Evilly on Individual Missions

Hello everyone,

because many butts were hurt and many bricks were shat under the earlier IM post (mostly due to artillery presence), Evilly (WG RU producer) decided to react and to explain the situation:


“You can stop being butthurt about the artillery. It’s just one of the possible variants. There are 5 branches of missions (LT, MT, HT, TD and Artillery), but it’s possible that in order to get the tank, you will have to complete 4 out of 5 without suffering playing the arty.”

He however confirmed that it’s possible platoons will be a requirement of some of the missions. He added that earlier, there were two ways how to do the missions – either remove the arty missions altogether, or to make the requirement 4 out of 5. Currently, they are working with the second variant. The missions are tied not to nations, but to vehicle classes.

92 thoughts on “Evilly on Individual Missions

    • FUCK THAT. I hate PLATOON missions. Why does my reward have to depend on somebody else? Reward ME for doing my share and add a BONUS if platooned.

      • exactly….. im usualy the one who calm butthurt people down but how is this any different then clan wars, strongholds?….

        people asked to give lone wolves something to be happy about and they say you have to ask random kids to platoon with you?……… BULL

        • i dont want to sound like im never satisfied so i just add in here that otherwise its indeed the greatest fking thing ever in WoT if you ask me…. just remove platooning……

  1. I’m liking this, grinding is never the way to go, better reward good gameplay or something!

    • <.<
      Yeah, because current missions don't require you to play a specific class, tier or nation….

      Seriously, for all you people to be happy, you'd need a single mission: play a battle, win free shit regardless of your results.

  2. I like the idea of everything but the platoons…I’ve got tanks from every class (yes, even a few scumbags I run occasionally), and from every nation, so those are no problem. Platooning can be, depending on if I can find a platoonmate I actually want to play with.

    • scumbags are assholes who perposely kill them selves so you cant get exp or creds. its not just arty its ALL tanks buddy.

      • Arty is the vast majority, since they don’t have any risk until the very end. Other tanks will have to expose to be “useful”.

        • And if the “normal” tanks feel like it when there on 3 hp or 6 hp and have 6 he shells or theres water or a cliff yeah i dont need to say anything more.

          • one word: Erlenberg.

            How many people have you seen throw themselves in the water at the start of a game? They’re not usually arty….

  3. so solo players like myself are boned because platoons are required… (i dont play in platoons because i am the most inconsistent player there is right now im either amazing if my connection holds up or the most useless tank on the battlefield if it doesnt… so i wont be taking part if they are required because i dont want to ruin anybody elses game because my connection went to shit)

    • I’m in the same boat. I really want the T28C, but I have 10mbps satellite internet, and an Acer laptop. I guess I can use Burger King internet for a slight boost! I will platoon with you.

  4. A platoon by definition means more than one – in real life as well as in game. If these are individual missions, there is not any reason to be platooning.

  5. “make the requirement 4 out of 5.”
    “The missions are tied not to nations, but to vehicle classes.”
    “it’s possible platoons will be a requirement of some of the missions.”

  6. i dont think it would be good making platooning apart of the missions, it will actually stop a large portion of the player base been able to complete the missions at all.
    I dont like playing in platoons and i dont always have the time to play in platoons, i can only fit a few games in here and there as it is.

      • I never said we should, and you sound like someone who platoons all the time, hence that comment, maybe you don’t realise but there are prob more solo players then platooners, ever bothered to notice that monthly missions are very rarely orientated towards platooning so maybe just maybe WG know that there are more solo players out there.
        So keep those kind of comments to yourself next time please.

        • Or maybe WG wants to encourage more teamwork in their team based game, and giving people incentive to platoon is the easiest way to achieve that goal

          • Frankly I think they should encourage understanding of all the classes and not make it 4 of 5. This anti arty crap is pure bs, it’s part of the game. What better way to stop it.

            Ps flame away, you will only make me smile.

            • I agree. Even if I dont like arty, I think a player needs to play it of he/she wants to be really good (in order to understand what they can and cannot do).

            • @AppyRose Yes of course, look at you, 26k battles half with arti and you’re below average at performance rating. Now there’s some deep understanding of the game right there and a perfect example of a typical arti player.

              • @FACMACEL
                Yeah go right to the stats, to make me look bad and marginalize me. Like I don’t matter. We all matter just as much, regardless of stats. Its all our game, regardless of the class you play. You are no better than me, or no more important in the real world, or this game.

                When you attacked me with Stats, did you go to WOTLABS and check my recent numbers? My Clan War W/R. Did you ever consider I play every class, and have every line in the game up to tier 8 except 3 that are just below that? Not that easy to specialize when you are working everything in the game. Did you check stats for individual tanks/ I think some would surprise you. How about that Win 8, its not bad considering all 27k games are on a ancient laptop that 12 fps is about normal, though post 9.0 I have had some better, a lot worse 5-6 FPS. (Yes it will get replaced when I can afford it). Arty is the easiest thing to play, when the FPS is low.

                I think that shows a better understanding of this game, than you give me credit for. but credit for someone that disagrees with your point of view, is the last thing you are going give. You are a stat whore and a ass, and don’t have a understanding of anything that disagrees with your narrow point of view. Shove it.
                Semper Fi,

                • Of course I go for the stats, that’s like saying why are you looking at my track record when trying to asses how good am I at driving a car? We all matter just as much, regardless of stats? That’s like saying you matter as much a NASA physicist just because you have a limited grasp of physics, keep telling yourself that. I am better than you in this game, sorry to break it to you 2300 WN8 57.5 W/R out of 19k battles, having played almost all the lines minus the finger of god and of course there are better players than me at this game, the thing is I admit it and try to improve not act like I know everything. I never said I’m better than you in the real world or more important, I don’t know where did you pull that out, but looking at how you play in this game says a lot about your skills in real life, if you can’t adapt in a game then how do you adapt in real life?

                  Yes, I did check your stats WN8 all time 907 vs. 1099 last sixty days and 1038 last seven days, huge improvement after 27k battles. Also I checked your individual tank performance, for example with T-54 after 200+ battles you have 43 W/R. How can you play so bad with that stat-padding machine is beyond me. Why should I check your CW stats? I can see clearly how well you play in random, without somebody to carry your ass. Yes that’s why there are players who have all the lines unlocked and play ten times better than you because it’s hard to specialize, hard for you maybe. Let me tell you what Miyamoto Musashi wrote, I doubt you know who he was and will understand what he meant: “You should not have any special fondness for a particular weapon, or anything else, for that matter. Too much is the same as not enough.”

                  Yes and the sun was in your eyes bla bla bla. I played the game my first 12k games on a integrated GPU with 20 fps and I had no problem being blue at stats. Yes your right about arti, is the easiest to play that’s why all the potatoes and tomatoes who can’t do dmg in tanks, jump in arti.

                  You can yell all day about how you understand the game better, but in the end, your stats say otherwise.

                  “You are a stat whore and a ass, and don’t have a understanding of anything that disagrees with your narrow point of view. Shove it.” With that line you proved everything I was writing about you including your level of maturity, like the saying goes in the end every person shows his true colors. Stats whore, ha ha, original insult talking about a narrow point of view.
                  Semper Potatoes and Tomatoes

        • You are mistaken
          I play alone about 75-80% of the time
          But I dont go crying about the missions that have to be played in a platoon or in arty or in LT
          If you dont like the missions requirements just dont think about the rewards and continue to play alone
          there were severals missions that I didnt do because I didnt liked what I had to do, so I didnt even bother doing them
          dont like the missions, dont do it
          thats simple
          and dont complaint about everything WG does

  7. they never said that you HAD to play arty to get the missions done
    that was just an example
    they said that the missions were going to be “modeled” to each player style of play
    if you never played arty, why the F*** you were going to forced to play arty???

    WG had to come and explain (with tiny words) for you to understand (maybe) what they wanted to say about individual missions
    please use your 2 brain cells before posting this kind of thoughts

  8. Pingback: Evilly Pankov k individuálním misím

    • its just a class of tank xD honestly i remember the before times if you diddent have a tier 10 arty you were a waste of time to be talking to xD

  9. It’s a tossup for me on the arty mission possibility. I am for it but some wont even have it in their inventory which could cause problems there too. If anyone needs a platoon mate look me up. In game go by _Thurm_ , I am not the greatest but I can help get you by the platoon missions.

    • Thrums post shows why required platooning for the mission would be good for teamwork, and in turn good for the game.
      Way to step up Thurm.

  10. I don’t play arty since it is often team dependent, but I would be fine dusting off on play it once in a while, probably TD mode.
    Everyone is complaining about the platoon part. I think free tanks are a pretty good incentive for doing them from time to time though. Sure, it is “individual” missions, but I see WGs dilemma for where to classify them and give nice rewards. I am aware that most non-clanners do not platoon though, and some for good connection reasons, so hopefully this could be accounted for in the 4 of 5 idea.

    With the 4 of 5 idea, it could mean that people choose a lesser of two evils type of thing, such as do arty to escape platoons.

  11. No arty is good. Platooning is good for me as well because I actually like to be in a team with 12 or 13 tomatoes MAX instead of getting 14 tomatoes in my team when I go solo. I’m not saying it’a always like that, but when you get 13 tomatoes in your team (again), you will be grateful to have at least one decent guy fighting together with you who understood the game mechanics. Trust me on this one.

    Platooning in combination with teamspeak = teamplay and coordinated attacks, which is more fun for good players compared to having to carry very bad players on their own all the time. I’m not saying I’m a very good player, but I’m good enough to be in the bad position where I have to do a lot of work or else my team will fail very hard.

    • Drive a bert. i say let the people play arty. hell i hope they introduce a class thats a hybred class. like bert. that leads to a light tank.

  12. I understand encouraging others to explore aspects of the game..platooning, arty, but that can really rub people the wrong way. I don’t want to join a clan, and I would hate that they make me do so in order to get a tank, for instance.

    I can’t wait for the 3-arty platoons, though! ;)

  13. “make the requirement 4 out of 5.”

    for example, LT+MT+HT+SPG, so you dont have to play all 5 classes ;)

  14. I think EVERYONE should be forced to play arty. First, it will let them know there is skill needed and they are NOT just clickers, despite what they rant… I mean think. Second, it will finally educate them how to play the game and remain arty safe when driving a tank. Hello, do you really think sitting behind a rock will protect you? Uh… it’s called “splash damage” for a reason. And a truly protected arty can completely weight the game in your favor.

    Grow up, play arty, learn the WHOLE game.

    • I had enough playing them on the chaotic test servers with even way shorter game times then EU and I wrecked faces without touching arties before. It was so easy and RNG dependant that I fucking fell almost asleep lol.

      Also it surprised me how fucking easy it was tbh. The only light in the darkness of boredom and boring agony was the FV “ferrari”. Where being skilled in tank gameplay came to great use with relocationg. Other then that finding a overused spot on most maps behind the base and shoot each minute or so. No thanx.

  15. i am confused,”individual missions”?
    and i must do platoons?
    wot should have called them ”team missions”, couse they don’t seem so much ”individual” to me.
    i don’t like to brag couse i’m not even a good player, but i have nearly all tank branches (except tanks released in 9.4), on all nations, at t8-t10,many owned and some unlocked, including 5 arties, so why cant i have my individual missions?
    i tried platoons and clans briefly, but i don’t like the noise from teaspeak players, screaming or yelling like kids and ruining my concentration
    so forgive me i like listening to a quite music instead
    so, WOT , is this my reward for the hard grinding? are these the missions u have for me?
    seems like i will skip these missions like all the lone wolfs out there couse i see no reason to be forced into platoons when i have a great amount of tanks available to fullfill your ”individual missions”
    i wish someone could make the missions suitable for all the players, not cover some and leave others outside

    • I dont know which clans you were in, but those were clearly the wrong ones lol :)

      But I understand what you mean.

    • Individual as in a mission you have which nobody else does.

      Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to talk to another human being using your mouth and not a keyboard.

  16. Lets make everyone play the arty. muahaaahaa. You should know that play well in arty is not always easy and its very frustrating

  17. Individual missions that requires plutons. This is the most flawless logic i’ve ever witnessed in the era of mankind. That vodka they are drinking in the Minsk has to be some stronk spirit. It completely fucks you up.

  18. Pingback: Individuální mise, Smolensk, Q&A - Rychlá Rota

  19. Platooning will be a great father son event. I still recall us taking a break from skateboarding and smoking dope, and instead zipping around in Hellcats. It was cool both of us just sitting, eating pizza and ignoring my ex-wife’s phone calls.

  20. Nice, we got a choice in how will we approach the missions. Still Platoon missions >insert random rant here<

  21. As to forced platooning for prize tanks, it is a good idea from a business stand point (ie encourage working together towards a common goals and exploring other parts of the game). Otherwise it will get boring doing random battles game after game. From a community aspect, it is good for players to learn to work together, communicate, be nice, tactful, and trust others.

  22. I honestly don’t care whether I need to play arty or not for these missions, but I really hope platoon objectives can be just as easy to avoid since that would leave me with small time frames to complete said objectives. (my only friend that does play often is a SEA server player, so I can’t platoon with him until they actually implement server roaming for average accounts)

  23. I seldom rage, but now I feel like i have to

    A. Noone forces you to play a mission

    B. Be Happy if you can get something for free.

    C. Nobody needs you to like the requirements. Dint like it? Dont play it.

    Wg Made supposedly Nice requirements out of it. Quit your bitching and play better.

    • you still dont get it do you….. what we heard of “individual mission” was “you dont have to join clan to obtain M60…… idividual mission will be tailored to each player”……. what we get is just variation of normal “grindy” mission, which is very ok, but you have to platoon?…….. just nope, i am lone player, why do i have to ask randoms to play with me?

  24. Fucking great I dont play in platoons they are individual missions why do I have to play with someone else.

  25. Two simple points. I keep them simple in hopes that WG can understand them.
    One. There is utterly nothing, repeat, *NOTHING* “Individual” about missions that require EITHER the use of arty OR the use of platoons. Epic fail on the part of WG directly.
    Two. The base definition of ‘cancer’ is, in short, the unwanted growth of cells in an organism that ultimately leads to discomfort, suffering and death of the organism. And people wonder WHY it is arty got the nickname? I did, in fact, play several lines of arty – I prefer not playing on cheat/god mode. Arty is the third worst aspect of the game, following MM and RNG for second and first place respectively – and arty, at least, I occasionally do not have to deal with. Not so regarding MM and RNG. And while yes i get that there are serious, complicated issues in fixing MM, there are NO such issues fixing RNG. The dev’s have made it explicitly clear they are too chickensh!t to fix their screw up in that regard.

    Maybe its time people simply stop paying real cash to this game; as they clearly are making way too much money to know what the hell to do with.

  26. They make us drive japanese tanks for missions, so I see no problem with the Arty/LT requirement.

  27. Baby’s cry we don’t want to have to play arty wa wa wa!

    I don’t like light tanks all they do is run out and die in the first minute or less of the game. I think light tanks must be removed from the game! Why should I have to play light tanks to win an award? It’s not fair!

    • thats why theres a veiw range nerf incomeing :p

      so you have no choice but to play the LT line :p

  28. Good I like the reply, although I bitched as well I’m more confident now they’ll make it into somethings good.
    But…was this info so hard to release in the first place? It would have not generated as much criticism if players knew this beforehand.