Hello everyone,
there was currently a Q&A session with EU staff (Ectar, Obiron and some guy I never heard about, Tugali or something) on Reddit. As you can imagine, it wasn’t exactly groundbreaking, but nevertheless, here’s the sum of it (minus the pointless stuff):
- ricochets in 9.3: “Ricochet can occur only on the first tank, if ricochet occurs on the second tank, the shell disappears. But ricochet on the second tank will be processed the same way as for the first one.”
- a new CW campaign is still coming this year (tier 10 stuff)
- “team battles are not so popular with introduction of StrongHolds”
- the new LT’s were something that was planned for quite some time (SS: the T49/XM551 hybrid was planned ever since late 2013 as tier 8, RU251 was planned since early 2013, that LTTB thing was however quite new)
- regarding the (non)disclosure of plans for the future: “We had a roadmap previously showing planned future content, but sadly it’s too easy for players to take estimated dates as “set in stone” and if there is delays or content changes people get very upset (taking estimates as fixed info). It’s a risky road for any game to list changes too far in advance as many things can change at short notice. Content can be removed/added/altered so it’s totally different from initial plans.”
- no plans to add Dutch as fully supported language
- first elements of Havok could come in 9.4
- Chaffee Sport will be able to train crews the way T-62A Sport did in soccer mode
- Multigun support: “Currently we have no plans for multiple guns in our game.”
- Roaming: “We were thinking about roaming service but still some things are not defined.”
- Sentinel tank will not come anytime soon
- twin-gun ST-II is not planned, it would be too OP
- no plans to introduce Sturmtiger line due to balancing issues
- there are plans to rebalance old (pre-9.3) LT’s
- developers are considering adding new camos, no ETA
- sort of skill MM is planned for Strongholds: “Also with expansion of SH we plan to allow clans to choose same level skill opponents.”
- CW reward tanks will not be sold to random players (SS: emphasis on sold, which means there could be a mission to get one)
- no plans to return Dragon Ridge
- CW and company statistic separation in player profile is under consideration
- T-34-2, AMX M4 1945 and 113 buff or SU-85B nerf are not planned in upcoming patches
- 9.4 will bring many HD models
- 9.3 will not come this week
- no new info on minefields/air reconnaissance/turrets Stronghold options
- no huge credit rewards missions anytime soon
- ricochets in 9.3: “Ricochet can occur only on the first tank, if ricochet occurs on the second tank, the shell disappears. But ricochet on the second tank will be processed the same way as for the first one.”
So the penetration isn’t a problem after the ricochet on the first tank?
shot loses some pen after first ricochet (afaik 25 pen).
Wasn’t 25% loss of penetration instead of only 25 mm of penetration?
Afaik the 25 mm loss is when you go trough an wall.
AFAIK it was 25%
yeah might be.
25mm loss of penetration is from terrain objects such as cars, walls etc. So I guess the ricochet pen loss is that of 25%
After the first ricochet, the shell loses 25mm of penetration IIRC, and not 25%
“- no plans to return Dragon Ridge”
And the peasants rejoiced.
Im just waiting for the line “Dragons Ridge might return” someday.
I kinda liked that map… it was… “different” :D
how come on the 9.1 test (or 9.2 i forget) i had a game on dragon ridge lol
My TOG hates it…
Muh dragon ridge T_T
I loved the map too but there were few drawbacks, one of them was extreme differences in elevation, lots of slopes and hills. Not only the main battle occured in one place ALWAYS but also camping in a base was very advantageous. This was because all tanks had to approach downwards for quite some distance, sometimes the slope was enough to expose your roof and sometimes you had insufficient gun depression to retaliate should there be enough flat surface. There was also a western part of map which was rarely used by most players because only light tanks or just fast tanks could make use of it and even then they were trapped in narrow passages that could be easly picked from bases or from center of the map, I don’t even mention about arty since the spot could easly become a clusterfuck with just 4 tanks (friend or foe) Heavies never picked it because they were too slow and usually a fight was over when they finally got there.
TL;DR Map remove because the terrain was too complex and bases were poorly placed.
even if it returns, probably the mountains will be flattened!
I miss Dragon Ridge.
It was shit map. It was clusterfuck of tanks at the same spot while 90% of the map was unused.
AMX M4 45 really could do with a buff, it has been consistently underperforming. But then the 141 version of it would be good at tier 6 with the M4 45 getting the high speed version at tier 7 to replace the current one, so perhaps better to just wait for that.
It only needs an aim time buff IMO.
I liked it apart from the moments when the aim time killed me.
there was an offshoot of it IIRC with 370mm effective armor. i lie to you not.
What you posted here is indeed an M4 hull but it’s not for the M4 mle.45 (the one we have in the game) , it’s for AMX M4 mle. 48 which was basically AMX 50 100 without oscillating turret and autoloader . It was a back-up project should the french fail to deliver a working system.
Here is a second proposal:
and here it is made in metal with an oscillating turret (notice the hull front difference from other AMX 50 100 pics):
Oh! btw! AMX M4 48 is one of the famous WoT vaporware branches (second french heavies) that never came. Here’s an icon of it how it would look in the game
According to the tree from 2012 it would be tier 8
I occasionally like to work on my own version of a French tech tree(https://i.imgur.com/HH3Zebf.png), and it is rather amusing how many AMX M4 variants popped up. AMX M4 141, AMX M4 45, AMX M4 46, AMX M4 48, AMX M4 49, AMX M4 120…
That’s too much and also, try to find drawings, pics or jut descriptions for all these. We’ll never get such tree, I wouldn’t even want such tree. I liked the old WG tree. We had Bat chat and AMX-30 branches for meds, AMX50B and AMX M4 49 branches for heavies. SerB once even said we could hope for a second TD line which I hope would be with Canon d’assaut Lorraine because it would basically be a tier X E-25.
Honestly that’s all I ask for, if they make more-less like that and add chinese TD’s , my demands with WG would be over.
I found drawings for all but a few of them.
i found amx m4 45 quite fun, same play as a centurion, or any paper tank, avoid fire and you’ll be good
a 2,3 sec aimtime would be nice though
Do you use 105mm gun bruh ? La baguette ?
I used the 105mm on ARL 44 and drove it like a brawler, awesome results ;3 Long 90mm has much worse dpm and far too high pen (no need for that), while short 90mm is just bad.
It is simply too slow to justify the poor DPM, lack of armor, long aiming times, bad camouflage, terrible gun depression to the side limiting tactical maneuvering, and very poor HP. The Centurions to my knowledge are slow too, but they also have a good mantlet providing effective hull down protection, as well as significantly superior aiming times. AMX M4 does not have that, and switching it over to a more mobile version would be the logical solution, with the less mobile going to tier 6 (If you compare the AMX M4 45 vs the ARL 44 the main improvements on the AMX M4 45′s part is in WG balancing statistics, so the AMX M4 141 would make a good medium at tier 6 and be a good part of an eventual second medium tank if other candidates are not available).
damn it they don’t buff the 113 again?
Lol it needs it. Su 85b is awesome though. No reason to buff it.
They are talking about SU-85B nerf, man
Almost nothing useful… Ectar(d) and his lovers are so clueless…
” – no huge credit rewards missions anytime soon”
After they even explained why they don’t want to add anymore the “200-300k credits” kind of missions, kids still ask this?
“- twin-gun ST-II is not planned, it would be too OP”
I call that bullshit. What was it designed to be used? two 122mm KV-1S guns? Give it 235 or whatever pen 20 seconds reload on each gun with 390 average damage (so u can spam one shot every 10 seconds or so or both every 20 seconds with multi gun support).
And you tell me it would be too OP when there is frikin T57 that is clearly OP. Give it less armor than ST-I, turret is still gigantic and can’t be missed. And bam nice tier X heavy that is not so peaka-boo and you are dead (Yes T57 heavy i’m looking at you)
WG is just lazy what it is.
I said same thing its not to OP at all.
I want it to be 2 490 alpha guns and make it fire just like a 2 shot autloader and adjust reload as needed.
it would be unique and awesome. Awesome because if your good you can land a 1k DMG Alpha and Unique in the fact it has only 2 shots and you can technically pen one and bounce other or shoot at 2 diff targets etc.
it would be exactly like a T9 STI armor, just 2 guns and it wouldnt be OP at all at 10
For some reason, 4 shots in a short time with quadrupled (not even all the time) reload are considered balanced, but TWO shots at once with double reload – WOW! SO MUCH OP!
So make every gun fire six 57 mm pellets in order to make it a giant double barreled shotgun – it will do awesome damage but at very close range only.
actually it had 175 pen
I want my VK30.01(P) buff, and I want it now.
I know, I know, wantin’ ain’t gettin’.
Are you kidding me ? That is very good tier 6 medium with that 88 mm L/56
I agree. The VK3001P is one of the most horrid tanks to play with. It’s supposed to be a medium but it’s as sluggish as the VK3601H, with less armor. If it was given back it’s mobility it had during the beta (one of my favourite tanks back in the day), it would be fine.
“- no plans to introduce Sturmtiger line due to balancing issues”
Why are people still asking this?! Godfucking geez, throw them out of the channels and perma-ban them from any future Q&As already. I want valid questions answered, not the same bullshit, wasting everyone’s time again and again.
It is a valid question ,as there are tanks in that proposed line other than the Sturmtiger that people want to see.
We need to know what’s going with them.
Then they should ask for those and not the freaking Sturmtiger. It’s clear they are not interested in the rest of the line, but only that one.
>> – CW and company statistic separation in player profile is under consideration
Finally… I hope it happens soon.
- no plans to introduce Sturmtiger line due to balancing issues
Well, you mentioned (SilentStalker) about a prototype SturmTiger with a 210 mortar, correct? Why not have the top gun of the tier IX TD/SPG (I remember a Ferdinand with a 210mm mortar suggested) be the gun of the prototype SturmTiger? Might fix the balancing issues a bit, as guns already go up to that caliber in-game.
Not the guys&gals, just the guns.
Is it OK if I just kill the arty on the enemy team and can I use arty to do it….?
Sorry about the serious butt hurt you have been having, Banf, because of arty, or is your hatred of arty an unfounded irrational fear?
If I was Sheldon I would offer you a hot beverage. I’m not so I wont.
- there are plans to rebalance old (pre-9.3) LT’s
this is welcome news…
I think?
twin-gun ST-II is not planned, it would be too OP
I think this is crap.
Kepp the exact T9 but make it a T10 and keep its Pen and ROF but have 2 fire modes chained and unchained.
It would amount to a Autoloader with 2 shells but that had .01 sec intra load time.
A 2 round autloader with 490 alpha is hardly to OP for T10 esp with speed of STI
” – Roaming: “We were thinking about roaming service but still some things are not defined.””
Ok really, this is not a difficult thing. Why they’re dragging ass on something that can so easily make them money is beyond me.
1: Only enable roaming as a premium account feature.
2: Let the report system do its work, if the player abuses their roaming privilege (e.g. Russians hopping to EU to do stupid shit to German players and vice-versa, then getting reported for it), revoke it for the remainder of their premium time. If this happens three times, ban them for a month. If it happens an additional three times, permaban them.
3: ???
4: Profit in two ways: players buying premium time to platoon with their overseas friends, and players contacting support to clear out their remaining premium time so they can then buy more premium time (thus resetting the roaming privilege). The three-strikes rule prevents them from just buying 1-day premium packs to constantly reset their roaming (they’ll simply get themselves banned faster).
Everyone wins. Players get the ability to roam and thus an extra incentive to buy premium, more retarded attempted trolls get removed from the playerbase, WG makes more money. Free players get nothing, but as a free player (aside from when I buy a gold pack and have the premium “forced” on me) I can say that I’m not especially bothered by this :v
FYI, TuGalis official job description is Publishing Producer, WoT Europe.
“T-34-2, AMX M4 1945 and 113 buff or SU-85B nerf are not planned in upcoming patches”
Translation: We are still f***ing retards and have no intention of changing that situation. Sincerely, Wargaming Staff
>Sentinel tank will not come anytime soon
Dammit SerB, give me the only thing my country ever contributed to armoured warfare already!
Buffing the AMX M4? It’s one of the best performing heavies of the tier, no reason to buff it.
>Best performing
>Last place and almost always is
>How about no.jpg
A few days ago the said first stage of Havok will come in 9.4 bow they are saiying that it might come in 9.4.
They sayd it will come in 9.0 then they postponed it for every pach since then. I still belive that Havok will come arround pach 10.5
bielorussian strategy.
“- regarding the (non)disclosure of plans for the future: “We had a roadmap previously showing planned future content, but sadly it’s too easy for players to take estimated dates as “set in stone” and if there is delays or content changes people get very upset (taking estimates as fixed info). It’s a risky road for any game to list changes too far in advance as many things can change at short notice. Content can be removed/added/altered so it’s totally different from initial plans.”
– haha lol…what a load of BS. So instead of the 1% that gets angry when things change, now we have 99% that are angry because they don’t get any roadmap info. :-)
- developers are considering adding new camos, no ETA
Any word on the Chaffee race camouflage becoming available for all tanks?
T-34-2, AMX M4 1945 and 113 buff or SU-85B nerf are not planned in upcoming patches
muh T-34-2 ;_;
- Multigun support: “Currently we have no plans for multiple guns in our game.”
Read Meltagun here….lol.
Maybe time to play a bit of WH40k? :-D
- Havok will come until 2024
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)