Hello everyone,
recently a video with developer answers was published by the Russian videomaker Jove and here’s the transcript of it, as usually by Maiorboltach.
- there will be no possibility to remove maps you don’t want to play from your map pool
- in upcoming several patches, there will not be a new heavily armored heavy tank branch introduced in the game
- supertesters are players with various winrates, so that the supertest resembles the random battles better
- currently, WG is investigating the issue of map repeating frequence (“I keep getting the same map over and over”) (SS: yes please, fucking Erleberg in 7 of 18 battles….)
- M48 Patton will be buffed (“when it’s done it’s done”)
- currently, Wargaming is working on “Matchmaker 3.0″. In it, every tank will have a “role” and vehicles will be balanced depending on it.
- WG is currently working on a “league” system for team battles (weak teams will be in second league, strong teams in first). It will appear in one of the upcoming patches.
- XP bonus for “tanking” will come soon
- alternative hulls: “when it’s done it’s done”
- KV-5 will not be buffed
- next version of minimap will bring the option to ping the maps so that only your platoon mates see your ping
I’m hoping that all of this will be done before the year 2020. :P
pftt, 2050*
+ everything will be bugged (a.k.a. working as intended) after months of testing.
“next version of minimap will bring the option to ping the maps so that only your platoon mates see your ping”
And what about be able to ping in the minimap with a litle red dot or something, leading CW and ping a position in a 100m square its hard sometimes, like scrummaps, that would be nice.
KV-5 Buff, not necessarily needed. But it would be awesome. Too bad though.
Why WG gotta hate on the KV5 so much – just buff pen already ;-P
- M48 Patton will be buffed (“when it’s done it’s done”)
Yes!Its a good news.The Fatton really deserve some buff.However,I will still be careful,they might will screw it somehow.
I also have mixed feelings about it. The Patton 3 was the first T10 i got my Ace Tanker in and is still my favourite T10 tonk. Hope they dont f it up.
just needs a dpm buff, maybe some mobility and camo buff as well
It will probably – and hopefully – get back its pre-nerf stats, it deserves it more than anything.
I love how they constantly buff tanks I love to play and actually also do well in.
Tiger I… Jagdpanzer IV… M48… so WG… about buffing the Maus, Pzkpfw IV, KV-4, T-34/85, KV-2, T20, T30, M36, Chi-Nu, Pzkpfw 38nA, Jagdpanzer 38(t), StuG III, M4A3E8…*list continues*
Rejoyes! Brotherhood of Fatton!
I really hope that your list isn’t about buffs, though.
Glory glory hallelujah! Its about time they fix the poor Fatton!
Don’t get me wrong, the Patton III is one of my favorite tanks in the game. But everyone has to admit that it underperformed in comparison to the other tier 10 mediums. Especially the russian mediums. I like the fact that it’s a “jack of all trades, master of none” tank, but it still needs to be good at something, and it really isn’t right now. It would be awesome if it was a good “run and gunner” like it used to be, or something. It needs SOMETHING…
How about the buff to the M48 be to the M68 gun’s accuracy? The M68 gun is an exact copy of the Brit L7A1 gun so why is the accuracy so different? M68 accuracy .36 and the L7A1 accuracy is .32 in game. The M48 needs this buff please. happy hunting-army50
M48 buff? oh yiss!
Love the damn thing to death…still won’t mind a buff
“in upcoming several patches, there will not be a new heavily armored heavy tank branch introduced in the game”.
Two questions:
1. Does that confirm that the Japaneses heavy line is basically paper armored?
2. Why does he needs to specify “in upcoming several patches”, does that mean we are going to see new tank trees in upcoming patches or the literal translation means something else?
1 It actually confirms Silent’s earlier run down for 2015 in part. No Japanese Heavies this year.
2. Lines as SS predicted are: French MT T9/10 with a low tier branch, likely a US MT line, and finally EU Czech or Swedish
Edit: just saw earlier Japan post, now I’m confused too
Aren’t the Japanese heavies supposed to be super-heavies? Unless they were specifically saying the T10 wouldn’t be heavily armored.
- currently, WG is investigating the issue of map repeating frequence (“I keep getting the same map over and over”) (SS: yes please, fucking Erleberg in 7 of 18 battles….)
Same here, fucking Ensk, Ruinberg and Derpenberg
It’s not just the same map, but also the same map/tank combination, spawn side, even the same spawn spot. The odds of randomly getting several such identical games in a row are astronomically low.
That’s because their fucking RNG uses the current geological era for a seed. Anything smaller puts too much stress on the servers. And upgrading those is out of the question, the 20 mil they rake in each month is hardly enough to get by.
If I lose a game, and try again with same vehicle, almost 90% of times it will be the same map. Like the game was trying to force “another chance” on you.
This is clearly not some technical limitation, but rather a game mechanism. WG should come clean about this, but that would mean being honest, which would probably kill them.
Fucking boring Corridorberg and WinterCorridorberg all the time…
still better then that pos map called campinova and getting it 4 times in a row
Good, I hope I keep getting it so I can shit all over scrubs like you who don’t understand how to play anything but corridor maps.
Give me Malinovka, Prokorovka, Salient, Steppes, Serene Coast, Karelia, Sand River, Murovanka and Fisherman’s bay more please.
Instead of stalingrad, pearl river, hidden village, sacred valley and the city maps all the damn time.
And actually, add erlenberg to the list. I really like that map, especially the East.
Yeah, I’m starting to think we should be able to select maps we want, so we don’t get the same map twice in three *** games!
“currently, Wargaming is working on “Matchmaker 3.0″. In it, every tank will have a “role” and vehicles will be balanced depending on it.”
Uhhhh, I’m scared already… :|
Don’t be. It already works pretty well in WoWp. There are 4 classes of planes and matchmaker balances them in both teams. I guess they will just clasify vehicles according to armor and armament and MM will match the teams accordingly.
Because you are not president of wargaming?? An let it stay like it is… You are worst then SerB, Wasilij and rest….
Oh, I see. Well, too bad my wowp keeps on crashing ever since the last update and I’m too busy with other games to reinstall or whatever.
“Works pretty well”
WTF Thunder:
WOWP not Warthunder.
Tier 8 balancing
Super Powerful Tanks : IS-3, 110, T-32, Borsing, Jagdpanther, Ferdinand
Less powerful tanks: Tiger II, T34, KV-4, Autoloader light tanks, etc
Sub-par tanks: Lowe, Vk.42.02A, Most non-autoloader lights
Underpowered generally gold dependent piece of shit with low matchmaking weight: Most mediums, T-34-2, T-44, T-54 Lt,
T-32 op? – pen tier 10 with t29 gun… go on dont be shy..
Pen is not everything dude. T32 can pen many tier 10 on the side except maus. Also a 2 tier lower should not even pen other heavys frontaly with ease to beginn with dude.
Nightmare 3.0
Dark side of wot stage 3
didn’t they say that they are working on a heavy branch for the Japanese in 2015? and in this tread it completely opposite? are they fucking mental?
AFAIK they said there would be no new Japanese or Chinese tanks in 2015.
No new heavily armoured tanks.
Iirc Jap super heavies were big, heavy, but relatively lightly armoured
“WG is currently working on a “league” system for team battles (weak teams will be in second league, strong teams in first). It will appear in one of the upcoming patches.”
So they recognise that an imbalanced game is shit then so when will they apply leagues to random battles?
Read before you speak.
Leagues in Team Battles. I believe there is already some sort of skill MM in Team battles anyway.
- M48 Patton will be buffed (“when it’s done it’s done”)
Oh. I am 500% sure that they said they wont buff it 3 months ago.
Well it was probably lower priority bach then so they didn’t want to get people excited too early. For example, if they announced it 3 months ago, people would now be whining about the missing buff.
- WG is currently working on a “league” system for team battles (weak teams will be in second league, strong teams in first). It will appear in one of the upcoming patches.
Hey wat da fak – didnt TB had skill MM?
And yet they say 2015 is the year for RB…..
Yeah Fine WG.
So what you’re saying is that they should do no work on Stronkholds, Clan Wars, Team Battles, PvE(they said they are working on this). Your brain for sure is a strange place.
I’d say 2014 is to a large extent just TBs, Stronkholds and the 3rd campaign. Any Successful new game modes for RB? Nope. NONE.
And I am just pointing out stuff, unlike you already attacking people personally.
I think everyone agrees that 2014 was a bad year for WG, so they shouldn’t have the same plan as last year(focus on a few things, neglect other things). And you are actually hurt because someone said your brain is a strange place? Come on man. I was called ten times worse things IRL and payed no attention to it. That wasn’t even an insult. There is nothing offensive in the word “strange”.
I think everyone agrees that 2014 was a bad year for WG, so they shouldn’t have the same plan as last year(focus on a few things, neglect other things)
Thats true though.
And may be I am too sensitive? Internet man.
As I said “strange” is not an insult. My brain is weird as f*** but I don’t see it as a problem.
Your weird? Pffffffffffff. Sit down, amateur :D
I’m pretty sure it has skilled MM.
But on low pop times you can meet teams quite off your skill level.
In out clan we usually have ppl from 4,5k – 8k WG rating in the teams.
But meet anything from 2,5k – 11k enemys (yes some big clans).
Also I’m not sure if it averages or uses the commanders rating as base.
Wiki says “each team’s assigned Team Battle rating”, what could also be understood as the game starts to make a rating for the team that only gets good after a few battles.
Also when I had a week of work and played early mornings and auto searched I like 90% got into teams with <3k WG rating and got as easy opponents^^
Team MM seems closest from 18-22 PM, but no science done…
“- KV-5 will not be buffed”
Meh made pointless poll then
Time to sell KV-5
It’s better than the Lowe I think?
But it’s not a serous tank though, a bit like the TOG II, it’s a party tank.
Against good players and tanks like E75′s you might as well give up.
Löwe and KV-5 pretty much share similar fate where Löwe is still on sale.
Löwe doesn’t have even reliable turret armor so its ultimate fate is just to snipe everything as fast as it can.
KV-5′s fate is to shoot three times then burn to death completely
if you’re shooting 3 times then burning to death, protip: you have armor, use it. Just reverse sidesrape and you’re almost indestructible, I was making a T28 use HE on me and even then all his shots only did a maximum of 120 damage
- currently, WG is investigating the issue of map repeating frequence (“I keep getting the same map over and over”) (SS: yes please, fucking Erleberg in 7 of 18 battles….)
Everyday i get different most frequent map. Someday its always redshire and next day its always ruinberg.
I really want to remove maps like Prohorovkha and Murovanka from my amp pool, but WG decides NEOPE, CAN’T HEV THA FUNCTION IN THA GAME
But as for the recurring map issue, it reminds me of a Vsauce video called ‘What is Random?’
Apple had to make the shuffle function on the iPod less random to make it seem more random i.e. truly random = same artist twice in a row; not fully random = different artists
Watch it
Pingback: Youtuber Jove mluvil s vývojáři
Fuck prokhorovka and fiery salient those maps are fucking abominations and i get them constantly…
Prok is fine, we don’t want all our maps to be corridors.
Love those maps.
“WG is currently working on a “league” system for team battles (weak teams will be in second league, strong teams in first). It will appear in one of the upcoming patches.”
How about fuckin league system in randoms, huh ? Even as a separate “game mode” (lets just name it “League Random Battle” or “Ranked Random Battle”)
Did you even consider how much time you would need to wait to get into a battle? I mean, it would be nice to take a shower or watch a football match while we wait, but I only have so much time each day to play WoT.
And somehow other games have such systems and they work perfectly with wait time less than 1 minute
Point having skill MM in “random” battles?
50% of all my battles on the T34 were on fucking Ruinberg.
“- currently, WG is investigating the issue of map repeating frequence (“I keep getting the same map over and over”) ”
I just checked my replay folder, and since patch 9.5 was applied, most repeated maps are:
-Mines: 15 times
-Redshire: 14 times
-Himmelsdorf+Winter Himmelsdorf: 13 times
-Ruinberg+Winterberg: 13 times
-Lakeville: 12 times
-El Halluf: 10 times
-Prokhorovka+FierySalient: 10 times
The least repeated are:
-Erlenberg: 3 times
-Province: 3 times
-Westfield: 3 times
-Widepark: 3 times
-Mittengard: 2 times
-Highway: 1 time
Total sample was 270 games played with tanks from tiers 2 to 7.
You are so lucky! Mines is at least a great map. I get Cempkhorovka all the time.
I get Ensk over and over.
Well for me there are sequences of maps, like today i was getting sand river south spawn in t10 with my 50 100 3 times in a row, so yeah , MM is working 100% intentional
- currently, WG is investigating the issue of map repeating frequence (“I keep getting the same map over and over”) (SS: yes please, fucking Erleberg in 7 of 18 battles….)
Wow It took 3 years to find out that issue.
The things I would do to not get the ruibergs and Kharkov 20% of the time
Good lord, make a “league” system for CW and make the big boys beat up on each other. Alternatively, at least make the tanks/players have a “travel time” so that if they play on one territory they can only play on the adjacent territories the next day. Don’t let them move with infinite speed to whatever location they wish.
PLEASE ADDRESS THE FUCKING TREND ON REMOVING BUSHES WITHOUT TELLING US FROM MAPS points at winterberg they completely destroyed the amount of bushes on the east side of the map in the little city that is situated between the 2 fields…used to be a great place to run ur scouts and medium tanks now you have no cover and get spotted and slammed by virtually base camping tds…this game needs bushes to be played properly they are a good thing please stop removing them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bushes cause camping. The fact that TDs stand in the open and snipe is because the players are camptards and or some TDs have too good canmo and view range making them outspot everything.
SilentStalker, I would be imaging Serb Saying “How Terrible” for getting Erlenberg for 7 matches out of 18 :P
what fucking mongoloid idiot is asking for a KV-5 buff? just learn to hide the weak point and you’re practically indestructible
I agree, kv5 dont need a buff it is a premium tank, and if people dont like it they can play the regular tier 8 (kv4, or is3).
Source video is here: