Right-click and select “view image” for full resolution.
Upper row: France, China, Germany, Japan
Lower row: Britain, USA, USSR
According to the Wotleaks community, the pictures are based on WG staff. I am sure you recognize the last face of second Russian row.
To have fun with donkey.
1 nigga spotted
Can someone please remove his post or even remove him?
Dayumm nigguh , ya so dense ;__;
Because you believe my designation is unhistorical!
Sorry brother, I didn’t meant to offend you.
I just found word “nigga” VERY amusing since I heard this hilarious song
Now loose your pants a little bit Burning_Chrome and don’t fight the internetz.
Enough with the donkey jokes, otherwise the donkey will come and kick you in the nuts!
Do german ones give you detention after a defeat?
Would not want to mess with Frau Helga.
Instant memories from playing Wolfenstein The New Order :D
Such a good game good lord
Frau Helga von Bulow is from Return to Castle Wolfenstein, not TNO
Frau Engel is in TNO.
Any no one remebers Marianna Blavatsky from RtCW?
Dat typing fail.
Yes I do remember… lol… I wrote the wiki :P
Wanna see some of mah master level walkthrough of da game>?
Frau Helga von Bulow hehe. Man i finished that game so many times. That bitch was quite scary back then when i was a little kid lol! \
What a great game!
did they even have female crews in ww2???
Russians – yes. Google Mariya Oktyabrskaya.
Ok then why for all other nations?
Should be for Russia only then
Not even sure if serious or just trolling…
You got female crew members as a “reward” for individual missions. They are just for fun, nice addition to the game, that’s all… Well they can be trained to use tank of any nation, that is very handy.
no it is not just for fun. It is showing women as ”prizes” and objects. it is showing women as inferior to men. They should be available to all not just for missions.
saxsan4: oh shut up already You insufferable ar*hole
Get the fuck out this very instance. We don’t need another double standard praising white knight on the internet.
saxsan4 gtfo please… You are the worst person on the WoT forums and now you joined here aswell /facepalm
you are moron stfu and go crawl back to sleep were you belong
ofc male crew to win would not be showing nothing is inferior, but women? nooo…
You are one who WANTS it to be looking like that-.-
” It is showing women as ”prizes” and objects. it is showing women as inferior to men”
oh my god you can’t play as women that’s soooo sexist !
oh my god you can win female crew that objectifies women !
people like you make me sick, moron…
“no it is not just for fun. It is showing women as ”prizes” and objects. it is showing women as inferior to men. They should be available to all not just for missions.”
You mean women should be cheap and easily available to everyone?
Do u know how they will be obtainable?
1 per stage? 1 per tank? Full crew per tank?
Is it true/decided yet if they will come with BiA + two perks to choose?
Too good to be true if you ask me.
Not BiA… SiA :-p
Beeecause WoT is oh-so realistic in any other aspect?
Please … if people wanna spend money on this, then for the love of god, let them pay for our game. (apart from the one mission crew)
Speaking of which, is there any statistic about how many people actually spend money on crew names/faces? Honestly, I didn’t know about it until someone told me a year after I started playing.
One person named their entire crew to Balls.
People do rename their French crewmen to “Gay” … plenty of screenshots floating on the forums.
I would never spend gold on this (even with 90% discount) but I would tweak the names and pictures if this feature was available for credits.
you don’t have to spend gold on it, just time.
step 1 recruit crew member with 50%. rinse and repeat until you get your crew member with desired name, let’s say Balls or Fegelein or whateverr.
step 2: Do that with every single crew member until you got full crew with desired name. Now train them with silver or gold.
step 3: profit.
The ussr had yes. For the rest, besides partisans and nuses the usa had the women air corps. These where not used for combat tasks but for ferrying planes from the factory’s to the uk. Some where shot down however i think. Anyone else knows about women in armed forces during ww2?
And the russian female snipers, and russian female bomber pilots.
altough the total number of females in the russian would have been small compared to men, they developped a reputation. At least 2 tankers received hero of the soviet union, and some of the “nachthekse” did as well. Dont know by head about the rest.
World of Tanks is not a WW2 game.
The correct question should be:
DId they have female tank crews in 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s and seventies?
50s, 60s, …Israel army ….
Not to sound like a dick, but during that time, I can totally see Germany using women during the war (no idea if they did or not, but I can see them being desperate enough for it near the end), I can see the Brits, Americans and the French doing it by a stretch of the imagination (as in, they worked in the factories, now they can work on the battlefield)….but in no universe can I see the Chinese or even worse, the Japanese turning to women to fight during that period.
Maybe in the sixties and seventies, but definitely not earlier.
well, to make a point, Type 61 and the STB-1 is a tank from the sixties…
You were asking?
The Japanese had a long tradition of female warriors unlike the west. It only really disappeared when Japan westernized in the 1890s. There were female infantry units involved in the Boshin war in the 1860s.
By ww2 it was a nono for sure though.
Please can we cut the Shogun 2 Total War crap?
There was ONE female infantry unit involved in the Boshin war. It got completely wtfpwned due to poor training.
And if there have been some famous female warriors in Japan’s history, there were rare, about as rare as in Europe.
The Germans used women but mainly in auxiliary roles, in the Luftwaffe, Anti-Aircraft Units, Volkssturm, etc.
They received combat training when joining the Volkssturm but I don’t know about any specific combat scenario where women fought the Soviets, I’m sure they did.
Japanese women were expected to fight if the invasion of Japan occurred.
1 question remains………..
you can fap to these?
some would fap to anything!
i fap to British tanks
Best tanks for masturbation.
Do you really think few portraits require as much effort as fixing bugs?
All they had to do was hiring one or two artists for couple of hours.
Do you think, that it is programmers who make those portraits? Do you think, that the same guys, who are responsible for balance are redirected to draw those? No? Then STFU and start thinking instead of spilling BS.
As I’ve said before, it’s not the same teams, but it is the same budget.
If you allocate budget to the artists, it’s that much less you can allocate to the programmers.
Start thinking ;)
What’s that got to do with anything – The staff are already there.
Throwing more people at a project doesn’t actually always speed up the process. Things need to be tested linearly with progress and tests take time. Programmers are also much more expensive than unknown artists who generally are very cheap in even in western nations. They probably made these Portraits for less than 200 euro’s/USD. You couldn’t hire any bloody programmer that would have contributed anything to the already existing team with that kind of money to begin with.
The funds required for bug testing are mostly time related. Throwing more people at screwing in a light-bulb doesn’t make the light-bulb go into the socket faster same with with de-bugging. It takes time and lots of testing but not necessarily a lot of people, just a lot of time.
If you think a little more budget for the programmers would mean anything you’re entirely absolutely and definitely horribly wrong and suggesting it is just dumb to begin with knowing what bloody artists get paid for this kind of shit.
Mehhh, not that i care about how my crew looks.
whoa cares about that anyway?
Well, we are all not just statpadder. I like to personalize whatever I can, including crew.
The free perk will be pretty nice to have, though.
totally not needed, i don’t even know the faces of my crew cause that is like the last thing in the game i look at!
and with female crew comes 32154087 bugs right?
Within each update, the hole between hull and the turret in M53/M55 gets larger and larger. In 1.0.0, we can expect the hitbox to reach the sky.
is picomaus also one of them or not? x)
What about dog crews? If Laika went to space, why can`t “she” load shells or drive a tank?
She can’t. But she could pilot a space probe, when they come to world of tanks.
World of SpaceCraft
Sharik needs a crew slot…
Russian crew: 2. row on the far right…This is definitely Olga…
russian bottom row fully right looks way better
I am talking about that they put Olga in the game…I mean she was i think in some contest videos a long time ago… i might be wrong. But if you want commenting on the looks just do that with your mother.
Russian crew, third row, third column:
Looks like this video’s host.
Ok who really cares, but i think its nice for the female employees to be a small part in a big game.
I wonder about voices? it woud be nice if voices also be female.
My thoughts exactly. It will be quitte funny (shitty), if you have a female crew in your tank, but they still have a male voice in battles. Feature not worth making a whole new set of crew voices? Too bad WG, next time think twice before putting in the game illogical bullshit ideas like female crews.
“I am sure you recognize the last face of second Russian row.”
Don’t be so sure. I don’t have a clue who that is.
You must be new here! :)
And where is Olga from CNC Red Alert 3? :)
I want to know what determines ,which one i will get ? There are a lot of faces, some i like , some i dont. Will there be some way to chose which one face to use ? Or its random face, and you can change it for gold ?
And how many of each nation i can have ?
And probably WG thought of changing the voice from the crew when i use female ones.
I’m in real need of 7 French, 4 Russian and maybe 4 Chinese girls. I hope I’ll manage to “obtain” at least few them (Oh my, this sounds weird :))
Yeah it does…you should consider thinking before writing
Well, I guess you should start grinding them soon then.
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A WG’s staff? lolololololol Is there a Daigensui?
U mean the anime wiki writer from NA? Dai 3op5WoT
this is some stronk Tank Porn, no more xvideos for me i guess…
where is Daigensui ??????
“I am sure you recognize the last face of second Russian row.”
I think her name was Ola or something like that. She was in the ASAP videos.
I wonder why France, UK and USA get the most portraits? I can understand why China and Japan get the fewest (less tanks, less popular; also, the artist(s) barely know(s) how to draw Asian faces).
Also, why doesn’t USSR have the most? It would be ‘historical’.
How would these crews even function while arguing with each other?
I’m not sure, why totenkopf on French(?) headdress? Was it part of formal insignia? Have i missed that ingame for all those years :P ?
No Totenkopf but the insignia of the armored corps, a pair of crossed cannons with a heaume, used since the days of the “Artillerie Spéciale” in WW1.
Left: old – Right: modern
Nowadays (here on the beret of a Colonel of the 501-503 RCC):
I think World of Tanks has officially “Jumped the shark”
Happy Days was from the very beginning shitty entertainment popular with cretins and children. WoT was once very entertaining and held great entertainment potential…only to become shitty entertainment that is popular with children and the polish.
Far right in 3rd row i actually think it’s Aleksandra Samusenko, bottom right at Ze Germans imo it’s Diane Kruger.
PS: no M3lly as a fapping theme :( , she doesn’t work directly for WG…
Aside from the fact that only the russians should get female crews, why are they all wearing their hair long? Have fun with that inside a cramped space with a lot of moving parts…
Female crews. Got it? Read it again. Female crews. Now, still wanna talk about realism?
As demonstrated by the russians during WW2, and several other armies in modern times, women are perfectly capable of driving tanks.
I’ve meet female tankers, I’ve trained alongside female tankers, and I’d be quite surprised if there wasn’t a good bunch of them that was better at actually driving tanks than I am too.
None of them wore their hair long, in ponytails, pigtails or whatever they’re called.
It’s just asking for it to get tangled in something at the worst possible moment.
It’s not about they’re not capable, it’s about it’s completely unhistorical. Oh, the soviets had icancountitononehand female tankers in WW2? It’s completely fine then.
It’s gonna suck when they your gunner dies cause her hair got caught in the turret ring.
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Looks like there must be strong feminasi lobby in the WG
Either really hot girls work at WG or their PS skills are amazing
Whoa! They should be calling these the “scarey broads”. Where’d they get these images. They couldn’t find any ladies a little easier on the eyes? I’m guessing the women at WG supplied the images???
And what do you want? World of Supermodels? The bunch shown are just average girls, some prettier, some uglier. I find it fine, just like common male crews.
Not much into humor are you? But then again, you can always tell from the response the guys with low expectations…
I wunt my girl friend to bi in WOT girl crew, pls help mi =/.
so what was the point of this again?
When I saw this picture I said to myself: “WG, please, don’t make my unique, female german crew members look worst because they are >>german women<<". Now I'm less happy to grind for these…
the bottom Russian row, in the middle
Russian bias right there
Do they come with the “time of the month nerf”?!
I don’t know who Olga is but where is Melek Balgün???
French, third row, rightmost – looks like Indila. Is she a WG employee too?
I love how murica gets “token black guy” even tho its not murican devs lol