Hello everyone,
just a quick announcement: Battle Assitant artillery for 0.9.4 works in 0.9.5 as well – you can download it here. Enjoy!
Hello everyone,
just a quick announcement: Battle Assitant artillery for 0.9.4 works in 0.9.5 as well – you can download it here. Enjoy!
Y u do dis SS ?
Trolololo >:D
Acually iz Dolan…
Must start a shitstorm again, so he can be mad and sour about people hating on arty, and having to lock comment. Obvious enough. I’m not seeing the posts about how x damagepanel or y minimap mod works or not afterall. Just this one, tied to the specific class has to be announced.
Same idea that i had .
That enjoy at the end though
Well it’s the only mod I use, so…
That explains it all .
high five SS!! arty lover i love artys too its the only mod i use too xD it made useing arty fun again i cackle when i smack a t95 in the lower plate xD
I dont use mods, but I’ve considered using this one. Thanks for putting up with the haters. You’re awesome.
I smell butthurt.
I smell a foul substance.
You shudnt be sticking your nose in people’s butts
At this time, the OMC package includes the Battle Assistant PoV mod as one of their download options.
Why not make laser, destroyed objects, OTM reload timers legal too?
It gives same amount of advantage as this clicker mod.
Some of the illegal mods would actually give less advantage than this one.
Which is even worse…
Somewhy I get pissed at everything WG does/did/doing.
This mod is just bullshit, and to allow it is like saying warpack cheaters and the mods they use are fine, because how is this not one of em? Truth is there is major problem with arty in the game, doing a simple youtube search on this mod and seeing it in action further increases the arty problem. Even after showing the video to a few “scumbag loving” friends I toon with, they all agree this is over the line.
WGing doesn’t want to do anything about warpack and now allows this? Really?
The fact that this mod is legal and the zoom mod is not (at least not on NA) is just pure bullshit.
Looks like those window lickers will have fun from now on.
The zoom mod is legal on NA, the admins are just terrible at wording things because they don’t want to say anything that they would be accountable for.
As long as you don’t break the bushes/trees with super overkill zoom, you’re fine. Anything higher than 16x tends to run into that issue from my own usage, so that’s where I cap it (anything higher than 16x is also impractical to actually aim with as well IMO).
Well …. actually the laser thingy is legal… Integrated in the minimap by WG
Please check the new settings added this patch 0.9.5
I think laser mod means the mod which emites a laser from enemy barrels. So you can quickly tell if spotted enemy tanks is aiming at you.
Very useful thing.
Yeah .. probably I’m confusing things …
Just lol what you wrote xD
It doesn’t give any significant advantage. It’s better in some situations and worse in others. Get over it.
haters gon hate, this mod is legal on all servers!
XVM is legal too , why doesnt SS post here and say it got updated ?
Session stats is legal aswell , why doesnt he do the same ?
I dont see the point of all this arty love lately , even though i dont disagree nor do i care , but why ?
Because I don’t like XVM
I dont use it for the stats , the damage counter/enemy hp left / and last spotted along dynamic view range circle is what i like .
The new standard “enemy is looking that way” feature can be seen as cheat :D
It’s not a part of the standard XVM though. If you have it, it was part of one of those [insert bad word here] mod packs.
similar taste :)
now please create thread about multilined tank carousel being eaten by XVM and us haters so sad now having to scroll for eternity :-D
Because XVM is already known a lot and everybody using mods should have at least heard of it, whereas BA isnt that popular yet and most player dont know it exists ?
also XVM is banned on Russia so hurayy!!!
because hunting unicum with arti is bad :P
Yeah this mod is “BALANCE” and “LEGAL” compared to other mods.
Better point of view but worse field of view, worse distance representation (harder to tell how far you aim), absolutely no more info than regular sight instead you have an angled view instead of top view.
It’s more fair to let this mod legal than to let ennemy reload timer, ennemy armor info, ennemy shell type, and ennemy stats legal.
Try to deny this will just prove you’re a basic arty hater who just tries to find a reason to complain at any cost.
hahahahaha SS you are such a troll :D
Thanks mate
Starting to lose my respect SS =/
Plz stahp dis baddies helping tipz, stop making this game worse
What’s wrong with helping bad players perform better?
You’re stripping us of easy kills.
Nooo…..people never have a proper brain to understand the fact that no one can master this game in 1 game.
Helping baddies is one thing, totally fine, but help baddies on TANKS, and not helping to spread even more cancer
Firstly I strongly believe people buttheart about SPG play them as well, and this make you not very qualified to say SPG is “Cancer”.
Secondly, you say helping baddies is a good thing, and the baddies find SPG is easiest to play, so why is that a problem? As a starting point it’s a good thing. I don’t believe anyone can play pure SPG for over 1000 game, it’s fucking terrible and not fun to play.
“I strongly believe people buttheart about SPG play them as well”
Then your beliefs are full of shit.
Baddies playing arty won’t get any better at this game, because it’s such out-of-the-arse concept, that it has nothing to do with playing any other class in the game. In heavies you learn armor layouts and angling, in TDs you learn spotting mechanics, in mediums you learn situational awareness.
What do you learn in an SPG? “LOL I did so much dmg aiming at this guy’s turret XD” or what’s the best way to the nearest puddle of water.
There are people with 90% battles in skycancer and with any other tank they have barely 46% WR. So much skill.
There should be autoban for playing over 50% of the battles in one type of vehicle.
Cancer is serious and something that should be thrown around as it is in game like it currently. I have lost family members to cancer and im sure many other s that play have too. Extremely disrespectful
Refrain from using the word cancer , please
Help them more than arty already does? This mod is a disrespect towards people who actually learned to play their SPGs in all maps.
“What’s wrong with helping bad players perform better?”
That they actually do not get better. They only abuse broken mechanic that gets even more broken.
broken my arse!!!!!!!!!
pres w…goes forward
press s goes backward
press a.goes left
pres d goes right
press shift enters satelite doom mode
activate xvm
look for purple players
destroy purple player!!
whats broken about that!
He never said get better, just perfom better. And if someone performs better, they will have more fun. Fun is why we play the game. I personally think playing arty is boring, and it does piss me off to get shat on for half of my health without a chance to return fire, but at least i know how people feel vs me in my borsig. And its fun for them. Which, once again, is what the game is all about.
As I said, they “perform better” and “have more fun” because they abuse broken mechanic, spoiling the game for others.
SS remembervto be a white knight to those that cause a bleep storm over a class so ready that ban hammer :D
Butt hurt is stronk with this one!
So much butthurt
SS again social experimenting :D
at least he’s not trying to force vaccinate us.. :)
but i do get the appeal in posting stuff like this..
scrolling through endless complains and butthurt, laughing at other people’s misery .)
sadistic troll..
Its all about seeing your comical butthurt and blinding rage.
Good to know. tbh I started to play with my arty again after I installed this mod, it just makes it enjoyable enough to compensate the not so recent arty nerf.
After all, someone have to keep TD’s in bay
Yeah, that “someone” are LTs & MTs
No sky pigs needed for TDs
Not the topic.
For mood.
Its a fantastic mod. I have less than 400 battles in arty (9k overall), mainly because I felt as arty removed from the battle and playing top down minigame, but this mod makes arty mych more fun!
I actually don’t find this mod to be that helpful – I miss even more shots while firing in full “battle assistant mod”.
I use it rarely only for heavy camping targets – for anything moving it is completely useless
As soon as I looked at the picture I went “I don’t see how this is useful at all”
Granted, I’ve never played around with it, but from the picture, I can’t tell if arty is aiming just behind the tank or right next to the water tower. (Way behind the tank)
It’s very useful for those trickshots, eg. enemy is hiding under the rail station in himmelsdorf and the camera goes bonkers when trying to aim there. Otherwise it’s better to use the view you’re used to.
how to switch into this view? thanks ;)
press G
or middle mouse button
Nono, better use ALT + F4.
For newbies using the Battle Assistant Artillery POV mod, press the letter to G activate the mod. Later, press the letter G to go back to the overhead view. Do NOT use ALT F4.
I found the mod to be rather situational. I’ve used the overhead for so long that I prefer it.
ALT F4 shows gun direction markers.
Woras!!! *LOL*
alt f4 closes your game dont let them fool you!
Type format C: in the Command Prompt.
Or delete system32 from the Windows folder
That will make your clicker gameplay oh so much better!
These are so old that a lot of people don’t know what a command prompt is.
^^^ Very true!!!
Ok, this mod doesn’t guarantee kills for arty. I used/tested it in 9.4 and from my point of view I only fucked up matches when I used this mod. When I played normally without that mod I played better, with more dmg output and more kills, so I don’t understand what’s this hype all about.
From programming point of view: Nice job!
From arty-player point of view: Not so good :(
This mod is best for high accuracy and flatter arc SPGs that need direct hits. Derpier shells that get lobbed high and are likelier to go wide of the target, not so much.
true, works brilliantly with o.261
not so much with CGC..
May need to repurchase AMX 13 F3 AM.
Then why is it since publication of this MOD, the amount of arty per game has almost tripled?
I am sure you have some statistics proving this
I have my tinfoil hat……beats statistics every time :P
I still get battles without arty. Not sure about you :P
And here as well.
I saw a bump in arty numbers when the mod was announced on the forum. It’s been tapering off since that time.
And why not? Isn’t it a good thing people are revisiting SPG after the killing nerf in 8.6?
Also, it wasn’t a “nerf”, it was mostly a buff.
Buff?!?!? *LMFAO*
They got improved accuracy and most of them had their battle tiers lowered by 2 while keeping their guns. Yes, it was a buff.
First there is a Arty guyde now you just advertise the Overpowerd mod that in MY opinion is CHEAT. How much they pay you SS ?
Have you actually tried it? Do it first and then comment pls
Well, nobody gives a rat`s ass about YOUR opinion.
also ask WG to remove “tank turret is looking that way” standard feature from minimap :D
I had this MOD and it’s good only for FV304 and similar artys. Can’t hit a thing with T92 when in this mod. I’m better when i play in satellite view.
P.S: For all, who call arty players “clickers” (they themselves never played with arty and then don’t know how difficult it is) don’t cry for help from arty. I’ll never such moron.
I for one couldn’t hit anything while in this sniperview….when I went back to standard god-view I started hitting again in my 212A………other than that; I’m not an arty player anyway.
Don’t really need this mod. It is possible to tell from the shape of the dispersion border the lay of the land and if there is any clipping due to rocks or buildings.
One game I tried to help a team mate by requesting he fall back to lure enemies from around a hill, so that the enemies could be killed without him losing so much health. Instead, he refused help from a ‘clicker’, got killed, and eventually we lost (drew) by a close margin. So basically, we lost because of the irrational hatred of SPGs on his own team.
You can hate getting killed by SPGs, or even their presence in the game, but if you are playing to win it is illogical not to take advantage of them in your team.
I know that feel bro…many times i requested teamate to fall back so i can oneshot enemy and he refuse and get killed…so i don’t bother to tell morons to fall back or even help them anymore…
This mod is actually pretty good for all arties, please dont say that its otherwise. Especially newbie players can have troubles to aim properly target in unfavorable terrain, and in that situations new view will help them to deal dmg. Anyway let say it clear – it helps player much more than any other legal wot mod.
About post scriptum – I never asked arty for help, nor i will do this in future.
Can’t hit a thing with a t92 a majority or the time anyhow but I typically only switch to this view for tight shots when the target is near cover.
There is a learning curve with this mod, it took a bit. I kept saying this does not help much, then I started to see it. The mod is amazing, I am putting arty shells threw windows, over wrecked buildings and many places I never would have tried before.
It can’t do everything, but it’s a wonderful tool.
Since this mod came out, most of the games I have at least 3 arties.
that means you play in a 3x arty platoon?
Yes, I mean, 3 arties per side :P
I must not be on the same server as you. I play arty a lot. I’m not seeing it. When driving my Bert, I’m seeing the usual one or two artillery pieces per side with a few matches with three per side. Rarely do I see four or more arty drivers per side in a match. When driving other AFV’s, I have matches without artillery. MM must have a special selection of matches for you given your arty bias.
SS – you should rename this blog, ‘SPG diaries’ would be my pick. Why for fuck sake you are promoting arties over and over again? We dont have heavies guide, but we have arty guide. We have notice about hax arty mod but i’m sure you wont inform about really useful mods like xvm,minimap, tank carousel and other stuff. You were once objective commentator of WOT development. Now you are just teasing us and awkwardly trying to push controversial ideas.
Not happy? Start your OWN blog.
You want SS stop posting what he wanted on his blog? Get out then. This is HIS blog, not Yours.
Yeah, you are right but I would love to read old FTR. Now I have feeling that SS is just deliberately publishing posts to enrage big part of his readers. We all know about arty mod, we know that too its controversial issue in wot community. Why write then few posts about it? I think SS is aware that this will only provoke shitty discussion like this.
I don’t know about creating a heilstorm in his comments section is a goal, but hey, everyone entitled to their opinion ! But I would very much like a guide like that for the other types of tank (as detailled as this one) to make things balanced ! But that may be in the plan !
Exactly, give us guides on other tanks, informations bout other mods and it will silcence the whiners like me.
As if I am not an old reader as well….?
And why do SS have to please Every single one of you reading the blog? You don’t want his news? Dont read the blog then. Go to RU forums and get trolled by the devs.
Noob clicker detected cof cof
*Cough Cough*
Do I need to post my stats again….? Not great, but not a tomato.
Yeah, like i said, crying for attention. Thats sad dude
And again? Why will you reply my thing if you think I am spamming?
WG mod approval working as intended.
I admit I use this. Much less awkward to shoot enemies on slopes or masked by complex cover like buildings.
Considering the terminal angle of SPG shells is almost always flatter than 45 degrees, this perspective makes more sense for aiming than satellite mode, which is suited for very steep falling shells (or bombs) that don’t exist in this game. What satellite mode is in practice is a forced handicap to make SPGs more awkward to use, with the only advantage that you can see entirely what spotted enemies are doing.
Probably the main reason WG chose satellite mode instead of this (aside from perhaps never thinking of it) was the difficulty of executing this mod’s perspective without the camera spazzing around as it does.
Buttheart incoming 1….2….3….
SS Please don’t stop doing what you wanted to do, I enjoy people’s tears on SPG.
^ this
butthurt* We also enjoy the tears of baddies like yourself screaming for hax and warpacks etc. And remember for every good player you killed with your cancermobile there is much more deniers killed by that very same guy.
No arty in wot blitz. NONE.
And still the game is good without “all the issue predicted if arty were removed! BEHOLD!1!1!11!”.
Wonder why that can’t apply to PC world of tanks too. <_<0
Becasue it’s a phone game…..?
And have you ever see a phone game will have the same detail in a PC game? How is your reason even a “reason”? People just want to play a game or a few on a phone, and not camp for 10 minutes. Not to mention the battle time and map are much smaller.
People these days.
So everyone is camping in WoT Blitz?
So there is the answer.
If you don’t like Artie go play WOT Blitz, and take your whining with you.
I see what you did there, SS.
Why ban people in the artillery articles when you just can piss them off?
I still can’t see any logic behing this mod being legal. Why not make artillery view for KV-2 or British howitzers? That would be so balanced and fair!
Now you don’t even have to feel bad about using zoom mods.
“Why ban people in the artillery articles when you just can piss them off?”
Well here’s one.
“I still can’t see any logic behing this mod being legal. Why not make artillery view for KV-2 or British howitzers? That would be so balanced and fair!”
Well then complain to the Devs, I think SerB appreciate your feedback very much:)
Reading comprehension is stronk with this one.
gay mod
Like you?
Nice Name BTW. Obvious Buttheart.
Dude, are you really that happy to see someone promoting arty? What are you, 10? Have to reply in everyone comments. Definitely crying for attention. baddie
Isn’t that my right?
And why do I want attention? To get raped by butthearts?
You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.
This post gave me cancer.
i play arty too much, especially BC 155 58, and this mode is not useful as you thought. i use it if my team is about to win, it’s fun part is only the different view of battleground. i watch battle in my 75 seconds reload time with this mode. and beleive me it’s much harder to hit sth with this mode, because the marker is not really marking the center of aim circle.
I fixed this arty shit with not playing WoT.
Still no obj907 in my garage:(
i fixed my dick
YEAH… Support artilery players more, because they need help with clicking. Honestly, f*ck this mode, it gives you same amount advatage as a free cam mode which is banned or that laser mode (showing you where are enemies point their guns).
Hmm….i don’t know that you are pushing with your finger on monitor to shoot, kid. So stop using “clicker” term. I think you never played with arty or just few games and you suck, that’s why you complaining about someone who shoot your camping ass.
Best regards,
I have 500 games with T-92, so your opinion is wrong and my most played class are medium tanks which get rekt by arty when you are in first line, you cant even stop for aiming, but i get it most of the players wouldnt have a chance against me in normal tanks or TDs. btw. where in my post you see word “clicker” i only used word “click”
Lets compare normal tank x arty:
CLICK | yes – YES
lead the target to hit | yes – yes
relocate | yes – yes
blind shoot | yes – yes
move | yes – barely
gun depression/elevation problem | yes – barely
face 2×1 at the same time | yes – almost impossible (at the same time)
map awareness | yes (alot) – yes (not so much)
angle your armor | if you have some – no
aim at weak spot | yes – no
push/attack | yes – seldom relocate
flank | yes – seldom relocate
RNG dependant | yes – even more
shots have to hit | yes – not really
don’t expose yourself too much | yes – no
spot | yes – rarelly
be carefull about being spotet | yes – not really
be carefull about your hp | yes – no
find some cover | every time – just once
peek a boo | yes – no
try to look between all the foliage | yes – no
Now you tell me, is that so hard to play arty? You understand why we call it clicker? Normal tanks do everything arty does, and MUCH more, thats why we say that arty needs no skill.
It does take skill? Yes, but its minimal skill compared to any other tank
OBS: sorry if i forgot something, it didnt take me much time to do that list
Thank you SS :)
And the Arty-Hater trollier of the year award goes to FTR!
You know, taking an idea from WarThunder and also from comments from the official forum & wotlabs…
I can hardly wait for SS to post about a mod that warns you when a sky pig has clicked in your general direction, so you have 1-2-3 seconds to GTFO.
And I’m pretty sure SS will do that as soon as such a mod is created, because SS is theoretically unbiased towards, ermmm, “interesting” mods. Right, SS?
Loving it, never heard of it…but giving it to all is well played. So WG has to do something about it!? May be in the end…may be not. Let’s hope…
Btw. still selling my last WoT-DVD Box. Interesting for EU-Players.
oh look, you can’t see me but i can shoot you, the story of the pervert class = Arty. but unlike sniper class, i can arc shoot you 45% from the sky… no line of sight, FU WG, i started TK arty, ban, again ban, again ban until my account will wipe, FU WG bye bye
Hey SS,
How about posting on another glorious, epic WG fail?
It’s not exactly fresh news, since the report system has some well-known flaws, but IMO this kind of shit tends to hit the fan:
Getting banned for winning. Stronk WG logic.
install this mod and get drunk on the tears of rage!
mod doesnt help anyway…its rubbish..dont understand the amount of butthurt
I have mixed feelings about this mod; Its harder to shoot at an moving tank, but it makes it easyer to do tricky shots at tanks that are hull down, or hide behind obstacals or behind a Hill. However i can see that the damage i make is raised, games between 4-6 k damage is quit normal…
Ps, for all those so called unicorns and cry babies about arty; Dont forget that arty did help you to get your good stats; When we didn’t route out the opposit you probetly didn’t win the game….
” Dont forget that arty did help you to get your good stats”
aww fluffy kittens. how old are you?
Those are not “so called” unicorns. Those are players far better than yourself, so keep denying more.
Never stop doing what you’re doing SS, watching both sides fight is hilarious
You still need at least basic knowledge and skill to use this mod. It’s not just point to kill, terrain angle, altitude of the target vs. your altitude and such matters must be taken into consideration. Just saying.
That is utter and complete bullshit. This mod is literally made to make terrain angles and stuff easier to understand. Nice try.
whoring for clicks….lame
I am surprised that this is still allowed, I thought WG would obviously see the exploit for what it is, but even the Chieftain does not get it.
For anyone who plays arty, this is a must mod. It makes your games much more enjoyable. And it allows you to make hard shots with out the need for painstakingly remembering stupid map details from an isometric view plane.
This is a biggest idiot mode ever, delete this shit from WoT with all stupid artys! IM gonna pay for that lot of money If you WG retards want!!!