Individual Missions – Object 260 (Stage 4)

In brackets, optional (secondary) objective, rewards vary.

Light Tanks

- win while the best in XP in both teams (survive)
- be first to spot 8 enemy tanks, survive (win)
- deal damage to 5 enemy vehicles while moving, spot 7 enemy tanks (destroy 4 enemy vehicles while moving)
- detrack at least 3 enemy tanks, do 1000 spotting damage (3 enemies you detracked have to be killed)
- get 3 enemies spotted by you killed by your team, survive (get at least 6 enemy tanks damaged by your team while you spot)
- spot 7 enemy tanks before they spot you (survive, win)
- spot 3 enemy arties and help destroy them, destroy one arty one tier higher than you (survive)
- help cap enemy base while getting at least 60 percent cap points, battle is won by capping (do not get hit while capping)
- spot or detrack 8 enemy vehicles (3 enemy vehicles get killed as a result)
- cause 4000 spotting damage (win,survive)
- while platooning with an arty (or two arties or another LT and an arty), deal 3000 spotting damage while your teammate deals 2000 damage, you have to kill 3 enemy vehicles as well (win, survive)
- while platooning with another LT, deal summary 7000 spotting damage (platoon has to survive)
- destroy 4 enemy vehicles of your tier or higher (deal at least 2500 damage)
- be first in XP of both teams while surviving and not recieving any damage in battle (win)
- deal at least 7000 spotting or assistant damage (spot or detrack 3 vehicles that get destroyed as a result of that action)

Tank Destroyers

- be the best in your team in XP (survive, win)
- deal at least 5000 damage and crit (destroy/kill) 3 enemy vehicle modules or crewmembers (dont end battle with destroyed modules or dead crewmembers)
- destroy 6 enemy vehicles, win (survive)
- destroy 4 enemy vehicles while remaining unspotted by them at the moment of the destruction (win, survive)
- destroy 3 vehicles at at least 300 meters (deal at least 4000 damage)
- deal 3000 damage at at least 250 meters, target must be in motion (destroy 4 enemy vehicles in motion)
- destroy 4 enemy vehicles while recieving no damage until that point (survive, win)
- deal 5 times as many damage than the hitpoints of your vehicle (win, survive)
- deal 7 damage-dealing shots in a row (destroy 5 enemy vehicles)
- deal at least 4000 damage while remaining unspotted (survive, win)
- platoon with another TD, destroy 8 enemy vehicles (entire platoon has to survive)
- destroy 3 enemy heavy tanks while dealing at least 4000 damage (win, survive)
- platoon with another TD, deal at least 60 percent of the summary team damage, win (entire platoon has to survive)
- deal at least 8000 damage to the enemy (destroy 5 vehicles)

Medium Tanks

- deal any damage, win, be the best in XP (survive)
- deal damage to 6 enemy vehicles while on the move (kill 4 enemies while on the move)
- destroy 3 enemy vehicles in first 5 minutes of battle (survive, win)
- 4 times detrack and damage enemy vehicles (destroy 3 detracked vehicles, win)
- destroy 2 enemy light tanks while moving (win,survive)
- destroy 6 enemy vehicles of three different classes of vehicles (win,survive)
- destroy 3 enemy artilleries that you spotted yourself (survive, win, SPG’s have to be of higher tier than you)
- destroy 1 enemy medium of 2 tiers higher (deal 2000 damage)
- set 2 enemy vehicles of higher tier than you on fire or one such vehicle twice (be in top 3 in XP)
- deal 15 shots, dealing damage (destroy 5 enemy vehicles)
- destroy enemy of higher tier by ramming (destroy at least 2 enemies by ramming)
- while in platoon, destroy 10 enemy vehicles (each player in platoon has to deal damage to the vehicles destroyed by the platoon)
- deal at least 9000 damage in platoon (platoon has to be in top 3 of its team in XP)
- deal at least 2000 damage to enemy heavy a tier higher than you (survive, win)
- destroy 4 enemy TD’s that are a tier higher (survive, win, deal no less than 3000 damage)

Heavy Tanks

- destroy 5 enemy vehicles (deal at least 4000 damage)
- destroy 4 enemy vehicles that are no more than 100 meters from you (deal at least 4000 damage)
- destroy 6 enemy vehicles of 3 different classes (deal at least 4000 damage)
- destroy 6 internal modules or crewmembers of enemy tank (destroy 5 enemy vehicles)
- be the best in damage in both teams (survive)
- destroy 2 enemy heavies 2 tiers higher (deal at least 3000 damage)
- win battle by capping, get at least 50 cap points, deal at least 4000 damage (destroy 5 enemy vehicles)
- deal at least 4000 damage to enemy heavies (destroy 5 enemy tanks)
- destroy an enemy a tier higher than you by ramming (survive, win)
- deal at least 4000 damage to enemy vehicles within your viewrange (destroy 5 vehicles)
- deal at least 5000 damage while (at battle’s end) having no internal modules damaged or destroyed and no crew dead (destroy 5 enemy vehicles)
- block at least 3 times your hitpoints with your armor while dealing at least 3000 damage (win, survive)
- platoon with another heavy tank, destroy 4 enemy vehicles within 5 minutes of battle (win, survive)
- platoon with another heavy tank, destroy at least 10 enemy vehicles of 3 different classes (whole platoon has to survive)
- a sum of damage dealt, damage recieved and damage blocked by armor of your tank has to exceed 14000 (win)


- deal at least 4000 damage (survive,win)
- be in top 3 in damage while remaining unspotted (destroy 3 enemy vehicles)
- do at least 6 shots that deal damage (deal at least 4000 damage)
- destroy 2 enemy light tanks in first 5 minutes of battle (survive,win)
- detrack 4 enemies, which are then destroyed by your allies or commit suicide (deal at least 4000 damage)
- destroy 2 enemy vehicles of 2 tiers higher (survive,win)
- destroy 3 TDs, win (deal at least 4000 damage)
- deal at least 3000 damage to enemy heavy tanks (destroy 2 enemy heavies, win)
- deal damage to enemy vehicle moving at least 40 km/h (win, survive, remain unspotted)
- destroy 2 enemy unspotted arties (deal at least 4000 damage)
- destroy 2 enemy tanks with one shot (win, survive)
- be the best in damage, destroy 4 enemy vehicles, survive (win)
- platoon with another artillery, deal at least 50 percent of total damage your team does, win (platoon has to survive)
- platoon with another artillery or light tank, personally deal 5000 damage (platoon has to survive)
- be the best in damage and XP of both teams, deal at least 3000 damage (survive)

35 thoughts on “Individual Missions – Object 260 (Stage 4)

  1. - destroy 4 enemy vehicles that are no more than 100 meters from you

    we will see lots of comming closer idiots for sure :D :D

  2. Missions with 100-1000 attempts, even for unicums:

    “- spot 3 enemy arties and help destroy them, destroy one arty one tier higher than you (survive)” – If I understand correctly, this means you need 1 kill and 3 supported kills? Good luck with 4 arty games, lol. They happen once per 100 games or so.

    “- deal at least 8000 damage to the enemy (destroy 5 vehicles)” – since most people will want to avoid arty, they have to do the secondary. See wotreplays for how many games have been posted that qualify – good luck.

    “- destroy 3 enemy artilleries that you spotted yourself (survive, win, SPG’s have to be of higher tier than you)” – LOLZ. good luck getting 3 arty in the first place, getting to them first and killing them all without anyone stealing your kill.

    “- set 2 enemy vehicles of higher tier than you on fire or one such vehicle twice (be in top 3 in XP)” – RNG crapfest

    “- deal at least 2000 damage to enemy heavy a tier higher than you (survive, win)” – what, just one? trolololo, everyone else will just sit and watch how you kill a tier X ht for three minutes.

    “- destroy 4 enemy TD’s that are a tier higher (survive, win, deal no less than 3000 damage)” – getting them in one game (remember, only +1 tier tanks count) is one thing, killing them all is another. Impossible without 3-man T54E1 focusing on the mission, assuming you also want the secondary to skip the arty.

    “- destroy 6 internal modules or crewmembers of enemy tank (destroy 5 enemy vehicles)” -of a single one? lol… KV-2 or GTFO (and you also need to set a guy on fire + have him burn to damage more stuff).

    Most arty missions are lotto draw, too.

    • spot 3 enemy arties and help destroy them, destroy one arty one tier higher than you…… its pretty doable… i play a lot of light and its pretty common

      setting on fire is rng stupid but its doable also….. you have to bear in mind these missions are not supposed to be easy like “set a guy on fire and you have a tank”…….

      problem are missions like this “while platooning with an arty (or two arties or another LT and an arty), deal 3000 spotting damage while your teammate deals 2000 damage, you have to kill 3 enemy vehicles as well”……… platooning is ugly limiting factor

      • The missions seem pretty doable after what was first leaked.

        LT: be first in XP of both teams while surviving and not recieving any damage in battle

        90% of rounds someony will drive into you right at the start making this mission impossible.
        Something like “survive with 90% of your hit points” would be better.

        • its kinda luck based…. but its like the easier of the hard missions….. you just wait and pick apart lone higher tier enemies……. im guessing 1 in 200 batlles

      • Just because missions are doable it doesn’t mean their requirements are not retarded.

        With all the RNG and MM parameters in question they could simply make a lottery with 1000 tanks and give them to random players.

  3. Have tried it a bit today but,
    Had not voted in that poll before but did it now, no ;)
    With that said, does not cost any extra to have missions on so at times I might unknowingly complete some :)


      • Sure you can. Activate the first part and just game on. Sooner or later you wil complet eone of the 14 missions my accident (you can only do #15 if oyu have all others first).

  4. I am guessing that most of the people who will attain these will be from clans who all click Battle at the same time, at low player number times, and fix the battles.

  5. Yeah, Sunday morning on NA West would be a prime time for battle fixing. My goal is the T-55A, I have no illusions that I will be able to complete all the Object 260 missions without cheating, and I won’t cheat. Even so, I’ll activate them once I get to them, maybe I’ll get lucky enough times, there is no time limit after all.

    • Funny, isn’t it? LT spotting mission will be pure luck – firstly you will have to get Prokhorovka or Fiery Salient – the only maps that allow such spotting without even more extreme luck and dumb enemies and pray that enemy LT won’t have similar idea to you going in the same place and both dying in a moment. WG still lives with the old LT designation in this game and in the same time converts all maps to corridors where spotting is useless.

      • Hopefully the view range changes will help now they’ve announced there is no time limit on the missions.

  6. “- deal damage to enemy vehicle moving at least 40 km/h”

    with artillery

    Doing this is pure RNG even before 8.6…

  7. Dumb question sorry … if I don’t have any arty does that mean I cannot complete the missions to get the tanks? Do you have to do all 75 sub-missions for each tank?

    • You can get the rewards, but you’ll have to do the secondary goal of 15th mission for each other class. 4/5 class needed to get rewards.

      So you can get them, but it’ll be much more hardcore than if you had arty.

      If you have a KV-2 just go unlock S-51 and its big gun, you’ll get these missions in no time

  8. I dont understand ppl being like “uh so hard, and I’ll have to do secondary to skip arty”…

    Guys, even if you hate arty with all your inside… These are the easiest missions. If you wanna skip it just because you dont like the class, it’s like saying “I dont want your free rolex, I prefer other watches…”

    “Do 2k damages, survive” kind of missions, you do this in one battle of 5 minutes… Why would you want to pass the easiest missions and instead try harder to get almost impossible secondary goals ?

    If there’s one class to skip it’s light tanks. Relies too much on your team. “7k spotting damage”, if you’re with a bunch of morons, you can spot 3 Maus’ platoon and some TDs, even your arty will ignore it sometimes.

    Anyway, for what I’ve seen now in 15 battles:
    -Suicide scout in almost every battles. Yeah, even green guys with 1350WN8 and LTTB’s… (which breaks the game, and the “kill a light tank before he damages any allie” kind of mission)
    -Arty focusing on moving lights and counter arty maybe 1/5 battle (which breaks the game and ruins scouts “support damage” missions)
    -lots of GW Tiger P (tier 8 arty, huge damages, easy missions. I completed 1 arty mission per battle with it… I guess it will be the arty skipper, the way KV-2 is heavy skipper for damages/module missions)
    -heavy tanks going to close combat alone like donkeys
    -medium tanks being useless
    Thanks WG for some missions, that really fuck up gameplay.

    I guess many ppl just go “I get the mission and fuck it”, they sure didnt even bother read the hints, did they even understand these missions were “huge progressive tutorial to play better” and not “do teh mission 2 get tank !”.

  9. These missions are big pile of guano. First off they are not individual by definition when you have to be platooned up to complete. I do not feel the need to go further. Maybe Russians do not understand the word.

  10. I’ve stopped playing WoT following the influx of these random quasiRPG elements and total decomposition of any remnants of teamplay. Much better ways and game to spend my time on. It had a good run though.

    Live long and prosper.