Hello everyone,
if you are planning to buy a tier 8 premium tank, be aware that Tanitha (ASIA server producer) confirmed that there will be tier 8 premium discounts coming in December during the festivities period. He also wrote:
Just be a little warned that… big events such as these festive periods. have big global activities… (IE similar on all servers)
Being global, they need to suit all.. So with this period more emphasis is put on new year (and early January) rather than xmas itself.
So Dec -> Jan is covered fairly heavily.. Just that everything isn’t crammed into the xmas week. It’s more spread out..
So, in case you are thinking about tier 8 premium, might be worth waiting a while, regardless of what server you play on.
I am waiting for SU-100y… maybe one day…
29.11.-3.12. “Winter is Coming”
- 50 percent credit/gold discount on tier 2-5 regular premium and regular vehicles
SU-100Y is Tier 6…
And a funny tank :>
Yeah, a troll russian tank :P
So it is, my bad.
well last year they did discounts on all premium tanks and planes and stuff for the days up to xmas as an advent calandar. maybe same again
If they start to spam plane offers at wot portal then instead of buying anything I’ll wish them to go to hell (again)
I want to buy jg8.8.. and from the time when I started playing wot I’ve collected so far +/-8.3k
Will that be enough for it?
Will jg be worth it? xD
10k nomal price, discount could be anywhere from 15-30%, get a little bit more gold just in case if possible, like 1k gold
In my (highly subjective of course) hindsight, as an jg88 owner, it is not worth it even on promotion. Perhaps do some more research about this tank on the forums before spending any real money on it. :)
Looks to be a top earner, What do you say is wrong with it?
I have the Jagdtiger (non premium) and cant see how the premium version is that much worse as it matches 2 battle tiers lower.
It is top earner because it has dirt cheap ammo. It doesn’t mean it performs well. Anyone, regardless of the skill, can jump in, make few damaging shots, and they have made profit.
If you play decently you will make more money in other premiums, that aren’t as close to the top of how well they earn. They will offer you more flexibility (especially tanks with turrets) and the damage will follow and the income will reflect that. Armour doesn’t really cut it, even if on a tier lower with pref MM, because it needs a hulldown position to be reliable. It is significantly more difficult to find a good hulldown spot turretless TD, especially when own mobility is also against you. Yes, it works when the situation allows it, but more often than not it forces you to stick to one good spot and be passive, reducing your impact on the game significantly.
As for the difference between regular and premium ones – premium one is even more sluggish. It has worse engine and so it’s mobility suffers. And to make the most of it’s rapid fire gun it has to stay exposed for prolonged periods of time (first, to take a good aim, as the pen is on the lower end and accurate shots are crucial, and second, to do any significant damage due to low alhpa), offering the enemy nice big target.
So unless it’s for crew training purposes (in which case I’d still take E-25 or even Dicker Max) it’s sub par choice really.
Well I have JT8.8, T34,IS6(sold SP after 1k1battles) etc..all in all 20+ premium tanks, and after IS6, 8.8 is my favorite tank to play. Its mean m*f*er, fun,and good cr earner. Excelent RoF (4.5 or below),good pen, decent dmg,just hide your lfp,do 2-3k dmg,and you will earn 100+k cr. In is6,for that money you need to make at least 4-4.5k dmg.
e25 is hell a fun too,but if you want a money and xp, 8.8 is your choice.
JT8.8 at least has better armor (120mm LFP vs 100mm) and better gun depression (IIRC, -7.5° vs -7°) than the standard JT.
Depends. I suggest playing Brit AT and see which you hate more: slow brick or RNG.
I absolutely love this tank. It is currently my best (and most fun) moneymaker premium I have.
I also have KV-5 and the T34, but I don’t play those at all, because the Jagdtiger is much more fun to play. :P
JT8,8cm is one of the best premium vehicles available. It earns much gold even without premium account and with well trained crew it has also decent mobility. With BIA perk, vents and medium caliber gun rammer you get very nice reload time 4,5s with dmg around +-240 which is so fucking amazing RoF :-)
The earning potential is due to the cheap ammo as said before, but the vehicle is highly situational. It needs a hulldown spot or its a dead paperweight.
That being said, the JgTiger88 is better than the Tier 9 JgTiger in all but two regards, gun and HP. Hitpoints are neglectable, since it faces enemies 2 Battletiers lower, and with a smaller gun it is actually quite a bit more mobile. 200pen is very okay for Pref Tier 8 (the only other pref MM Premium with 200+pen is the FCM).
You need to like TDs to like the JgTiger 88, but if you do, its pure gold.
Any word on whether any new tier 8 prems will be introduced before then?
I don’t expect anything special during Dec-Jan period. I mean anything new .. what is special.
Playing WoT since mid of 2012, I have bought what I wanted. The rest what I really want is not offered any longer. And I don’t expect that WG will do anything really friendly towards veteran players.
Discounts of some premium vehicles will be nice for new players, but in my opinion … veterans won’t see anything really new and special (.. nothing against tier II Christmas gift as usual, but .. ).
Then wait up for IMs :)
IMs … means Individual Missions?
Oh, if yes … I have proposed the opportunity of some kind of individual achievements’ opportunities long, long time ago. And now … WG heard it?
Ok, lets wait another year or two. May be .. “something special” will come.
Whelp, I just got my JT 8.8cm for free :)
It seems nice but at stock values its kinda…crappy compared to other t8 tanks. Slow as fuck, almost 7sec reload. Gotta train the crew fast :)
You needn’t to complain. Play your JgT8.8 as a “watch dog”. Choose nice place and shoot like mad … . And JgT8.8 fully equipped, with 3-4 skills’ crew … is something totally different than “fresh steel”.
Yea I know, fresh one is kinda weak but getting 100% on crew and various perks + eq turns this TD into a beast :)
FCM 50t here I come.
Same. Just been waiting for a discount. :D
I salute you,
who loves tanks as big as the barn
with armour so thin that grass and bushes do damage to internal components
and with entire front plate made of finest French ammo rack.
This made my day.
I’m also waiting for a proper medium premium, possibly that french thing.
Despite this, it is a very good medium. With a vertical stabilizer, firing on the move is no problem. Similar DPM to the STA-1 but with pref mm too. Oh, and it’s got a 1000hp engine…
I have one myself. I feel it’s quite demanding machine.
Main drawbacks are:
1. Size – sometimes when i think i’m behind cover i get hit because this humongous arse is still sticking out.
2. Class – despite the fact that you have less armour than most mediums on your team you still get shouted at “you are a heavy, go push!”
Also, it’s the only tank i equip with large repair kit. It is rare to get away with only one module damaged. Good thing i have hundreds of them lying around thanks to special events.
Its a great tank love mines.
For all the people who want JagdTiger 88 – find someone whos reselling intel starter pack (thats added to new i5/i7/laptops). You get JT 88, 1250 gold and 7 days premium. Ive bought it for about 25€ and code worked fine (from allegro.pl). You can even use multiple codes to get 10k gold compensation for JT.
I take it this means discount bigger than 15% which is a regular discount?
2013 New Year:
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So, if I understand well, these specials will be the same on all servers? So there is a chance they still gonna put the Type 59 sale on the other servers too?
The specials will be the same; however, Type 59 is only being sold on the ASIA server. Probably not going to be released anywhere else, but who knows…
Well this means a missed opportunity for me either way I look at it. All I want is a decent soviet med premium to train my T54 crew so I can finally retire my Lowe. God knows worst decision I ever made when it comes to investing in games. Comeon WG release a decent Soviet prem med already. I don’t want the Type 59 even though I play on ASIA.
Doesn’t mean much to me as I’m not interested in any current Premiums but the ones I have. Awaiting French medium. Would be interested in Scorpio.. maybe, but in current meta I think I’ll pass it.