Apparently, Russians are reporting FPS losses in 9.5.
- SerB on “anti-bot” system: “The system takes into account that various things happen in life. You have to go to the toilet urgently, your mom called you to eat or your wife needed to turn your attention to her and not to pixel tanks. So if you don’t go AFK regularily (what does “regularily” mean I will not tell, sorry), then an AFKer can be forgiven.”
- SerB states that the radius of the render circle be cca 500 meters
- the fact that WoWp planes are displayed much further than tanks in WoT doesn’t mean much, as the scale is different for WoWp
- apparently, the “XP for tanking” was scrapped? (Q: “How is XP for tanking doing” A (SerB): “About the same as XP for looking badly at the enemy.”)
- SerB explains that the upcoming viewrange nerf is not caused by technical limits of BigWorld, the real reason is that currently, high viewrange makes flanking maneuvers much more difficult and the game as a result turned to be too linear. It cannot be however implemented fast, there have to be many calculations and a lot of internal testing.
- SerB on possible stronk klanu invidivdual mission rigging (rigged battles): “We record all the proceedings now. Many comrades, considering themselves to be really smart have already felt that on their accounts. I will not share any details. I simply do not recommend trying it.”
- Panther 88 will defintely not have limited MM, Storm states that it doesn’t have worse parameters than the regular vehicle – the mobility is worse, but the gun is better
- Storm states that 75 percent of players have no idea what battletiers are anyway
- Storm states that compared to FCM, Panther 88 is doing fine
- the Panther 88 on supertest was bugged, it burned too much – it was fixed
- Storm confirms that the tanks were released for test with placeholder stats
- it’s possible that the “tank twitching” of vehicles bug is present, but only in replays. In replays, it’s impossible to fix. Storm will however investigate nonetheless.
- Storm commenting on players using the “public opinion” and “a lot of people thinks” pseudoargument: “German vehicles were very reliable! China produces only shitty stuff! In WW2, Germans were buried under corpses! Yea… public opinion…”
- individual missions in 9.5 test are still placeholders, they will almost certainly change
- Storm on the requirement of some IM’s to do them in platoons: “look for a platoon or don’t do them”
- platoons were specifically impelemented into the IM’s to “improve socializing” (SS: fucking retards, seriously, as if socializing was a cornerstone of this game)
- Q: “Why did you buff FV215b 183?” A: “FV215b 183 players don’t think it was a buff.”
- Storm confirms that all the tanks (including mid-tier ones) will have the transmission split from the engine
- apparently, the gun list for 9.5 is final (no 20pdr for Challenger)
- it’s possible that the minimap tank name color will change before 9.5 release
- the individual mission token solution (5*4+1, 20 needed) is final
- some people are angry about the token system, Storm replies that you don’t have to play the arty missions (SS: IF you fulfill all the secondary objectives)
- Storm states that the placeholder tank stats solution was an unfortunate necessity, as other things than just tanks have to be tested in 9.5
- FV4005 will be rebalanced before release
- apparently it will NOT be possible to test the premium tier 8 Panther 88
- Veider states that the render range is not displayed on the new improved minimap since it will be changed to a circle anyway
Storm is also commenting on ramming system: the situation where E-50 rams IS-3 and loses as many hp’s as the IS is correct, because it can be explained by lower frontal plate of E-50 ramming upper frontal plate of IS-3, which is thick – so this makes up for the weight difference. Earlier, there were issues with ramming, it was bugged a lot and incorrect armor group was often chosen, when it came to ramming calculations. Very common were the situations where the ramming tank was for some reason ramming with the bottom armor and as a result, it was damaged much more than it was supposed to be.
At this moment, this was fixed and the armor groups for ramming purposes are selected more correctly, but there are cases of incorrect armor group selections, resulting in strange cases. As a result of the ramming calculation not using the thin bottom armor but more thick armor, the amount of damage by ramming was somewhat reduced.
In order to fix ramming completely, developers will most likely simplify the ramming system – instead of actual armor groups, it will use 3 special armour groups (front/side/rear) and the ramming mechanism will only check from which side the ramming is coming from and use these groups with nominal armor. Without this step, strange cases of ramming with a very small but thin part into a thicker armor part will still happen.
So the Panther 88 will only be available in the gift shop after release of 9.5
Hahaha how stupid. I’ll wait to test it in 9.6 then or watch reviews. Not being able to test a premium sounds like a bad move from Wargaming… Almost like they know it’s bad.
But its a fascist box tank, so they know people will buy it anyway.
I’m pretty sure a panther is not boxy…
Basic geometry people.
Wow really? He knows its not actually a box tank. Its the name we have given German tanks as they are much more boxy than all the others.
I won’t, not without preferred MM, any way. Besides, I have all the rest of the German premium tanks as it is. Won’t waste money on a tank that will see T10 50% of the time, like all the rest of the non-preferred MM tanks @ T8. It just won’t be worth it. T34 HT & Lowe are worth it, but then they DO have a gun you can damage T10 HT with. This thing won’t be worth it.
CONZ, NA Server
Actually you will be able test it, because wg gives you the possibility to give the premium tank back for a full refund in 14 days from purchase without any explanation needed from your side. I purchased the T-34-3 a month or so ago, and that’s what they wrote me.
I wonder if you could do this on a regular basis, making renting prem tanks practically for free.
I am glad the render range will be 500 meters in a circle and not 700 meters as some jokes believed. Now that is actually good, specialy with the nerfing of view range. And Serb is right, having too high view and render range makes it diffucult to move on the battlefield and engage enemies (flank).
So fuck you all idiots hoping for unlimited render range.
I still think that 500 is too little it should be 550 or 600.
While I might agree with your opinion… I still don’t understand why you want to fuck all those poor people.
You must be an arty player that is not bothered with render distance..
No I em heavu tenc pleyer. I dont need to see more than 350 meters max.
Why the fuck cant we test the panther
put the stock engine on the Panther 2 and you will have the Panther 88…
Statistically, Panther 88 has much better terrain passibility than Panther 2. I guess that would compensate the worse engine.
Yeah its not the same at all. In WOT equal power to weight is almost never a good comparison as terrain resist and pass ability changes with just minor adjustments.
because serb knows if people can test it and compare it to the tier 8 prem heavys. no one will buy it when it comes out
panther armor with tiger 1 gun. (not panther 2 armor. panther 1)
if you want a better version of it with premium MM just play the tiger 1.
You guys forget the Renting vehicles feature :)) You can simply test them when it is released.
uhm you realize that the “renting” thing is not on EVERY server right….Now rethink your comment and how STUPID it sounds.
Panther 88 really does look poor.
STA2 is even worse IMO as it is so thin HE kills it and it has a 180mm gun
“- Q: “Why did you buff FV215b 183?” A: “FV215b 183 players don’t think it was a buff.””
Epic. :)
yes, that armor buff does not compensate the heavy mobility nerf
I agree – Soon it will just be a retarded jagdpanzer without hull armor…
“In replays, it’s impossible to fix”
Utter bullshit
What ever happened to the sentinel AC for a British premium medium? or did i miss something a while back?
It was never planned for release. It’s just an old model.
Oh wow i miss read it then. Thank you for clearing that up
“Storm is also commenting on ramming system: the situation where E-50 rams IS-3 and loses as many hp’s as the IS is correct, because it can be explained by lower frontal plate of E-50 ramming upper frontal plate of IS-3, which is thick – so this makes up for the weight difference. Earlier, there were issues with ramming, it was bugged a lot and incorrect armor group was often chosen, when it came to ramming calculations. Very common were the situations where the ramming tank was for some reason ramming with the bottom armor and as a result, it was damaged much more than it was supposed to be.
At this moment, this was fixed and the armor groups for ramming purposes are selected more correctly, but there are cases of incorrect armor group selections, resulting in strange cases. As a result of the ramming calculation not using the thin bottom armor but more thick armor, the amount of damage by ramming was somewhat reduced.
In order to fix ramming completely, developers will most likely simplify the ramming system – instead of actual armor groups, it will use 3 special armour groups (front/side/rear) and the ramming mechanism will only check from which side the ramming is coming from and use these groups with nominal armor. Without this step, strange cases of ramming with a very small but thin part into a thicker armor part will still happen.”
I had no idea the ramming system was even that complex. 0_0
Most people have no idea how ramming actually works. Its actually a pretty smart system.
Basically when 2 tanks collide a HE shell is made by the server at thye exact spot of impact. Based on weight and speed of the ramming tank the HE shell or Ram explosion is made.
THen this “HE Shell” based on tank wieghts is proportionally given out. So if the ramming tank is very heavy and fast the rammed tank might get 80% of the explosion and the rammer might be 20% Etc. If the tank is light it might get the full 100% explosion, like a scout ramming a Maus.
Then the “HE shell” detonates and thats why thinner plates get hit hard, or things like Romba get pop`d much easier than scouts of the same weight.
This is also why Spall Liners work on Ramming. Because ramming is HE DMG.
Once I learned this my ramming and counter ramming became 100% better. Sometimes in some tanks its better to give your sides to a rammer for instance as it has to pen tracks and skirts etc.
ALso this is why Drivers etc die in ramming. The HE explosion hits MG ports etc.
So you’re saying that if an IS-7 is speeding towards me it woukd be better if i give him the side of my e-100 coz of the spaced armor and tracks rathr than the front?
It is a bit complex, but it has to be in order to account for some of the weird things players do. For instance, stacking tanks, like the time I parked my Comet on top of an AMX 13 90 on Karelia. That made us each lose about 800 HP over the course of about 5 seconds in a *rapid* series of “mini-collisions” before we separated.
So yeah, it’s a little complex, and it had a tendency to behave oddly.
- platoons were specifically impelemented into the IM’s to “improve socializing” (SS: fucking retards, seriously, as if socializing was a cornerstone of this game)
Don’t like it – don’t play. There are plenty of other games around…..
Yeah..i dont get it..even if you just platoon with random people of similar skill and dont coordinate, at least you can remove 2 more possible tomato slots from your team.
I get it. I have never platooned and don’t want to. I don’t play computer games to socialize. But like I say, there are plenty of other options (AW perhaps).
Surely you can arrange to platoon with someone else that’s equally anti-social and not talk to each other?
Lol no kidding.
But to do that you must socialise…
…and people have cooties, yuk.
Individual Missions – have to platoon – makes no sense at all.
- apparently, the gun list for 9.5 is final (no 20pdr for Challenger)
FML… This really doesn’t make sense to me as the tier 7 in the line gets the same gun as a tier 7 heavy (and tier 6 medium) while the tier 8 in the line gets a tier 9-10 medium tank gun AND inproved mobility.
Another t25/2 oh dear this will suck :I
Mate, the T25/2 is a great little tank. If there is any problem it is almost certainly between the chair and the keyboard…
T25/2 is the best tier 7 medium…
For some reason, I can’t seem to work out this T25/2… while the t20 I can use way better.
p/s: why the terrain resistance on the T25/2 so high ? Even my black prince turn faster than it.
“- apparently it will NOT be possible to test the premium tier 8 Panther 88″
Uhhh wut?
Why the fuck can’t we test it? Or is it because they know its a piece of shit and no one would buy it if we could test it?
“- Storm states that 75 percent of players have no idea what battletiers are anyway”
Of fucking course if you pieces of shit don’t show any fucking info of the game at all. Promote ignorance then complain about stupid questions, noob players and raging… holy shit these retards are a unique species.
Finally somebody
Info is freely available (on wiki, for example), the problem is that the vast majority of players feel no desire to seek knowledge about the game mechanics. Personally, if I play one game a lot I tend to search guides and read wikis about it during my spare time, in order to understand what is happening in-game, how to improve and have fun. Most people don’t.
- Storm states that 75 percent of players have no idea what battletiers are anyway
and 95+ percent of players have no idea what cap circle or minimap are anyway
That’s okay because 75% of Players think storm is an Idiot and an asshole. True story..
“Apparently, Russians are reporting FPS losses in 9.5.”
Christ… what are they running this game at? Grocery scales? Perfomance is fucking amazing and I hope they won’t fuck it up.
Desktop calculators. It is the main reason why WG does not use modern graphic engines.
My PC isn’t that good either E7200, 4GB, HD6950, but this patch is amazing.
I wrote it under older article already but it looks like they fixed low gpu usage in battle. In garage it was always max while in battle 50-70 max. Now lowest I saw in battle was 80% with most 95+.
I just hope that they won’t mess this towards the release becouse of some russians running it at 486.
i dont even have my old q9400 but the newest i5 and i felt i got a 20fps boost. must be my amd7870xt since i see you also got amd card
500m circle ?
Oh boy, thats not good. Thats totally not good. The battles will be much tigher after this. Now you can shoot an enemy that is farther than 500m as long as he stands in the corner of the render box
After the change you wont be able to do that. IMHO this will totally change the gameplay on some maps
One Question to IM:
Is it possible to do the last mission (where you get the tokens) more than once in order to fullfill the secondary objective? Would be quite helpful if you aren’t able to complete both objectives at the first time.
Yes. You can redo every mission to get the secondary objective and the reward that comes with it but you don’t get the main mission reward again if you complete it again.
Platooning in “individual” missions… Seems legit.
err… so I can skip on one class as long as I do all the secondary objectives.
Does that mean I can skip on a few last missions as long as I am doing all the classes with secondary objectives?
IM who made this name is total idiot
- SerB states that the radius of the render circle be cca 500 meters
So, they keep shrinking it. Yes, make it 200m! That way you won’t need to make corridor maps.
- SerB explains that the upcoming viewrange nerf is not caused by technical limits of BigWorld, the real reason is that currently, high viewrange makes flanking maneuvers much more difficult and the game as a result turned to be too linear. It cannot be however implemented fast, there have to be many calculations and a lot of internal testing.
Is he trolling here or being serious??? Flanking, game too linear??? Why are you then making maps with 3 fucking lanes and then saying it’s too linear or there is no way of flanking?! Stop making shitty maps.
- the Panther 88 on supertest was bugged, it burned too much – it was fixed
Fixed? Wasn’t it working as intended komrades?
- it’s possible that the minimap tank name color will change before 9.5 release
Yes please! Green(allied) names are fine, but the red(enemy) names are very hard to see, specially when it’s only last spotted marker, it’s barely visible.
“Is he trolling here or being serious??? Flanking, game too linear??? Why are you then making maps with 3 fucking lanes and then saying it’s too linear or there is no way of flanking?! Stop making shitty maps.”
That’s a good point. If they really wanted to make the game more dynamic and less linear, they should either create more lanes – especially in city maps – or increase the map sizes so that the enemies advancing on open terrain on right flank won’t be spotted by the enemies camping on center.
SerB says that the AFK and bot are one and the same, and that the anti bot program will be apply on afk people but some bots program are not afk they follow a player,actually my question is, what is their definition of bot?Is it someone with a poor connection to the internet or bad PC and game crashes and because of that he is afk,or someone with 10k fight and WN8 slightly above 100 who is constantly present but is a program that follows the nearest players.
“Storm is also commenting on ramming system: the situation where E-50 rams IS-3 and loses as many hp’s as the IS is correct, because it can be explained by lower frontal plate of E-50 ramming upper frontal plate of IS-3, which is thick”
Well, it’s a good thing ALL german tanks have similar shape to E-50, with their LFP being much weaker and being the contact area with pretty much all other tanks, thanks to their huge sizes.
German tanks, although heavy and slow (and many other weaknesses) did have the ramming advantage over russian tanks. WG took care of that, and they have a “logical” explanation for it too. TROLOLO !
my fps felt like it went up actually..
Yeah, it did
Any idea what happens to SPGs after the nerf of render range? They might be blind afterwards, as no teammate will show enemy positions. And 500m ist nothing for LTs – if they come in viewrange you are dead. Or am I totally wrong gettimg the point?
SerB on “anti-bot” system: “The system takes into account that various things happen in life.
What a load of bollocks, after over 13,000 Games since Playing from Beta I get a warning the First time I go AFK and can’t start or complete a game.
- apparently it will NOT be possible to test the premium tier 8 Panther 88
Because they know a T8 without pref mm is complete garbage.
Theory seems to be that the gun will be better and that will make up for it.
To be fair, lack of penetration is probably the main handicap for t8s in a t10 game – there’s just too much chance of running into something you just can’t feasibly hurt. However, that it reportedly has lower mobility as well as lower armour will probably kill it – the armour is probably all but irrelevant either way, but the Panther and Panther 2 are already slowish for mediums: less mobility means less opportunity to get out of those situations where you find yourself face to face with a T110E3 and relocate to somewhere where you can actually contribute beyond blocking a few shells.
“- platoons were specifically impelemented into the IM’s to ‘improve socializing’”
A: Hey, anyone wanna platoon?
B: Sure!
A: What tier?
B: (number from 5-10).
A: You ready?
B: Yep.
The platoon doesn’t say much else until A completes the mission.
I’m pretty sure that’s all the socializing the individual missions will create most of the time.
- SerB on “anti-bot” system: “The system takes into account that various things happen in life. You have to go to the toilet urgently, your mom called you to eat or your wife needed to turn your attention to her and not to pixel tanks. So if you don’t go AFK regularily (what does “regularily” mean I will not tell, sorry), then an AFKer can be forgiven.”
Let us not forget the times when, despite having been entirely fine the rest of the playing session, defragging your hard drive regularly, and not having any trouble with your connection, you get a game where you spend five minutes staring at the loading screen, and then when you do finally load it becomes very clear that you’re no longer actually connected to the server but the game hasn’t recognised this so you have to quit and restart the client to have any real hope of getting back in in time to have any effect whatsoever…
…except that Wargaming would dearly love us to forget that there are serious issues with their code. I wish I could.
(I’ve had warnings twice, and both times it was because of this. To add insult to injury, the first time it happened, I did get back in in time to play a decisive role in finishing off the last couple of minutes of the match, and still got the ‘you abandoned your team’ warning…)
“AFKer can be forgiven”
Big warm FUCK YOU to all afkers who click battle then go to the toilet / eat / have sex / whateva, thus loosing my games i try to carry hard.
I can forgive tomatoes who just can’t play better due to various reason, but going afk on purpose whatever reason is really cancer in any mmo
” some people are angry about the token system, Storm replies that you don’t have to play the arty missions (SS: IF you fulfill all the secondary objectives)”
IMHO playing arty requirement is very good.
At least all the idiots who think playing arty is “point’n’click” adventure will finally understand how frustrating it is to aim 15 seconds, miss and wait 50 seconds for reload.
If nothing else, it will at least teach players how arty actually works and how to counter it. I had big issues with arty untill I unlocked S-51 from KV-2 and started playing it.. Suddenly I realized where arty cannot aim and where is safe to stand in tank…
right now, 90% of crybabies calling me skycancer are jsut sitting on one spot while Im shooting at them and when my 3rd shot hits them they rage… LTP idiots, they should relocate after first shot landed next to them…
Apparently, Russians are reporting FPS losses in 9.5.
I’m not quite sure if this is strictly FPS issue. I don’t recall exact morning (Wednesday or Thursday), around 6.00, when I woke up and were getting ready to work, I entered the game for a quick check of some things and EU1 was down! After that, there was severely annoying connection problem! Lag light (red light) was constantly blinking and every time it blinks I get a stutter on screen. It looks like a FPS drop but it isn’t. It’s more like a constant attempt to reconnect to the server.