Attention! This is important, please read.
Hello everyone,
this is something that was not announced before, oddly enough. According to RU portal, from 9.3 onwards the HD textures for tanks will be downloaded as a separate ZIP file (for 9.3, the size of HD textures is 980 megabytes).
According to the same article, this was done to save traffic and computer space. It has to be done manually (at least the Russians had to) by downloading and installing separate texture pack – why it wasn’t done automatically via the launcher? Hell if I know.
Either way, please note that if your PC is strong enough to run full resolution HD textures (maximal texture quality), you have to manually install the HD textures separately! I am posting this here to make sure everyone remembers that, so you avoid the “WTF, tanks look lowres like shit on my new rig” questions on forums.
To install HD textures:
- you download them in a ZIP file (once it is available for EU/US client)
- you unpack them to WoT folder
- you have to run the client and set the texture quality to maximum
Wow. Manual texture installation, that is some stronk programink – that’s mod/cracked game stuff, not the besterest F2P game level.
I wonder SEA will have to do the same…..
Yep most likely.
wonder if every other server need to do the same :D
actully i like this idea. idc if my tank looks like junk lol i just wanna play the game xD
I do admit it’s kind of a ghetto solution but I don’t honestly mind it…seems kindda sweet and reminds me of the old modding days :D
Ohh WG…
Next time, do it from Launcher. Once we can tolerate this shit. But let it be ONCE.
working, I’m downloading…
as you say, stronk programink…
I would wait for official EU source in this case. God knows what else got fucked up.
“you have to manually install the HD textures separately!”
That means if i did not do anything, i won’t get unnecessary 1 GB of data.
…and no new light tanks….
If i did not DL the HD textures, new tanks will be LD quality
Or transparent quality :D
Best camo ever!
im not sure as there never was a SD model.
Anyone knows better?
The model will be the SAME. It is the texture that will probably be lower fidelity.
why cant they use a option in the launcher?
“select LD or HD tanks”
“select LD or HD textures”
something like that
That would require effort, my dear friend.
but WOWP already has it so i dont understand why we cant get this for WOT…
Effort and a bit of thinking – probably hard to do with a Vodka haze going on…..
Probably a last minute decision.
HD models don’t require that much performance… textures are mainly vRAM hungry.
So HD textures are only loaded if you run “max textures”? In other words running “high” with HD enabled or not is the same thing?
At least in patches 9.1 and 9.2 it wasn’t. Disabling HD textures without changing any of the graphics settings still was noticeable.
but we can play without it right?
muhaha, funny is that wowp got this option already in launcher for some time
it must be very very hard to copy it from wowp launcher into wot one.
are you crazy??? Who the hell even has this crap installed anymore?
Since it’s developed by different branch at a different place and programmed completely separately…
Yeah, you probably can’t imagine how tough that might be.
but maybe under the same roof !??!?!?!?!
No, I think that’s not the case – if I am not mistaken they are in a different country, even? Would need a double check, though.
Sharing engine work like most competent developers is what I expect.
There is NO saving them, this is a complete HUMILIATION.
whats going to be next? we need to make the 9.4 patch?
It would still be better than WG’s
in soviet russia update makes you?
Next time WG gives us the HD textures, and we must place them into the client using dozens of programs and files.
BTW WoT client is nothing else that the files of WoT zipped – you can simply unzip them and reach the same result as installing it
stronk russian programming skillz
it’s going to be like a lego setup
they give us all the pieces and files and we reconstruct the game in our PC
hmm then maybe we can buff the 113 and the e100 by our own :D
E 100 does not need a buff…
you know back in test server the e100 had a mausturm too what the germans planed that shit too, and i preefer that “shit” turret than the current heat magnet what impossible to angle correct to bounce heat with that 150mm side armor
I know…I know more then most people here.
This is one of my vids.
Here is how you angle E100 turret:
Thank me later. The E-100 turret is superior to the Maus one.
stronk rashan programink….we won’t get bettur programurs bekoz thej kan’t spik rashan and we alreadi emplojed aur besterest rashan komrades whu vill lern to program on aur multimiliun vorth gaem
It isn’t russian or rashan.
Get your facts straight!
nice one :D I think the launcher is outsourced/bought and not done by WG (as in some other games) so they cant alter it quickly by themselves. But a company with this kind of budget should be able to realize and deal with it sooner than on release day lol. Stronkerererestest rashan plenning. You komplein komrade? Gaem eez fri to plai, nyet? So you haf to daewnload and unpeck thiz like you do wit other gaemz you warez and pley for fri in rasha. All eez gud komrade.
TOo bad they dont get superior Ukrainian developers. People that coded Metro and STALKER, can, as long as there is a QA team, out program every other developer in the world.
Sooooo is this a compulsory download? Will the game run normally without it with SD textures? Well, they did always say that there won’t be a separate HD and SD client and they seem to be sticking to their word by doing… this.
Then again, I’m sure they always used to say that Engines and Transmissions will never be separated as well so yeah.
“this was done to save [...] computer space”
~oh noes~… 1GB, the horror!
” if your PC is strong enough to run full resolution HD textures (maximal texture quality)”
Doesn’t take a supercomputer. Recent integrated graphics could handle them pretty easily.
intergrated graphics…on a desktop yeah maybe…on a laptop…not really…
What integrated graphics can run this “optimized” crap on max settings?
Me want too!
Maybe the Cray Titan…
Maximum textures, not maximum overall settings.
I was using Intel HD 4600 (set to use maximum amount of shared memory, which was ~1280MB if I remember correctly), it ran WoT pretty well at 1920×1080 using settings similar to these: (and object quality maximum)
I keep hearing about how much better AMD’s integrated graphics are compared to Intel’s, so they might be able to do even better (and probably cost less)
Yep I have i5 (and no dedik. GK so only HD4600) and on standart renderer you can enjoy max texture settings at about 50-70fps (I have low res. screen)
Ahh… on standard…
You would be surprised how many players whine about HD texture size now they are implemented.
Super,nebudu to 1GB už muset ručně mazat.
So this is what people wanted, seperate HD models, right?
maybe this time WG RU is fail…(hopefully for once WG EU will not fail)
it will make Ru look bad, so nope eu wont make it
Looks like a fail from WG RU…
This is completely bizarre as WoWP already supports AND uses the SD/HD toggle in the Launcher.
When you install WoWP, you get the initial set of SD textures. In-game, if you try to set texture quality to Maximum it tells you you will have to exit, start the launcher and set the SD/HD toggle to HD.
When you do this, the launcher warns that it needs to download XYZ extra gb of data and once you confirm, it does so. Once it’s done, you can select Maximum texture.
If WoT isn’t doing this then there must be some seriously crossed wires between the different dev offices :-)
Probably last minute decision, that makes cross-implementing tough throughout branches…
Perhaps this could explain why my computer is able to run the current test server build at max settings and still be playable, but why the live server I cant use top settings.
Note to self, Get a new video card.
If your dumb enough to think that in game graphics are only related to the gpu….wot is very cpu intensive.
The only game without intense AI or physics that requires a lot of CPU power.
Bad WG. Bad.
Most MMO and MMORPG games are like that, single threaded POS because the game developers dont/cant/want to invest in a new engine. 10 years aho 20-40 fps might was acceptable, but nowday not fucking hell it is. Indirectly WG punish players who has better systems because the BigWorld POS dont utilize the hardware proper. In their russian minds, a dual core and a AMD 5770 is a “strongu sistema geming”.
My core i5 750, 4GB of RAM and 5770 say that they ARE STRONG.
IF the game was coded well. Here mate, look:
This is how far a 5770 goes. On a well made game, not WoT.
Public test didn’t have this thing, it had HD textures implemented.
Yeap … these and more are the last minute changes, those ones that tend to break the production/life version ;-) more low res HD tanks??
See my comment bellow
Sure most people is aware, but just in case, even HD is enabled, only the tank you are driving is rendered using the HD textures, the rest of the tanks use the LD textures. They ‘optimized’ in this way the client as WG indicated that is more important to see the enemy (even in ‘ugly’ mode) than struggling with your client and getting killed. (All the tank textures are loaded at the start of the match, remember when it used to take ages to get into battles if any player was driving a HD tank?)
So it seems that a tank always comes in two textures.
actually, its more than two textures… 1 for low, 1 for med, 1 for high and one for maximum texture quality = the HD one.
Only your tank uses HD texture, but the HD models (polygon count) are used on all tanks.
This is strange however… so is there any diffrence between high and maximum quality textures for non-tanks ? – objects and map textures ?
If yes, its weird, maps has HD textures, my tank has HD textures, all other tanks have high textures only ?
such programink, wow
Pingback: 23.9.2014 | For the Record
Apparently ALL of you are experts in programming, eh?
And still don’t know difference between Russia and Belorussia?
Pls tell us the differences!
I mean in lifestyle and culture, im interested!
Dont go there dweeb.
Look at what Gaijin can do.
Look at what 4A Games do.
Then tell me WG arent morons at coding. They are downright retarded in comparison.
More like they dont have enough skilled programmers because nobody wants to go a 3rd world city (minsk) and bust their ass off for coffe money. They cant outsource either because their processes are documented in poor russian and/or no documentations at all due to fear of western competitors.
WG and Belarus dont have the infrastructure to make a modern game, they lack alot of stuff that we in the west take for granted. I am not even sure WG has up to date hardware or software when coding. WOT has alot of potential but in terms of optimization and programming WG lack so fucking much and its apparent that WOT comes from a 2nd-3rd world non european and non-EU country.
Minsk is in the “2nd” world.
4A are Ukrainian. 4A Engine > CryEngine 3. 4A engine > FrostBite 3 BS engine.
So, Ukraine can make fun of AAA western developers but Belarus cant? I dont buy that.
So, Ukraine can make fun of AAA western developers but Belarus cant? I dont buy that.
Because The Ukraine has advanced as a society and its core way of thinking into a Western nation, Belarus is sucking on the Tit of Mother Russia…..that is why
Here is the thing, it seems to me that WG is affected by the same moronism that affects AAA Western Developers.
See CoD. Insane system requirements, game is ugly, runs like shit. 300+ million budget, 500 + people working on it.
Now see Metro Last Light. Much smaller requirements, runs better, its lowest settings are superior to CoD’s highest, done by 80 people, a budget of less then 10 million.
WG is the exact same moronic entity as Infinity Ward.
Sure there are meny western BS game developers having obsolete game engines. But WOT audience is much much bigger.
How WoWp which is not as good as wot
have the got demm option while you first download it says
Do you want the HD client with that size of GB’s
or do you want the SD client for better perfomance
How difficult is just copy the same command to wot’s launcher??? o.O
OP programmers as usual
Ha, with this change 98% arent even gonna use HD textures at all. First step to dropping HD alltogether? If only few ppl have them, the outcry will be too small to make a difference hehe. Stronk WG taktiks.
It’s not a change, probably one time occurence.
Whats the point having HD models and all facy graphics if the fps even on a high end gaming system takes a huge beating? You cant focus only on the pure eyecandy, but also make sure it runs smooth if the owners have good enough pcs. In wot HD is just a marketing term and since more than 50% of the players have old calculators they dont even use HD models or high settings to beginn with.
If you have a system for 1500 euros playing on all max in wot and get like 60-80 fps, with occasional fps drops, that is not acceptable, specialy when such a system would run bf4 at similar or better fps and that game looks 100x nicer.
The new HD models made little to no performance difference on any system I’ve played WoT on. HD textures would also have a minimal effect as long as you have enough VRAM.
The only tank model I’ve ever seen drop performance significantly was the Japanese tier 1 tank when it was first introduced (think it was caused by some error with the model).
patch 9.4
we will receive source code and will need to complie it ourselves.
patch 9.5
we will receive 9.4 source code and list of changes for 9.5. We will need to do the programming ourselves. compile the patch and release it.
patch 9.6
we will receive coordinations of some museum and will need to measure, model and implement new vehicles into game.
stronk developing skillz WG, indeed
I bet if you dont download the zip file, and enable ultra res textures ingame the client will crash…
patch 9.7 you have to host your own server in order to play :)
I like your 9.6 idea, would make the game develop much faster, actually (since community is more people).
Downloaded the zip and tried copying the files to res_mods/9,2… sadly its a no-go :(
Does this mean I only have to copy those tank textures to my res folder that refer to tanks I have? And should a later update not contain HD textures of own tanks I need not download it?
Does the HD textures even work on Standard grapics ? Im using Standard ultra right now.
Only idiots wanted HD models and textures because they didnt realise how much fps would get decreased. They thought their 5 year old toaster would still be suffiecient.
I wanted it and I dont care about fps loss…
Game looks much better and 50 fps is still good enough.
I dont need 90fps on 60Hz screen, besides the game looks like crap on low details.
those “10 noticable fps” were very much worth it :)
Problem is fps is gradualy decreasing more and more every patch so your 50 fps today will be 40 next patch.
I don’t see much difference between the HD and non-HD tanks so I would rather not load them if it makes my system run better.
Old render on high look better than new HD textures on low to medium…
I run max res and still don’t see a huge difference. Its not a “game changer” to me. It’s just MEH. I would rather see time spent on HD tanks spent on new maps and bigger maps.
True.. this pseudo HD models are not worth the ressources they put into.
They need to replace Z gerbils which power the game engine,
maybe they should switch to steam power, you knows! just to keep up like,
Or maybe upgrade to Drunken squirrel’s giving the order;s
We will see.
Over and out
Mr claypol
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fail wg.. as usual
Where’s the comparison ?