- there are some vehicles, that still need nerfing, the developers however were busy with other things
- no plans for the KV-5 radioman miniturret for now (too early to talk about the Sixth Sense rework)
- Panther 88mm did really well when tested in CT 9.4
- Storm agrees that the Stalingrad minimap is not very representative, it needs to be fixed
- currently, the feedback on Russian server is that the clans are starting to set their Stronghold attack time to 3-4AM, when the chance of being attacked is very low. Developers will consider what to do to remedy this.
- the bug with tiny minimap icons was not fixed, developers didn’t manage to do it on time, the problem is however considered insignificant
- 9.5 will be bigger (more important) than 9.4
- Storm confirms that the HD textures were scrapped
- mission interface will not be completely overhauled, there will just be some fixes
- UI button highlight graphics will not be changed (SS: some player requested the mouseover highlight to be reworked for some reason)
- the increased chance of map appearing in random battles (in this case Stalingrad) was applied only on test server, not on live server
- apparently, some players are suggesting that the SU-76I is imbalanced (too good), Storm disagrees
- Q: “Your leaving punishment system sucks, I will continue to leave battles!” A: “Good luck”
- one of the German camouflage schemes (the orange/yellow one) got recolored, apparently it was not intentional
- old team battle format (7/42) will not return
- the “player invite” (referral system) will be implemented by a micropatch, no current ETA
- SU-122-44 will NOT be buffed and will NOT recieve limited MM
- customization of tanks (specifically, optional gun mantlet cloth cover) will apparently not be implemented
I’d really like to meet the person asking for a buff to a TD that fires a 390 alpha shell every 6.5 seconds. I need to try his drugs… I mean, I own the tank, don’t like it much, but it sure as hell doesn’t need to be buffed.
at this time SU-122-44 it’s a little bit of OP, no need to buff
need more rof :D
Give it the IS-7 hull while you’re at it! And 410 view range for maximum balance.
needs 13 degrees of gun depression, too. :P
Well, now that the AT15A finally got its (deserved) preferred MM, the requests for pref MM of the SU-122-44 will never stop, ever.
Until power creep begins to make it obsolete in a year or two and SerB gives in.
Possibly because turretless TDs suck, and this one has shitty gun in addition. Sure, you can make 6k damage against 43% WR idiots, but then you land in a t9 game on severogorsk and you’re beyond useless. I’d rather have the thing nerfed and given pref MM than keep it as it is.
Name me one T7 TD(turretless) that isn’t useless in T9 battle on Severogorsk.
I’d say the SU-122-44 fares better than most T7 TDs in that situation if you ask me. It won’t if your strategy is “sitting in the mid of the road where all heavies are approaching”.
It’s like people complaining that Lowe is bad in T10 matches, as if other T8 HT were a lot better in the same situation.
SU-152 with the derp gun. I’m not saying it’ll be a fun match, but there’s not a lot that can shrug off 152mm HE, even frontally.
Not that T25/2 would be much use anyway…
Are you actually complaining about the SU-122-44?!
Right when you think you’ve seen them all….
Learn to play it instead of whining.
One of the best if not best T7 TD overall.
Alpha, retarded DPM, mobility and average armor. What else do you want?
I agree totally, its a very tough tank to kill from the front, and any tier 6, t7 med, and tanks like the KV3, IS, IS-2 or any other t7 heavy with aprox 170mm pen will just get rekt by this think if fighting it from the front. its a very powerful tank, and does not need a buff, and probably needs a nerf.
Reload is not 6,5s but around 10, right?
It has a nominal RoF of 7.5, so that’s 8s reload as-is with just a plain 100% crew. Now add rammer, vents, BiA, food …
Call it a bit over 7 for a conservative setup and 6.5 if you’re really pushing it for pure RoF.
My SU-122-44 has got 6.25 seconds reload with: Gunrammer, BiA and that’s it for reload enhancing stuff. With vents and food 6.10 something I would guess.
yeah, it out dpms t7, especially the Soviet or Chinese heavy’s by almost 1.65x, with a reload of 11 sec in my IS, even if he fires, i cant get round the corner and back before he can hit me again. and it has the same dmg, balanced……
..and if you try to hide behind a corner, it will come just barreling around, shoot you in the face for 390 dmg and retreat before you have even reloaded.
SU-144 is most op tank in the game
I had 4skills on mine +food +rammer/vents/binocs making the reload 6.33seconds.
have it at 66% 1750ish dpg 2000 battles, and this was over a year ago.
and nowadays I can after improving just hardly break 1700 in regular 7s.
SS, could you please inquire about how far the devs are with Chat 2.0? I know I am obnoxious about it, but even something as simple as a header for a clan (This Saturday an event) would be nice for many clans, I suppose. Certainly for ours, since Steam can be pretty bitchy.
chat 2.0….i completely forgot about that, devs must just think that everyone sits on ts3 now
Nope, there were some messages in recent FTR that they are still working on it, but it’s quite long now…
Looking forward to the 9.4 patch on NA server. Stalingrad will be a challenge to learn how to play and win. (a good thing)
Love the work you do SS.
So object 260 will be a cw reward?
Wrong translation probably, according to our russian guest below.
nerf the 76i buff the 122 44 lol… these people…
also the mini icons on minimap is god awful… it needs to be fixed asap stupid devs for passing it by
I want that SU-76I :( Seems like a cute little phew phew tank :)
It’s in the gift shop on NA server right now, so if you got a few spare bucks and really really want it, well, there it is.
Kinda high ground resistance though, higher than SU-85i, so I’m expecting somewhat limited mobility.
Well im on EU sadly :/
Please.. no 30$ bundle X_X
In the gift shop right now the tank is 7.19 USD or 8.18 CAD includes garage slot as well
“currently, the feedback on Russian server is that the clans are starting to set their Stronghold attack time to 3-4AM, when the chance of being attacked is very low. Developers will consider what to do to remedy this.”
Good to see that the developers listen to the feedback of testers…
Defense time = Attack time and make it a 2 hour slot. Make it so clans can only attack during the timeslot when they have set for their defense. It means the clan can ask people to be active then for defend/attack and also stop any abuse relating to putting a defense time at strange hour.” – Posted 03 October 2014 – 08:03 PM
Would make the matter impossible for clans with only 15 people as active task force. Something like defense = attack + 1 hour might work, though (both 1 hour slots).
Doesn’t solve much for people who don’t want to attack, though – they’ll use 3-4AM slot, won’t defend or attack and will just skirmish in randoms, which isn’t what 5+ strongholds should be about, I guess.
Well, I know it might be a little harsh but… dont want to get attacked ? dont level tier 5+ command center then = fixed.
As for the defend window, yup was thinking along the same lines – either at the same time as attack window, or (to be less harsh for small clans) directly around the window = fixed.
“- Object 260 will not be an Individual Mission reward”
Привет, ну ты же читаешь посты в ЖЖ) – Об. 260 не будет Боевой Задачей к Новому Году, про Индивидуальные БЗ ни слова)
Ah, so it might still be.
Could you please translate it my favourite troll :) !
“Hello, but you read LJ (probably? Or its again some sort of smile) – Obj. 260 wont be in Battle Missions until New Year, about Individual Missions – not a word.”
Thx super Trolol!
Just where the player asked about the mission to the New Year, as was the case with IP-6, and as an example of a tank facility chose 260. Storm said no.
Is that so? Ah, it’s possible I missed that.
- there are some vehicles, that still need nerfing, the developers however were busy with other things
9.4 shows how they are busy – patch with nothing inside.
- SU-122-44 will NOT be buffed and will NOT recieve limited MM
Who asks such a bullshit? The SU-122-44 is one of the best premium TD’s in WOT and certainly does not need any buff.
Buff the SU-122-44? Hell no. SU-122-44 and E25 both have OP DPM and below average Penatration. E25 have great mobility and great camo. SU-122-44 have good mobility, good camo and decent armor. Please buff Chi-Ri instead, it needs some love. It has no armor, no speed, no camo. It’s as big as a house and that 3-shot autoloader doesn’t have the DPM to flank the heavies.
SU-122-44 decent armor??? it gets pened by tier 6 mediums easy from the front, only good part of the entire armor is its gunmantlet, And for a tier 7 TD to have 175 pen is kinda weak even against tier 8 tanks. If it goes against tier 9′s its only chance of doing damage is side armor,,, and that is hard enough when you only get -4 degrees gun depression and 2,9 seconds to aim, The only good things about it are its decently fast, decent camo and fast rate of fire. 90mm of armor is next to useles against tier 7′s and tier 8-9′s will 2-3 shot you.
Honestly, if you want a good T7 TD, don’t get a premium. They are supposed to be better than most stock TDs of the same teir, yet worse than the fully upgraded versions of those TDs. I believe it fulfills both of those requirements admirably and then some. It doesn’t need a buff. The part that makes up for all its bad points is the fact that it is premium. You make more money and can train crew in it. That’s what should matter in a premium. If you want a good TD, don’t just go and buy it.
Note: all that crap I just wrote also applies to E25.
“Honestly, if you want a good T7 TD, get a premium. ”
Here, fixed it for you :)
…and it does has the best armor of all T7 TDs that are not slow as hell. Oh wait, the SU is also the most mobile!
- 9.5 will be bigger (more important) than 9.4
No it wont be
What is in 9.4? Tomatos? We had lots of them before already
What he meant, probably, was that half of the features proposed for 9.5 wont be ready and they will got delayed.
Just like always.
That is exactly what i meant, as usual Wargaming will delay features because of stupid reasons
“- Storm agrees that the Stalingrad minimap is not very representative, it needs to be fixed”
representative ?
Red flags everywhere, happy children, men and women working with smile, and capitalist’s head on pales for decoration. Oh, and Lenin, Lenin everywhere.
“…na večné časy a nikdy inak !”
btw. didnt they say it will look like the city looked right after the war ?
This is how it looks even today…
“German camouflage schemes (the orange/yellow one) got recolored”
saw this one today :D please dont fix it! It looks hilarious!
A happy tank. remonds me of MC Donalds or a clown car.
“- currently, the feedback on Russian server is that the clans are starting to set their Stronghold attack time to 3-4AM, when the chance of being attacked is very low. Developers will consider what to do to remedy this.”
Lazy WoT players. The alarm’o’clock ops of EVE Online were legendary. 24-hour-warfare even in Russia! Those strongholds wouldn’t have lasted a week.
Oh hell yes.
I remember setting many an alarm clock in the middle of the night to greet my character sheet and set a new skill to level up.
Then trying to stealth my way through low sec.
EVE: the best damn game I’ve ever played. Would play more, but it just consumes time and monopolizes your life.
“Storm confirms that the HD textures were scrapped”
im confused….arent there HD tanks already in the game like M103 and ISU?
They will continue to develop HD models, but HD “textures” are scraped. HD model=/=HD texture
Yes. They’re keeping the HD models (and continuing to make new ones… slowly), but future patches will include lower resolution textures than the ones currently available (hopefully not too much worse).
- there are some vehicles, that still need nerfing, the developers however were busy with other things
witch ones?
T67 and a bunch of other clubbing tanks, probably.
Oh yes, shitty T67 is a seal clubber tank.
Do you really play the game?
T67 (former T49) is now a shadow of it’s own.
T-34 with 57mm is more of a seal clubbing tank than the T67 imo.
aye supor low alfa and armor that work in 1 game out of 20 sealcluber like hell try matilda instead
nah, worse gun, worse soft stats, less gun depression, slower, less viewrange. Only thing T-34/57 has are gold pen (189) and ~70 more DPM.
- 9.5 will be bigger (more important) than 9.4
Add one tank and you can already say it’s bigger than 9.4 Kappa
- one of the German camouflage schemes (the orange/yellow one) got recolored, apparently it was not intentional
You gotta love those out of nowhere changes that no one ever intended to do :D
- SU-122-44 will NOT be buffed and will NOT recieve limited MM
Retards who ask/request this should be banned.
‘Panther 88mm did really well when tested in CT 9.4′
lol I should f’kin hope so considering it used to be the fully upgraded tier 8 Panther.
- Q: “Your leaving punishment system sucks, I will continue to leave battles!” A: “Good luck”
That’s what I always do in War Thunder! Leave when the team fails…
- Storm agrees that the Stalingrad minimap is not very representative, it needs to be fixed¸
Stalingrad is the worst map anyway. Get flanked from ever fking corner, side. At the and killed by the arty (i wasn’t even in the open). It worse than Himmelsdorf. Himmelsdorf is at least a bit interesting because of castle on the hill while Stalingrad is totally flat and boring.
Wargaming is so full of it. First map I played was stalingrad and I get lakeville every third battle.
i had back to back stalingrad in my T29 i went 1-1 on it so far
For the love of God lets get a radioman turret buff!
9.5 *-*
Im waiting for it more than a child waits for christmas :Dxd
Well, 9.4 is out.
Looking at the package files, the textures are mostly unchanged from what they were in 9.3 (without the separate “super” HD pack).
Copying or moving the 9.3 “super” HD texture pack into the 9.4 res_mods folder works, the textures apply as they did before. Can’t see any problems with any of the HD tanks in my garage.
Looks like they’ve fixed the misaligned M4 Sherman tracks… again :p
- there are some vehicles, that still need nerfing, the developers however were busy with other things
Fv304 “Cunt”…I mean come the F*ck on. As fast and mobile as light tanks, rapid fire )can just keep you tracked until your dead, and as with 99.9% of arty’s the accuracy is way to OP. Meanwhile it has a crew of what? 5? Really? I call bullshit, that damn thing needs to be nerf’d hard.
Rhm, WTF’s all need it. I’ve never seen more unbalanced BS then these 3, made-up out of WGing’s ass. They NEVER should have been put into the game in the first place.
If you can get permatracked by a thing that reloads 10sec you deserve to die. Get some repair skill ffs.