
If you are interested in ships, check out this very interesting article about the story of one Soviet cruiser and “big gun” ships in general.

- Q: “Are you aware of the number of players reporting “no damage” penetrations?” A (SerB): “We are aware four years already that a part of the players consists of whiners, posting permanently all kinds of crap in this forum topic.”
- while you don’t get damaged from collisions with objects, you can actually get damaged by the environment, if you drive from a certain slope too fast and crash. In such cases, the damage is not determined by the height difference between the starting slope point and the ending point (SS: eg. “what distance you cover by going downhill”), but by your vertical velocity

- the fact that the T-54 medium tank carries 15 more shells than the T-54 “light” is correct: the medium tank has a different internal layout (ammo rack layout), allowing the vehicle to carry more shells. Since in the game the chassis itself does not effect the ammo rack size by itself, developers simply decided to put in the larger ammo rack. This hull modification was not implemented in the T-54 Light
- developers decided not to implement Chi-Ri II (Chi-Ri with sloped armor), because they were unable to get a “normal drawing” from anywhere. It’s possible that it will appear one day, maybe as an alternative hull, but it’s not sure (there are plently of alternative hulls for Chi-Ri, even the Hara suspension itself had two variants)
- according to Storm, Lowe has sufficient armor, plus its advantage is its accurate and high-pen gun

78 thoughts on “1.11.2014

  1. - Q: “Are you aware of the number of players reporting “no damage” penetrations?” A (SerB): “We are aware four years already that a part of the players consists of whiners, posting permanently all kinds of crap in this forum topic.”

    Good old SerB, insulting people when has nothing smart to say… He should go into politics!

    • That crap on the forums really has been going on for about 4 years now. It used to be a legitimate problem, but these days I haven’t seen anything from anyone that wasn’t either the result of bad internet connections or simply not knowing game mechanics. I.E. shooting HEAT into the tracks on a Maus and complaining that the tracks at the shot.

      • Yep. They fixed the 0 damage hits. Damn they used to make me crazy and there was a good reason why everyone whined about it back then

        • yea, it used to happen SO RIDICULOUSLY often that it hurted

          nowadays its just a matter of ‘RNG decided to throw your shots on his Observation device on top of turret despite your aiming into the REAR track sprocket.

    • I see no insult. Just buthurt players.

      If you would have to explain everyday why 2+2 equals 4 at some point you would crack and lose your respect towards those kind of questions.

  2. - according to Storm, Lowe has sufficient armor, plus its advantage is its accurate and high-pen gun

    Ok… fair enough, armor at the cost of the gun – but the mobility is still garbage.

  3. “- the fact that the T-54 medium tank carries 15 more shells than the T-54 “light” is correct”

    Meanwhile wz 131 carry more ammo than type 59, stronk Chinese engineer

  4. Serb is awsumimg that only stupid kids play this game. Someday I will meet him and I will explain him he is wrong.

  5. - developers decided not to implement Chi-Ri II (Chi-Ri with sloped armor), because they were unable to get a “normal drawing” from anywhere. It’s possible that it will appear one day, maybe as an alternative hull, but it’s not sure (there are plently of alternative hulls for Chi-Ri, even the Hara suspension itself had two variants)

    developers decided not to implement Chi-Ri II (Chi-Ri with sloped armor)

    Chi-Ri with sloped armor

    Gib pls.

    • Better armor angling would help so much. it has great gun depression but going hull-down is nullified by the horrible angling of the top section of the front hull.

  6. IMO Lowe is fine, if it gets buffed any more it would be better than Tiger 2 which shouldn’t be the case for a premium credit maker.

    Plus it has 100mm side armour, making side-scraping effective and a very troll gun mantle

    • correction the Lowë was sapposed to replace the Tiger II so in all respects the lowë is Sapposed to be better then the Tiger II

      as lowë in germen means Lion

      It go’s Panther, Tiger, Lion. as Lion means king

    • I agree. Armor is fine, gun is very good, mobility is shit, but that’s the tank’s premium schtick. It could use some more DPM though, as the T-34 is better in almost every regard, while retaining the same DPM. Give the Löwe 1.7k or 1.8k and it reaches the sweet-spot.

  7. yes,finally Serb acknowledge us,THX.
    A (SerB): “We are aware four years already that a part of the players consists of WHINERS, posting permanently all kinds of crap in this forum topic.”
    A big thank you for you Serb!

  8. “- while you don’t get damaged from collisions with objects, you can actually get damaged by the environment, if you drive from a certain slope too fast and crash. In such cases, the damage is not determined by the height difference between the starting slope point and the ending point (SS: eg. “what distance you cover by going downhill”), but by your vertical velocity”

    This is bullshit. Anyone who remembers Dragons Ridge will also remember from what extreme slopes (and with extreme velocity) you could’ve driven off on that map and receive no damage to your vehicle whatsoever.

    • I think you need to retake physics.

      By vertical velocity he clearly means perpendicular relative to the ground.

      So if you land on an extreme slope you don’t land as hard as if you nosedive into the bottom of a ravine.

  9. Lowe really needs a buff. T34 is faster, has a much stronger turret and much better gun as well. Right now accuracy isn’t worth shit.

    • I actually find the Lowe to be more reliable “all-around” than the T34. I play the T34 more because I like it more, but the Lowe (for me) is a consistent fighter, pretty good in just about any circumstance, but never excelling at anything, except perhaps long range sniping. Nowadays though most tanks are pretty good at the long range stuff.

      The T34 on the other hand struggles when it can’t hull-down. If it ever needs to expose its body, its pretty much just going to get penned. Obviously only if they are shooting back, but usually they are because a big slow heavy is pretty hard to consistently flank with

      • correction the Lowë was sapposed to replace the Tiger II so in all respects the lowë is Sapposed to be better then the Tiger II

        as lowë in germen means Lion

        It go’s Panther, Tiger, Lion. as Lion means king

        • “correction the Lowë was sapposed to replace the Tiger II”
          No it wasn’t, Lowe predates Tiger II by at least 9 months

      • pfff…
        This is the second time this day when I read those gigantic bullshit about the u.s. heavies.
        I’m just and ordinary green player(1500+wn8,1800+recent wn8), but I tell you one thing. LEARN TO PLAY…
        …and yeah, if there are one type of tanks in the game what are easy to use, those are the usa heavy tanks…(t29,t32,t34,t30)

        There are no maps in the game, where the gundep+extreme armour turret are not usable..
        Even the city maps had tons of places where you can hide your hull and only expose your turret.

        The löwe problem is the T34 are far better at every aspect.
        T34 are had a TX pen and alpha dmg,had far better turret and gundep what is make the T34 are better credit farmer and better battle manchine.
        In the T34 you can have a sort of “fun” at every map, almost every situation..
        In Löwe?…Not really

  10. - according to Storm, Lowe has sufficient armor, plus its advantage is its accurate and high-pen gun

    What a load of shit. Slowe problems are not the armor. Noir it’s fucking pathetic alpha dmg pea shooter called a gun which doesnt even scare a T7 tank.

    Slowe problem is the terribad speed. It’s a slug. Sure T28′s are slow too. But they have armor and a fearsome gun. Slowe has no speed, no armor and terrible gun (dmg, rof). Accuracy? lol! accuracy does not even matter anymore.

    Slowe needs a 1000hp engine or limited MM. Right now it’s an XP pinata in T10 games. It’s freaking hilarious. It’s also a fine example of power creep.

    • Lowe’s gun is superior in penetration to any tier VIII heavy excluding T34 and is on par with all tier VIII heavies in terms of damage (IS3 and T34 being the exceptions), side and turret armor make sidescraping a viable choice more than on the Tiger II and hull down became more doable thanks to a slight gun depression improvement and the inherently trollish gun mantlet (bouncing even ISU’s BL-10 with some luck). Had it even the horsepower, it would become better than the Tiger II in all aspects. The slow speed actually has the effect of not throwing off your aim much whenever you move. I own one and it’s a quite solid performer to me, i don’t really understand all the whine about it. My ingame name is the same as here if you’re going to look for stats.

    • “Slowe problem is the terribad speed. It’s a slug. Sure T28′s are slow too. But they have armor and a fearsome gun”

      - T28
      - armor
      - fearsome gun

      Top Kek

      “- according to Storm, Lowe has sufficient armor, plus its advantage is its accurate and high-pen gun

      What a load of shit. Slowe problems are not the armor. Noir it’s fucking pathetic alpha dmg pea shooter called a gun which doesnt even scare a T7 tank.”

      And yet Tiger 2 is just SLIGHTLY faster, with worse armor and the same damage, but worse pen.
      All in all, Lowe is better than KT. KT really needs some serious buffs, it’s just a pain to play now (well, didn’t play it before 8.8, but I know for sure that back then its LFP wasn’t made of cheese)

      “Slowe needs a 1000hp engine or limited MM. Right now it’s an XP pinata in T10 games. It’s freaking hilarious. It’s also a fine example of power creep.”

      As I said – KT is even worse than Lowe

      • “(well, didn’t play it before 8.8, but I know for sure that back then its LFP wasn’t made of cheese)”

        As far as I know, the LFP on the mighty King Tiger has always been one big joke. Well, let’s just say its armor in general is rather lackluster. It doesn’t have anything extraordinary to offer in contrast to all the other tier 8 heavy tanks, apart from being a “sniping platform”, but who the hell needs that nowadays anyway with accuracy buff and 1/3 of the teams consisting of tank destroyers? Sold it immediately after unlocking the E-75

  11. I drive a lowe and i find it a capable machine.. Of course, if its mobility were to be buffed a bit i wouldnt mind AT ALL.

    armor for me is sufficient (its not supposed to be THAT kind of tank, unless sidescraping, then yummy…)
    gun is excellent (could use a tad faster reload),

    but mobility…

  12. I remember the times when Lowe was OPish and everyone who drove it was hated and called wallet warrior. It used to outperform tanks back in the day and now it’s piece of shit.

  13. Is it me, or is Serb the biggest asshat known in the gaming world? I continue to read quotes from this prick and considering how much money I spend in this game, I am fed up with his attitude towards we the folks that pay his salary. If you flamers want to bash me for my comments, you can go ahead and kiss my ass.

    • If you feel angry about the way he spends your money, then don’t spend your money on the game :)

      • I m not angry about him spending anything. I’m just annoyed with Wargaming for letting an asshat who apparently has no people skills to open his mouth in public representing Wargaming. Lets face it…Serb wouldn’t know what customer service was if it bit him on the ass.

  14. “Are you aware of the number of players reporting “no damage” penetrations?” A (SerB): “We are aware four years already that a part of the players consists of whiners, posting permanently all kinds of crap in this forum topic.”

    First of all, SerB is a shithead. But in this case he is right. Seriously, it has been a few years since this game was released, people should fucking learn the game already. Especially the morons with tens of thousands of games who think they know it all.

    You get a 0 dmg crit by shooting the track at a bad angle (pen not possible or hitting the bottom part of track – shot would go into dirt, not the tank), shooting at and destroying the obs device (on the cupola) or other small and not important parts of the tank.

    A skilled marksman doesn’t get 0 dmg crits, only if the acc RNG fucks his well placed shot.

  15. ”the damage is not determined by the height difference between the starting slope point and the ending point (SS: eg. “what distance you cover by going downhill”), but by your vertical velocity”

    Your vertical velocity is determined by the height from where you’re falling. It’s physics.

    V = g*t and you can transform time into space with the other equations

  16. - developers decided not to implement Chi-Ri II (Chi-Ri with sloped armor)

    That’s the Chi-Se isn’t it? Chi-Ri II being something else

    • Partially correct.

      The Chi-Ri II is the design which looks like a merger of the Chi-Ri and Chi-To armed with the same type 5 75mm. There is a drawing of it, but I don’t think it is based off of any primary source. So this does match what the devs said about not using it due to lack of an actual drawing. The slope on this drawing is about half way between the slope on the Chi-Ri and production Chi-To, so not much of a slope.

      The Chi-Se had only three features specified from what I have seen. 1. Turret with 105mm cannon. 2. New suspension. 3. Hull similar to the Chi-Ri II. With point three, there is no telling whether or not a real slope, as in something over 45 degrees, was planned. Most likely, progress on the Chi-Se never went far enough to even determine the frontal slope. The sloped version Dai has of the Chi-Se theoretically gets the slope from the sloped Ho-Ri mock up. But there is nothing official about it. Just speculation.

      Now there is also the tier 8 candidate Chi-Ri Kai created in the NA forums Japanese thread. Historically, there was no such project. The slope of the Chi-Ri Kai again came from the sloped Ho-Ri mock up. SS may have been thinking about the Chi-Ri Kai since the Chi-Ri II slope is really not much of a slope. An image of the Chi-Ri Kai was made by sp15 to help us visualize it as a possible tier 8 candidate. But in the end, the STA-1 actually existed so the made-up Chi-Ri Kai project was not needed as a tier 8 filler.

  17. Damn, that russian butthurt article. Funny thing is that people like the moron who wrote it, and people believing it, are just the perfect opponents that USSR would like to face. The brainwashing and ignorance behind that article is just astonishing. Is far from a good read…it’s actually just one more of those ,, bohooo Putin is coming to get you,, bullshit articles.