Thanks to Maiorboltach for the transcript.
Hello everyone,
the faster of you noticed that there was a video published, containing some information about the upcoming game changes. Then it was taken down and apparently, it will appear tomorrow. It’s nothing really new, it’s just a summary of the stream with Storm, which I already covered before. Just to sum up what was said in this video then:
- a definition of Havok: it will be used to model client-side beautiful destruction
- Havok will use a separate core thread, which will satisfy multicore PC owners, it will be optional
- the technology is ready, but now maps and objects have to be reworked for it, it’s a lot of work and it will take some time
- multicore support: right now, developers are working on transferring some client and graphic calculations to separate threads. It takes a lot of work, devs are working on it for quite some time and the work will not be finished anytime soon.
- multicore support will not be a magical solution to all performance problems, even though it might increase the performance by dozens of percent
- FV4202 will be made premium, it is not yet decided whether players will get it for free
- new motion physics will bring realistic tank movement, tanks will be able to perform “controlled drift”, it will be possible either to turn like now, or to make an U turn, but by doing that, you will lose speed
- tank “swinging” (when stopping or starting) was moved serverside and now it will be possible to shoot below or above your depression/elevation by sharply braking or accelerating (the gun will “jerk” upwards above the elevation for example)
- tanks will lose much less speed when going over small obstacles such as stones
- no ETA (when it’s done it’s done), but much of the work was finished already, currently the developers are actively testing, fixing bugs and polishing the model
- there will be a SD and HD texture split in the future the way it was made in 9.3 – SD textures have half the resolution and will be supplied as “standard” for everyone, while HD textures will be available for optional download. This was decided because there is very little difference between the ways HD and SD textures look.
- in the future, not only tanks, but maps as well will be reworked to HD model, for them, the HD textures will also be optional like for tanks
- crew skills/perks will be reworked in order to make all of them attractive, so players don’t have such an easy choice
- sixth sense will be removed as a perk and everyone will get it automatically, it will be tied to the radioman (or crewman with radioman’s role)
- it will be possible to retrain crewmen from one role to another
Anything about what to expect from future patches ?
ffs reading is not a difficult skill
9.4 and 9.5 you doufff , no information on 9.5 has been disclosed whatsoever , and thats why i’m asking .
9.5 – British MT/TD line (unless it was moved to 9.6) and partial Havok
Which Brit TDs? I mean, there are enough for both a 2nd Turretless (using the CGC as part of it) and a Turreted line.
Production TDs include the Archer, Avenger, Charioteer, Ram 3-inch, M10 Achilles.
Prototypes include the LT Mk V AT, Ram 3.7-inch, FV4004 Conway, Sexton AT, FV4003 Centurion AVRE, FV4401 Contentious.
Paper Projects include FV302 20-pdr TD.
Have you not been reading anything?
Its being split into the LL Line from the Stuart/Grant/Sherman/Firefly
And the 3 turreted TD’s up to the FV4004 Conway (Tier 9)
-sixth sense will be removed as a perk and everyone will get it automatically, it will be tied to the radioman (or crewman with radioman’s role)
Best news so far
Any ideas as to which patch this will change in?
Agreed, if you didnt take sixth sense on any tank you have in you garage, you were a donkey.
Just remove sixth sense from the game altogether, I dont like it at all.
yea, and spot system too, i don’t like it at all, since 2010 :3
“yea, and spot system too, i don’t understand it at all, since 2010 :3″
fixed it for ya
You can understand it, and still have completely bullshit spots.
I once hid in a bush with a batchat, and wash immediately spotted (top of Prokhorovka hill).
Same bush in an E50M, with enemies in the same spot? Invisible.
And that’s one of the countless anomalies I’ve had with the system.
You can never have exactly the same game in two different tanks, so that is no basis for comparison. Its most likely you were spotted getting into your bush, by a scout you hadn’t seen, and not by the tanks shooting at you.
Or give the Sixth sense only for light tanks.
Hello, there, donkey here (hate that skill, makes me dull).
Even worse donkey is player who forgets he doesn’t have 6th Sense on his tank because he’s used to having it on others.
I guess I’ll have to start using med kits to heal my radioman. (He dies a lot, but is never worth breaking out the 1st aid kit for)
poor kv5s :3
but what will they do whit players that alredy have six sense ?? will they give us free pick for another skill ? like they take six sense but give us to chose one skill or perk 100% ?
sry for bad english
This really. I’m hoping there will be a free skill reset for the commander, but am expecting that getting a free perk on all radiomen will be counted as enough of a benefit. Which it is when you think about it.
they will do a reset on all skills
that change will come with the new perks
I wonder if WG keep stats of gold spent on an account, because I don’t mind if they do a skill reset to pick new skill/perks on all that tanks that had Sixth Sense, but I sure as hell would like the 1000′s if gold back that I spent on resetting commander skills
How die first on tank crew? Radioman! So lest give him sixth sense! ->WG logic
On the other hand you can look at it as “Which crewman never receives a Med kit because he is useless? How can we make him useful and force the player to make a tactical decision if 2 crew are injured?” Putting valuable skills on the radioman is a good idea. Also vaguely make sense as he could be picking up radio chatter that they spotted you (not that I think that’s likely historical). Makes more sense than Commanders with psychic powers that know enemies can see him even though he doesn’t know enemies are there.
I still think 6th sense should also be changed to be 1) only notifies you if tanks that are spotted can see you. And 2) instant (based off the limitation in 1, and it would then be the crewman’s skill telling him that those tanks would be able to spot him).
makes sense.
Fuck that, now everyone is going to camp even more.
IKR it should be that only lights and mediums have that skill by default and heavies and TDs can train the skill.
Really, only lights should have it “by default”. While there are mediums of all nations that can and do make good scouts, they’re usually not in that role until the team’s lights are dead.
On the other hand, the default role (note I didn’t say “only” role, scouts make great assassins towards the end of the match for example) for most lights is scouting, so they’re almost always in places where they can potentially get counter-spotted. At the moment Sixth Sense is almost mandatory, especially on the slower lights that can’t necessarily duck and weave…whereas mediums can get away with not training it for a while if needed (it’s just not especially comfortable).
good bye to easy tier 5-6 matches. % 90 of the players does not have sixth sense in this tier. only the KV-2 and KV-1s (actually KV-85) fans who played over 200+ matches with that tanks can have it.
”multicore support: right now, developers are working on transferring some client and graphic calculations to separate threads. It takes a lot of work, devs are working on it for quite some time and the work will not be finished anytime soon.”
two words: retarded soviets.
Are you a developer yourself? Or perhaps you have no idea what you are talking about?
Nah… Just you know three guys developing wot ATM. So yeah it is understandable.
Do you have any idea what you’re talking about? Have you ever taken any courses on OS and multi-thread programming? Multiple threads working on the same problem need to make sure that they don’t get do things in the wrong order, or try to do the same thing at the same time, all while trying to minimize communication between threads, since that communication is very expensive, and the whole point is to make things faster.
Additionally, please remember that the program (WoT) cannot tell the OS how and when to run different threads, the OS makes those decisions, so synchronization is always an issue. At least Google multi-threading before you bash them.
Why is battlefield 3 and 4 true multicore? Why cant WOT be it?
New engine. BF is on a new ass engine. WoT was originally not.
The better question is:
1. How can modders get better mutli core support for a 14 year old engine. MODDERS.
Example: STALKER Lost Alpha
2. How can a small budget developer, when compared to WG and DICE (WG can buy DICE 40 times over BTW :P ) that is, make a more optimized engine then both WG and DICE (4A Games).
There is extensive support in any modern OS for multithreading so syncronization is really not an issue. The issue that everyone is raising is not that it’s easy it’s the fact that almost all the other engines have done it already ! Look at ancient engines like Valve’s Source, it has multiprocessor support and it scales very very well.
How most games make use of multicore CPUs is to render each frame alternatively on a CPU. Since most games are at least double-buffered, most are triple buffered, this means that the CPU is actually working on 2 frames ahead of GPU rendering the current frame. Downside is the input lag (1-2 frames input lag).
Consider this when you think about the engine, on my rig (8 core AMD + 560Ti) 1 CPU core sits at around 75% and gpu sits at around 60% in every single game, with vsync OFF. Which is stupid becasue vsync off means render as fast as you can and neither cpu and gpu are at 100%.
A better example on how bad the engine is, when we had Karl mini-game, the FPS was around 90 (my normal fps on most maps) when I would have expected like 1000 fps. It’s not about the poly count, it’s just bad bad bad engine.
You really have no idea do you. And no I’m not going to start a long discussion. Teaching this stuff takes weeks to really understand more than the basics, and that’s with the pre-requisite knowledge.
Why on earth would they render 1000 fps?
Also, basic primer
“it is not yet decided whether developers will get it for free”
and as for everyone else……;)
Yea, who cares about if the devs get it for free? Made me smile. :)
Fixed the typo :)
“- sixth sense will be removed as a perk and everyone will get it automatically, it will be tied to the radioman (or crewman with radioman’s role)”
Very nice! Currently the commander has too many skills to train. It become a burden sometime
If it is OP (too useful to players) then the answer isn’t to give it to everyone.
You know, for once I’d like to see that I can spot someone in my scout and not have them instantly run for cover (without anyone on my team being spotted) before anyone even moves into position to door them.
It’s bad enough already with all the city maps and corridors without even more people having a magical skill.
IMHO the best course of action would be to take it away from everyone (yes even my scouts, I’m not a hypocrite) and re-nerf the accuracy.
People can find out if they are spotted the old fashioned way: Euther seeing spotted enemies looking their way or shells pinging off the rocks around them.
Sure, some people will just camp, but they do that anyway. Let light tanks and fast mediums be the eyes for the team.
Oh hey, we just made light tanks revalent again!
Another possibility is to not have 6th sense trigger when a light tank(LT) spots you, and have a longer delay before 6th sense triggers when a medium tank(MT) spots you depending on the distance and camo of the MT. If an LT, MT, HT, and TD spot you at the same time, 6th sense that will activate normally like that for HTs and TDs (5-second-delay).
This makes LTs very valuable and dangerous as they can essentially remain completely hidden and set up better shots for arty and other tanks that need time to reposition/aim. MTs remain flexible and can fill in the role of the spotter if it is played like one (hidden and from a distance), but not when it is played differently (visible and up close).
Ok…so what are they going to do in terms of the massive crew XP everyone has spent training 6th sense (not to mention gold/credits to retrain at 100%)? That could be an issue….
Leave it to the players to use it for another skill/perk? Quite obvious, don’t you think?
If it is the first perk you get, it is not massive at all.
there will be a free reset i guess just like when they added all the new skills and perks (before that there was only rep. camo and firefighting)
“- sixth sense will be removed as a perk and everyone will get it automatically, it will be tied to the radioman (or crewman with radioman’s role)”
Worst news I’ve heard so far. This will make scouts ineffective. Either remove it or do nothing to it. Why give it to everyone? Disapproval…
I like to idea of having 6th sense by default. It makes it fair for everyone. But while they are at it, they might as well rework 6th sense a bit. For example, 6th sense only being triggered if the enemy would be visible had that cover (for instance: a single bush) not been there, or visible for an ally within your radio range had that cover not been there.
For example, there is a scout in a bush spotting you, and had that bush not been there you would have seen/spotted him, 6th sense will be triggered. There is a scout behind a bush spotting you, outside of your view range, but there is an ally within your radio range who would have spotted him would that bush not had been there, your 6th sense will be triggered. In all other cases, it wouldn’t have.
That could call for another perk: to intercept enemy radio transmissions, which makes your 6th sense work the way it does currently.
All perks are fair because everybody can get them anyways, as it is now.
I agree with Ferdi, but I also agree that if it’s given to everyone it needs to be reworked.
- new motion physics will bring realistic tank movement, tanks will be able to perform “controlled drift”, it will be possible either to turn like now, or to make an U turn, but by doing that, you will lose speed
- tank “swinging” (when stopping or starting) was moved serverside and now it will be possible to shoot below or above your depression/elevation by sharply braking or accelerating (the gun will “jerk” upwards above the elevation for example)
Potentially game breaking.
If people wanted to play Ground Forces they would, but it’s shit.
And how exactly is that game breaking? Real tanks can do exactly the same thing. If you drive forward and brake with your right track, the tank will pivot around the center of the right track. Which looks like a U-turn. Currently, you can’t do that in World of Tanks, while you should be able to. Same as the swinging/rocking when you stop or speed up. Real tanks do that. Hell, even cars do! Don’t forget its controllable, so you can chose when you want to brake with one set of tracks. It’s not as annoying as in WarThunder.
And what of the second point? The gun pitching up and down during detailed maneuvers makes for the tedious aiming found in War Thunder, giving the camper a major advantage. A nerf to hull down peekaboom is a nerf to skill.
this is happening even now… at least I thought so..
anyway, dont expect it to give you like 20 deg. depression or elevation.. it will be minor. Plus, you have to really stop from full speed to swing… while peekabboing at 10km/h it woundnt be that noticable I think… we can only guess… but Im glad they got it done and are actually testing it now…
As it is now, the swinging effect on accuracy is just emulated by reticule bloom; you can reduce it by tapping cruise control on and creeping forward slowly.
Same thing when they change how it works. I’d imagine they’ll get rid of some of the dispersion on the move, since the gun actually WILL be bobbing when the tank stops/starts, and creeping forward/stopping gently will prevent a lot of the bobbing from happening.
It’s potentially a “nerf” to anyone who doesn’t know how to counteract it, but it could turn out to be a buff (due to less dispersion when moving the hull) for anyone who knows how the system works.
you also forget modern real tanks have no lag, a crew of HIGHLY trained individuals controlling individual systems of a tank not all the systems at once. In addition real tanks have much better vertical stabilization and accuracy than in game. So REALISTICALLY tanks except for arty should be way more accurate than it is now in game.
I could have sworn I’ve done that dozens of times already. Guess it was my imagination.
Even see some youtubers do it.
- sixth sense will be removed as a perk and everyone will get it automatically, it will be tied to the radioman (or crewman with radioman’s role)
WG= idiots.
Getting the Perk is now a challenge. You need to fight and fight to get this ultimate skill.
Now every tomato will get it without doing nothing (+thinking to all the players who had to grind before to get it)
this is not only gamebreaking but totally unfair especially for good players
It is unfair for thos who have grinded skills and perks from the beginning. Noobs that dont want to train crew skills should not get such a powerfull perk as 6th sense.
Let’s make a petition!
Wut? Sixth Sense is incredibly overpowered, but at the same time it is necessary for the game to have significant amounts of aggression. Making it a default skill doesn’t take away from the challenge of grinding out perks, it just balances the most OP part of the game by providing it to everyone.
idk… this isnt a good thing imho.
there are tanks that really dont need it… maus for example.. ffs its a tank, supposed to lead charge… of course its spotted when 4 enemy tanks are shooting at it.
imho this was one of the best perks in the game.. it’s not that it is OP… problem is, all the rest is worthless comparing to this one.
Make other perks interesting …
Most OP? Lol, it is a fucking perk thats all regardless of effectivety. Whats wrong letting people grind that skill? Making perks default is just one step to dumb down the game for noobs. What about us who spend xp to train crews and reset for gold? Just because that perk is so good, it should be harder to obtain. I say, let BIA and vents decide the effectivness of the 6th sense. You have BIA and vents = 3 sec notifications, if not 10-15 sec delay.
The goal of perks is to give an advantage to veteran players over newbies and noobs.
It’s normal to get advantages by progressing.
But if you think it’s unfair, propose to WG to remove all skills, crew training and Tiers so everybody will be equally
equipped, no matter if they played for five more thousand battles.
Skills are the most important grinding feature in the game because they take so fucking long time to grind. If you dont grind tanks, crew skills are pretty much the only thing you grind and why you would want prem tenks and prem account. So yes, considering how long time it takes to get skills, 6th sense should not be default.
6th should be an advantage, but not to everybody, but to players who have played long enough to get the skill for one or several tanks. Its nothing unfair to let people grind in game which is designed around “griding”. Skill is actually your own abilities but features in the game itself which you earn/unlock. Not everybody should have everything when they are new. And 6th fucking sense is exactly a such perk that should be harder to obtain because it is so powerfull. That is why I wpuld wish that perks/skills should be more effective but also harder to obtain. I have used the same crew for 10k battles and paid gold to retrain and drop skills etc. So yes IMO I fucking think I deserve to have that competitive advantage over others that dont have trained crew skills. There should be an distinctive differance between the new players or the older ones that has played more and grinded more skills.
Just because Serb doesnt like 6th sense and thinks its bad, doesnt mean it should be default for all players. Dont like a perk, hell tweak it and/or make it harder to obtain so not everybody can have it. And trust me the majority of the player base (32-52%tomatos) dont know a shit about crew skills or equipment. They run all cammo, firefight and camo net and binos on tanks like tiger II and kv4. So yead if you are a dumb newbie noob fuck you dont deserve to get anything without griding and earning your traits.
I personly would want a refund for xp spent on getting 6th sense as well as a refund for skill reset when I switched 6th sense from 1st skill to 2nd and vice versa.
Damn noobs making competitive elements less and less common in this game. Soon I bet WG will remove crew skills as a whole because they are “unfair” and introduce generic BS perks not allowing older and more skilled players to have a advantage. I wouldnt sell my 7 skill crew for 100k euro even…
As for other skills/perk beeing “useles” that is not true, they all give an advantage ever so slightly. Its just that it takes so retardedly long time to get skills past 3rd skill so people fool themselves into believeing that you dont need them. I have driven elited tanks on test server without 4-7 skills crew and you can really feel the differance.
Send your text to devs, it’s great. :)
The feels man, I completely agree, the unicorns like us are being hunted down. and when everyone is special, no one will be.
Comrade, this is essence of glorious Communist utopia – everybody gets Sixth Sense! Does not matter if they work for or deserve it. We should thank our great patriotic leaders at WG for freeing us from oppression of Bourgeoisie players who earned the perk through hard work and patience.
“Getting the Perk is now a challenge. You need to fight and fight to get this ultimate skill.”
You were wrong, there, but then you went and corrected yourself. Good for you.
Getting Sixth Sense is not a challenge; it’s an inevitability.
Sooner or later, whether it takes 500 or 1000 or however many battles, you will eventually get it. “Fight and fight”, indeed.
There’re no special conditions to fulfill to obtain it; actually getting it hardly qualifies as a “challenge”. It’s simply an exercise in patience.
I agree, this is a bad idea. Sixth Sense is one of the strongest perks in the game. it separates players who have played many games in a tank and thereby gained a lot of experience, from those who have not.
Uh, this made me chuckle:
“Havok will use a separate core thread, which will satisfy multicore PC owners”
They make it sound like multicore CPUs are a very rare thing… in 2014.
“multicore support: right now, developers are working on transferring some client and graphic calculations to separate threads”
Graphic calculations to be done by the CPU? Sure, didn’t need that GPU anyways.
“multicore support will not be a magical solution to all performance problems, even though it might increase the performance by dozens of percent”
It’s not the magical solution but in the same sentence they say dozens of percent? How is dozens not a lot?
But of course, it’s not like two/four cores could theoretically increase the performance by up to 200/400%…
“Graphic calculations to be done by the CPU? Sure, didn’t need that GPU anyways.”
actually yes…
GPU is stupid. It’s fast but stupid.
You need CPU to tell GPU what to do and when. Where to load textures from, what to draw, etc. GPU doesnt understand DirectX for example… it only understand hw level instructons. (like mantle on amd cards)
TLDR; sure you do need legs for walking… but you also need a brain to tell your legs they should move now…
” How is dozens not a lot?”
Pretty much this^^
it is a lot., people are overclocking their rigs to get 3-5fps more …
if multicore can bring at least 10% increase without touching the HW, it would be nice.
My favorite argument to these “only dozen % difference” bullshits is a bit off topic but works.
A. Why do players run premium fuel on some tanks?
B. …
A. For that “dozen” difference.
“Havok will use a separate core thread, which will satisfy multicore PC owners,”
ROFL, you are fucking kidding me ?
Rework entire fucking engine, not just add another thing to run in another core…
This same as telling us “this engine doesnt support multicore cpus, but you can open powerpoint or winamp or anything else and set affinity to different core while playing WOT” …
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
game doesnt support multicore… so they will add havok running on another core.
and call it multicore ? where the fuck did they forget fork(); try{}, catch{} etc…
adding standalone feature running on different core is not parallel programming…
wait, havok is optional, if I turn it off, Im still running on single core…
Does it mean, multicore is optional as well and we can turn it off by turning off havok ?
- crew skills/perks will be reworked in order to make all of them attractive, so players don’t have such an easy choice
loader skills! loader skills! i have a bunch of loaders who are 100% BIA, and did not choose anything as second perk because there is not anything useful…
“- sixth sense will be removed as a perk and everyone will get it automatically, it will be tied to the radioman (or crewman with radioman’s role)”
That means everyone will have 6th sense, and future skills/perks that are connected to the 6th sense will be radioman skills/perks, right?
“loader skills! loader skills! i have a bunch of loaders who are 100% BIA, and did not choose anything as second perk because there is not anything useful…”
try some camo and repair maybe :P but apart from them u r right.
“That means everyone will have 6th sense, and future skills/perks that are connected to the 6th sense will be radioman skills/perks, right?”
Related to what was said before, you will have 6s when ur radioman reaches 100%. If he dies u will lose it for the battle as in it will be a “main perk” for the radioman like reloadspeed is for the loader.
good luck without repir and camo
I suspect the rework will consist of nerfing the current “good” perks/skills and keep the not so popular untouched. Just like WG wants to buff LT view range by nerfing all other tanks view range. Good logic…
“- sixth sense will be removed as a perk and everyone will get it automatically, it will be tied to the radioman (or crewman with radioman’s role)”
What the actual f-word?! O.O
Totally idiotic. Make people grind perks as usual ffs.
“developers are working on transferring some client and graphic calculations to separate threads”
- This is not true multicore support like bf3/bf4. The main “game” will still be run on one core only that some features will be run on other cores. If im not wrong true multocore games use all cores the same time. This “multicore” they speak about is just like on other old games, where main game is run on one core and textures, sound and physics are run on additional cores. One core will still be maxed out though, just like it is now.
So in theory, yes the game will still be single threaded because only some parts of the game will be run on other cores. That is maybe why they believe it will be such a small performance increase.
You are very wrong. Multicore is a misnomer. Basically programs can be written to use 1 or more threads. How the OS schedules those threads is entirely up to the OS. You cannot just split up everything across multiple cpus, because of a host of issues, mainly synchronization. What happens instead is programmers look at their code, see what things they can split up into separate functions that will need minimal communication to synchronize and give those threads to the OS to split amongst its processors.
It is bullshit. Main game will still tax the cpu alot more than textures and physics. This is not the multicore we mean. We speak about multicore like it is in bf3/bf4 where all cores are taxed equaly more or less. The program (WOT) can use many cores, but only textures and physics will be run on other cores, nothing else.
What perk/skill does the commander get as a refund to 6th sense? Because my 7th skill is on 72% and I would like to have something else than mentor and firefight.
- multicore support will not be a magical solution to all performance problems, even though it might increase the performance by dozens of percent
The more i read this horseshit the more it looks like they have no idea how to do it and are using all the possible excuses to postpone it and make it look like nothing special. Few dozens of percent is not much? Seriously WG. Fuck off. You’ve milked enough cash from this lucky project. Now sell it to someone whos brain is not soaked in vodka who will make it right.
“dozens of percent”
12%, 24%, 36%, 48%, 60%…. all those seem like a significant performance gain.
Optimizing things like fire particles will have a greater impact in exchange for much less dev time, so yes, optimizing the threading of the program has not been necessary for a while, since there was much optimizing to be done with the render system. As they are now having a reduced number of optimizations for the render system, more dev time can be focused on finding ways to thread out certain parts of the game.
fire particles ? ther eis no such thing in WOT.
Fire is all sprites. Just like in Duke Nukem 3D or Doom 2 …
This was confirmed by wg.
splitting the UI to another thread would help too.. right now I get 5 fps more just by turning off UI via “V” key. Stupid Flash overlay…
Just what I’ve thought. Who can write shit like that and keep a straight face? A programmer worth his salt definitly not. HDD and CPU power was and remains the primary bottleneck for the game’s performance and it has been proven time and again. Effectively using 2+ processors instead of just 1, to do the same process and share the load is automagically going to solve a fuckton of the client’s overhead issues without any client optimizations (remember you need about 4GHz+ on a single core to actually get decent performance). Add in optimizations (which you should do regardless of multicoring or not) and even your lowest-end customers get a metric fuckton of joy out of your game, while your top-end customers can do some crazy graphics shit with your engine, free cam mods and replays, giving you free advertisement!
“sixth sense will be removed as a perk and everyone will get it automatically, it will be tied to the radioman (or crewman with radioman’s role)”
my. ass.
i dont choose bia for first skill because sixth sense. now if they remove it, can i have an useless skill instead please? sixth sense is one of the very few skills that actually worth something.
gj wg, new level unlocked
“is one of the very few skills that actually worth something”
its not that its OP, its the rest of the skills are totally worthless.
2% radio range, are you kidding me ?
2% view range ? – seriosuly ? whole two percent, wow.
make other skills viable and interesting.. not just giving away one for free…
quote: “sixth sense will be removed as a perk and everyone will get it automatically, it will be tied to the radioman (or crewman with radioman’s role)”
you WoT mate?!?!?!?!
gold ammo becomes a issue, give gold ammo to everyone – gold ammo becomes a problem
6th sense becomes a issue? give it to everyone – guess what …
giving it to radioman is good idea… there are almost no useful skills exclusive to radioman…
giving it to everyone ? nope… this is not WoT Shitz! or whatever is that cellphone game called..
perks should be earned…
although slight learning curve overhaul would be nice… getting 4th skill takes almost forever…
“gold ammo becomes a issue, give gold ammo to everyone – gold ammo becomes a problem”
Not really the same thing. “gold” ammo was an economic advantage. If you could afford to spend real money on the game you could buy an advantage. It had nothing to do with skill or earning it in the game. Don’t get me wrong, I think it should be limited to say 10-20% of any given load out, but it made it fair that people were not disadvantaged by real world economics.
It’d be much better if they just removed 6th sense all together… I understand this game isn’t a simulator but 6th sense is ridiculously unrealistic. I really hope they decide not to make this mistake.
well radio man could theortically “tune” enemy radio frequence, hear that they can see you, reporting your position etc…
6th sense is a good mechanic, it encourage tenks to move on the battlefield and take cover while beeing spotted and hence keep beeing alive and make more potential damage. What is fucked is that everybody should get it wihtout putting time into grinding skills.
In fact I think 6th sense is needed because you never know whos lurking behind bushes. 6th sense is a counter do bush wankers just waiting to rape tanks moving on the battlefiels. I say make 6th sense not working if you are camping for a longer period. Because if you camp, you dont deserve to have advantage of any skills.
Also, what perks/skills are realistic in wot? :S.
I don’t think so. Let’s talk about gaming experience , when you moving on the battlefield and there are bushes. As a player, you must use your experience and decide to make a go or not. The uncertainty of making a decision base on missing info is what make it attractive, just like when you gamble in a casino. Furthermore ,when i say “use your experience” i mean something like this: You look at the detected enemies, then see who is missing, now check the map and guess where could the missing enemies be. That analyzing make a player feel good (smart) It’s bring satisfaction which make he/she want to play the game. But now a light bub, literally, try to take that experience away.
6th sense only good mechanic for teaching people how to use camo, cover, spotting stuffs. Therefore it should only be enable on low tier only. It’s should be remove from tier 6 upward.
- multicore support will not be a magical solution to all performance problems, even though it might increase the performance by dozens of percent
People never expected a “magical solution to all performance problems”, they wanted the “dozens of percent increase”.
“- multicore support: right now, developers are working on transferring some client and graphic calculations to separate threads. It takes a lot of work, devs are working on it for quite some time and the work will not be finished anytime soon.”
2014. “Multi-core support is hard”
so. its already a passive skill for the radioman…..
but Miho Nishizumi is a commander and had a six sense! :v
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Nice if the 6th sense is working only when radioman base skill is 100%… it need now gold to retrain for new tank or SS will be lost for some battles before grinding it back to 100%.
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