38 thoughts on “Today’s Advent Offer (19.12.2014)

  1. if(IM.containsPlatoons()==True){
    print(“FU WG;”);

    who the fuck is crazy to buy bloated ingame currency from a free 2 play game that pisses on his players? guys buy some amazing games from Steam, it has crazy discounts….
    bye bye

      • …………………./´¯/)
        ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
        ……….”…\………. _.·´

    • foreach (var customer in WG.customers)
      income += customer.wallet;
      MessageBox.Show(“Transaction complete: 2100000 credits added.\n- 2100 gold added.”);
      //Segey, i fixed teh code so customerz get useless creditz for rubels! Now we can into rich.

  2. I bet that 24th December will be crap offer with… E-25 and bunch of bonus equipment and consumables (since equipment will be on discount) ;)

  3. And the worst thing is, they force us to buy these packages, that they have no obligation to offer, there’s no choice, we have to buy them… Oh wait, no we don’t, we can just ignore them if we don’t like them – Fancy that, ignoring something you have no interest in rather than whining like a spoilt brat because you didn’t get what *you* wanted. You lot are going to have a rude awakening when you finish school, move out of your parents and go out into the real world, where no one gives a shit what you want.

    • You missed the point.

      Compared to the Russian offers, WG EU seems to rip off their costumers with “special” offers which are in fact nothing really special.

      It seems that the EU playerbase has to pay the price for Putin’s political incompetence.

      • Well Putin did say in his speech that Russia would be looking for ways to make their economy no too dependable on natural resources..
        Guess this is what he meant.

    • Great mentality, mate.
      Just FYI, it’s the company that is supposed to keep their customers happy, not the other way. Let’s see who will last longer – players without WG or WG without players?
      Maybe in your assbackwards commie country shitting on a customer is normal, but some people have standards and expectations.

  4. Another offer I will have no trouble ignoring. I suppose that is a good thing, really. :-) Imagine the same calendar with stellar deals only: which ones would you pick?

    As for the Russians: do not forget they are actually getting shafted. Thanks to that rubble in a freefall, no deal is going to leak all that nice. 50% off only to pay the same you used to without discounts? :-)

    • it s not that much about the price it s that russia and all other server have all 5-6 packs of very rare tank for 1 month , and we have very very bad deal , worst or barely better then normal that last 24h each , why we don’t have the grosstraktor , the t34-85M ? every other server has it ,…

  5. I just don’t get the point on making “deals” that aren’t, aside from trolling ? The discount on premiums starting from 24/12 would have been enough anyway, instead they just get everybody pissed off for no reason lol

  6. Sadly we live in a society ripe with non-stop complainers. People with dignity would just walk away from things they do not enjoy, but our sad self-absorbed facebook generation will dog-cuss anything not perceived as serving their best interests. Dignity, social grace and sophisticated manner isn’t dead, but its not in good health. I’m talking in general…I don’t think the tanking community is any worse….fwiw