FV215b (183) Armor Changes

Hello everyone,

in 9.5, the armor of the FV215b (183) was changed as such.


FV215b (183)_23-9-30


FV215b (183)_23-8-47

Basically, the old turret was 254mm thick only below the gun, 152mm above the gun and the side parts around the mantlet were 127mm and 101mm thick.

The new turret still has the 254mm part below the gun, but above the gun it’s 170mm now and the sides are 210mm and 200mm thick. Changes in mobility and such will be published later.

38 thoughts on “FV215b (183) Armor Changes

    • and here it is again… WG nerfs FV183 – people are crying, WG buffs FV183 – people are crying (and this guy just for sake of crying, or so it seems)… i am beginning to think that problem is not in WG, but in people playing their game… i mean, yes, they screw up some things from time to time (see M53/55 for example, that was totally WGs fault), but i am kind of sorry for them…

        • Exaclty. This tank has no depression to go hulldown, it’s not been conceived for that, so no, it won’t becore a hulldown monster except on very rare and specific (read, random) occasions.
          On the other side, it will get a huge mobility nerf, so you’ll have a hard time getting to any location farther than 200m from your spawn point, which again sets to 0 almost any would-be hull-down ability (hull-down is basically a great advantage for attacking, less for defending, imho).
          Also, I think that the new armor buff won’t actually make the FV harder to kill (especially given that, if you didn’t notice, they simultaneously nerfed the UFP armor…)
          So, yes, they really didn’t need to change it AND they didn’t need to introduce another 183mm paper tank in the game, people are whining enough already about the current FV.

          • How is hulldown better for attacking? And don’t worry it most probably won’t become a Maus all of the sudden.

            And the UFP was not nerfed. They introduced thicker armor which changed the colour scheme, look at the other areas, other changed colour too.

            • He’s very wrong about hulldown not being possible for the 183 now, however you’re wrong if you think you can’t offensively use hulldown locations.

  1. First i see a Buff here – in Armor.. not much more is said. Maybe they make it a bit slower ofc – as this one will be about Armor and the new FV will be about Mobility without Armor. So no reason to whine yet..

      • Well its armour isn’t historic since only a mockup made of wood was made :)

        I always got some nice troll bounces with it already so am looking forward to the buff. Remains to be seen how ba dthey hit the mobility though.

        • Yeah, i once bounced the full clip of a blue player’s foch 155 from around 50 meters (well, one of his shells got eaten by my track, no detrack though), so yeah sometimes its armor is really troll.

  2. Wow nice change, now the turret can bounce t10. The sides are 50° and 65° that is some decent effective armor.

  3. I saw some figures the other day, but I don’t know if they were placeholders. They showed close to double the terrain resistance and a 10 degree per second hull rotation nerf.

      • Indeed.
        Saying that, it scares me a bit since I ended up selling the ex-Godcat-gone-Sh*tcat that just got on my nerves in every battle… Fear the same lurks for the 183 :/

      • Hesh “nerf” was a fake one, didn’t change a thing dude. I got a 183 and I still OS up to T9 tanks. Now, if they nerfed the pen to 200 or less (180, say), this < would have been a real nerf. Turning 275 into 230 was just cosmetic, you still pen the tanks you used to pen and still deal only splash to those you didn't pen before.

  4. The only real problem with this tank is the horrible AP shells combined with super bad accuracy – my primary reason for throwing HESH only

    • >horrible AP shells
      >one of the highest AP pen values in the game
      >spams HESH

      …why am I not surprised that people can be THIS stupid?

      • Well, his initial statement actually makes sense because WG declared to have balanced the tank (i.e. gun parameters) on the AP rounds which is actually a lie. If it were true, the gun wouldn’t have had such a terrible accuracy (let aside the aim time). The JpE100 has roughly the same AP (alpha and pen-wise) but a much greater accuracy, which makes APs perfect and prem shells useless. However, in a 183 you’re never sure to hit the target where you were actually aiming, so more often than not there’s a great chance to bounce randomly. This is why many people use Hesh, so that they are sure to deal at least some damage whatever the circumstances.
        I mostly play AP (cheaper + requires a bit more skill) but when I see another 183 in front of me I know he’s 95% likely to shoot a Hesh at me and I can perfectly understand why he does that.
        Now, if WG really nerfed Hesh to 1400/180 (instead of the current 1850/230 if I’m not mistaken), but increased accuracy of the gun to 0.34-0.36, this < would be an "AP-centered tank rebalance" that would make use of hesh pretty useless (except against heavily armored tanks).

  5. Hull down in a rear mounted turret tank . . . yyeeeessssssss…..not.

    Nerf is exactly what it says on the tin, throwing a bone by increasing the turret armour a bit still doesn’t make up for the rest of the cons on the tank.

    Wont stop me playing my 183 however.


  6. Looks like the front hull was nerfed as well (lighter colour). The turret buff is welcome but tbh the tank is just broken. They need to buff the aim time and accuracy of the gun, nothing else matters.

    • No, the hull colour is lighter because it is comparatively worse than other parts of the tank (i.e. the new bit son the turret). If an armour area stays the same and new armour areas with better value get put in above it the first areas colour will lighten, since the scheme is showing you where the weaker parts of the tank are in comparison to each other. Similarly if new worse areas were added the colour would darken.

  7. Pingback: 9.5 Vehicle Changes | For the Record

  8. I’m really glad to see that they finally buffed the turret armor, kinda sad to see the mobility go though… I wish this tank was more like that premium tier ten VK tank with beast frontal armor… but that would be a little OP.