
If WW1 history is your thing, check out this site. It’s interesting to put it mildly.

Also, wondering about the effects of gun-laying versus stabilizer? Which one is better? There’s an interesting summary on US forums – check it out.

- Maus in the game has the armor it had in real life (WG measured the real vehicle)
- apparently, IS-7 armor is historical (SS: some players claim otherwise, Storm disagrees)
- Storm states that the mod that displays what type of shell penetrated you and by whom will be dealt with by reducing the amount of data about the shot, that reaches the client
- yesterday, Storm stated that the new Bigworld version is the reason for the delay of render range being reworked to a circle. Now he adds that the new motion physics were reworked for the same reason – the first thing WG wants to do is to integrate new BW and after that comes everything else. Otherwise they’d be buried under an avalanche of bugs.
- developers are working on Havok, but Storm states that unfortunately, Havok is delayed by the performance drops it causes. They are working on it.

- as a reaction to argument that mobile heavy tanks are fine and that IS-7 mobility is nerfed and Object 260′s is not (and that IS-7 should thus be buffed to historical values), Storm replies that the difference between the two is that Object 260 can be penetrated even in the middle part of the turret
- the HESH mechanics rework doesn’t look too well, Storm states that he does not know how to implement it without making it either imbalanced or completely useless
- Storm states that the main arguments against gold ammo damage nerf is a) loss of profit b) making the game less fun (“making it percieved worse”) by a “certain part of targetted audience”.
- introducing more shell types or complicated shell mechanics is not an option, as it would make the game incomprehensible for most players, who are “common, normal people, many, many of those are not gamers”
- Storm explains why he is against hiding player statistics (including noobmeter etc.): “If the player hides his statistics, it means he’s either a tomato (and he’s ashamed) or an unicum (and doesn’t want to be targetted as first). And that means that this guy would be mocked by various means: by chat, shooting, pushing, blocking etc. And that’s just one of the negative moments of statistics hiding.”
- Storm states that it’s possible to theoretically implement “statistics hiding” by the method of hiding player nickname in battle (the player would only be displayed as “Player X”, with his full name displayed only after the battle). This option will be discussed by developers.
- Storm states that the three caliber rule was introduced for the light tanks to be penetrated by big shells
- the damage eaten by tracks (permadetrack during sidescraping) counting as blocked damage will not be returned

83 thoughts on “24.11.2014

  1. Keep up the good work SS!
    Anymore news on wheeled vehicles or are they still in Supertest pending further tests?

  2. “- Storm states that the mod that displays what type of shell penetrated you and by whom will be dealt with by reducing the amount of data about the shot, that reaches the client” I think this is just the tip of the iceberg – in stead of dealing with things they just will not allow you to have knowledge. I sense a reduction in playing time going forward.
    “Operating as Expected.”

    • In the last year it’s become pretty easy to determine what shells hit your tank.
      You only need XVM and look which tank the enemy drives:
      Tomato in Premium tank = mostly APCR
      Tier 9-10 Russian tank = mostly HEAT

      • I doubt it, on Tier 10 soviet medium tanks don’t use HEAT that much, their penetration is fine and HEAT isn’t that reliable anyway.

        The tier 9 tanks have everything going for them but have bad penetration, hence HEAT is spammed on them by players quite a lot, I agree. Their HEATshells are also crazy good. Add to that that the silver shells are expensive as fuck anyway and you got a winner for gold ammo bait.

        Heck, from what I’ve seen carrying large amounts of HEAT on them is pretty common even among the better non unicrum and unicrum players even and a few unicrums of course use HEAT almost exclusively on those machines. I myself don’t carry any gold on the Object 430 II and don’t play the T-54 anymore. ( Being a lemon I make more money on the Object 140 quicker than on the T-54 so why play it? )

        The tier 8 T-44 and tier 7 T-43 is a candidate for APCR spamming bait as well.In fact except the A-43 and the T-34-1 it’s quite common to see medium tanks on tier 7 carry almost as much if not more premium rounds than normal rounds. ( 25 rounds APCR is very common ) The new tier 7 and 8 lights also inclines players to carry huge amounts of gold ammo it seems. ( except the T49 of course )

      • If we weren’t supposed to have that knowledge the shells wouldn’t sound different when they hit your tank. The only two you can’t distinguish is AP/APCR and HE/HESH. There’s a distinct difference between AP HEAT and HE. I don’t see a reason to hide this information from a player anyway.

        • Actually it would require skill to recognize the sounds. I’d have a hard time remembering the difference in sound. Then again I drive mediums, I generally try to show my shitty side armour instead of my front hoping that an anime is stupid enough to shoot HEAT.

          Happened in a Object 416, T69 shot heat only and shot my side. Tracks ate the HEAT 2 out of 3 shots. Won that game despite me and my partner ( Jagdpanther II ) only having 400 healthpoints between us. ( and I only had 95 out of that 400 by the end. )

          I did 640~ damage while sidescrapping an Object 416 just because the T-69 didn’t use AP to penetrate the Objects 416′s weakly armoured ”everywhere”. ( granted, just above the Object 416′s gun you get a lot of bounces, best random strong-spot ever )

          • The problem isn’t with knowing what shell hit you but with knowing who shot you, even if you don’t see the tank. If you get hit by an unspotted autoloader you’ll retreat immediately, if it’s a shell by a slow loading tank you’ll stay there for another shot.

            It gives a significant advantage that the vanilla client does not, hence why it should be removed.

            • Exactly this is a clear cheat and it’s pathetic WarGaming is only now admitting it. Only people who would defend it as NOT a cheat are the ones that use it to do exactly that. Honestly XVM statistics part is ALSO a cheat as many players will target the ones with good stats first, it’s normal human behavior to take out the biggest threat first so it needs to be banned as well. A cheat is anything that is not in the standard game that gives you an advantage over other players and/or changes the way you play. Good players don’t need mods at all and if players that use xvm uninstall it you will see their artificially padded stats begin to drop.

              • uhhhh no. Good players will be good regardless of XVM. Watch Orzanel on twitch, one of the best players on EU server and he uses no mods…

                I think it’s the middling players like myself who will be disadvantaged by removing XVM because I won’t know that I’m fighting a unicum and so need to be particularly careful… call it cheating, I call it knowing my enemy (and allies)

              • “i’m right, if you disagree, you are a cheater”. made my day.

                do you use teamspeak or leisten to music during playing? well, it’s not part of the client… guess you are a “cheater” too.

              • This guy is right. What gives you an advantage over the vanilla client is a cheat.

            • An unspotted autoloader is broken as all fuck anyway, generally you will know that it shot you because you bloody can’t get out of line of fire before the second shell hits you. The only good autoloader is one that I’m driving myself. The rest is ”Focus that bloody ass so hard”

              At least in arty I hate both playing it and playing against it. xD

            • I would like to point out that mods that give you information about tanks that are unspotted and firing at you are already banned on the NA server so I am approaching this from the perspective of someone that only has a mod that tells me about the people that are spotted and shooting me.

              Knowledge of the game and awareness of what’s on the enemy team can give a very good indication of what’s shooting at you . Splash damage? Arty or a derp gun, long reload probably safe to let those tracks repair. Autoloader? You’ll find out in two seconds. Hit for about 500 damage in a tier 10 game? Probably a heavy tank. Pegged for 900? TD. 1500? Fully operational battle station.

              Also, in reply to Nadeah. The sounds aren’t anything alike and very easy to pick out, HE explodes, AP thunks, HEAT sizzles.

              • In the HEAT of battle I’m not paying attention to sounds most of the time. I’m a visually orientated person so making out sounds is not my forte.

            • If your doing something that will let an autoloader clip you in the open, your doing it wrong. And after 2 hits its obvious they are an auto loader anyway. What mods like this are most helpful for is knowing if they are spaming gold or not, i dont use one myslef, i suck at installing mods, but knowing and whatching how other people use it, it only gives an advantge to players with about orange stats. Tomatoes are too stupid to know how to use this extra info, and will die in the open anyway. And any lemon or better, wont be stupid enough to be in the open when he can be shot at. So its not really much of an advantage imo. And i dont think it needs removing.

    • “”- Storm states that the mod that displays what type of shell penetrated you and by whom will be dealt with by reducing the amount of data about the shot, that reaches the client””

      The only reason is as told in the topic about gold/credit ammo that WG is interessted in to keep&increase the profit.

      It’s not about a cheat that you might know who shot you, but to keep the info away whether it was gold or not and so to reduce the chat rages and verbal attacks on someone who used gold ammo. This makes players “gold ammo” games more enjoyable and they will not be offended anymore.

  3. “Storm states that the three caliber rule was introduced for the light tanks to be penetrated by big shells”
    0 damage, tracking shots…. :/

      • My amx 13 90 says hi to every Jagdpanzer E-100.. Funny enough.. I get hit a lot for 0 damage shots.. not necessarily in the tracks!

        • I’ve ricochetted random shots of the AMX 13 75 / 90 turrets too often.

          Much more commonly than on the AMX 50 B and Batchat, but those turrets can be troll when you least expect it. Hitting just beside the gun where the armour angle is best when aiming for the nice juicy flattest parts is always amazing.

        • All 0 damage shots I’ve even received in LTs have been low on the tracks so the shell went under my hull, shells that don’t overmatch which bounce due to angle or the famous “hungry mantlet”.
          But sure, one time in 22’000 battles I got hit by a real 0 damage shot. a T28P shot at my Type 59 for 0 damage even though i had a penetration decal in the middle of my upper plate, but that only happened once.

      • Tell that to my face when my E-100′s 15cm AP shell “bounces” off the side armor of a French, Russian or Japanese LT/Med after going through their tracks.

        Tell that to my face when my E-100′s 15cm AP shell just get’s completely eaten by the tracks of a French, Russian or Japanese LT/Med I shot in the side.

        Tell that to my face when a Russian Medium is spamming HEAT through my E-100′s heavily angled 100mm spaced side armor and then the 120mm side hull armor while side scraping against it.

        I’ll tell you this much your head will be a pile of red mush after I’m done with you.

  4. “Storm replies that the difference between the two is that Object 260 can be penetrated even in the middle part of the turret”

    And the IS-7 can’t be? Funny, because a Conqueror just made a hole right next to my mantlet…

    • Then you were really unlucky. Face it: the IS-7 has one of the toughest turrets in game, the toughest heavy tank turret I recon.

      • Even the side of the IS-7 turret is completely troll. The rear of it however is absolutely shit, I love shooting it with HE. For the sides I generally go for hull if I can hit it anyway, the sides of the IS-7 are absolutely terrible favourite target for my tier 8 medium tanks.

          • Yeah, Only the frontal Upper Plate of the IS-7 is notable. The rest of the hull is bad. The lower plate isn’t that big so It is very troll to try and hit it but it’s not an auto-ricochet like the IS-3 under-plate currently is. ( thankfully that will be changed with the HD model )

          • You can only aim for the hull if you can see it. If the enemy is in hulldown then you need to know where to aim to pen the turret, or know if it’s even possible for your tank to pen it in the first place.

  5. HESH is allready useless after nerfing . I dont play that FV 103 anymore because of that nerf.HESH was all the catch for that tank, now it`s completly useless.What, shoot HE for 700? Or AP to ding or 1k dmg? If i wanted ik dmg i would of get jagaroo e100 , which is better in every single way. Nice way to fuck up with users.

  6. “- Storm states that the three caliber rule was introduced for the light tanks to be penetrated by big shells”

    Light tanks go hue hue hue.

  7. There is a mod that shows the shell type BUT doesnt display who shot you… if the problem is show who shot you is easy hide this info for modders… not a great problem.

    Maybe i remember bad but when they release the list of banned mods they add this mod that shows who deal damage as “cheat” no???

  8. - Storm states that the main arguments against gold ammo damage nerf is a) loss of profit b) making the game less fun (“making it percieved worse”) by a “certain part of targetted audience”.

    a) epic fail by themselves
    b) that audience is potatomatoes and barely know how to shoot gold

  9. - the damage eaten by tracks (permadetrack during sidescraping) counting as blocked damage will not be returned

    Good luck getting those 20k mates :D

    • Lol you must be new here. They didnt say that Havok is coming, they only said it was delayed cause of perf. issues… I dont personally want Havok, well not havok that causes -30FPS drop, i really dont need/want that kinda havok

  10. - the HESH mechanics rework doesn’t look too well, Storm states that he does not know how to implement it without making it either imbalanced or completely useless

    You could tie HE damage closer to splash range, and double HESH’s splash range. Or, HESH could also damage internal modules, even on bounces. Or, you could tie the penetration of an HE round to the damage dealt on a bounce, and thusly the doubled penetration of the HESH round would take effect.

  11. Ok, team battle, im telling my friend to go against player X and he asks me in wich tank is he(player x) in, i say IS-3 and then he answers there is 4 of them… This is how it would look…

    • If they implemented that, they’d probably have it like Player A, Player B, Player C, etc. so you can still differentiate them.

  12. Pingback: Nové mapy, Charioteer, 183ka a doplňky - Rychlá Rota

  13. “- Maus in the game has the armor it had in real life (WG measured the real vehicle)”

    Yeah well, the problem with that is, when the germans created the Maus, the worst it would encounter was M26, Centurion (17 pdr) and IS-3 (with same gun as IS-2 – 155mm pen). So Maus was absolutely invincible to these pathetic tanks.

    The problem with Maus is the fact it meets only cold war era tanks, and all of those can pen Maus even frontally – there goes the only advantage you SHOULD have.

    “- introducing more shell types or complicated shell mechanics is not an option, as it would make the game incomprehensible for most players, who are “common, normal people, many, many of those are not gamers”

    That’s another way of saying WE DON’T WANT TO SCARE OUR PAYING CUSTOMERS – and yes most of them are bad players.

    “- Storm explains why he is against hiding player statistics (including noobmeter etc.): “If the player hides his statistics, it means he’s either a tomato (and he’s ashamed) or an unicum (and doesn’t want to be targetted as first). And that means that this guy would be mocked by various means: by chat, shooting, pushing, blocking etc. And that’s just one of the negative moments of statistics hiding.”

    And that’s why there is the option to turn off chat. Good grief, Storm didn’t think about that at all. I am up for hiding the stats, I’m sick and tired of arty noobs targeting me first, no matter what tank I play.

    • “The problem with Maus is the fact it meets only cold war era tanks, and all of those can pen Maus even frontally – there goes the only advantage you SHOULD have.”

      As fun as it would be to drive the MAUS on tier 7 with IS-2′s and T-34-85 around being incapable of doing shit to you. Everybody and their mother would would probably drive a MAUS. The SU-52 might be around the fuck up your day because it would be historical, but I doubt it. Tier 8 MAUS would still be utterly ridiculous.The fact that the MAUS isn’t doing as well on tier 10 as the E100 is just it’s gimped dps and lack of spaced armour on the side. It could be fine. Historical battles sucked to begin with and the MAUS was never actually combat ready during the war anyway. Historically it could only be a driving hull without a functional turret and gun.

        • Aye, thought variety is one of this games plus points. WTF E100 can die in a fire however. Broken bullshit tank that should never have been implemented.

  14. - as a reaction to argument that mobile heavy tanks are fine and that IS-7 mobility is nerfed and Object 260′s is not (and that IS-7 should thus be buffed to historical values), Storm replies that the difference between the two is that Object 260 can be penetrated even in the middle part of the turret

    Yep, I bet that the 350mm gun mantle is an easy autopen zone. I’m guessing this means that the turret roof can be overmatched(20-30mm) and shooting directly into the gun will do damage(Like in the Maus’ case).

    • I bet there is a tiny weakspot next to the mantle that only the german mediums can hit anywhere near reliably and WG overestimated the accuracy of heavy guns in general. It will also be uncommon as all heck so only experienced players will know where to penetrate the turret, I can see it’s balance being absolute bollocks already.

  15. Havok is delayed, BW is delayed, everything is delayd. New maps and tanks suck. The devs are providing only shitty answers for almost all the questions. Playing this game is nothing that a really big waste of time..i can tell you after almost 25 k battles. And believe me, if you stop playing this joke you will discover that there is life after WoT or that out there are a lot of really nice games.

    • And i forgot…this game has nothing to do with reality except some tank names and shapes. But you are free to think that you drive some steel beasts with armor and stuff…you are moving some badly programmed polygons from here to there..but anyway, this is only my opinion.

  16. “- Storm states that the main arguments against gold ammo damage nerf is a) loss of profit b) making the game less fun (“making it percieved worse”) by a “certain part of targetted audience”.”

    Hey Storm, sfu.
    Everyone knows that a) is your only goal

    • Ofcourse it is you knob. Why would anyone make any kind of business without the intention of profit. You complain about stuff that you can buy with credits. WoT is probably one of the least pay to win f2p games ever. There is no advantage of using gold currency in WoT and you still complain. WG could be making so much more revenue if they wanted to!

      Please shut up and don’t talk because clearly you have no idea about free to play games or economics.

  17. Best thing to do if you want premium ammo to be nerfed/removed is to use it. Only when its usage stats go through the roof will they think about doing something – just like they did with the tier 4/5 derpers.

    If someone in-game whines at you for using it, tell them to whine at WG instead.

    • You will simply be increasing WG profit and increasing incentive to not do anything about it.

      WG has to figure out that they might actually make equal or better profit if retention of players is held higher when the game is viewed as better balanced and a better reputation will lead to increasing the player base so even if profit per player is less, then player base increases to compensate

      • It’s still a possibility they might nerf it if the usage gets uncontrollable on a tank by tank basis. FV 215b 183′s Hesh got nerfed to all hell.

      • WG’s is probably profit maximising rather than revenue maximising right now (allthough the pricing difference would be negligible). When WG set their prices they know exactly what their doing. If you study economics you would see how easy it is to adjust the price to marginal revenue/cost and price/income elasticity of demand.

        WG knows what their doing.

  18. - Storm explains why he is against hiding player statistics (including noobmeter etc.): “If the player hides his statistics, it means he’s either a tomato (and he’s ashamed) or an unicum (and doesn’t want to be targetted as first). And that means that this guy would be mocked by various means: by chat, shooting, pushing, blocking etc. And that’s just one of the negative moments of statistics hiding.”

    Thank God for that.

    • Honestly, I don’t think statistic hiding would accomplish much for unicums to begin with. They hide their stats then they will just be targeted by their unicum clan tags.

  19. Storm explains why he is against hiding player statistics (including noobmeter etc.): “If the player hides his statistics, it means he’s either a tomato (and he’s ashamed) or an unicum (and doesn’t want to be targetted as first). And that means that this guy would be mocked by various means: by chat, shooting, pushing, blocking etc. And that’s just one of the negative moments of statistics hiding.”..

    If I could change one thing in world of tanks it would be xvm stats….getting focused by arty every single match can be infuriating…I could care less if another tank I am fighting can see my stats…I can defeat him…but arty…will go nuts trying to get that click shot the entire match ..(arty seeing purple stats ingame…think bubbles from finding Nemo and replace bubbles with purple) “BUBBLES O BUBBLES THE BUBBLES I LOVE THE BUBBLES…MY BUBBLES” ….arty should not know any stats…does something to the head

  20. - yesterday, Storm stated that the new Bigworld version is the reason for the delay of render range being reworked to a circle. Now he adds that the new motion physics were reworked for the same reason – the first thing WG wants to do is to integrate new BW and after that comes everything else. Otherwise they’d be buried under an avalanche of bugs.

    Maybe its time to replace that shitty BigBug engine into something that does not create bunch of random bugs every tucking update?

    - the HESH mechanics rework doesn’t look too well, Storm states that he does not know how to implement it without making it either imbalanced or completely useless

    how about zero penetration HE shell with big alfa? It would be still more historical than current HESH…

    - Storm states that the main arguments against gold ammo damage nerf is a) loss of profit b) making the game less fun (“making it percieved worse”) by a “certain part of targetted audience”.

    so WG supports gold noobs? reducing gold AP damage is completely logical, because currently, APCR does not have any disadvantage…

    - introducing more shell types or complicated shell mechanics is not an option, as it would make the game incomprehensible for most players, who are “common, normal people, many, many of those are not gamers”

    this means that WoT is made for idiots.

    - Storm states that it’s possible to theoretically implement “statistics hiding” by the method of hiding player nickname in battle (the player would only be displayed as “Player X”, with his full name displayed only after the battle). This option will be discussed by developers.

    how about “fog of war”? (player name is invisible until he gets spotted)

  21. Casual gamers / non gamers? So that is why we get missions / events that need us to play the whole weekend or everyday for a month.
    WG only relies on “historicaly accurate” when it suits them.

  22. >> – Storm states that it’s possible to theoretically implement “statistics hiding” by the method of hiding player nickname in battle (the player would only be displayed as “Player X”, with his full name displayed only after the battle). This option will be discussed by developers.

    I don’t like that. It’s dehumanizing players, first step to introduce bots…

  23. - the HESH mechanics rework doesn’t look too well, Storm states that he does not know how to implement it without making it either imbalanced or completely useless

  24. - introducing more shell types or complicated shell mechanics is not an option, as it would make the game incomprehensible for most players, who are “common, normal people, many, many of those are not gamers”

    ಠ_ರೃ wat

    So instead of adding some more shell types, you’re making tomatoes and terribads dictate gameplay and game design.
    Because fuck variety, making sure Dumb McFuckpants in his premium T34 doesn’t get confused by the currently FOUR different types of shells, two of which behave basically identically, is the priority.

    Tutoriels r hardd 2 makings.

  25. is there any chance WG fixes the Mines map?

    depends on the MT and LT in both teams, but in 90% of the cases the north gets to the central hill faster than the south. and this directly affects the outcome.