
Oddly enough, there’s nothing much going on on supertest – the reason for it is that the official supertest teamspeak crashed and there’s noone to fix it over the weekend.

Also, Russian players apparently made WoT Blitz work on PC using an emulator. Will look into that further (post “how-to’s” etc.).

- Storm confirms that the theory that low hp tanks bounce more shots is crap
- a player was complaining that (unlike earlier), now the position of mouse cursor, when pressing Escape in battle, isn’t as it was earlier (on the “leave battle” button) and he has to scroll the mouse to get to it. Storm stated that they just didn’t pay attention to it, it’s not intentional.
- on the new HD models, the textures are in the new (higher) resolution, but the textures of visual camouflages remain in the old (low) resolution
- hitting a dead tank with a HE shell (arty) does not generate splash, this is intentional
- the decision to remove ultra HD textures was influenced by the fact that practically noone downloaded the HD pack in 9.3 (0,1 players) by the fact that the difference between the (current HD) regular and ultra HD textures is negligible
- developers are still thinking what to do with the SU-76I, nothing was decided yet
- Mountain Pass map will be investigated, heat maps will be checked (there is a suspicion that one side has an advantage over the other)
- Ruinberg on Fire will be removed from the game
- apparently, there is a minimap bug in 9.4, causing the minimap to display wrong enemy tank positions under certain circumstances (enemy left the render range, his icon got “stuck” on minimap and moved only when the player moved and the enemy tank appeared in render range again), Storm was made aware
- 9.5 will come out this year
- Storm does now know, when (or whether) the number of players in clan will be increased
- no plans to buff or nerf arty
- no comment on supertest leaks (AMX-13/57)
- AMX-30 and its “branch” will not come in 9.6, but later (when it’s done it’s done)
- Storm states that his earlier quote about WG not willing to put more paper project into the game did not mean historical paper projects, only WG made-up ones
- T92 Light Tank is not in plans for 2015
- Storm knows about the M53/M55 armour model bug, will be fixed
- Storm states that he didn’t have any problem with capturing on (playing) the Stalingrad map
- the profitability of Object 416 is not lower or higher than the one of other vehicles of the same tier

103 thoughts on “9.11.2014

  1. - Mountain Pass map will be investigated, heat maps will be checked (there is a suspicion that one side has an advantage over the other)

    That map is ridiculous.

    • The worst one is still Mines in Encounter mode… one team has access to hill AND cap while the other one has to try to stop the cap without getting murdered from above…

      • mountain pass is a fucking mess in north east area. south attackers can get sniped from west pass,bridge and hulldown tanks forward in the north hilll. Not to mention that area is an arty wet dream.

        fucking clickers love to target purple players there.

      • I rarely play Encounter, because it fucking sucks, altrough it doesn’t suck as much as Sand River – Assault…, well assault sucks overall.

        However Mountain Pass has been like this for a while, yet WG ignores it. North base has a HUGE adventage, South can barely push trough ice road because hulldown tanks up there will dominate, bridge is campy and shitty for both sides (north still has a better chance at defending it, because reasons), going 1-2 line is almost impossible with the average heavy, getting spotted while crossing sucks, totally sucks.

        When North Base has a terrible noob team they can still defend their cap, because why the fuck not?, it’s not super hard, you have a hill overlooking the cap and two corridors leading to it.

        I’d say remove but that means I’ll get Komarin, Swamp more often.

        So what is Mountain Pass good for?, Racing, and jumping over people from the bridge. Yeah.

  2. - AMX-30 and its “branch” will not come in 9.6, but later (when it’s done it’s done)

    I pray to Almighty SerB that it’ll come with full branch rather than a two top tier poop combination.

  3. lol, Supertest has a voice server these days? Back when it first rolled out (well at least for us on NA) I remember we had to use XMPP :|

    I bet communication is still impossible :P (Just like in the WG offices! :D)

  4. - developers are still thinking what to do with the SU-76I, nothing was decided yet

    Uptier it, limit MM to 5 max (doesn’t even have to be). It’ll now have average pen, average armor, average mobility, and also average alpha damage with average DPM and below-average accuracy.

    • It’s pen is the lowest of tier 3 TDs. Tier 4 TDs would explode from the idiocy if SU-76i got uptiered.

      Just remove it’s limited MM.

      • someone tell me the pen of this TD ?

        You know, I have a concern that with normal MM it will end up like B1 or AT15A untill recent buff.

        • 86/102. Even gold pen is low, with current gun removing limited MM or uptiering it is not really a feasible way to fix it.

          Most of its power comes from its speed and it scales really well with crew skill (especially with 6th sense and camo). It’s a prefect sealclubbing vehicle if you will. I’m dubious that it would perform the same if I put a 50% crew on it, not a 4 skill one from o263…

          Honestly if WG nerfs it I’ll just return it, it will be stale and absolutely inferior to the pak40. On the other hand if WG leaves it as is and never sells it again, I will just laugh at people who missed it.

  5. - Storm knows about the M53/M55 armour model bug, will be fixed
    The question is: When? That piece of shit is not only one of the best t9 cancers, now it’s also bugged as fuck. I just hope we won’t have to wait until 9.5 for a fix. I had yesterday a battle where my shell went trough it’s hull w/o damaging it(since in the middle of the battle it didn’t occured my mind that i need to shoot somewhere else(i also had it on autoaim)

    • I don’t see it OP at all, though it’s strong at it’s tier. It’s just relatively good compare to the other T9 SPG, which is nerf to hell (maybe the exception of BC155). And the US deserve something good when you consider the T92 is not very good at all.

      • Remove arty. It’s unhistorical anyway.

        Name me one occasion where arty fired high-explosive shells at a tank and destroyed it.

        • Are you joking or trolling?
          Because seriously, pointing artillery guns downwards to aim at incoming tanks in a desperate attempt to stay alive did happen. It’s a very logical thing to do.

          Hell, the ISU-152′s gun is an adapted version of a 152mm field gun.
          40kg of explosives exploding on a tank doesn’t just tickle. Put at the right place, it can knock the turret right off the turret ring.

          • First of all, the 152mm gun was capable of knocking the turret ONLY TO THE SABOTAGED TANKS, thanks to the traitors in the german factories. A well crafted Tiger was pretty much immune to HE shells from ISU.

            And what loner85 said is perfectly true, arty was downright useless against tanks, it took a perfect shot to destroy a light/medium tank, that happened like 1-in-a-million. It is well documented that hours long arty heavy barrage would result in 1-2 tanks destroyed in an entire company.

  6. - Ruinberg on Fire will be removed from the game

    NO! One of the better maps…..
    If a map is gonna be removed, it got to be Fiery Salient/Provorovka! That map was a massive campfest no matter what. Heavies is punished by camping TDs and clickers…….

  7. - hitting a dead tank with a HE shell (arty) does not generate splash, this is intentional

    and stupid

    but was not there changes some patches ago, wich enabled HE shells to make splash when hit a wreck?

  8. “now the position of mouse cursor, when pressing Escape in battle, isn’t as it was earlier”

    This is the third time they screw this up… at least this time i dont automatically click on settings… can somebody make a mod for this? if we wait for WG to fix this and screw up again … >.>

    and the minimap bug is annyoing as well… happens so often too…

    • First off, nice match there :)

      Second: You just got lucky… because your enemy had the autogun he lost most of his penetration value due to being to far away. Paired with your angled side + tracks no shot could make it through.

      You see… when you shot back most of your shots weren’t penetrating either
      because the distance was too big and only your high pen rolls made it through :)

  9. - Mountain Pass map will be investigated, heat maps will be checked (there is a suspicion that one side has an advantage over the other)

    Oh…there is a suspicion? Like players been saying this for as long as this map is in rotation?

      • There seems to be some seriously fucked up internal communication at WG. I do not mean the ignoring of users feedback, just the communication between departments and quality control… Seriously, most of these errors that come with patches is just silly, and could be avoided by implementing a proper organizational structure…

  10. “- Storm confirms that the theory that low hp tanks bounce more shots is crap”
    I shot a T110E5 on 3 HP with a 128mm HE shell and “that one didn’t go through”.. Happened an hour ago.
    Bullshit mate.

    • Replay or it didn’t happen :)

      You probably hit his gun or his tracks, which absorbed all the damage.

  11. Mountain Pass??

    Team 1 wins 48.3%
    Team 2 wins 50.5%…
    (37,795 games)

    Thats not the most unbalanced map….

    Team 1 wins 57.3%
    Team 2 wins 41.4%…
    (only 7k games though)

    • It’s folks who just look at numbers rather than the actual game itself that allow problems like imbalance on Mountain Pass to go unnoticed for so long.

      Anyone starting from north base in anything that can charge to a bush and spot across the valley basically locks that position down for the other team. All the idiots cross the open and get sniped to shit (because the south doesn’t get ANY kind of cover when crossing, unlike the north) and anyone who knows its suicide is forced to camp the rocky outcrop just outside spawn and wait for the enemies to come around to them and clean up. It’s been absolute bullshit since pubbies have learned to exploit this feature. The map is broken, but it requires competence and a decent line up on the northern team, so I’m not surprised the numbers don’t show a significant advantage for that side… yet.

    • Play that map in CW/TC when teams doesn’t consist of brain dead idiots whose skill end at finding their WSAD buttons…

      In CW if you get north you can just forget the bottom half of the map and generally can safely assume that you are in 1-2 tank advantage as you will deal a crapload of damage due to easy initial spotting.

      On the other hand south simply must cross as the area before the bridge is retardedly hard to defend. And if you can’t control the south part of the map you are jammed into your spawn and those few rocks between the bridge and south. To add insult to injury you can’t even properly defend north as you’ll get attacked from 2 directions (since north can easily control the area under the bridge – again due to the prohibitive nature of their easy initial spotting).

      It’s no suprise the idiots at WG never ever realized how bad that map is. They are mostly very-very bad players who never got any better than the ‘press R twice go pewpewpew’ stage.

  12. - Ruinberg on Fire will be removed from the game

    Good… because they made a total mess of it… “On fire” should be a LOT more fire, thick billowing smoke making visibility terrible, and … duh, it shouldn’t have drizzling rain. The smoke clouds should also kill the sunlight off making it a low-light (artificial overcast) situation.

    - AMX-30 and its “branch” will not come in 9.6, but later (when it’s done it’s done)

    First expansion tree…. slowest development…. WG at work.

  13. “- the decision to remove ultra HD textures was influenced by the fact that practically noone downloaded the HD pack in 9.3 (0,1 players) by the fact that the difference between the (current HD) regular and ultra HD textures is negligible”

    Or maybe no one even knew such a package was available? First you had to go read the patch notes, read them fully, follow a link to another page, find a small text about the HD textures, click another link, download and install. Considering that reading the patch notes is what 99% of people playing the game don’t do, it’s no surprise no one downloaded it.

    “Oh look! We put a thingy on the web page but no one looked at it so I guess it’s useless”. Well maybe if you fucking told someone about it!

    • Just to continue. It took me almost half an hour to figure out where to get the HD textures in 9.3

      I went to the portal and first had to find the patch notes. Then I had to find a link in the patch notes about the separately downloaded textures. It took me to the main download page and there I had to find a small mention of the extra textures (and it was small as in in small font). That then opened up a new thingy from which I could download the textures. And then they wonder why no one downloaded them.

      All of that could’ve been avoided by just having a button on the launcher that said “Click here for shinies!”. It is as if they didn’t even want people to download the textures.

      • They apparently didn’t want people to know about them because people with “calculators” would have downloaded them and kept whining about low framerate instead of the people with really good computers. It was also probably assumed that people that have an interest about good computer specs would have also shown interest in the best that the game has to offer and thus finding the textures anyway.

  14. “- Mountain Pass map will be investigated, heat maps will be checked (there is a suspicion that one side has an advantage over the other)”

    no duh!
    Low tier, its not that bad, but high tier, you get to choose to lose 1500-3000 HP crossing, or just cede the entire west to them.

    Why does the north get hard AND soft cover for scouts? Why does the south have a trench that stops them from crossing quickly and safely? this is the easiest problem map to balance.

  15. “- a player was complaining that (unlike earlier), now the position of mouse cursor, when pressing Escape in battle, isn’t as it was earlier (on the “leave battle” button) and he has to scroll the mouse to get to it. Storm stated that they just didn’t pay attention to it, it’s not intentional.”

    Sounds like it messed up his macro’s for leaving battles early and getting to an new one…. awwwww

  16. - Mountain Pass map will be investigated, heat maps will be checked (there is a suspicion that one side has an advantage over the other)

    Mountain pass ? really how is it One sided ? is it because of the north side with all the advantages ? Well I have a suggestion for WG, How about you check South Coast because every time I get it the North side always wins :/

    • South Coast is just too easy to win on north side. Just stay just south of the flag, and you control half the map in arty cover, hull down and behind bushes.

  17. meah i dont think this is right the 416 CAN be a real money loser but that might be because of non pens or misses.

    Bring me patch 9.5 and my panther 8.8

  18. ”The profitability of Object 416 is not lower or higher than the one of other vehicles of the same tier”

    Is Storm drunk?

    T-44, Repair costs compared to 416
    ( slightly lower or higher, I dunno both aren’t expensive to repair. )

    Object 416,
    credits per shell 1230 silver, damage 320 ratio 0.26 damage per credit
    credits per shell 256 silver, damage 250 0,97 damage per credit

    The Object of course has far better penetration making it bounce less, but the penetration is still only 201mm, not fantastic. I think it’s a balancing measure and it fits, albeit it is a little ridiculous.

    The Object 416 bleeds money with the top gun quite regularly while the T-44 is excellent at making money even on tier 8 but it’s a tank that can’t hope to penetrate most important tier 10 heavies’ weakspots. Object 416 can make money of course, but it’s shell price makes it very unprofitable to say the least it however can penetrate some important weakspots on tanks that the T-44 cannot, the credit cost per shell is most likely a balance factor for this. Or they just went with ”it needs to cost the same as the T-54 ” because reasons. ( poor SU-101, 1230 credit per shell on a tier 8 td with 219 penetration, hahaha )

    • “Only” 201mm pen? It has fucking 320 alpha as well, which is the highest out of all tier 8 mediums. If you have premium account and perform decent in the long run, you will get a nice profit as with all other “expensive” tanks. Also 201mm pen making you damage alot more objects than with the other tenks having 175-180mm pen. I know, because I have the panther II it can pen almost every tenk in the game with AP, either frontaly or the sides, but the sluggish performance, low armor and big hull balancing the tenk from beeing OP.

      • The thing is, yes, the gun is quite nice, but you pay a lot for it with the tank; nearly no gun depression (though admittedly, the tank’s lack of height helps here a bit), no hull armor, turret that is unreliable at best, 180* turret rotation limit, and power:weight that is just a bit too sluggish to dogfight with.
        Gun statistics and camo/view range abuse are the only things the tank has going for it, and WG’s continued efforts in removing as much effective cover as they can from maps is slowly making the latter less of a thing.

        The tank is already balanced, maybe even underpowered in a map where it can’t find cover, there’s no reason that the player should barely break even or, if they happen to miss a few shots, bleed credits.

        The whole “high AP shell cost is part of balance” thing (WG’s words) is bullshit anyway; shell cost means nothing while in a match, and only serves to punish the player for taking an active role.

  19. “- Mountain Pass map will be investigated, heat maps will be checked (there is a suspicion that one side has an advantage over the other)”

    A suspicion? Took you this long to get a ‘suspicion’?

    great success

  20. Hopefully they’ll remove Mountain Pass while they attempt to “fix” it. Then wait for people to forget all about it and never put it back in rotation. And while they’re at it they can also remove that horrible abomination of a map they call Cliff.

    And please stop whining about Prok. It’s the one really great map in the game!