- Storm confirms that the Sixth Sense rework (its transfer to the radioman, activated when radioman training hits 100 percent) will happen in medium future (SS: that usually means cca 6 months)
- developers considered removing Sixth Sense completely, but decided not to do it, because it would break current gameplay too much
- there are no specific statistics of the lifetime effect of Sixth Sense perk, as it was introduced very long time ago
- the desired result of the Sixth Sense rework, according to Storm: “So everyone has it”
- perks will be reworked completely
- after the rework, if the radioman gets killed, the Sixth Sense will stop working
- the “reasoning” of Sixth Sense being a radioman ability: “Radioman intercepts the enemy transmissions about the discovery of his tank”
- the perk rework will come with crew skill reset
- Storm admits that the Chinese branch is full of clones, but: “without Chinese branch, we wouldn’t be able to enter the Chinese market at all” (SS: so basically, since WG is already estabilished at EU, it’s “fuck you” to the Euroserver countries)
- new French tanks? “No comment”
- mod-like minimap (with tank descriptions)? “when it’s done it’s done”
- Storm admits he is not knowledgeable in special aspects of WoT development: “It would be a mistake to assume that I understand tank history and characteristics as a history consultant, programming as a lead programmer, game design as a lead game designer etc. I have knowledge, but the specialists know much more in their respective fields than me.”
- Storm claims that WG Japanese medium branch was made possible by a WG employee and not 3rd party (SS: Storm is either a liar, or he doesn’t know what’s going on, because the data for Japanese branch were given to WG by two US server players: Soukoudragon and Daigensui)
I wonder how WGEU employees feel when you call Storm a liar. Do they actively go and tell Storm you shat on him again, or do they laugh? Oh, so curious.
I “like” how you omit the second part and stick only to the liar ;)
c) they do nothing like always do.
The funny part about SS accusing WG about their ignorance on some subject is the fact that his own insider TIME and TIME AGAIN proves that not only WG knew about the subject long before SS ever found out, that they already covered it and came to some resolution.
It’s basically guesswork on the SS part and he is really bad at it. Just because WG doesn’t tell anything to anyone outside (as any fucking reputable company does in the world) doesn’t mean they are incompetent.
WG EU excluded because, of course, fuck EU.
While on the subject of EU, complaining that EU has no tank tree is rather stupid, both German and British trees are part of EU and they are large and magnificent.
What he is trying to say is how come no Czech tree, and we all know answer to that.
Rework skills? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Why? most of the skills are partially or completely useless. i have tanks where i did not choose anything to 2nd or 3rd skill, because there is nothing useful (for me)
It never hurts to improve the basic skills. C’mon.
Somewhat yes,
Most of perks and skills have little impact on gameplay aside from sixth sense and 3 basic skills (repair,camo&BiA)
- after the rework, if the radioman gets killed, the Sixth Sense will stop working
Meh, now it would actually make sense to bring that dead geezer from the dead!
exactly. C’mon, honestly, who has ever repaired a regular Radio dude? Waste of a repair kit.
poor KV-5 :D :D :D
That tank just got (indirectly) nerfed again :)
KV-5 radioman will yell all the time: “we are spotted!” “we are spotted!” “we are spotted!” “we are spotted again!”
More like we r spoted,.. thats it,.. One simply does not disapear from enemy radar in kv-5 since spoted
well…till we shoot his R2D2. that’ll shut him up..again =D
Phew, good thing I bought that E-25 :D
Bye bye KV-5 – your future will be ….. in the scrapyard!
Finally he’s no longer some useless random guy just occupying space.
Radio man was great! had the Situation awareness skill inreased view range by 10% or 40m in most tanks
It’s only 3% so 12m.
Skilled or not, I still not heal him :))
- the desired result of the Sixth Sense rework, according to Storm: “So everyone has it”
Don’t like that, if every scrub has it, the gameplay will change massivly when they know when they should back off.
The game gets always easier for the Braindead people and harder for the ones which have common awareness
The game gets always easier for the Braindead people and harder for the ones which have common awareness
And that’s actually their goal all along – game for the masses.
But I don’t think that it will do much harm, those braindead with tunnelvision tend to ignore enemies right next to them anyway :)
Thats BS. Players who have it had to GRIND TO GET IT. That means putting in the battles needed to EARN the SKILL. Giving it away to ever random tard in the game is just saying her ya go, keep on being a baddie and dont learn shit.
mhh what do they learn now by pressing the battle button till the got the 200k crew exp?
they still need to get the radioman to 100% for the perk to work. it doesnt take that long I know, but it’s still not for free for everyone…
problem is, now when I retrain crew to different tank, this perk will stop working untill I get it to 100% again. Unlike other perks…
Yes and while doing that they got hopefully better skilled, so when everybody gets it for “free” it will still require something more.
Sixth sense only gives you an information, it is up to the player to act on it accordingly (and that does not always mean to back off the way you drove in), also there is the delay, so tomatoes driving full speed somewhere will still get shot to pieces.
And what if more players suddenly get better/more aware because of it? Good, you might be glad to have better players in your team too from time to time ;)
Good lord man, cheer up. You have a point, but it is nothing to be angry about.
I’m not angry at all, but yeah, it may look like it from that post :)
And i AM angry, because it will dumb the game beyond all expectations.
And it will make me pay less money, because i’ll have to grind less crews. Why bother with 210kxp on first perk if you get it for free. Why bother with premium time then?
Yes, because Sixth Sense is the only useful skill/perk the commander gets.
We’ll just ignore Jack of all Trades, camo, repairs, Recon and BiA.
Particularly camo and repairs, they’re utterly worthless and definitely not the most easily-abused skills in the game depending on what they’re on.
sixth sense only tells you when you are spotted, not for how long you are spotted. you still need a brain to use the perk so it wont be so bad
it’s just a trick to make people retain with gold the RadioMan, now it’s a must.
I guess they found the radioman to be the less ‘trained by gold’ crewmember. However, many higher tier tanks lack an individual radioman so I dunno, but I guess the truth is around here somewhere.
But take the good part guys, this means a free extra skill for any of us that already have the 6th sense on all our mid-high tier tanks.
In the Xbox version everyone has sixth sense to start with…it felt really shit…and dumbed down to oblivion
- the “reasoning” of Sixth Sense being a radioman ability: “Radioman intercepts the enemy transmissions about the discovery of his tank”
LIES!!!! they just want people to stop ignoring the DJ when he gets hit
True, there are many economical reasons they made this change. And no, if they wanted to scrap 6th sense or give it to everyone by making it a in game function they would have done it. But it wouldnt be as profitable though.
WG are smart, because they fool most of the community into thinking they rebalance for the sake of players enjoyment. That is bullshit. They first feed us a lie and then come up with a solution that should all make us happy and keep spend gold.
I have never used first aid kit on my radioman. This rework might change it.
Nope. Still not use it on him(her) anyway.
The KV-5 will ALWAYS be blind with the new 6th sense system.
Good night sweet prince.
Yeah because it was a tank that really relied on not being spotted….
Exactly this.
I would think any KV-5 driver worth having on the team would always assume they’re constantly spotted because really…look at the size of the thing and its common combat ranges.
Do I need more lines to explain WG?
wasn’t that a self portrait?
you actually need more columns instead.
“- Storm claims that WG Japanese medium branch was made possible by a WG employee and not 3rd party (SS: Storm is either a liar, or he doesn’t know what’s going on, because the data for Japanese branch were given to WG by two US server players: Soukoudragon and Daigensui)”
If that’s true then the Chi Ri would have the 88mm gun.
If you are smart you would still use the autoloader…
The Chi-Ri NEVER had and was never planned to have an 88mm gun.
Wasn’t it an 8 cm gun? not an 88 mm. Even if they decided to introduce such a gun, it would still be a bad choice (Considering that 85 mm guns only have 30-70 more damage than 75/76 mm guns I doubt it would be such a big upgrade as some think.)
Japan designated 88 mm as 8 cm. Probably because it was the only gun with an 80s mm caliber.
I seem to remember dai herself saying that the 88 will be worthless on the chi ri since the only available 88 had roughly 132pen.
140 mm at most.
“(SS: so basically, since WG is already estabilished at EU, it’s “fuck you” to the Euroserver countries)”
Considering that Germany, France and Germany are in EU, we already have three lines in the game. As much as I would love to see the other EU tanks in game, I think that they are entitled to make such a business decision, whether you like it or not.
I think one of the Germanys should be the UK but hey nobodys perfect.
I’m on EU cluster, don’t get me wrong, but I couldnt care less about EU tree… c’mon
guys, it would be full of clones just like chinks.
italian leopard with autoloader ? its still modification of leopard…
some of cz/sk tanks are already in game, hetzer, pz38t, …
I’m all for new vehicles, but for god sake make ‘em somehow unique. Not justa stupid clone with 1 degree less traverse and 1° more gun elevation under different flag.
T-54 clones anyone ?
T-34, T-34-1 -2 -3 -xyz Type 58, … all same boring shit.
This. Fuck copypaste tanks. There’s war of clones in War Thunder already, we don’t need it here. No, my nation is not in WoT and I don’t give a single shit. They’d better develop the Japs and French that are already in the game and neglected instead of introducing farfetched out-of-the-ass Italians or Czechs that maybe 5% of the playerbase gives a damn about.
If you think the T-34-1 and -2 are T-54 clones you might have to go take a second look, they are actually pretty unique.
(and no, the T-34-2 isn’t a T-44 either.)
It’s not about the list, but about the idea of copypaste tanks. Think before posting.
i think he meant that the t34-1, and -2 are t34 clones, other than that, i dont know(yes i know that those tanks were “actually chinese ideas(great turrets)). the t34-3 IS a t54 clone imho, just with a bigger gun
I dont care if 1% or 90% playerbase gives a damn.
As far as these vehicles are unique, interesting to play, bring em on!
But why introducing new tanks that have just different texture color and crew flag in garage just because some brainwashed patriot wants them…
I’m interested in unique vehicles.. fuck bring Uganda tanks if they are interesting, I dont know, maybe they are wooden and can swim…… who cares about the nation, as far as it isnt copy paste.
…as for this.
- Storm claims that WG Japanese medium branch was made possible by a WG employee and not 3rd party (SS: Storm is either a liar, or he doesn’t know what’s going on, because the data for Japanese branch were given to WG by two US server players: Soukoudragon and Daigensui)
Of course WG is going to lie about it for “plausible deniability” just in case either one of those two ever come up with a “How bout my Royalites” lawsuit or even the threat of one.
And why would either of us do that? It’s not like we signed up as paid consultants.
..I would stress more on the “Claim Credit” bit more than “Gimme Teh Loot”. always nice to be acknowledged by someone-thing more powerful, not so much nice when being “plausibly denied”
You know of all the changes WG has proposed over the last 2 years I have been playing, I have just accepted them and moved on. This however, pisses me right off!!! Great now 6th sense will be tied to a crewmen that dies every 2 seconds, especially in a medium tank.
Seriously SS, stop whining so much about the Chinese tanks.
Fucking they may look boring, but their gameplay is unique and fun.
Go and play them FFS.
And yes, there IS a difference between the Chinese market and the EU one. A BIG difference. WG, unfortunately (though I LOVE my Chinese tanks and consider them to be a good thing for WoT) had to comply.
I would trade current chinese tanks to have japanese tds and artillery in the game.
I wouldn’t. Though I would be happy if both China and japan received their TDs soon :(
And how about you stop whining instead? It’s what Storm said about them, not me FFS.
I guess poor readers mistaking you for Storm or thinking you’re a WG employee will still be FTR’s plague forever…
“(SS: so basically, since WG is already estabilished at EU, it’s “fuck you” to the Euroserver countries)”
It is not the first time. (@turawanaa) I do manage just fine with English, thank you.
SS, denial much?
If what you wrote is everything Storm said about the matter, then it IS about you, SS.
China makes sense in the economic view point, and it is hell of a lot easier to make a tree for one country than it is for a bunch of countries with fragmented amount of tanks and nationalities. Not to mention that there are already 3 European countries in the game.
You are whining because WG delayed what YOU want.
I was forced to play chinks just for the SP mission.
It was awesome – when I finally got to tier 6, got the xp i needed and sold the tank for parts killed the crew and sold their organs, burn their uniforms and laughed at their grieving widows.
never ever again… that type whatever number is just stupid T-34 clone.. yeah yeah, 2 degree less traverse, 2km/h more, which it will never reach under its own power anyway, 5 less damage 2 more penetration … seriously… chinese tree is definition of boring. They could as well introduce whole nation in form of camo pattern you would be putting on respective tanks.
wanna chinese tier 1? put this camo on renault ft, wanna another, put chinese camo pattern on stuart, t-34, IS, …
You never played WZ-111 1-4, T-34-1, 121 and WZ-120, 113, WZ-132 and 110.
You might as well have said nothing. Denied.
No, I haven’t. No force on the earth is gonna make me to suffer entire tree up to tier 10. 6 was enough for me. I dont like soviet tanks at all. Apart from KV-2 which is fun. Chinks are just clones. At least they were up to tier 6 or 7.
What do you mean I might as well said nothing ?
just because I haven\t played those 5 tanks ? The first part of the tree made my opinion and chinks will never get another chance :)
Good for you then. Unlike you I played Chinese and Soviet tanks. Their tier 7+ (tier 6+ for lights) are completely different.
Basically, I dont take your uninformed opinion seriously. But seeing that you also dont like Soviet tanks, I guess it can slide. You and I are vastly different players.
Because some of the Chinese tanks past tier7 are the most unique tanks to have come out in the game since patch 7.1 (patch that brought autoloaders)
Slow meds with huge heavy guns? You won’t find that anywhere else in the game.
Very fast, almost medium tank fast heavies with great firepower? Not seen since French heavies, and even then, they don’t have autoloaders and compensate with more armor.
You played the lend-lease part of the branch, and missed out on the real Chinese developed tanks. You’re missing out.
Also, could you stop using “chinks” ? That’s incredibly disrespectful.
I know this is the internet and all, but using racial slurs constantly is just obnoxious.
If everyone gets sixth sense, then the noobs are going to camp even more knowing that they’re spotted! With the teams I played with last night, I think WG needs to add another back row so they can hide more.
Well, you’ll need your radioman trained to 100%. I think the most unbrained part of playerbase gets 50% crew every new tank. Shit, I’ve done this through my first 4 tiers a year ago :D
1st 4 tiers is okay IMHO.. its a waste of credits to retrain them for those 5 battles you are gonna play to get to another tier… I’m only retraining crew from 5 above…
you forgot the wallet warriors.
dont underestimate wallet warriors. they will punch your tank/papier armor with stronk glorius soviet gold shell!
43% WR tenk shoot 330 mm of skill….very nice balance. And on top of that they use autoaim and “gold perk”.
so nothing usefull today again….
chinese tanks are copied mostly on lower tiers t1-6.. after that they are just resembling soviets.
- after the rework, if the radioman gets killed, the Sixth Sense will stop working
radiomen were complaining much… now more repair, more credit spend, less credit in bank, more gold buying, more $$ in wg pocket.. not much but it adds up
In my opinion the 6th sense rework was needed. I think it’s great that WG tries to make this game as realistic as possible by changing it to the radioman.
HOWEVER, I do NOT like that you only get it when your radioman reach 100% in the main skill. It makes zero sense to me that a radioman with 99% in the main skill should not have it. I think it would be a lot better if sixth sense always worked (since they want everyone to have it anyway) even if your radioman has 50% in the main skill. It could work like it could take longer if your radioman is worse, for instance, now it takes 3 seconds when your crew has 100%. If your radioman has 64% it could take like 4.5 seconds for the 6th sense icon to pop up.
This way it will be less pay to win and it would also make a lot more sense it my opinion.
“This way it will be less pay to win and it would also make a lot more sense it my opinion.”
it would not be pay to win at all if they kept is as regular “grindable” perk. You cannot buy those with gold.
HAHAHA, this 6th sense change is pay to win in the purest form because now, you cant pay gold to get 100% 1st skill, only the base crew to 100%. Also have 6th sense or any perk/skill by default is just stupid. Grinding skills and perks are vital parts of all MMO games and it should stay like that. Nobody should get any benefit by default or by paying money. This is a nerf to dedicated players who grind skills.
Also realistic? Arcade games have arcade functions and theres no reason to have realistic skill/perk in WOT because simply, none of them are kinda realistic to beginn with.
- new French tanks? “No comment” …
Give me more frenchies!
“- perks will be reworked completely”
“- the perk rework will come with crew skill reset”
Finally, it was about time!
hopefully something more useful than 2% traverse spedd on rough ground, or 2% signal range …
Either that, or they will nerf currently popular skills/perks so the others will seem like better.
Ha, the radioman, up until this change the least likely crewman to be revived, suddenly gets a visit from the medic.
Other than E-50M, all my other meds will have radioman work on the loader anyhow by tier 10, therefore, I really could not give less of a shit given I’m there or nearly so on all lines now, and almost no tier 10 heavies have radiomen either…
…Sudden feeling this is an indirect nerf to non-Leo German Tier 9s/10s. Good, they kind of needed it with how badly they were buffed by HEAT mechanics nerf and removal of frontal transmission fires.
I don’t think Silentstalker has ever tried to play the Chinese tanks, they are not as retardedly broken as some of the Soviets, but that makes them very, very different. (Russkimediumbias railguns versus the Chinese blunderbuss)
Well, if your radio man is also the loader, then healing him will both make 6th sense active again as well as his performance of loading. So yes, those tanks with dedicated raiomen will have a harder time because if they lose the radioman, they lose 6th sense and if they use med pack they cant heal other important crews. Many german tanks have 5-6 crews , all have dedicated roles and/or 2 loaders.
They need to really rethink crew deaths. Yhere are far too many crew deaths that are just far too crippling. Now radio man will be critical on top of gunner and loader(s). If the crew death penalties were reduced to 25% it might be ok, but as it is now, it is just too crippling.
get jack of all trades, it will be reduced to 25% …
I dont see why it should be critical… are you all guys getting 6th sense on all tanks ?
why ?
who cares if he dies on a heavy… you are supposed to be in the first line. of course they see you. There is a lot of tanks where 6th sense is useless or “situational” at the best.
Enjoy grinding your stocks gentlemen, now they don’t have 6th sense for 40k exp in addition to being worthless stocks.
Yeah, I wonder how come nobody is mentioning this. Instead, they all cry about other players getting it “for free”…
We cry because we can see where tha game is heading at, all for fast and easy money. You really think WG made this 6th sense bullshit to make the battlefield “fair”? No, they made it so every noob can pay 200 gold and get a radioman with a very powerfull and popular skill, and immagine many players doing that for multiple tanks as well as retrain crew for 200 gold when moving it to another tank. It will be alot of spended gold. Its easy to understand, take one of the most popular perks and make it a default function by paying 200 gols or grinding crew to 100%.
It is a huge slap in the face for those players that have actually grinded the perk.
- Storm admits that the Chinese branch is full of clones, but: “without Chinese branch, we wouldn’t be able to enter the Chinese market at all” (SS: so basically, since WG is already estabilished at EU, it’s “fuck you” to the Euroserver countries)
Total bullshit for this, they already entered chinese market far before chinese line exist.
“- Storm claims that WG Japanese medium branch was made possible by a WG employee and not 3rd party (SS: Storm is either a liar, or he doesn’t know what’s going on, because the data for Japanese branch were given to WG by two US server players: Soukoudragon and Daigensui)”
Im affraid thats true, if you have the time, look in the NA forums, the earliest concepts of japanese branch are from Soukodragon where he correctly predicted which tank goes where and the equipment setting, tank names and guns, and this was long long looong before the japanese branch was even considered, it was pretty popualr in teh NA forums and that managed Souko to be contacted by WG Minsk:
Canoneer, one of WG’s employees, took the time and contacted soukodragon about it and they researched most of the tree using information available from tankôbons and military magazines which are commonly used in japan
in the end, Both Soukodragon and daigensui got paid by WG in the form of premium time, tons of gold, premium tanks and so on, however Daigen was also given a wiki staff position, and Souko decided to retire after a certain incident with Daigensui, if i can recall correctly
and even so, i dont like your pungent ignorance
We’re not paid consultants, we’re volunteers.
Also, Soukou’s RL is very rocky with a lot of projects to handle, thus his semi-retirement. He and I still talk about Japanese vehicles when he’s online.
well, there you go, you heard it from the lady herself :)
WG moves 6th sense to the radio man to boost sales of large medkits. CONSPIRACY!!!!
Well, many will just pay 200 to get radio man to 100% and yes to sell more med packs because people generaly dont heal the radio man. Remember, there is always a economical reason behind WGs rebalances.
Hey SS,
do you know this? Isnt this a better GWE?
It’s probably fake.
I’m just wondering what other “improvements” can they make to the game to get more money out of the tomato’s. How about a button whereby the commander and gunner auto-aim at an enemy and fire for you. Naturally it will be a “premium” item, but will do much less damage, for balance reasons you understand. After the accuracy buff in 8.6, the world of corridors maps, and now everyone has 6th sense, what other changes can they make to ruin it in their clamour for money!
Well, 6th sense for “everyone”, gold ammo for credits, prem tank xp and income buff as well as autoaim is totally retarded. These features dont really reward skilled players who grind and trying to get an advantage in the fair way.
-after the rework, if the radioman gets killed, the Sixth Sense will stop working
I’m STILL not going to waste a medkit on a radioman, you should play like you have always been spotted anyways
I always heal loader and gunner though, if multiple crews are knocked out. If radio man dies first then I heal him even now days, because I dont like playing with knocked out crews :P.
If they really want to cripple gameplay by this way “oh no i have dead gunner, but i cant heal him, because what if they kill me fucker useless radioman with 6th sense” and its very often, radioshitman is dying by almost all shots and its already meganerf for KV-5, are they really that much stupid? This is big step to ruin the game for most skilled players, FU WG. EuforiaN_82
I always assumed the 6th sense stopped working when commander got hit so I am used to play without 6th sense. I rather heal the loader and gunner than commander or radio cunt.
Edit: wall of text, yessssss.
” – the “reasoning” of Sixth Sense being a radioman ability: “Radioman intercepts the enemy transmissions about the discovery of his tank””
Apparently I’m the only one who’s not to busy whining or countering whining to say this: this is actually a pretty neat/semi-realistic way to explain it away. As opposed to the “eh, the commander got a feeling that he was being watched, here have a lightbulb”.
I would go on to say “they should rename it to something that makes sense, though”, but since it’s going to be a crew qualification skill and the name not actually visible ingame…no worries I guess.
Also, as my own personal counter to generalized “wahh everyone has it I won’t be a special snowflake anymore”:
Yes, you’ll still be a “special” snowflake, you didn’t need a perk in a tank MMO for that.
Also, consider: SS takes 3 seconds to go off.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: “but the spotting system is shit at range because of the time between spotting checks, by the time I see them they’ll know they’re spotted!”. This is true, for the moment.
But you see, WG has already told us (in a previous Q&A, find it yourself) that they’ve figured out a way to improve the spotting system to the point where checks are done per-tick, for little to no extra load on the server. So that, combined with the SS rework not coming for a long while, means they’ll probably come roughly the same time.
So. They roll out of cover, they’re instantly spotted, they get shot at. They *know* they’re spotted at that point, they don’t need a lightbulb for it; whether or not they’re bright enough to back off is unaffected by now being equipped by the almighty lightbulb.
Experienced players will snap a shot off and roll back regardless; the inexperienced “baddies” that everyone are suddenly deathly afraid of are actually going to be penalized because they’ll be spotted instantly, but not get a notification for three seconds.
Good players will be unaffected by the SS rework, because they already don’t play like idiots. Bad players will either continue playing badly, or learn something about the spotting system and get better. Both will be hurt by the increased spotting frequency (the upper end of the playerbase abuses it currently, the lower end and middle accidentally take advantage of it at long range), but that’s another thing entirely.
TL;DR you’re all whining about the wrong thing, it’s not going to kill the game for everyone to have SS and you’ll still be able to go clubbin’ with the seals with as little difficulty as you have now. Yes, more of the seals may learn to club right back, but there will always be plenty to replace them.
What if my tank doesnt have a radio operator?
The role is given to one of the other crew members
For example, in the Crusader (commander, gunner, driver), the commander also works as the radio operator and the gunner works as the loader as well.
I’m pretty sure WG double-checked the data provided by users WRT to the Japanese branch because accepting random garbage off the internet is a bad idea.
SS didn’t say that WG didn’t have anything to do with it, just that the original information for it came from America du Nord.
Best chinese tanks are prototypes t7+ when they start ruling, till then its komplete shit
Baut 6th sence,.. what if there r multiple radiomen in crew and 1 die(rare but there are some tanks like that)
As long as at least one of them has it and is alive, it works, I guess. Works like that for most perks – they don’t overlap, just serve as a backup.
Its complete shit if you can’t play for shit.
“the “reasoning” of Sixth Sense being a radioman ability: “Radioman intercepts the enemy transmissions about the discovery of his tank””
That actually makes more sense than the current explanation… or lack thereof.
Who cares about “sense” in a arcade game with arcade features?
LOL, We already knew STORM was both a LIAR and a DUMBASS.
I must admit the reasoning behind the radioman getting “sixth sense” perk makes a lot more sense than the commander having magical sixth sense. Although the perk should be renamed to something like Radio Interception, Interceptor or whatever it fits better.
Good bye Sixth Sense for KV-5 drivers :P
Storm claims that WG Japanese medium branch was made possible by a WG employee and not 3rd party (SS: Storm is either a liar, or he doesn’t know what’s going on, because the data for Japanese branch were given to WG by two US server players: Soukoudragon and Daigensui)
was about to say something bout “Dai-san is angry” but since the others did it for me I’ll talk abt the 2nd bit (Storm being unaware) since THAT is legitly possible, come to think of it. remember that WG doesn’t have really stronk comms skillz since russians are a diffrent species to talk to (all that pro-russo patriotic stuff)
wonder waht happens if WG is actually made by asians……
-the Japanese are somewhat awkward in terms of community stuff
-SEA –> make a game? best joke of the decade. majority of online PC games here are korean RPGs (they look bloody generic)
-koreans? hell if i know. ask a korean.
-chinese –> korean RPG, Made In China.
-anywhere else: what are games?
I wonder if moving 6th sense to a perk you just have when you get to 100% radioman basic training will effect the sale of premium tanks. I for one tend to grind crews on premiums until I get 6th sense, then grind hard up the tree only after 6th sense is working. If i get it more easily now, I’ve got no need for premiums.
Its easy, make casual players or anyone just pay 200 gold to get a crew member with a very important perk. I personly pay gold to get all crews to 100% base skill, so I then can start focus on training 1st and 2nd skills.
- the “reasoning” of Sixth Sense being a radioman ability: “Radioman intercepts the enemy transmissions about the discovery of his tank”
WG even sucks at made up explanations. It’s so much more plausible that a commander who can see turrets turning and know how exposed his tank is might get the “feeling” that they’ve been spotted.
No, its not a more plausible explanation because you can’t see the tanks half a lot of the times you are spotted. The commander having telepathy was stupid but acceptable as a gameplay excuse, if there’s a more understandable explanation use it.
SS sounding more bitter with every new post lol.
“SS: so basically, since WG is already estabilished at EU, it’s “fuck you” to the Euroserver countries”
Germany, France, British ????
I don’t get your argument here. Russians have less lines than all 3 combined.
- Storm claims that WG Japanese medium branch was made possible by a WG employee and not 3rd party (SS: Storm is either a liar, or he doesn’t know what’s going on, because the data for Japanese branch were given to WG by two US server players: Soukoudragon and Daigensui)
Storm needs to stop being a follower of Joseph Goebbels in telling lies. I had a feeling WG would try to re-write the truth. To deny someone else’s involvement from the outside is ridiculous. You can say the WG staffer organize things from a company point of view, but damn, give credit were credit is due. WG would have never gotten off its butt to do the Japanese line if it weren’t for the people listed above.
The argument is still invalid about 6th sense. Everyone can have it, it just takes some grinding just like with all other skills/perks. In fact I think they made it this way to make people spend 200 gold right away (which is very little money) and get a radio man with 6th sense.
In fact they could have done it very differently if they wanted all players to have it. And as I said before make it a in game function and make additional skills/perks that boost 6th sense, so players get the feeling of “earning” rather than just get radio man to 100% or pay 200 gold.
I still dont get what was unfair with 6th sense, it has been around for a long time and players that want it can simply grind it, just like everything else. They want to grind faster, well play better and get prem account.
Also I dont believe this; “developers considered removing Sixth Sense completely, but decided not to do it, because it would break current gameplay too much”. I am pretty sure WG alreaddy knew that they could take one of the most popular perks and make it default by having casual players pay 200 gold. It would not break the game, but maybe the economy at WG :D.
Also why should everyone have 6th sense anyways? The point of these games is not to have all players have everything. Those who play more should still have a advantage and hence I am totally against everyone having 6th sense or any perk at all! Want it, then grind it like we all did. At least then your sorry ass can say you have earned it.
Also are there still no information what perk/skill the commander gets in return, in removal of 6th sense? If 6th sense gets removed from commander then my 6th skill will be camo and I have to fill the 7th spot with mentor or firefight. How fun is that? What should I do with fucking mentor when there are no real perks/skill that occupy my 7th spot on crews? :S.
Alternative interview narrative:
Serb: We thought long & hard about how we could tell long standing players in this game that they are stupid pricks and we decided on the following steps:
Firstly, we give new players 100% crews. No 50% crew crap for newbies anymore.
Secondly we will make it so that perks experienced players had to play hundreds of batteles to EARN get given out for free with the free 100% crews and can be BOUGHT for real money.
Thirdly, we thought, how to compensate for this? Ah, fuck them. Getting lots of new players dropping €50 on the game and then dumping it are worth far more to us that long standing players who will only spend €50 a year.
Interviewer: But what if the experienmced players who have literally played thousands of games across their tanks & crews to EARN perks like 6th sense get annoyed and stop playing?
Serb: Not enough will stop playing / paying to make me give a shit. So I will just claim that anyone who disagrees is a butt hurting wanker and tell them I don’t care less, fuck you, go play something else.