Regarding Individual Missions

Hello everyone,

so, the individual missions are here. Yesterday, I played a bunch of battles (maybe 30 I think) and completed the StuG IV TD missions up to the point where platoon is required, after that I moved to medium tanks, where I am about half-way through. The missions aren’t that hard and if you optimize them (for example by not attempting to complete the “hit the moving target” TD one in a 150mm derp vehicle), you can be there in no time. After the StuG it gets harder of course, but hey, it’s something.

That’s not the real problem of the IM’s anyway.

I have to admit, I was very much looking forward to the individual missions (or personal missions or whatever it is called these days, there’s nothing individual or personal about them anyway since everyone has them), but I have to wonder, whether that was actually the right thing to do.

You might have noticed that the gameplay of the random battles changed – and it changed forever. Some – perhaps many – of you have seen it yesterday, situations such as these:

- a medium tank suicide rushed enemy artillery position because he needs to kill at least one
- a medium tank killing two enemy tanks and then bugging off, since the requirement is to survive, leaving the rest of the team dies
- scouts suicide rushing (“must spot first”) or doing nothing, trying to “survive”
- artillery firing all over the place, trying to hit mission specific targets, while critical spots are left without support (in worst cases, your artillery is on some mission while the enemy one isn’t, so you don’t have support while the other team does)

Those are just examples, two of which I saw. Maybe it’s just me, but I did notice more strange or retarded behavior in randoms yesterday, even during times (after prime time), when battles usually start making at least a bit sense. I do blame the missions for that. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not COMPLETELY unplayable, but it definitely made the situation worse.

Some of the missions are bugged. I can’t tell which exactly and a lot of the bug reports are probably false, since the players might simply have not fulfilled the conditions (why is there no progress indicator that would tell you when you actually complete the mission in the battle?), but some of them are legitimate (one or two artillery ones), so there will probably be some sort of fix, possibly even server-side.

And of course there are the requirements too. While I do think it’s hilarious that some of the arty haters actually have it much harder to reach the top (good luck with all the secondary ojectives), both the LT’s and arty are tanks with very specialized skillset required to operate them successfully, making players play them is a sort of… I don’t know. When the IM’s were announced, I was hoping the whole point would be to actually do missions in tanks (classes), in which I was individually good at. Oh well, guess not.

I think everyone will also agree that some of the missions are not even partially based on luck, hitting a 40 km/h moving target with artillery? That’s pure RNG, even if you are the best artillery player in the world, at those speeds the shell will fly all over the place. By the way, remember the big artillery nerf in 0.8.6? One of the reasons artillery was nerfed was because it was hitting and oneshotting batchats when they were going fast. Well congratulations, now what WG was trying to avoid is a mission requirement.

And of course there is the platoon requirement for some mission. Well fuck you Wargaming, now I’ll have to look for someone to do these missions in. Given the fact a bunch of people already sent me offers, I don’t think I’ll have a problem with that, but others will, even really good players. Furthermore, dynamics of playing in a platoon are completely different from those in random battles and personally, I am not that comfortable with those. I know, Wargaming is desperately trying to get more people to various organized modes (with SH, the participation in TB dropped), but force-feeding them “socialization” is really not the way to do it. I mean, not for us, individual players – I am sure WG DOES benefit from this shit.

And the annoying part is, the platoon missions are (intentionally) not connected to one another, WG is openly pushing you “yea, you’ll have to complete another platoon mission in a while anyway, might as well stay in the one you just made and do it all”. I really can’t wrap my head around it – how exactly does playing in a platoon prove I am actually a good player?

An opinion appeared that the missions are actually good, because (some of them) are teaching pubbies to play properly by rewarding things that should be done in the first place (like scouts passive spotting instead of suicide scouting). This argument is IMHO practically invalid, as people, who need that kind of advice will simply not play individual missions.

Naturally, Wargaming sought to limit the amount of people getting the rewards and as a result, they made it so that the missions HAVE to be activated manually instead the “usual” system of achievements, present in many games. This leads to really awkward situations, where you have a really great battle, but yea, no rewards for you, since you didn’t activate the mission. I find that annoying. Make no mistake – I don’t mind that the missions are hard and I do not feel entitled to the tanks, by all means – not everyone should get them, but the elements above add nothing to the difficulty of the mission, they only add frustration.

And of course the cherry on the top, the shemale crews. According to WG EU, there might be a woman voiceover coming in the future, but… you know how it is.


IM’s are there, they are workign (sort of), but… I can’t help but feel this is not what I wanted. It could have been polished better. It should have been automatic, without the annoying manual enabling (yes, it did happen to me twice that I forgot to activate the mission and “wasted” one battle). Oh well, will try them nevertheless. See you on the battlefield… I guess.

146 thoughts on “Regarding Individual Missions

  1. - artillery firing all over the place, trying to hit mission specific targets, while critical spots are left without support (in worst cases, your artillery is on some mission while the enemy one isn’t, so you don’t have support while the other team does)

    don’t worry in most cases i didn’t had support from arty anyway!

    • bugged mission not but i think t9 from scouts is incorrect, i think its spot and track not “or”

      • I think missions “kill/damage on the move” are also bugged because I finished one of them with only 1 kill while camping.

    • I did a few arty missions yesterday just to get the credits (standard account). I did find myself looking for the light tank to kill since only 2 or 3 would be in a battle. Once I killed a light tank, or all of them were dead, I would go back to supporting the team. Once I hit the platoon portion of the missions I’m done since I don’t platoon.

      And if these are “personal” missions, why is there a platoon secondary goal of everyone in the platoon surviving (light tank missions I think)?

    • I had a bugged mission, and 3 games after posting on the forums, *someone* fixed it: by giving me credit for killing an SPG in a game where I DID NOT KILL AN SPG. This was to fix a match where I killed both enemy SPG’s but got no credit. (lotsa pics for validation).

      I’m guilty of looking for CB shots instead of covering where I need to cover.
      I HATE that the WZ-111 grind was based on kills as well as damage. Kill-stealing has come back with gusto. I watch people hold fire just to take the last shot MANY MANY TIMES. Not smart, WG. :(
      Everything about your post was correct. Matches are crazy right now.

  2. Oh the Irony …. now everyone in my friends list want to platoon with me …

    Decline 5+ platoon invites after each battle…

    And Why? just because I’m a Clicker… Oh the Irony…

    • oooh look at me! im so important. i cant even play the game because of all those fans.

      you’re disgusting. those 5+ invitations are what the others tankers get but they dont brag about it. stop giving yourself importance. you are just as hated as before.


      • ombilic, you are a disgrace to your country, no wonder everybody is calling you names, just read the blog without posting. it will be better for everybody.

  3. **** today in the morning, I am two time played on ****en Arty with disabled mission, and then 2 times wasted games on TD, becouse I one time did main mission and forgot to reactivate it againe…. Меня аж трясет!!!

    • Ye, each time before you press Battle – you need to look in upper-left corner of garage if there is written: “new mission available”. I missed few times because I died and left battle going and mission completed.

  4. And if you thought retard teams couldn’t get any worse, welcome to Individual Missions 2015.

  5. As soon as I read about these missions it was obvious this was going to be a problem. What little teamwork there was is worse now.

  6. I especially hate the missions where u have to do dmg and then cap or spot 2 enemies without being spotted and such.

    should’ve been made here ou have 20 missions for HT complete 15 of them and u get ur crew/tank thingies.

    • I’d really loved something along the lines of finishing X out of Y class missions for the tokens.

      But then I was only interested in the T-55 anyways, and I don’t see myself getting it. No way I can do the required LT and/or arty requirements. Furthermore, even as the other three seem doable, I don’t see myself spending time to grind through that.

      Additionally I must really say that I am suprised we don’t see Tokens for sale (yet?!?). That would have been a surething moneygrab… (Guess we’ll see a couple of “interesting” “whale spearing bundles” later on).

  7. I was looking forward to get T-55, but seeing how retardedly luck-dependant some objectives are….

    Now only Winter mode and get free T8 thats left.

  8. Yeap, yesterday was an incredible spectacle playing random battles. The worst came from good players (more than 1500 WN8) doing stupid/mad things and losing the match for their team. This sort of behavior is becoming the trend when new missions are available but yesterday was too much. I guess it would come back to normality after a week or so, when people realizes that missions are not that easy anymore. For me yesterday, it was a good time to play my low tier premium tanks and train some crews.

    • I noticed as well. All the “high skill” players were the ones acting the most stupid.

    • It says all about the IMs when you see that their effect is to make good players play bad.

      Wargaming. These guys will never learn. /facepalm

      Whatever organ it is they are trying to think with, it cannot be the brain.

      • Not really… Not on the NA server at least. Im a rather good player, and i dont try for the mission (assuming it would make me do anything different) if the game isnt looking easily winnable.

    • Having 3500 WN8 myself I was playing through the medium tank missions last night and I’ll admit I was playing very poorly to get these missions. 6 matches in my BatChat gave me 900 dpg because I was either on the “yolo a light tank” or “yolo an arty” mission. My WN8 and DPG are all way below my recent (playing properly) averages:

      The only reason my 24h WN8 isn’t below 2500 is because I got a few matches where the enemy didn’t have the required tanks for the missions and actually carried the match instead. Not going to lie some of these missions encourage bad play, and going through them is going to really hurt my stats.

    • Or maybe you have higher expectations of them because of their wn8? Even though they may have failed your expectations they are probably still doing more than the average player will do

    • Yeah lol, I was one of those guys – pure yolo derp. Ironic thing is that only my w/r dropped, WN8 didn’t go down at all. Though honestly, the mission requirements are so luck based. Might as well just ignore them and just move on when one has been completed through luck.

  9. Tried them yesterday and it was HORRIBLE. Every random player only thinking about themselves and i’m just sitting here trying to secure a victory (it was the requirement for the first MT mission), even had a match where i did 4.7k damage and we lost because on of our heavies was to retarded to notice that time was running short and we HAD TO CAP or else we’d lose (like we did).

    The idea is good, but it’s effect on the matches is not.

  10. Right at the point SS, the entire platoon thing is a massive game changer for me on IM. And also the missions make the alreay frustrating RB even more frustrating as people are trying to do mission, Not Winning the game.

    What can I say. Oh well. Better look foward to AW then.

    • Well, you can still earn some credits from IM and get yourself some good non prem tanks. That, or get some IRL friends and drink beer.

      • rather than getting cred,, i WASTE more credit because the repair cost on tier 9 and some idiot that won’t come out from their comfy bush,, rather than spot for team,, that idiot just sit there,, trying his luck that someone will pass the field on campinovka and finish his own IM

  11. IMO they should change the way the missions get harder. ARTY missions example: mission ~4 states that you need to kill enemy light tank, while mission ~10 states that you need to deal 1000 dmg to heavies. The latter one is WAY easier than one to kill light. When I had mission to kill enemy LT there were about 1 per team. And ofc they were camping somewhere not reachable by arty. They should be progressively harder, but what I get is that I work my ass off to complete first 5 missions for about 4 hours, and after that I get from mission 6 to mission 14 in about 10 games.

    • For that misson i take LeFH arty and oneshot enemy Pz I C with first shell fired … Lucky

  12. I don’t mind the platoon requirements. What bugs me are missions like “Participate in a winning cap with a heavy”. I don’t want to cap unless I absolutely have to in order to win. So I guess I have to be either losing a battle or choose to waste xp in order to get this mission… Thanks WG.

    • And it’s not only yours XP/credits that you’d be wasting. If game ends prematurely your team (and enemy team as well, but we care about them less anyway) earns less too. There was raging about “idiots who cap when team is winning 14:2″ in some instances even resulting in team damage with intention to reset cap. Imagine this now. Accusations of killstealing (because I NEDED THAT KILL FOR A MISSION!!1!) that escalate to violence is other thing that comes to mind.

      • If the team is winning 14:2 and enemy is lost somewhere, it might be better to cap, because:

        - Chance is you won’t get to the last guy before others shoot, so by capping you get more XP
        - You get to play the next battle sooner than if you search for him
        - There’s a possibility capping might lure him out as he tries to get a defender to get more XP
        - (You might still lose or draw, though in 14:2 it’s unlikely)

        I usually cap and write my team how many seconds they have to find the guy and kill him. If they don’t – well, he deserved to survive.

        • I have been in both winning (if you can call it a win) an losing matches where somebody manages to cap while it’s still 6:6 and teams actually are involve in the fighting. Worst “win” by caping was 2:2. No one even had time to do significant amount of damage.

          You have valid point but “14:2″ was just an example that people were ranging even when there’s almost no XP left to earn.

    • Agree with you.
      I just had this PERFECT game on North-West when we and teammate M103 left vs t34, t32, borsig and artillery. He took care of borsig, i finished t32 and arty then we proceed to cap being 1 shot for T34. After cap reached 35 sec we saw T34 being stupid as hell to start capping too.
      To have such a perfect outcome to meet mission requirement is PURE LUCK. Next mission is to kill 2 tanks much easier.
      I suspect some of IM are screwed on purpose so you keep playing till get lucky. Which i call WRONG approach.

  13. after SP mission I will never do any mission of this kind. during this kind of missions I rather played other games. Raging after every second battle is not fun at all. But now what? this shit will last for six months!!!! I would love to have option to play on some mission free server. I heard something about plans for EU3 server (I dont know if that is true). right now even decent/good/very good (statwise) players play like retards because of this crap. btw, those reward tanks are crap or copy/paste: stugIV (crap), T28 BS(crap), T-55 (copy/paste), obj.260 (copy/paste). right now public is full of idiots, who think they will accomplish some mission by accident, dream on… I have feeling that this is not the worst, weekend is starting, so the worst is still to come :(

        • it is IS-4 and IS-4 hybrid with IS-7 god-like armour and IS-4 accurate gun with great alpha, dpm and stabilization.

    • “during this kind of missions I rather played other games”.

      These individual missions are here to stay. Developers stated that they will have no end dates and even more missions (with new reward tanks) might be added. One thing we can hope for is that in a week or so the hype will subside and thing will return to normal-ish state.

          • I would love to, but lately it is not fun at all. last thing that keeps me playing WoT is CWs, but I would bet my left nut, that WG will find the way to break them. something like make them “more accessible”, after that it will be farewell

  14. As usual in the year and a half I’ve been playing this game, IMs are a good idea ruined by extremely poor implementation.

    Yesterday’s QB streaming was hilarious. I could hear him cursing from my kitchen.

  15. actually.. yes, now the situation got worsed in random battles – but you should understand this – this is just a beginning of something new and big in WOT. wait 1 week, 2weeks, even a month and the situation will be better, because most of noobs will reach their capabilities and mission which they cannot do and after dozens of dozens times when they fail, they will simple return to what was they doing.

  16. Only real problem is the changed behavior often forcing scouts to “do nothing” for the rest of the match to stay alive… Winning the battle will always be a better secondary than staying alive even if it gives less variation.
    Lets see if it settles in a week or two

  17. “Those are just examples, two of which I saw. Maybe it’s just me, but I did notice more strange or retarded behavior in randoms yesterday, even during times (after prime time), when battles usually start making at least a bit sense. I do blame the missions for that. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not COMPLETELY unplayable, but it definitely made the situation worse.”

    It’s the first day and everyone is hyped – this will dissolve over time. This weekend will be awful, but then it’s back to usual, IMO.

    “When the IM’s were announced, I was hoping the whole point would be to actually do missions in tanks (classes), in which I was individually good at.”

    But you can do that, as you can pick any tank you want from the class. Or are you implying you suck at ALL light tanks? ^^;;;

    “Given the fact a bunch of people already sent me offers, I don’t think I’ll have a problem with that, but others will, even really good players. Furthermore, dynamics of playing in a platoon are completely different from those in random battles and personally, I am not that comfortable with those.”

    Having problem with finding a platoon is just an excuse for disliking playing them. Heck, I dislike playing platoons and I could play it within seconds to minutes easily even without the clan.

    Also you can only platoon in randoms, so the only platoon dynamics is random dynamics (can’t platoon elsewhere). Maybe you meant platoon vs solo dynamics? Well, I don’t particularly like platooning either, but hey, how many platoon missions are there? 40 out of 240?
    And you are wrong, the platoon missions are “always” connected – in every class there are two platoon missions consecutively (at least based by your posted lists), so if you do them in these sets of 2, it’s only 20 sessions of mission completing maximum.

    • The problem with lights is that even for the stug you need 4k spotting… That means I have to COMPLETELY change my play style.. (I part lights as fast, maneuver able killing machines, which is fun and works well), but now I’m being forced to passive scout, and track people instead.. :(
      Similar things apply to all missions.. They are based on very specific play styles.

  18. one thing that really pissed me off was that i had a game in my ST-1 where i fulfilled every single requirement for the first 12 missions (excluding platoons) but because they have to be done in sequence they have basically given me the middle finger because i only fulfilled the requirements for 1 mission according to them.

    • Well, yeah. “Hello, Unicum, play these 16 – 20 battles in platoon with your purple friends and you get these four sweet tanks.” would be kinda anticlimactic. They were done to last for a while.

      • something else i am noticing is that SS is right artys are concentrating on hitting things like scout tanks which are moving at full speed on prokhorovka rather than helping their team and also refusing to fire and ordering the team to get the enemies closer together so they can kill to enemies in 1 shot.
        this means there are now so many batchat 155 58s, t92s, cgcs, gw e-100s, object 261s around right now that if the map your on is anything other than himmelsdorf then people are afraid to move at all. so this is the ultimate fuck you to people who drive heavies because if you move you will die almost instantly due to massive camping, premium ammo spamming and arty wanting to farm damage on you. its so bad right now.

    • actually i double checked it was 9 missions but still and also another side effect of these missions is that clans are now firing even more premium ammo than usual in order to guarantee themselves damage. how are you supposed to beat any armour related challenge when this is happening? (i got lucky in that ST-1 game but since then playing heavies has become useless due to the unrelenting premium ammo spam… its depressing)

  19. You can’t make “individual” missions in team oriented game and not mess up already messed up team play. Some of my mates think that these mission will help newbies learn something about game mechanics, but I personally think it’s bull. If they want for players to have “individual” experience in WoT, they should have made PvE battles instead.

  20. Meh, hardly worse than any 5x weekend. And this initial rush will pass as people finish up the easier parts of the missions. WoT is pretty unplayable even on the best of days, but I shouldn’t complain as I get to feast on tomatoes erry day I play ;D

  21. The game became unplayable. Thats all. Tons of lowbobs “trying” to do those “missions” and failing hard + tons of regular players acting like a lowbobs because “hurr durr I have a mission”

    Just fucking unplayable

      • tons of suicide lowbobs in front of my T-54 = faster grind to get D-54
        suddenly after do a little damage,, or just a scratch i must say,, the game is victory by a cap ==”
        2 mad LTTB that prefer to finish their own mission than helping the whole team,, oh well,, those HT user are suck anyway

  22. The IMs have, for the moment, ruined randompubs and I had already decided to restrict solopubs to lower tier matches. Leaves Skirmishes/Team/CW.

    It was screamingly obvious to anyone with an ounce of intelligence what would happen when these went live and the reports from other players bear this out.

    GG WG, further ruining the experience.

    • The “funny” thing is that comparable, although smaller scaled events in the past had the same effect on public randoms. What is going on right now was 100% predictable.

      Apparently coming up with IM requirements that would actually strengthen teamplay and tactics was asking too much of WG. Individual influence on these would admittedly be hard to measure though.

      Looking soooo forward to AW. I hope I will get access to the public beta.

  23. Regarding platoon requirement, if you don’t like platooning play with others with the same views and agree not to talk to each other. Surely someone will starts “ANTISOCIAL_PLAYERS_FOR_PLATOON_FOR_IM_ONLY” Channel and agree that noone uses the chat

  24. Well they are no good for me as I don’t play platoons. I really don’t see the point of going through so much shite to get a sub par vehicle. And to hear that it has turned the game from barely pleasurable to looney tunes on steroids makes me glad I’m playing WarThunder now. It has its fair share of idiots, but less than WoT, and seems to have less rage too. Still soviet bias though. Roll on AW.

  25. I saw such stupid play yesterday, with all the suicide rushing and trying to survive that I just have to take few days off wot while hoping it gets better.

  26. Different yes, unplayable no. But once people realise that these missions aren’t time restricted, normality (i.e. the normal crazy stuff) will return.
    Good idea and as for the implementation they’re kind of restricted to what they can do with the parameters they have to measure success and failure from. Some missions completely ridiculous however, such as the arty hitting tank at high speed crap. Sorry but that is not and has never been an arty function.
    Stepping back a bit it’s a cool initiative. Aside from the normal grind you get some side missions to spice things up a bit. Let’s evaluate how it’s affected game play a few days from now shall we?

  27. Missions are retarded luck based and combined with that you other have to risk to much for stupid mission.Total fail AGAIN by wg.Gameplay is fking ridiculous since this started.Myself included.Was also considering T55 but i don’t think i could do this luck shit 3x more luck needed for T55 compating it to Stug.

  28. Already had people playing just for kills and not win with the whole WZ-111 up to the point of literally ignoring the cap they were close to -ours and it was under attack- just to try and get more kills… this is even worse.

  29. To my deep and eternal shame, I was on 5 kills with my IS-2 and the enemy only had 2 arty left, an M12 and a Grille, but… the IMs required me to participate in a cap victory.

    So instead of hunting them for a Top Gun, extra damage etc. I capped 100% for the win while my 8% DMax friend screamed at me for help and I left our Hummel to get derped by the M12, after the Grille spotted him.

    I felt dirty.. but hey! 35,000 credits and a bunch of consumables! They are “individual” missions after all, every man for himself it seems. GG

  30. The personal missions are easily the single worst thing WG has done to the game since I started playing.

  31. I give a flying f*ck about the IMs. The rewards aren’t worth the effort imho – none of the reward tanks really stands out, none offers anything I couldn’t have with any of the regular tanks. I play this game for fun, not to fulfil some idiotic IM requirement that forces me to play in a way contrary to what I would do if I would just try to play reasonable and well. This is so much more questionable given WG’s apparent quest to force players into socializing and teaming up. Well, the usual WG “logic” at work, I guess (I am asking myself which organ these guys are trying to think with … can’t be a brain, so it seems at times).

    Yesterday, I could observe that in most battles what little teamwork and tactics there usually is anyway totally folded. I cannot remember having seen that many utterly retarded team setups and player behavior so consistently ever.

    The best thing players could do was to simply ignore IMs and go for the regular tanks as usual.

  32. people really screw playstyle even more (if this was possible)

    for me they are good missions. its a long way objetive, so i can get some extra silver playing the same as usual

    but hey no, people wanna finnish them in 1 day, so yolo and suicide everywhere, because u know, best way to get spotting damage in a scout is sucide in the first 2 minutes of the game (23k games player said that to me yesterday xd)

    • Number of battles doesnt mean good player…

      Most of the time 20k+ players make we wanna uninstall…

      -calling cheat when they’re killed by unspotted ennemy
      -calling cheat for 50-120 using 100mm (6 rounds instead of 4, hax !)
      -calling wallhack FV304 firing above a little rock
      -play light tank and camp behind TDs trying to snipe
      -play TD and rush
      -uncapable of knowing approximate reload of a gun (T30 firing in less than 15s cheats, because stock gun is impossible)

      Sometimes you wonder how did they get stats above orange…

  33. Two days ago you could still hope to win as your best players could carry the team sometimes.

    Now when you see green/blue playing as bad as tomato do… It’s just… Why the fuck are we still playing a game where devs made players play worse than they used to ?
    “Tomatos play bad, we dont wanna add skill mm… Ok so let’s make them all suck”

    Really, these missions were supposed to teach how to play classes of tanks…
    -arty is never supposed to focus on scouts unless it’s the only target spotted or dangerous for it
    -scouts, unless toptier, shouldnt focus on doing damages themselves (“do 2k damages as a light” mission)
    -you should platoon with FRIENDS and FOR FUN, not with RANDOM player you meet randomly in game, and not just for a fucking mission.

    Wargaming started a great idea, but like alwas, they managed to make it suck in some way, and screw up the rest of the game.

    Congrats devs, now enjoy hate on forums, I estimate 2 months max before everyone becomes bored of everyone doing shit in game and acting like worst noob ever…

    • that moment when you cant carry your ass but you blame unica for not carrying yours and theirs too.

  34. WG has worked real hard to come up with a way to completely f*ck up a game that was already lingering on the verge of chaos and unplayability anyway, and say what you want, they succeeded *big time*.

    I guess those guys have drawn the right conclusions when seeing all the AW footage and coverage, and are hoarding and Obsidian shares like crazy already.

  35. They definitely could of been better, like instead of 15 missions you have to do in order, why couldn’t they have had like 30 missions each set and have to pick like 15 of those to do? So that there can be a bit of an account for playstyle, but eh. I’m pissed off at trying to get 2 medium kills in a medium right now. :/

  36. Did try a bit yesterday, but with no time-limit I will wait some weeks and go at it in a slow pace. (if I do them at all)
    My effort however short yesterday got the frustration up to and above a level I have not felt in a long time :)


    • Also because everyone try to rush them now.

      Wait like 1 month or so, and ppl will either start to play them more carefuly, either abandon. And tomato players will understand its not for their level so we’ll see less even-more-terrible tomatos.

  37. Yesterday I spent 15 minutes in the garage trying to find someone to platoon in the ingame chat for the td mission. The only guy I found was a new player, so i had to do everything myself. I dont understand why you have to bee in a platoon if you can do it without help. I think platooning should be an option to help you, not something that you have to do.

    • Platoon requirement was a fuck up right at the start, everyone knew it, everyone said it, and WG “made IMs based a lot on player’s feedback” kept them in.

      And now the fuckup is on the live server :)

  38. IMO, I did not expect to get disappointed this so called “personal missions” and it doesn’t really fit quite at all, i really feel bad about this, especially for solo players like me, not to mention that the gameplay has gone to many different levels until it reach a certain point that made everybody do some retarded stunts and the teamwork just vanished, but anyway that’s just me (no need to get serious on my opinion), right now my opinion really changed now that personal missions are live and now my interests of getting those tanks have faded. I did not really expect that this would turn out to be. :(

  39. “You might have noticed that the gameplay of the random battles changed – and it changed forever.”

    Hear! Hear!
    And as I see this second day – the change is for worse. Until now you could sort of rely on guys with better stats from your team (cry those of you who don’t like XVM, but it is useful for that… most of the time) – now you can’t.
    Everyone is just plain random, like bots because everyone now care for missions only.

    And good point SS – “personal/individual missions” are hardly personal – everyone does them.

    And I am still baffled why they are not included like all other missions together, always on. Imagine WZ-111 missions require you to click-start them each time you add some kills or damage in the previous mission.

    • This is their solution to skill mm:

      Now they dont need skill mm, they just make everyone play bad so it’s all the same level.
      But it’s under tomato level…

      Now many ppl will be asking for unactivating IM’s and play only against players who unactivated them (the way some asked for no-arty battles choice)

      What a bunch of retards…
      “Storm says that the “devs dont play their game” is a fake, they do play their game”…
      Ahem… If they really do play their game, we should have IM’s reworked in next patch if not removed like historical battles.

  40. Dear Wargaming .- where is the Platoon Finder…? I am one of these “abominations” that is used to play world of tanks alone – so these IM are not possible for me to complete – Thx!

    • The massive playerbase loss in 9.0 for all those lags and fucked features wasnt enough.

      Now they are asking themselves for losing another good part of it.

      I said AW will never be the same as WoT and would never really steal players as it is not the same “story”… Now many players will leave WoT to go play another tank game similar to the game they loved to play but got fucked up by devs.

    • You can still sit in the garage for 15 minutes or more spamming the common chat, asking others to platoon, find a newbie, go into battle with him, and do the mission alone, like I did it yesterday. It was “fun”.

  41. You can activate all of the class missions, not just one. And screw trying to focus on doing a mission, just play normal. You start tunnel visioning on the mission requirements and fuck yourself over when you’re not just focusing on putting your tank where it’s needed and actually winning the battle. Just turn all the missions on and forget about them, sometimes you’ll finish a mission and then just turn on the next one in the line.

    • The problem is, even if YOU play as you ever did, and you accomplish a mission in a normal battle just by doing good… And that is what everyone should do, I think that’s what was intended at first… Almost everybody else will only focus on missions, because it:
      -earns money faster
      -earns free tanks
      -make some challenge

      Now I take an awful lot of pleasure driving arty, killing a random ennemy, and see him write in chat “*put die wish here* YOU FUCKED MY MISSION !”

  42. This whole retarded “Personal / Individual” garbage stuff should done PvE and not PvP. Set up your stupid servers and let the “banded 1 legged I so desperately need that POS tank” stupid F**K’s drive around with their like kind shooting bots.

    • Well random battles became PVE:

      You’re not playing with a team and against a team, you’re alone in the middle of other players playing as well as enhanced bots, and for themselves, without any care to win.

    • You can also translate it by “suicide rush the ennemy base at the start of the battle”

  43. There are missions where you are exposed to the whole team wrath… LT-8.. cap a 25% and win the game by capping? With a light? Eveyone will tell you to stop the cap, even more taking into account you are driving a light. BTW. I have already played a game with a stug iv in the enemy team. How the hell did that guy got it? He was blue per xvm.

  44. Honestly, the whole activating the mission and having to platoon as the same kind of vehicle (I can understand a platoon of mediums and heavys, but SPG?) are stupid, all in all, i think they are too grindy and to counter-intuitive to gameplay/team, no wonder people think you are playing 1vs29 enemies in this game

    the credits are nice though

  45. whoever forgets to activate a new mission before they go into battle is a noob. its such an easy task to perform. what the hell

  46. as i said some time ago…i won’t do PMs (yes like women raging on period) due to platoon requirements.
    not that its hard to find someone to platoon with. but becouse they are imposed.
    and since im stubborn, no thx.
    i have got SP, type 62, tog2(sold),wz111 from way easier missions,that dint require me to do stupid stuff
    so i will grind my t9 spgs to join gwe100 in t10 and cent 7/1 for that possibly t8 premium tank
    that’s my pesonal mission
    i dont need the extra credits+rage+selfish/stupid/suicide gameplay or the extra tanks
    i play how i please, not how u (wg) want me to
    with that said: good luck all with PMs, more fun and less rage !

  47. You are just looking for excuses for playing bad or having a bad streak if you are blaming the IMs to make shitty teams.
    There will always be retards rushing or just doing silly things, cause they are fucking randoms. You just find the IMs as an excuse, as you do with the so called “Weekend warriors”. Just fucking play better and things should be alright.

    • Dude you didnt get it:

      Sure there has always been noobs suicide scouts and bad teams. But these were bad players at the start.

      Now with IM’s you see “good” (by stats) players do things they would never have done if there wasnt these missions.

      And that’s what we all rage about, now we cannot even count on our best players to carry the rest of the team because they’ll play as bad just for a mission.

      It’s not even a team game anymore as everybody plays for himself, because he wanna finish his own mission, and he doesnt give a fuck about game won or lost.

      The only thing that is individual/personal with these missions, it’s the gameplay it added

  48. About good players going into retard/tomato mode.
    Oh yes, that is totally understandable. I am a good player and usually do stupid things quite rarely, but now I can easily understand, why someone will be doing some suicides or stuff like that.
    I just tried some of medium missions, and fulfilled one, where you have to damage and kill a tank, while you are moving. And I did that kill on the move for that mission. If there wouldn’t be such a mission, I would simply sit, aim and do a more reliable damage, take less risk of missing the shot and dying.
    And that is only one mission with simple objective. As you know, there are many other missions with much more stupid objectives, and I will try to fulfill them and I will be doing some crazy stuff in the process, because I don’t want to leave the completion of those missions for a lucky game in a year, when I will meet the requirement randomly. So, that is unavoidable.
    But one thing to which I agree – all the IM hype will settle down and randoms will get back to more normal situation… I don’t know – in a week or month!? But until then.. ooh, yea – enjoy the most stupid and crazy behavior from people all over the place.

  49. StuG IV is a mass-produced tank and saw active service during WW2. Doesn’t make sense that it’s limited to a reward tank which only limited numbers of players can get. The missions make it virtually impossible for me to get the StuG IV which is a shame really, as it’s one of my favourite WW2 tanks.

    • Very true. It could have been the tier5 in the 2nd German TD line, instead of the extremely rare PzSflVc.

      It’s the only vehicle I’m interested in because of its historicity, but I’ll have to forget it due to a couple of missions impossible to do with my tanks (the heavy tank one that requires 8000 damage adding dealt, blocked and received) and another couple that require platoons.

  50. What is so “individual” about the Individual missions? Definition from Individual is defined as single, separate or belonging to one person. OK, so, these missions, which are the same for every of the several million players of WoT are somehow more individualized, compared to traditional missions. Because… you have to switch them on? Or, because in order to fulfill them, you have team up? How do you call platoons – multi-individualism?

    When I first heard about “individual missions”, I thought – cool, sounds great. Everyone will get his/her specific mission, tailored according to his/her performance. What would you say about missions as for example:

    “Hey Joe01, you like to play LTs a lot, but you you don’t seem to know how to spot for your team mates – your spotting damage is very low. So, play 100 battles with LT’s do 1000 spotting damage per battle and you will get this incredible, outstanding reward…”

    “Hey xxMUMMYxx, you like to play MTs a lot, but you seem too far from the front – you have less than ?? cap points per battle. So, as capping is as important as doing damage and killing, when you reach 5000 cap points in your MTs, you receive…”

    Such missions I would call “individual”…


  51. For people saying game is f…ked up badly. If you consider yourself a GOOD player – do 3 steps:

    1) Observe how the game change after IM were implemented
    2) Analyze the data you collect by playing, making mistakes, getting pissed
    3) Change the way you play accordingly because of changed circumstances

    I felt frustrated too when things i used to do over and over again on certain maps stop working for me. Tactics that used to give me effortless results failed because people play differently now. So after my azz burned like never before i stopped and asked myself “what can i do to counter this so called MESS? what should i change?”
    Needless to say my results bettered dramatically after this. Game is not f…ked up, it is DIFFERENT.
    I hope my point is clear

  52. I haven’t noticed a huge difference in game play since the missions started. Some for sure, but not a lot.

    You do have to game the missions to a certain extent. I decided to complete as many missions as I can in premium tanks to boost credit earnings since I have five tier nine tanks unlocked I need to buy and I’m close to unlocking the STB-1. That means I am mostly playing tier eight premiums. However, I was chugging along and I got to the mission that requires doing 1k damage and capping in a heavy. I can’t remember the last time I won a game by capping in a tier 8-10 game. Sure, it happens, but it isn’t what I would call common. Generally speaking when it does happen, I’m not the one capping anyway. So, I loaded up my KV-1S as lower tier games often end by capping. First game, tier 5 match, I get over 1k damage and find myself near cap along with a Stug III. Between us we have less than 300 HP, and while the game is looking good, it isn’t a sure thing. So, we cap, and win. Great, mission accomplished in one game and capping was even the right thing to do in under the circumstances.

    I’m not an arty player in general, but I decided to do the arty missions for the Stug simply to maximize the number of free crew members I get. I might try to do the arty missions for the T28 also, but past that, I just can’t click that much. I only have three arty, FV304 (which I free XP’d to), LeFiFi B2 (which I bought), and S-51 (which I researched off the KV-2). The first arty mission was easy, got that in the first try with the LeFiFi. After that though, the second mission requires remaining unspotted and doing 500+ damage. In every game, even the ones we won, I got yoloed by a scout or medium at some point, and even if they didn’t kill me, I was spotted. I completed a mission higher up the chain (of course it wasn’t unlocked, so it didn’t count) by killing a moving Type 59 in my S-51 (when will I be able to do that again?). The rest of the Stug arty missions look easily doable, if I could just remain unspotted for one game, that would be great.

    I haven’t tried any of the light, medium, or TD missions yet. I have a feeling that I will be completing some of the light missions in the Valentine II. It is technically a light, tier four, and never sees anything higher than tier four. That should make some of the top XP missions easier.

  53. 1.
    I agree with the poster, the missions seems to teach people how to play the different classes, but in fact they motivate to ruin the game. The reason is that missions have stupid conditions. One condition is to kill a specific enemy. Why not enough to damage it? I had tons of games with IS-7 where is did over 4k damage, but had not a single kill, because others had luckier. Why WG forces us to use HE ammo on TDs trying to damage module or injure enemy crew while AP ammo would be the best choice for most of the fights. Noone wants to wait that 100th fight when the constellation of the stars are perferct.

    The mission are too hard compared to the rewards (if we don’t count the credit reward). For the WZ-111 you need to get 7x150k xp and 7×150 kills in a limited timeframe, but with the possibility to reduce these number for gold. If you do like 500 xp per battle in average, you need 70 battles per day for 30 day and you have it. So one month grind for a tier8 premium tank. You can get only 300 xp per battle? No problem, you just need a bit more battles and/or .
    Although its just a day passed, as I see the my experiences, you need way more time and battles for the T28 (2nd reward, tier7 td) than the WZ-111.

  54. there is a bugged TD mission for the stug 4 where you have to damage one module or crew member on an enemy tank, and even if you do it doesn’t fulfill the mission

  55. I just wish you could have the actual Mission and the “improve previous” in parallel active.

  56. I actually love these missions, I feel like it breaks up the monotony that was happening in wot, I can complete these missions without sacrificing my “skill level” in fact I feel like I’ve actually done better, though one day isn’t enough to say with confidence. I’m not great but I’m well above average. You don’t need to play poorly to do these missions, I complete a mission about 75% of my matches and my win rate is increasing. Plus the random “digging in” people were doing is not happening anymore, gameplay is fluid and I feel like I can push harder and live to talk about it. Though maybe that’s because everyone else is playing with a one track mind on these missions…

  57. Told you ! It was only natural this shit would happen. Oh well, there’s always War Thunder and AW.

  58. You know? They need to have a server for Individual Missions and a server for those that don’t wish to do Individual Missions…..

  59. “…both the LT’s and arty are tanks with very specialized skillset required to operate them successfully…”
    “specialized skillset”

    I wasn’t aware the acts of installing Melty’s for approximate shell flight time and throwing RNG at someone every 20-30 seconds were considered a “specialized skillset” :v

    I’m amazed by all the complaining, it’s as if nobody expected all this to happen despite the ample the prior warning. They’re called Individual/Personal Missions. Why would you expect anything BUT people being selfish twats and throwing games to complete them, when it’s /right there in the name/?

  60. I think a simple fix to this whole problem would be to make “win the match” a primary requirement for every single mission.
    Why wouldnt you make that a requirement anyways? I think youre trying to improve your playerbase WG?

  61. SS seriously can you cut it out with the “shemale” thing? That’s considered really offensive, on par with calling a black person a nigger.

  62. So far i have run in to translation misses and one bugged mission so far, TD mission 2 secondary does not work for me. Damaging their modules and stuff and suffer no module/crew dmg my self (no not even tracks) and i still dont get the secondary objective done.