Fury Premium Shop Package

Hello everyone,

just to let you know, it’s confirmed. According to this article, players will be able to purchase the Fury tank bundle in World of Tanks (PC), World of Tanks Blitz and World of Tanks for Xbox.

The “Fury Sherman” will be a premium M4A3E8 with “unique looks”:

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The PC and Xbox bundles will cost 30 USD (EU price is not set yet), the Blitz bundle will cost 15 USD. The Xbox version bundle consists of:

- USA Tier VI Sherman Fury Medium Tank
- 100% Crew
- Medium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
- Vertical Stabilizer Mk 1
- Improved Ventilation Class 2
- 71 AP M62 Shells
- 15 HVAP M93 Shells
- 1 Garage Slot
- 7 Days of Premium Account

53 thoughts on “Fury Premium Shop Package

  1. Pingback: Blíží se speciál k filmu Fury

  2. Take my money, plz! I’ll be buying this…good US medium crew trainer (I’m sure its better than the SP or Ram II, since its an Ez8), and the cash goes to a good cause (fixing the damage the filmmakers did to the poor M4 at Bovington).

    • oooh… 2 good reasons… damn I was just going to say how much I do not like the Easy 8…

    • Who says its is a premium tank? The M4A3E8 is already in game as a standard tank.

      A premium M4A3E8 with unique looks? So what the article does not make clear is whether it is a premium package, unique decals, goodies ,etc. or is it a premium M4A3E8, THAT can be used for crew training? As you say if it is a premium tank that can be used for crew training, then yes better than the RAM or the SP.

      We need to know more!

    • You people keep talking that the filmmakers destroyed that Sherman. But I’m a bit skeptical about this. The fact that it has FURY written on the barrel does not mean it’s necessarily the same tank, I think. Is there any other evidence?

      • So far the only thing I’ve seen to “support” this claim is the picture of a dirty Sherman and SS claiming the filmmakers “wrecked it”; not very convincing.

        Proof (the best would be from Bovington directly) or its just rumours.

    • Depends on which gun this tank gets. If it gets the 75mm M3 I think it will have special matchmaking, if it gets something along the lines of M1A1/M1A2 it won’t due to higher penetration.
      Now the important question is: will the crew look like Brad Pitt or will they spare potential buyers from that one? :P

      Oh, and another question: will the Fury skin have the usual camo bonus or does it still need to be painted for that?

      • 30 bucks for an Easy 8 it better have perma camo painted on from start. Well it’ll be fun if it does get premium MM XD, all the strengths of the Easy 8 without having to run into IS-3s :-P

        • I dont see a problem with IS-3s in E8 … it’s really fun to play tank, all you have to do against tier 8 heavies is to be fucking aggresive. Do what they dont expect a tier 6 med would do… 1v1 it can handle any tier 8 tank, just be aggresive, get close enough and circle it…

    • THis is quite obvious. If it will get MM up to tier 7, it will have 75 mm Gun M3, if up to tier 8, then 76 mm Gun M1A1 . They can’t give 76 mm Gun M1A2, because the whole concept of the premium vehicles states, that they have to be worse than the fully upgraded standard countepart. But hey, this is Wargaming, more than once they have proven to be liars, so who knows. Nothing will suprise me after introducing the first P2Win element for premium vehicles (TDs camo not lost after shooting, which resulted in crowds of E25s and such).

      • They can also give the M1A2 but ruin the stats elsewhere. Say, view range, ground resistance, etc. Or maybe it has a worse engine, after all in-game vehicles often sport all possible upgrades including experimental or proposal-only ones.

        • Okay, I checked. Those shells correspond to the M1A1/M1A2 guns. It will not have the 75mm M3

          • Thank goodness for that. M1A1 I can live with. Credit card ready!

            Though to be honest I haven’t really played the E8 that much (just enough to get the 75% crew to 100%) as I am a Jumbo fan, but a third crew trainer would be nice as the patton could use 6th sense.

          • Of course not on the pic clearly visible it has a long barrel with a muzzle brake so it is a 76mm M1A2.

        • Just checked on the ammo. AP M62 is the ammo for M1A1 and M1A2 76mm gun, so I assume it won’t have the stock gun.

          Now, regarding the costs, assuming no further discounts:
          29.95 USD on the NA server will buy you 6500 gold.
          Tier 6 premium tanks are around 3500 gold
          7 days premium is 1250 gold
          100% crew on 5 people is 1000 gold
          That leaves equipment and ammo (about 850.000 credits) for 750 gold

          I’ll retrain the crew for silver, it will be back to 100% in no time on its new tank plus the daily double on the fury tank, especially with the x5 XP for 5 wins mission posted in the event leaks. Sure it’s quite debatable if things you can buy for credits are worth any gold at all, for me personally I wouldn’t consider such a packet overpriced, at least if the EU package isn’t more than 25 Euros (at current rate USD 31.52)

    • Some of us have plenty of shekels to throw around..back to eating from my garbage you go.

  3. I am disappointed. I’ve counted that this vehicle will be available in store, normally, without the overpriced, and unnecessary bundle… Americans need a decent, low/mid tier medium tank, because Ram II is a joke, and Super Preshing is not only expensive, but also after the nerf and happy gold spamming on the high tier close to useless…
    I’ve hoped that we will get that Sherman Fury on tier 6 for, I don’t know, 2500-3500 gold? Standard price for the tanks around that tier. Just it, without all that crap:
    - 100% Crew
    - Medium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
    - Vertical Stabilizer Mk 1
    - Improved Ventilation Class 2
    - 71 AP M62 Shells
    - 15 HVAP M93 Shells

    they could even put is a limited time offer, but nooo, let’s put it into a silly bundle, and I bet that as in the case of the KV-220 the joke will be on the ones, that will buy this over expensive, and “exclusive” bundle now :-).

    • ok, after checking that Panther costs 5750 gold, and is tier VII, then this Tier VI could cos mayeb 4500 etc. Whatever. Just let people buy it alone,without these silly bundles… Also what is the point of 100% crew trained for a premium vehicle? None.

    • You forget the proceeds go to the museum, so yes it will be in a bundle, as the leFH was a few months back.

    • it may be avaliable free for all, but for a limited time (week or so). Who knows. I’ve understood the leak this way – they will introduce the premium Fury which will be available to be bought, but for the movie promotion purpose they may add one to the garage dor that few days of the event – when Fury will have premiere in Europe. \
      Who knows.

  4. I checked in-game and those shells in the package are for the M1A1 or M1A2 gun. So don’t fear for the weak 75mm M3 gun.

  5. Some facts from XBOX WOT NA forum:

    No preferential MM
    Mentor skill on commander
    Seems to be a regular E8 with paint, skills and unique crew pictures and names.

    “It will have the same stats as the regular Easy 8, and it will come equipped with what would be the top package. It will also come with Improved Vents Class 2, Vert Stab Mk1, Medium Caliber Gun Rammer, some Premium time and some ammo. As with Freedom, Fury will come with the crew already trained in a crew skill(Mentor). Also as with Freedom, the bundle is only purchasable once per account. ”

    “There will be Fury themed EVERYTHING for awhile :tongue: (Seriously, we have been planning this Fury stuff for awhile now, and most of the office can quote the movie trailer by heart now!) There will be forum contests, in-game contests (starts today!), missions you can complete that relate to the movie (Example – Destroy 2 German tanks while driving a US tank), and even a mission for the Fury tank itself. The “special crew commander” means that your commander’s name is Wardaddy and he comes pre-trained with the skill Mentor (which is a reference to the movie!).”

    - qouted from WG admin Nyx WGA

  6. According to that article, the game has over 500 tanks …. really? Last I remember for senior technical engineer (unlock all tanks) it was a little over half that number.

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