Author: Hillin (Tank Inspector developer)
Part 1:
Hello again everyone,
Here comes the second part of the Tank Inspector PRO Sneak Preview series. This time, we will take a look at the model viewer.
Model inspection is an important and popular feature of Tank Inspector. Thanks to its advanced deferred rendering engine, Tank Inspector present tank models in a high quality, comparable to those being rendered in the game. In Tank Inspector PRO, we improved the rendering engine to bring an even higher graphics quality. Furthermore, just as we promised and exhibited in recent Tank Inspector releases, we are introducing a really useful Capture function.
Model View
The picture above shows the model viewer in Tank Inspector PRO. An Inspect Model command could be found in the context menu of any tank entry, it will open a tab page to bring out this view.
Turret Controller
On the top-right is the Turret Controller panel, Tank Inspector users should be very familiar with it. You can rotate the turret and elevate or depress the gun with this controller just by moving the pointer(black dot) around. It also gives an intuitionistic idea of the overall elevation/depression level of a tank.
Camera Controller
On the bottom-right is the Camera Controller panel.
Camera Controller Panel
In this panel, you can setup camera parameters precisely so to position it absolutely. Tank Inspector PRO uses a trackball-style camera, just like it is in Tank Inspector and the in-game garage. The pitch rotation is unlocked, so you can see the bottom of tanks.
The Toolbar
The following figure explains the functions of the toolbar, this should give you a basic idea of how powerful the model viewer will be.
Model View Toolbar
As you can see, Tank Inspector PRO will support camouflage and mod assets. More modder-oriented features like UV texture exporting and realtime mod preview are also planned for the model viewer. We will cover these features in the future.
Customization Configurator
Another major improvement is camouflage and inscription support. Here is the customization configuration panel, from which you can pick camouflage and inscriptions.
Customization Configuration Panel
In Tank Inspector 1.3.2, we introduced the Snapshot function, which allows you to take hi-resolution tank photos with transparent background. This feature is quite useful to present new tanks, so it’s instantly favored by many fansites. In Tank Inspector PRO, this feature is also greatly extended.
Static Snapshot

Static Snapshot Capturer
The image above shows the static snapshot capturer. By moving and resizing the cropping rectangle, you can exactly compose your shot. The selected region will be rendered into a lossless hi-resolution picture, which could be as large as 4096*4096. The picture will have a transparent background, so you can blend it into any background. There is also a Shade option to tell the renderer which color of background should it optimize for, making the picture less aliased. The rendering speed is also improved, on my low-end computer (with a Radeon HD4270 level graphics card), it takes less than 3 seconds to take a 4096px width snapshot.
Here is a photo of T-55 A captured with it (1920*1080).
T-55A HD Snapshot
Yaw Animation Capturing
Taking static photo is only a tip of the iceberg. To better present the visual of a tank, Tank Inspector PRO can capture a Yaw Animation – an animation representing a tank rotating along its perpendicular axis infinitely.
Yaw Animation Capturer
In the Yaw Animation Capturer, you can specify the framerate (the higher the smoother) and the rotation speed. The capture process lasts for several seconds and you will get an animated GIF file.
Here is a sample of a rotating Ru 251.
Ru 251 Yaw Animation
Visual Changes Capturing
Fansite editors often make GIF animation to unveil tank’s visual changes between updates. Tank Inspector PRO makes this job as easy as a click.
Visual Change Capturer
Powered by the multi-game-client support, you can create a visual change animation by specifying a rival edition of the current tank. You can also tell the capturer to make watermarks of version information on the animation.
Here the visual change of StuG III Ausf. G between 9.0 and 9.4CT.
Visual Changes of StuG III Ausf G
That’s all for this part of sneak preview. In the next part, we will talk about the armor inspection features.
Thanks for reading!
Dat T-55 ~~~~SEXY ~~~~~
But is it free program or moniemoney?
For most software the “Pro” version is the “Paid” for version so have fun with that
Yeah, we know how that turns out, dont we?
There are things that you can’t pay with Paypal. For everything else, there is Torrent.
Yup, it ends up for me by downloading the program somewhere for free.
No because it will have to login to use it.
if you turn your net off it will use offline mode without live stat (avg damg, avg wn8, etc) though.
But how much do we need to pay?
When the “PRO” version is the only version available, you have to ask yourself if it’s really a paid version, or just a bigger, better version of the old one.
To be fair, I see nothing worth paying for, just a bunch of bloat for vanity’s sake. Armor information is old hat and easy to find. I would only pay if the makers found a way to peer into the tanks to see the tank’s modules, because that’s all I care about.
Where’s the: “GET ALL OF THIS FOR HUNDRED MILION RUBLEZ ONLY!!!!ONE!” that’s so welcomed on this site these days?
Anyway, at the author: Seems like a nice program, but I doubt it will be used much in its paid version, even by modders. Hope I am mistaken, though, would be good for you and further development =w=
Aint them from PRC?
my question is when will we get a model viewer for WoT that shows where are the modules/crew situated inside of the tank, like you can see in the actual game client (!!) of War Thunder
Probably nay, because of WG reasons.
Never, because that info is not stored in the client.
I wonder why stats for tanks are saved there while everything calculated is serverside.
Either it’s scaleform thing since it’s the easiest way to show stats in hangar, or the server is shit, so they’re trying to balance the server load and cheating potential. Having stats in client is pretty much harmless; having modules/crew though can lead to aimbots that only shoot ammo/fuel tanks.
It was, but WG removed it…
there you have it , but to see modules you must register and create account that will cost you 5$ as seen in this link
there is also mod for this but is strictly baned on all servers, how is called i don’t know.
-Here is a sample of a rotating Ru 251.
Hey, I can do it, and it’s free!
PING : 999ms
Me too
Sexy program is sexy.
On a side note: can anybody supply me with the torrents for 9.4 (I don’t believe it’s one file only, since those derps probably fixed something after the RU launch)?
My connection at home barely scrapes the bottom, and I can’t install WoT where I have better internet so… please?
You can find them in the /updates folder.
Assumiming the last one you had for 9.3 was 93.4825, it’s these two:
Thanks! May RNGesus bless your tanks!
FFS, this is the RU version! Thanks for the week of premium I’ve lost, and the discount premium I wanted to buy on the weekend!
Nice ad. I hope you got paid, SS.
WOT forum collapsed?