final nail into the coffin of my computer :(
Havok will be optional, mate.
But what will it look if you disable it? Buildings will just disappear with special effects the way it does now for wooden cabans?
It stays as it is now, is my guess.
without havoc: building part “disappears” with lots of smoke
with havoc: building part breaks into small peaces that fall onto the ground and disappear after some time/have no effect on tanks.
I’m OK with that.
- premium FV4202 will be given out, but not for free, but as a mission reward (Evilly explains: “you unlock the FV4202, you complete the mission in it, you recieve a token, profit”)
i’m confused, if i unlocked the fv then i’m allready completed the mission?
Sadly no. :/
well, we’re waiting :3
Naah, it’s more like:
1. Unlock the FV.
2. by unlocking the FV you get a mission or missions.
3. don’t know what they mean with token aka how many etc.
Probably you get a token after completing the mission and when the new tier 10 comes, people with token will get new FV for free.
could be. Lets hope these missions are not just for the ultranolifer.
What I am thinking is that you have to actually buy it and have played a few games in it. They did something similar with the T34. You had to have it in your garage to get it for free.
There was an event years ago as well to get a free t-shirt, you had to have played about 10 games in a T10 tank to qualify. So maybe something similar?
- HESH rework was postponed for far future as well
yet, they are implementing a new tank with HESH as standard ammo, while admitting it’s broken on the other hand, how nice WG logic
They say they plan to rework HESH. You somehow assume they admitted it’s broken.
And you talk about logic?
- tier 10 light tank will not be implemented – for now (SS: “for now” emphasized by the author)
I hope it doesnt mean ” wait 2 years scrub”. I would like o try out t9 and 10 if they would be decent.
t9 are current tier 8s (Just take a look at MM table)
a tier 10 light tank will be OP as shit…my T71 can run rings around is7s and rip them apart already :/
It wouldn’t be any different to now, pushing lights to tier 10 would be just the same as they did with arty, tier 8s become tier 10s, others are rebalanced to appropriate tiers and 2 new tanks are added to fill in gaps. Then their MM is normalised. Maybe if a current tier 8 is up a new tier 10 would come in but they are kind of struggling to fill the lines even now.
That IS7 is shit. No light tank can 1v1 a tier 10 expect save a non-turreted TD.
Honestly, if they would implement the word “polak” in such system, it would be M-M-M-MEGAFAIL, not just regular fail from WG. Because in my language (I’m Polish by the way) it means “Pole” (i.e. male citizen of Poland). It’s like banning British players from calling themselves Brits. It would be pure insanity.
Other than that, idea is nice and I would enjoy evil chat terrorists to be banned straight away. :)
polak means pole but it can be used in an offensive way, e.g: some one from pakistan being called “paki”
I’m from Poland , and “Polak” is not offending me.
I have Polak in my name for f sake -.-…
ja tez kurwa jestem polakiem -_- (ignore alien language)
The automatic system would not be good in any way. The bot would have no idea of the meaning behind someone saying something that happens to contain “Auschwitz” or an another word that is flagged. History is a thing not to be forgotten and banning certain words would make you impossible to talk about such things.
The system could be implemented so that flagged words submit automatic complaints against the player and a ban would need a moderator to look what that person was talking about.
And if the world “SS” would be flagged it would make Silentstalkers life miserable.
In general, I think this is good. My favorite CoD4/CS GG servers are all from the US, from older guys in a clan, ok the ping is a bit bad, but thanks to rigorous warning and banning, you get:
-no insults
-no chat rage/spam
-no cheaters/”unsportsmanlike conduct”
-no AFKs
So relaxing to play…
Given that WG can’t monitor every single battle in real time with an actual mod, an automatic system makes sense, and while it needs to be finely tuned, there is for example no good reason why you want to type “Auschwitz” or “Jew” in battle chat.
I agree, they need to be careful with a system like that. People sometimes tend to drift into political and historical discussions in the chats, and words like Jews, Nazis, Hitler, etc… can be uttered with no ill intent.
I’m somewhat on the fence with bans for saying things, but some fuckers do indeed need to leave.
If it’s automated it might be a mess indeed. Imagine conversations like that:
” – hey, do you know what happened to Player99?
- him? he doesn’t play any more. his brother was diagnosed with [cancer], so he has other priorities now.”
” – have you seen the latest ftr news? [SS] posted some nice info”
” i just got back from shopping. that guy at the [gas] station was a damn grammar [natzi]. he was interrupting me and correcting all the time.”
Basically there would be endless possibilities to get banned for normal conversations.
I happen to use the word “jew” sometimes in chat… I am jewish.
player01: hitler should have killed all the jews… etc.
me: I am jewish…
*tries to remember to send a ticket to WG*
Ah yes, the heartfelt conversations while unloading shells into another tank,who has not seen them..
/sarcasm ;)
because people only communicate with each other during the battle and there is no way they might have a conversation in priv messages at all
/imnotevensurewhattoputhere O.o
-My zodiac sign is Leo, what’s yours ?
Evilly on roaming: “Roaming was implemented and works normally. Ping to EU from Minsk is 30-80, depending on the quality of the provider. For the USA, it’s 100+, but it’s playable. Sometimes I play on EU myself, when I get a series of losses on RU.”
ping is not a problem, timezone for CW is… *sigh*
- also good point with that FV4202 token… hopefully it will be “doable”
x2 crew=)))
In my case, I’d use roaming to correct my CW timezone issue x)
Though if you recall from old FTR posts, WG were thinking of leaving server events and clans on the parent server of the roamer. (as well as strict anti-cross-server-harassment)
I’d still love to play with/against other players across the servers without having to start over.
Having it for money is, I think, a good idea. It’ll leave people with something as an intensive to behave (or not repeat offence), and it will prevent a flood of players.
Although the racists on the EU, US, and RU servers are going to make things a bit difficult.
“camo system is doing fine, won’t be changed” if anyone has played Robocraft (mix of minecraft and WoT) then thats what system should be implemented (not BS invisible tenks)
“amphibious tanks have nowhere to swim and thus are pointless”…false -_-
Wasn’t it already said that system will change, so to regain “invisibility” a tank will have to find a physical barrier between a spotter and itself?
Yea, but it won’t fix the issue of hidden peekaboo tanks driving out of cover, shooting you, then appearing while they’re driving back into cover.
“- accidental ricochet to friendly tanks will not be punished”
The team killing opportunities are approaching….
“- random battles will not be split in leagues, but developers will try out the skill matchmaker (no details yet however)”
Please… no… And no “But noobs should stay with noobs and pros with pros”
In the newcomers case.
You won’t have from who to learn or follow in a random game,
and you won’t be able to advance in the game, meaning that you will stay at the same level, and keep on sucking or giving up on the game.
In the case of a good player.
People will tend to go down the same rout in the same tanks and use the same dynamic tactics.. ending up in boring/camping/counter productive games, where really.. only the lucky ones will shine, and if someone gets unlucky and keeps on having bad games over and over, will be put back with the noobs, and getting out of there, likely to not happen, unless of course, you carry hard.
Btw I disagree with your statement on:
“- accidental ricochet to friendly tanks will not be punished”
The team killing opportunities are approaching….
I believe what that means is that if a Maus ricochets a shell from an enemy into a friendly he wont get punished for that.
But if a friendly ricochets off a friendly Maus and hits another friendly it counts as team damage. But the Maus is unaffected and it is not his fault.
Seems only logical to do it that way. What it means is that the tank that the shell ricochets off will not be held accountable for innocently damaging anyone.
- WG is actively fighting bots
WG RU 100%
WG EU 0%
-WG officials are whining about players not using official channels for info
WG RU whine 0%
WG EU whine 100%
“- accidental ricochet to friendly tanks will not be punished”
Now that I think of it, this ricochet system will be a double edge sword. Imagine being in your Bat Chat, having an awesome game racking up 10k damage and the last enemy is a half HP Maus and you have a E-100 teammate. You get close to the Maus, outmanouver it and suddenly you die because the E-100 AP shell ricochets off the Maus and hits your ass then the Maus kills the your last teammate.
still, in this situation the E-100 did not intent to kill you. He was clearly bizzy with helping you killing the MAUS. So why should someone be punished for trying to help you out.
Team damage should only be punished when it was on intention to damage you’re team mate. Not when it was a accident.
I don’t want team damage penalty, I want the ricochet to just not damage allied tanks.
- 2015 will be the “Year of Random battles”
???? … erm what, WG ?
- WG is actively fighting bots
yea, on RU
- Evilly on roaming: “Roaming was implemented and works normally. Ping to EU from Minsk is 30-80, depending on the quality of the provider. For the USA, it’s 100+, but it’s playable. Sometimes I play on EU myself, when I get a series of losses on RU.” (it’s possible it will be implemented in the future, for example for money. This was not decided yet.)
Please not for money … then i will lose all the money that i have xD
Since I’m seeing droves of people researching the FV, I feel better knowing it will be a specific mission. I was concerned they would choose some arbitrary criterion, like 500 battles in FV at given time. Now I know it’s a misson, so I’ll be ready.
Fv mission will be probably something zero sense botting 0-25 grind4life , just as the type 62…. in this way they dont have to give out 10/100 players, only 1/1000
“- it will be possible to gain a reward tier 10 tank as a mission reward (VK7201 and others) in random battles, but only one (SS: as in, players will have the chance to get the M60 they so wanted :))”
Pingback: [Sammelthread] World of Tanks - Seite 4002
“amphibious tanks have nowhere to swim and thus are pointless”
Who is WG kidding. There are enough water obstacles (rivers, lakes, bays, and harbors) with shore lines to allow amphibious tanks plenty of opportunities to conduct waterborne flanking maneuvers. Guess WG doesn’t want to modify maps in order for the amphibious tanks to move through the water.
If you want to swim with 10-15 km/h speed, I’ll be happy to be in enemy team.
to be honest amphibious tanks would probably break the game simply because they would have access to places other tanks simply can’t. Imagine the player rage if someone in a BT-SV (amphibious tank IRL, not in WoT) rockets trhu the water, pwns the enemy team then flee to the enemy cap without said enemy being able to reliably pursuit him or even firing at him.
That’s an excellent point, amphibious tanks would have an advantage. Though, yes, there are places were the amphibious tanks can go to, contrary to WG’s claim.
- Panzer IV Schmalturm will get a buff
This is actually a pretty good premium tank the only 2 things it needs as a buff are : 1. make the Side Skirts count as Spaced Armor like on the Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H
2. the Panzer IV Schmalturm only has a 300 hp engine that’s not even as good as the Stock Engine on the Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A which is 320 hp and is a Tier III vs the Panzer IV Schmalturm being a Tier 6 Premium it should at LEAST have the 350 hp engine which is the upgrade for the Tier III and only the Stock engine on the Tier V that would make it still not as good as the Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H but better than it is currently the extra 50 hp wouldn’t be game breaking but would really help out on climbing hills and getting to it’s top speed faster.
- it will be possible to gain a reward tier 10 tank as a mission reward (VK7201 and others) in random battles, but only one (SS: as in, players will have the chance to get the M60 they so wanted :))
- the mission from the question above will be “individual mission” (SS: as in, presumably, different for each player)
So this means I won’t get to choose which of those I want? I Don’t play American tanks AT ALL so I have NO DESIRE for the M60 EVEN if I was given it for FREE but I DO WANT the VK7201 since I collect German tanks I have almost EVERYONE of them except 2 Tier 10′s and a few Rare Beta ones I will NEVER be able to get, but you are saying at Random I either get the one I might want or just get screwed??
Sounds like you’ll be able to pick which tank you want to do the mission for. Randomizing the reward would just be silly.
- Chaffee XP price in 9.3 will be compensated in the form of XP awarded to the “old” Chaffee, so you can unlock T37 straight away
Well thats nice to know… but kinda sucks because I’ve already grinded the necessary points :P
- Chaffee XP price in 9.3 will be compensated in the form of XP awarded to the “old” Chaffee, so you can unlock T37 straight away…
one word, WG is BIG SCUM,one moths ago they talk one thing and now other abouth FV 4202
WG is not one entity. Decisions are made between a lot of people.
Its your fault for jumping on the bandwagon before an official response.
Hell, I don’t know if this new decision will change.
Big deal anyway, you’re still getting a new better medium tank, and its not like the Brit medium line is a chore.
That was an obvious scam. Lazy players used irl $ to convert free xp and skip grind, many bought premium account to have easier grind. Profit.
WG says : 2015 will be the “Year of Random battles
Then a big go fuck yourself – T95E6 and Object 907 tanks are reserved for third and fourth CW campaign.
So much with random battles special attention. Fuck your exclusivity tanks WG. Give it to everyone instead as in-game missions! and who wants that pos m60? it’s bigger than M103, crap speed and even worse armor than M48.
How Terrible!
You seem very upset over something ‘that is a pos’
one word, WG IS BIG peace of SHIT ,one moths ago they talk one thing and now other abouth FV 4202.
How Terrible!
- developers are developing a system that will automatically ban players, if they say some phrases in chat (SS: “jew”, “polak”, “Auschwitz” and others – good, good! :))
My Answer: Oh Yes Yes :D
- HESH rework was postponed for far future as well
My Answer: Bummer :(
- Chieftain prototype will not be British tier 10 medium, Chieftain itself will be British tier 10 heavy
My Answer: Still grinding with my Churchill BP
that will mean that danish players will be banned for writing pole in danish (polak = pole in danish), well done :P
- premium tier 8 arty will not be released
- tier 9 and 10 premium tanks won’t be implemented
Sure, as many other things that they said they wont implement and now we have ‘em in game
- developers are developing a system that will automatically ban players, if they say some phrases in chat (SS: “jew”, “polak”, “Auschwitz” and others – good, good! :))
That’s good…but “polak” is well…regular polish word.
Aslo, this whole Sturmtiger branch. I laugh every time when they say that its not possible to balance….jesus, just make it a semi arty branch ffs. Low range, good armor (depends on vechicle ofc), big alpha, long reload. Boom – and we have a fun tier X vechicle that can be described as “Slow and armored german Tier X FV304″.
Who cares that its caibler is so high. This game is already far from being any historical and logical. Give it a 2k alpha and release this beast along with whole assault tanks branch
3k or 3.5k dmg on Hesh or Golden HE + 1 min reload is fine
- new reworked Historical battles will resemble coordinated company mode battles (each team will play one conflict side), it will include PvE elements as well
- first PvE tests will come in 2015
>> – the render range won’t be turned into a circle for now
Great… So, are we to make a cheat…?
This really is the most important thing on that list.
>> – Evilly on roaming: “Roaming was implemented and works normally. Ping to EU from Minsk is 30-80, depending on the quality of the provider. For the USA, it’s 100+, but it’s playable. Sometimes I play on EU myself, when I get a series of losses on RU.” (it’s possible it will be implemented in the future, for example for money. This was not decided yet.)
So much for “testing” or “not working”…
> – 2015 will be the “Year of Random battles”
After 3 years of Random damage rolls, random penetration rolls and random preety much everyting, i would say its 3 yo news.
> players will have the chance to get the M60 they so wanted :))
Mission objective: Make 50 kills in medium tank and 50k xp in heavy tank (bonuses dont count) PER DAY for 25 days and u must win battle, gl with that wg.
How terrible…
- WG is actively fighting bots
So they play their own game, good. I fight bots everyday, u dont need to be a dev to do that, just click battle :D
>> – developers are developing a system that will automatically ban players, if they say some phrases in chat (SS: “jew”, “polak”, “Auschwitz” and others – good, good! :))
I’m not so sure about it. Current censorship system stars out half of random Poilsh words, so you can’t write normally in platoon if someone has it on. So, if is is to be the same way, expect random bans…
“- E-50 Ausf.M will not be removed from the game”
E-50M confirmed weak.
“-there will be multicore support in the future” and again.. how many future should I wait to actually see this happened.
And I don’t get the teflon on notebooks for running Havok, care to explain further?
It will run hot.
“- premium FV4202 will be given out, but not for free, but as a mission reward (Evilly explains: “you unlock the FV4202, you complete the mission in it, you recieve a token, profit”)”
Why do I think it’s gonna be much cheaper just to buy this tank?! If they ask this much for T62 (which I passed a long road around because I simply have a life to live) which is T7 light, I can only imagine what they are going to ask for FV!! Probably some BS like 50k exp per day every day and some medal that has never been seen by anyone because it’s impossible to get it and 60days to do it! 11,5K gold for this tank sounds a much easier and cheaper way to get it! Hell, I already have 9k gold which I was saving for some decent T8 prem for 2 years now (I’m not giving a cent more for prem account!)!
Remember the time when you could’ve just buy T59 for 7500gold? I can’t forgive myself for not buying one! Fuck you WG, you are just a bunch of assholes!!
- premium FV4202 will be given out, but not for free, but as a mission reward (Evilly explains: “you unlock the FV4202, you complete the mission in it, you recieve a token, profit”)
I really don’t get the point. So if i have FV4202 i have a token that is usable for completing part or totally the mission normal players have to do for gettin’ FV4202? O some sort of thing?
Need some explanations please… :/
- premium FV4202 will be given out, but not for free, but as a mission reward (Evilly explains: “you unlock the FV4202, you complete the mission in it, you recieve a token, profit”)
That’s the first time I register my account and reply when I saw the fv4202 WILL NOT be a free premium tank after it replaced by action x. The reason for the replacement is the bad performance in the random battle and CW, no one want to use it, that’s the reality of that change. Who want to buy a worst history indeed ! No matter how you change it to tier 1 or 8, 2pdr gun or 20pdr !
Don’t play a xxxx of it ! I purchased panther m10 (Bad) and Lowe (moneymaker) as well, envy a free tank ? No, I have my WG account about four years and support it more.
Evilly, do you really NEED that profit to show HOW useful and profit maker you are in WG in the sales of fv4202 event ? Explain IT !
- accidental ricochet to friendly tanks will not be punished
I can see this being abused.
- apparently, in Russia, World of Tanks is the strongest free time competition against social life.
- developers are developing a system that will automatically ban players, if they say some phrases in chat (SS: “jew”, “polak”, “Auschwitz” and others – good, good! :))
Sooo… “polak” is not offensive at all actually. Sometimes kids from poland will ask “kto polak” instead of e.g “kto pl” and instaban.. (maybe good? xD)
“Polaks” may be offensive but it’s mainly because of the way that ppl use that word. (It’s like for czech ppl say “czechs”. Not that bad, but it will get feeling of offensivness if u read 100 times “czechs noobs”)
Still love when someone calls PL ppl “siemka players” xD
- it will be possible to gain a reward tier 10 tank as a mission reward (VK7201 and others) in random battles, but only one (SS: as in, players will have the chance to get the M60 they so wanted :))
Can’t read any further until I ask you … Will I get a full gold compensation for the tank I already have ? Because I have the VK 72.01(K) and its full gold price is 22,500. Might be a nice contribution.
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I’d like to know the status of retraining crew members major qualifications. Seems every once in a while they like to release a bit of info stating that it’ll “be implemented” or it’s “coming soon”. It seems like nothing more than lip service from WG. This has been asked for since I started playing and I imagine long before I joined up. No doubt it’ll require gold, which means it’s a money maker for them. One would think they’d be all over that idea.
: “jew”,
WAIT WHAAAT? So someone can’t even say I am a Jew….. that makes no sense.
The rest makes sense, but this word should not be banned.
“- EU and RU server won’t be unified”
watching news every night makes me think otherwise …