Hello everyone,
so, had enough bugs in 9.4 yet? No? Good, here’s another one and it’s pretty nasty. I discovered this after recieving an e-mail from a player, who complained about “ghost shells” when firing at enemy M53/M55 artillery. On a hunch, I checked the model of the vehicle and… this is the visual model:
And this is the collision model, that “should” correspond the visual one:
As you can see, it’s completely fucked. There’s a huge gap between the superstructure and the hull and when you fire at it, the vehicle will not get damaged, the shells will fly right through it. How the HELL does this shit happen? Do WG developers just randomly open models and fuck with them, guessing whether players will notice or not? Incredible.
If someone has a M53/M55 and wants to try this shit, pm me on WoT EU, I am Recene.
lol nice nickname u got there *trollface*
Yeah no wonder my leo pta missed point blank range thot it was just some sort if delay.
WG you are fucking with ME!
check this out!
and see what happens when i engage the M53 (minute 8 or so)
Arty named TittyTwister xD
Borsig retard cant see wtf is happening.
IS-7 and IS as usual twats who play rashan line :)
He said look at the m53 , not tell me who did what wrong xD
Woras , y u no play tonks anymore btw ?
Borsig was commenting L3gi battle vs arty – thats what :D
Yeah uhuh, right, with this bugged patch? Only when there is free premium days I play – like tomorrow. Im afk until 9.5 (also depends if Far Cry 4 and The Crew is good enough).
as a code monkey i’m socked that Wargaming.net a major dev gaming company will fail in this regards.
it means they don’t have any Quality Control/Testin their delivery of software versions… their testing are in “production” only on test server, so fuck the quality, we will find the bugs pre-prod or live. classic fail and only goes to show their low quality as producers of products.
look at WT they released same version on linux… they can ship many updates every week with no fail, they have better control & quality build into the dev process. (you can argue about game itself, but you know it’s true…)
“yea, yea the new models are the same, ship it”…
outsourcing their hd models to third party only points out their failed development management and lack of integration process.
good job SS you devil.
I think its their engine or something in coding that doesnt allow for quick updates.
War Thunder Ground Forces? What a crap. Every time I log in and try to drive a tank first few minutes are disaster, tank landing on a rock and slide down on its roof, another tanks on top of my tank, tank shaking like crazy. And the best is when another tank is flipping my tank over.
And everyone is a sudden expert in programming, designing internet games. And how many games you have played without any issues?
I have not experienced any of these bugs. So? where are they? Seems to me everybody is jumping on the “I hate WG” bandwagon probably without even knowing what bugs are all about.
Now lets see how long does it take for WG to fiks it.
qa checks intended changes, that looks like config/ change management and i would bet sw architecture is spaghetti-like
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that was amazing (and very unfortunate)
Seriously… it’s kind-of funny that when I started taking my WoT haitus, the forums are poisoned with tons of rant threads (more than usual) and the updates are buggier than ever.. I guess the developers have reached their retention limit as well.
“Oh, the M53/M55 isn’t supposed to get touched this patch, but let’s open up its model regardless and fuck everything up.”
G to the mother fucking G, WG.
I thought they already fired the guy responsible for model fuck-ups…
New one grew :D
Someone took a dump and created another developer!
Exactly what i was thinking.
Just a scapegoat.
Basic programming, you fix 1 thing and 3 other suddenly stop working…. Because reasons ! and in this case…..cause of Stalin.
but it doesn’t fuck up models inside of an compiled data
Why the fuck would they touch the M53 model in the first place if it was alright?
There’s been a move to a slightly different 3d format recently. 9.1 was it? Remember a couple other models with their turrets sunk into the hull? Same issue. I’m ready to bet on an automated script shenanigans, since this looks like a classic case of flipped y issue.
99 little bugs in the code, take one down, patch it around, 250 little bugs in the code.
when i zoom out on my m40 the Barrel is an Pentagon since the patch … so dafuq wg WTH ?!?!
So we can use it in battle: Arty cover behind rock, shoot over rock arty hit xD
Well THAT fucking explains the invincible M53/55 i encountered on the opening patch day. Thing took 3 shots from my IS-8 no problem, only when i got to the side and put some into its hull did i finish it off. Wondered why it looked why my shells hit the mountainside behind him -_-
And this morning when I shot at one of these I thought my shell dissapeared…
Well what do you know, it is ANOTHER bug, not the ghost shells :)
hue hue hue, someone gonna get fired XD
Arty so OP, eating shells and sh*t
More like – absorbing for later use.
How can it eat shells when it doesn’t have stomach? XD
Stomach has cloud service storage :D
*Scumbag Mode: ON*
Oh man I better click more on my beloved M53/55 more…. Who want some Tasty 8 inch Shell now?
Jokes aside, this is really game breaking! This got to be fixed as soon as possible. How can they F___ up this so hard?
Next one up: Maus got its model compressed to 1px.
Following with a Maus Armour Model for the T1.
That would be hilarious if it would actually happen..
Not a sufficient buff for Maus, but hey – its something.
Splash will still hit that one pixel :D
Depends on how strong the armor listed on that 1px cube is. If it’s the 300 UFP rating, great. Nothing will ever hit it, nothing can ever splash it (and deal significant damage), and.. It will never get detracked. Much OP!
I got a ghost shells into a Waffenträger auf Pz. IV yesterday, prety sure of that
Thing is, that gun shield doesn’t go all the way down to the chassis. I get grey hairs every time that happens.
WG dev methodic: manager..err, comissar comes in, sees Ivan the dev and tells him – Ivan! Fix minimap Okeey? Ivann: Gib vodka I go paint tenk and improve model Okeey? Okeeey, here is your vodka comrade, keep up the excellent work.
They only care about money ……
Or not
Another employee fired. I hope, because he would f*cking deserve it, this is one of the biggest screw-ups lately.
Easy enough to test in-game without having to shooting them – the silhouette of the vehicle won’t be highlighted if you aim at one of the gaps in the collision model.
SNAFU: Situation normal, all fucked up.
Well, now that I know this, I know to aim high against it. Looks like the collision model has you shooting at the top of the turret, and penetrating the turret. So yeah, remember folks, when you get to kill one of these scumbags aim high ;)
So much for quality control rofl…
yes it is……it’s just 2nd hand Soviet QC
Name one Russian/Belarus product that is NOT held together with Gaffer tape after 3 months ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Please stop this racist shit, there are enough examples of really bad products from other countries, its the fuck up of wg not russia or belarus.
Technically it isn’t racist because Russians aren’t a race, rather it is national stereotyping. If he said Slavs then you’d have a case.
Slightly related fact: before the 20th century, Germany was associated with low-quality products. They did a good job turning that perception around!
Lada, Moskvich, Zhiguli. Still going, still going.
I’m guessing there are a lot more of these collision models screwed up. I want to see them all now.
Checked all arties and meds – nothing, besides M53.
dont forget the zero damage crew model of the M41 HMC…
Does this mean that if one were to fire at the space above the visual model, they would score a hit seeing as the collision model is so much higher?
And if so, does it leave a floating penetration hole?
Yes, and yes
If you have one on your team in-game, move your crosshair over it during countdown – when you point at the gap in the collision model the silhouette of the vehicle won’t be highlighted.
So in overall, did it became taller?
It’s Ikea version of M53 -DIY ;P
Just wondering what kind of fucked up configuration management they have.
Basically (in a very simple way) you have checked in the last 9.3 version, build one or more branches for 9.4. start working on them and merge them into one 9.4 branch/version.
After that you can compare 9.3 version with 9.4 and check if the merge was successfull and deploy the version to the developer test and public test.
It’s amazing how bad they are at this. I guess everybody just checks in their changes to the codebase and they don’t have any kind of change process going on. QA? who needs that! Change announcements? Too much bureaucracy! Code audits? Our code is perfect, see how much money losers are paying!
No wonder why enemies spot my M53/M55 behind the hill when the “turret” is 1,5 meters offset upwards.
Look at the last 2 shells against of course, M53/55.
Both shells right through that arty. You can clearly see the trace of the shells.
zu dumm zum scheißen
Comrade Stalin would have executed 90% of WG by now for crap like this.
Last night I had a red m103 crest the hill, and I knew I had him, but somehow he picked me off before I could aim at him in my M53/55. This explains much.
Scumbag arty player? Scumbag arty player.
Pingback: 7. 11. 2014
i knew it, i knew it
they used levitation to stabilize the gun
They fired the wrong Dev ,now the true evil doer is at large !!
This patch is a fail
The memory leak is happening even with no alt tabbing and so many other stuff…..
I just checking armor models in model viewer to look other fails….
the M41 HMC has still crew members as zero damage armor models *facepalm*
LOLOLO i laughed
It feels like the turret says “Fuck this shit, I am going to be a spaceship.”
gg, wg, gg
* stands up and applauds war gaming.
How hard is it to check stuff like this
No wonder arty is so OP. NERF NOW!!!
The number of new players in WOT has stopped rising, major fuckups in models, maps (Stalingrad) and now “randomly chosen winners” of premium tanks in Mistery Mayhem. For me it seems that WG is on its way down.
I think there is just some automatic conversion tool for such models which converts them to new format/patch and it bugs out sometimes.
Pingback: M53/M55 Bugged Model in Action | For the Record
That’s what happens if you get the best russian speaking developers – you hire morons and they deliver crap.