
In case you are interested – here’s an extremely interesting article about the Yom Kippur war (thanks to Brenthos for this one). In fact, the entire blog rocks.

- Storm explaining the HD textures issue once again: “We talked about releasing the textures in a simplified form, which can be seen starting from patch 9.3, because all the HD models are available by default with reduced texture quality. The quality of HD models will stay the way it is now. In short – the quality of upcoming HD models and tank textures will be the way it is now.”
- Q: “Why was SU-76I removed from the shop?” A (SerB): “Because it pwned newbies.” On the same matter, Storm confirms this (with sad “as usual”), he adds that the vehicle was tested properly, but a mistake was made and they are investigating it. Currently however, everyone is preparing for DevCon (SS: developer meeting) and the decision will be taken next week. Oddly enough, Yuri Pasholok in another comment says “told you so”, as in he knew about the imbalanced status of the vehicle.
- the changes in historical battle mode will be “radical”

- Q: “Why does the enemy armor bounce more shots when the enemy is low health? I tested that in hundreds of battles.” A (SerB): “That’s paranoia. And about that testing in hundreds of battles you are lying.”
- apparently there is a tutorial bug in 9.4 as well, it will be fixed (SS: no details, it’s possible this is RU-specific)
- the 9.4 bush bug (bushes “flicker” in sniper mode) will be fixed in the following patch
- the Object 260 WILL be an individual mission reward in 9.5 (SS: earlier the question was posted oddly and I did misread it, sorry)
- the “clone” maps (Himmelsdorf/Winter Himmelsdorf) have each one half of the probability to get them in random battles
- multiple players report “double click” bug (SS: not quite sure what that is), it’s apparently related to XVM
- various modes for team battles (7/32, 7/42 etc.) will not be made because it would just spread the playerbase too thin and would result in long queues
- there are currently no plans for changes in how the visual camouflage works
- it’s possible (very vaguely) that the way the improved crew training works will be changed, improving the levelup of the lowest main skill level player instead of the one with least XP (SS: as in, when you have a 60 percent retrained guy with 3 perks and a 100 percent retrained guy with 1 perk, currently the 100 percent one is selected for faster retraining, while in the future, the 60 percent one would be)
- there is a CW bug on RU server affecting Clanwars – in clan chat window only clan members should access, it allows your opponents to write in it. It’s tied to landings. It is known and it’s possible it will be fixed by a micropatch.
- there is apparently another bug, where you damage the allies by even touching them while driving very slowly, this will be fixed according to Storm
- server aim circle is bugged as well, it too will be fixed – it’s possible it will be hotfixed in fact, but no guarantees

67 thoughts on “6.11.2014

  1. Server side aim circle is best seen in Prokhorovka… Somethimes you need to shoot a random shot to make it aim at ALL. I was waiting for 20 secunds somethimes without zooming at all.

  2. I think Pasholok meant something like “it’s impossible to balance this thing at all”.
    Looks like it is.
    Double click thing is when you do something in hangar (for example, trying to put a crewman in a tank or buying a camo net) the first click in sub-menu does nothing, it only works on second try. This one was on common test, but it’s not fixed. Mods are unrelated.
    A lot of bugs were not fixed actually, something probably went wrong in WG Minsk before 9.4 went live.

    • good thing i bought the su-76i lol

      i was so damn sick puking my guts out but i dragged my self to buy that pz2j killer.

      • Hell yeah.
        It’s especially awesome if you meet the same 2J in consecutive battles, making him ragequit.

        • make him regret spending 400$ on a tank that sucks lol and let him know that hes going to get scumbagged by a armored Anti pz2j

      • It could be more balanced if it meet Tier 5. Normal MM would mean more Tier 4 battles and less pwn. No need to think about it for years.

        I need it.

          • LOL. ROFL. Never thought about it. (ironic)

            Money needs time to be transferred on Paypal. No money, no tank. No matter how hard I want it.

            • It’s a tough little beast. It chews it’s way though a enemy team.
              I kitbashed one years ago, so I wanted one for that reason. I figured yesterday, it’s only 7 bucks.
              Little did I know what I was buying :)

            • I think i’m glad i bought it (haven’t played it yet though), depends what they do with it…

  3. “Why does the enemy armor bounce more shots when the enemy is low health? I tested that in hundreds of battles.” A (SerB): “That’s paranoia. And about that testing in hundreds of battles you are lying.”

    Had this happen a few times. It was the same position of the tanks, shooting at exactly the same spot on the target, penetrating every shot until only one shot was needed to kill the tank and then I had 2-3 bounces before the tank got away or got killed.
    Still doesn’t mean it’s a hidden rule or some bug, I think it might have to do more with gun accuracy than anything, but definitely frustrating when it happens.

    • hey it happens if your getting shot at and you bounce a shot be happy thats rng saying carry the game please lol

    • It happens to be RNG related. At least from the test reports a friend of mine did firing in game doing 100-300 round tests of a given penn vs a given armor plate at point blank. Interesting results to say the least.

      • I wish I could find it, but there was an interview where someone talked about a slight RNG buff for almost-dead tanks.

          • The conversation was a while ago, it was dealing with the fact that no one would use the adrenaline rush crew skill that allows the crew to reload 10% faster when your tank is <= 10% of its health. WG included a "Saving throw" into the game, that is why you see so many tanks running around with 1HP now after you hit them.

            Don't know about you, but I have died more to that then I like to recall, I shoot them leave them at 1HP and then I get hit, I bounce them and they kill me, f**king WG!

  4. “- the 9.4 bush bug (bushes “flicker” in sniper mode) will be fixed in the following patch”

    this is 9.3 bush bug. They said it will be fixed in 9.4 … OMG.

    This is getting ridiculous. Srsly… this patch had NOTHING valuable beside a new map and some changes to team battles, yet they broke so much other, completely unrelated, crap that its almost mind boggling. How do they even manage that?!

    • Welcome to 9.0/2
      Now they will need 9.4.1, 9.4.2 and 9.5 patch to fix all those bugs they introduced in this one.
      This is what you get, when rushing to milk more money out of players in the way of trying to release 9.5 till Christmas.. WG at their finest!

    • From a coding perspective, I can understand the fact that when you touch something it can break other parts of the code. Now, when you include the fact that they should be aware of this and perform proper QA on the shit, yes, it is unbelievable…

  6. “In fact, the entire blog rocks.”
    Well, depends on what you think about Israel…

    • True, I’d hardly call that a good site.
      If you have a hard on for Israel and biased opinions and information that are aligned with your own views. Then I guess it would be a site for you.
      Otherwise, you might want to look elsewhere.

  7. - Q: “Why was SU-76I removed from the shop?” A (SerB): “Because it pwned newbies.”
    FCM36Pa40 pwns newbies to death from 400m away (they don’t even know how they’ve been seen) and it’s still in shop.
    SU76i has preferential MM (wtf idea???) and is retired within 5h.

    • WTF Indeed! Why does that fuckOPwagen have pref MM? Why doesnt all T3 prems have it? S35, FCM, LTP, T-15….Nope no need?
      Once again WG just fucking morons :D

      Also T5 hull at T3 tank – 60mm, gg penning with non-TD or without gold.

      Rebalance and give gold back, like SP.

      • u wot m8
        LTP has pref MM
        Also, giving gold is a problem – since it was in prem shop only, it was paid for with real money, not gold. Returning gold could probably cause troubles in some countires and WG does not want that.

      • FCM doesn’t need pref MM. I got it and I still pwn enen in Tier 5. Yesterday I killed 5 tanks in a battle (one sherman and a KV1) and I spotted base for 1400 dmgs.
        LTP has pref MM and I agree with you about T15 and maybe S35 (too good in Tier 3)

        About 76i’s armor, I checked on tank inspector and i’s only on a small part. The rest is 50 mm unsloped armor, so not unbeatable.
        Just give it normal MM so it won’t only meet normal battles.

      • Yesterday in 2 games with my 76i I bounced about 200 shells from PZ I C’s alone. That’s hilarious. And in 3 seconds they are dead, even without possibility to retreat.
        Nooo, not OP at all =D

    • FCM trades every advantage for this viewrange. And it’s still a tank that is not suitable for an average player.
      76i is plain p2w vehicle that CAN be countered but only by a higher-than-average skilled opponent even when the driver is a noob.

      • Make the average player better with tutorials ;)
        WG just tells how to move and send them in battle.

        • So, you mean to tell me that WG, a pro-Russian company, are applying Russian WW2 training methods in a WW2 tank game? Shocking, just shocking.

  8. So many things to be fixed Soon TM They are turning more and more into a joke. Releasing empty patches, but creating metric shit ton of new/old bugs.

  9. - the 9.4 bush bug (bushes “flicker” in sniper mode) will be fixed in the following patch

    you knew about this the last patch but still let it go. Typical lazy WG

  10. “- it’s possible (very vaguely) that the way the improved crew training works will be changed, improving the levelup of the lowest main skill level player instead of the one with least XP (SS: as in, when you have a 60 percent retrained guy with 3 perks and a 100 percent retrained guy with 1 perk, currently the 100 percent one is selected for faster retraining, while in the future, the 60 percent one would be)”

    Why do they want to change a good thing?

    • I don’t get it.
      You mean, not being able to quickly bring up a silver-retrained crewman to a 100% level is a good thing?

    • I do not believe you understand how it is intended….

      60% with 3 skills < 100% with 1 skill

      Once a crew member reaches 100% the crew member is able to train additional skills, each one, when fully trained adds 100 to the percentage of the crew member.

      Crew member starts at 50% (base skill)
      Crew member reaches 100% (base skill) is able to train a skill
      Crew member with 1 skill is considered 200%, (100% for the crew members base skill and the other 100% from the fully trained skill) in WoT
      Crew member with 2 skills 300%….

      If you retrain a crew member to another tank, and you choose to transfer them for silver at 80% or free for 50%, since that percentage directly effects the 100% base skill of the crew member, none of the skills trained are useable. Only after the crew member reaches 100% base skill again do the additional skills come back into play.

      So I have a 300% crew member on a tank, I transfer them to another tank for free, that crew member is considered to only be at a base skill of 50%, additional skills and perks stop working. When I increase the crew back to 100% base skill, they are magically at 300% again since the skills and perks are working again and added to the total for the crew member.

      So it is a bug at the moment, the focus should be on the lesser base skill percentage crew member, only after the base skill is at 100% should they start to consider additional skills and which crew member gets the benefit.

  11. “- apparently there is a tutorial bug in 9.4 as well, it will be fixed (SS: no details, it’s possible this is RU-specific)”

    When I installed the patch yesterday and started WoT, after logging in I had the window with Tutorial info rmation, saying it’s available and that I’ve already claimed my prize (I think it was some free exp, it was long ago). As you can deduce, I am on EU ;)

  12. - multiple players report “double click” bug (SS: not quite sure what that is), it’s apparently related to XVM

    I thought it was my Mouse!…
    I don’t use XVM and I suffer from this a lot (easy to spot in Garage)…
    It’s like you “Double Click” when you “Single Click”..

    It doesn’t happen in Windows, and I am not clicking twice due to the first click not working… It’s like a really fast DoubleClick (I guess I could open up a keylogger to see if it is my mouse or if it is the game :/…).

  13. there is a CW bug on RU server affecting Clanwars – in clan chat window only clan members should access, it allows your opponents to write in it. It’s tied to landings. It is known and it’s possible it will be fixed by a micropatch.

    This is not just an RU CW bug, my skirmish team (I’m on the US server btw) has experienced this bug also. The other team saw everything we were typing in the ready room just before the match so they ended up knowing most of the tanks we had before the match started due to us telling people to switch to certain tanks.

  14. Getting a SHIT load of hanging now…

    Going back to garage, often waits 20s or more on blank screen…
    Cant’ alt-tab out after pressing battle, otherwise when lt-tabbing back to game its stuck on map loading @100%
    When in garage, clicking Results for previous battles can take 20s or more…

    NO mods, and not had these issues since a few patches ago when they fucked it all up like this….

    Nice going. twats.

  15. - Q: “Why was SU-76I removed from the shop?” A (SerB): “Because it pwned newbies.” On the same matter, Storm confirms this (with sad “as usual”), he adds that the vehicle was tested properly, but a mistake was made and they are investigating it

    Wait a second ….

    Is this the same Storm who disgreed yesterday? ;)

    “-apparently, some players are suggesting that the SU-76I is imbalanced (too good), Storm disagrees”

    But this is just another example of how serios you should take any answer by these WG guys. Its more like “who cares about the balderdash I spouted yesterday”

  16. Training bug is that you can do it again for one time and get the boni for it.
    at least i got offered to do it again for 6k + 300 free exp after logging in (using the mac client tho if this could make a difference)

  17. - various modes for team battles (7/32, 7/42 etc.) will not be made because it would just spread the playerbase too thin and would result in long queues

    That’s what happened/is happening in shittunder.

    “- there is a CW bug on RU server affecting Clanwars – in clan chat window only clan members should access, it allows your opponents to write in it. It’s tied to landings. It is known and it’s possible it will be fixed by a micropatch.”

    Working as intended. Great news tankers it also works on battles for provinces, not only on landings. Except if it was meant that landings cause it.

    • This also happens in battles for provinces, I can confirm that. EU2 server. I suppose this has something to do with removal of special battle’s ‘lobby chat’ but WG fucked it up somehow. Or might be a feature WG just forgot to announce?

  18. “Why does the enemy armor bounce more shots when the enemy is low health?”

    Because people are more careful when they are low on health, and thus are more likely to angle their armor favorably.

    It’s probably nothing more than that.

  19. - Q: “Why does the enemy armor bounce more shots when the enemy is low health? I tested that in hundreds of battles.” A (SerB): “That’s paranoia. And about that testing in hundreds of battles you are lying.”

    This is bullshit because It’s happened to me with enemies showing their side armor to me I swear the final kill shot bounces more often than not.

  20. - Q: “Why was SU-76I removed from the shop?” A (SerB): “Because it pwned newbies.” “On the same matter, Storm confirms this (with sad “as usual”), he adds that the vehicle was tested properly, but a mistake was made and they are investigating it. Currently however, everyone is preparing for DevCon (SS: developer meeting) and the decision will be taken next week. Oddly enough, Yuri Pasholok in another comment says “told you so”, as in he knew about the imbalanced status of the vehicle.”

    So many idiots playing this game…THIS is why we can’t have nice things…

  21. Wel, SU-76I had killed so much guys since 0.9.2 in Chinese Server. But it’s nerf in 0.9.3: much slower, and lower ROF. But it’s still so OP in the game, as its appearence according to XVM calculator of CN server, it’s much better than fcm 36……so ,stop selling it in case of another Type 59 in tier 3 room……

  22. - “there is a CW bug on RU server affecting Clanwars – in clan chat window only clan members should access, it allows your opponents to write in it. It’s tied to landings. It is known and it’s possible it will be fixed by a micropatch.”
    EU2 have the same problem. It happened to my clan yesterday.