SU-76i In Premium Shop

Hello everyone,

as announced in the 9.4 release post on the portal, from today, new Soviet tank destroyer SU-76I is being sold in the premium shop. Surprisingly enough, Wargaming didn’t even try to harpoon the whale this time with outrageous bundles, but what is even weirder is that there is no grand announcement on the portal either, as it usually is with new premium vehicles.

The price of the vehicle is as such (vehicle + garage slot):

EU server: 6,75 USD
RU server: 5,2 USD
US server: 7,19 USD

26 thoughts on “SU-76i In Premium Shop

  1. Yeah, I saw the price on that yesterady and was shocked. Of course, they did the same thing with the SU-85i and the Chi-Nu Kai…seems like the only tanks they’re targeting TOGs with these days are rare and/or limited edition ones (Fury, rare low tiers, etc).

  2. “Surprisingly enough, Wargaming didn’t even try to harpoon the whale this time with outrageous bundles”

    There’s no reason to. It’s not rare, it’s freely sold. Bundles = rare vehicles you don’t have almost any chance to obtain otherwise (Tetrarch, KV-220, etc, etc), not new prems. I don’t remember any new normal premshop vehicle being sold like that, even in cases where you’d expect them to, like OP S35 or Churchill III.
    Seriously, do you even premium shop? =w=

    • Well the su76i, before 9.4, was very rare. It was only availabe from a package in the beta test.

      • I think you’re thinking of SU-85i, and AFAIK that one was planned to be in one of the store box sets that they never made.

      • SU76i was never available before 9.4 (except for WG and press accounts).
        If you meant the pre-order packs those vehicles were the followings: A-32, Panzer V/IV and M6A2E1.
        Furthermore the release version of the game was while if I remember correct the SU76I added to the game around 0.7.0.

  3. I wait money to be transferred on my paypal. :)
    New marketing technique?
    Maybe they will make it disappear from the shop two weeks after (after everyone realized how good it is and want to get it), then sell it in super harpooning bundles..

    • There is none. That tank is killer. Guns rapes everything, armor is pretty much immune to same tier enemies and it can even deal with tier 5 tanks.

      Id call OP

    • An aiming circle as big as the moon, terrible accuracy. But with every shot can reduce same tier vehicles by 70% of their HP. It is fun.

  4. Note that tank’s wiki is wrong regards to the battle tiers it fights in. 9.3 MM table shows it only fights tier 4 max.

  5. i have a bet that this was the re balance of the pz 2 j, because there are limited numbers on the EU/NA/Sea servers they wanted to get a limited number out, also i will have to test this in my pz 2 j but i know that the MM will put pz 2 j’s and bt-sv’s if there in the cue together (more often then not and if my thoughts are right i should see more SU-76i’s if i play my pz 2 j then normal.