- the bug where you could not activate the consumables on the test 3 was fixed already
- there will not be a HD E-100 in 9.6. In test 3, it was removed and switched back to SD version, as the developers will not be able to fix all the mistakes of the model until the release
- there is an issue in individual missions – if an IM requires you to capture base, you do but in the time between full capture and battle end, the last enemy vehicle gets destroyed, the battle will not count for the capture mission. This is apparently not a bug and it’s possible that “explaining text will be added” to the missions in the future
- Naydin medal is bugged atm, it will be fixed in 9.6
- according to the developers, the fact that FCM 36 with PAK 40 TD (also known as Marder I, German conversion) is in the French tree and not in the German one is historical: after the Normandy landings, captured obsolete French tanks converted by the Germans to TD’s were transferred to the Free French troops, who then used them in combat
- it’s possible that the game will offer the opportunity in the future to log into the game using your social network account. The security concerns of such a solution will however be addressed first.
- drowning yourself (suicide) before the battle is over is considered “unsportsmanlike behavior” and should be reported as such
- players complain about not completing individual missions even though they should have – many of those complaints are based on the fact that these players are using obsolete mods, that make the game show incorrect mission conditions, so be sure to check your mods, whether they are up to date – or remove them
I wonder what will happen first: Wot releasing all HD models (with no bugs) or AW getting its open beta started?
AW beta of-course.
WoT has apporx. 300 models out of which maybe 15% have been converted into HD in 1 year.
Another year and we get about 100 tanks (give and take 20). Even then we would have nearly half tanks still in SD which will take the whole 2016 to get HD models (and I am being optimistic)
AW beta can well begin before that.
It will take some time before any Beta comes out. That being said, AW will hit Beta well before WoT gets all of the HD models out. Remember that WoT has nearly 400 vehicles to convert to HD. And that takes a lot of time to do.
400 models is a bit high, isn’t it? Last time I checked, I remember it being around 250-300~ tanks, nowhere near 400. While I don’t dispute that AW will most likely enter open beta before WoT gets all of its HD models, I think HD will come faster than most expect. If you’ve noticed, Wargaming has been pushing out more and more HD tanks per patch. In the beginning, we got 1-3 models a patch, now they’re gonna push out ~10 a patch. If the number of HD models per patch keeps increasing, we may get all the models faster.
There are 380 tanks according to this page: http://worldoftanks.eu/encyclopedia/vehicles/
I am betting that by the time WOT will have all tanks in HD, we will reach next level of HD… like 4K or something and WOT will still be behind everything else.
I don’t think so. I remember how they said models are being made, they are made in uber HD with millions (more?) of polygons, so they just convert it to version with less detail, and they increase the detail released as PCs can take it.
Well, how I’d do it, at least, I could (probably am) be wrong.
“drowning yourself (suicide) before the battle is over”
Disabling “lost” vehicles before enemy troops reach them is historical.
Report ze Germans for blowing up abandoned tanks.
Historical only matters when WG wants it to..didn’t you know ?
Are you seriously complaining about punishing suicide? or…Kappa?
So is WG going to tell me when to shoot or not shoot too? or drive to a new position? How much do they want to mange our game play? This is not a big problem.
drowning yourself (suicide) before the battle is over is considered “unsportsmanlike behavior” and should be reported as such.
Ya sure report it get the generated Email response letter that says fuck all. Seen it happen with Arty Lights and even mediums guys hit their IM’s for the game then Fuck off completely. Reported for doing it but WOT doesn’t care.
It’s all an internal process. Same bullshit for team killing Had a SU100Y driving around killed 3 team mates before he finally turned Blue. Still blue I saw him in a match two hours later. Still playing still team killing killed 1 that match. Yet no suspension.
Reported it to wargaming along with screenshots and battle history replays and basically got told from their Email it was done internally and to mind my own fucking business.
They were obviously talking about the ingame report function you hardcore autist.
Turning blue =/= ban. If you cross the ban threshold, usually after blue but can be reached before, THEN you get the ban. Is reading how something works really that hard?
I still dont understand how an older mod that has nothing to do with the IM’s can change the mission descriptions :o
ask author of such mods (fer example old version of YasenKrasen)
Some mods use text files with IM descriptions from 9.5 CT1. Later WG changed conditions of IMs and its descriptions, but mode makeres didn’t changed those text files.
It’s simple. The mod was done using information from the test server version. Meanwhile, the mission’s parameters changed on the live server but the mod still displays the information from the test server version.
>drowning yourself (suicide) before the battle is over is considered “unsportsmanlike behavior” and should be reported as such
Glad to be reading this, though I’d like for WG to release a more complete list of what counts as ‘unsportsmanlike’ (I assume team damage, afk/bot and such count as well, but that’s just me).
Yes, but team damage is automated (so no need to report it) and afk/bot has its own report category in the list, so use that and use unsportsmanlike for everything else
“there will not be a HD E-100 in 9.6.”
Ok, the only thing I was looking forward to in 9.6 has been removed.
So was I. Oh well, hopefully they’ll get it right in 9.7 ;)
this HD conversion smells more and more like a big fuckup. they are promising all the time the next patch will bring more HD tanks, but they cant release not even 5 fucking models per patch, or if they do those models are so fucked up they need 2 patches more to fix collision models or whatever. meanwhile, the WarThunder tanks and planes look like taken from a fucking real movie. oh well, i just hope AW wont fail us!
Welcome to wgs retarded business decisions. Wg on employs russian devs and what not. All their docs are in russian.
So instead of being able to 1. Recruit worldwide talent, they are stuck with a very limited pool.
2. Instead of being able to outsource or work worldwide they ate limited to that 1 timezone.
Art stuff and ordinary coding could be dustributed to partners worldwide, thus worked on 24 hrs a day if wg had half a brain.
Gaijin mostly employs Russians too…
Maybe they employ real game developers, not scriptkiddies/modellers from the local college.
+they were a quite successful gamedev company even before WT, unlike WG, so they are much more experienced how a company should work.
I never forget how the red screen bug took WG almost a half year to hotfix, while Gaijin fixed the almost same error at 11pm after they released the original patch at 7pm…
BTW: Russia is divided into lot of timezones ranging from +2 UTC to +12…
Concerning the mission bugs: Some translations (german) are broken or unclear at best and if you cancel, switch (with a previous IM for improvement) and reselect a mission it suddenly works …
I just have Kodos’ hitlog, damage panel, minimap and stats running …
“-there is an issue in individual missions – if an IM requires you to capture base, you do but in the time between full capture and battle end, the last enemy vehicle gets destroyed, the battle will not count for the capture mission. This is apparently not a bug and it’s possible that “explaining text will be added” to the missions in the future”
i can explain that:
when base is captured, there is a timer of 5 seconds before the battle ends.
It will be reset every time a tank (own or enemy) is destroyed.
That means, if you have 3 tanks left, capping with lowhp and a batchat rushes in to defend the cap. The cap is already done and after that he kills all three – he will win the game. Reason is: kill-win always beats cap-win. (and because the time always resets, he has enough time to do that)
Another example: both teams cap and there is a difference of 7 or 8 seconds between the first team finishing the cap and the second…Now one of the tanks will get killed after the faster team finished the cap, it will be a draw because the second team has enough time to cap (timer resets again after the kill, giving more time before the game ends).
<- ive seen games which have been drawed by this, even by the "winning" team because they were gredy and killed sb. after their cap is done.
so its totally possible that even 2-3 tank, lowhps of course, can be killed after the cap is done and the game is won by enemies killed.
While everything you wrote is – to the best of my knowledge – factually correct, the situation described by SS is much simpler. When the team completes both victory conditions (cap AND kill all), the game considers the battle as won by kill all (and the end-game screen presented accordingly: “Victory! All enemy vehicles destroyed”), ergo: no cap mission completed.
I know this, but I do not know why WG implemented it!
If there is a timer then, when the timer reaches 0 the battle should be over right?
And why isn’t the timer set to 5s when someone is killed. Should be easy enough :P
It’s still BS
You capped and should get IM credit for doing so
- drowning yourself (suicide) before the battle is over is considered “unsportsmanlike behavior” and should be reported as such
actually that is a tactical retreat, when losing the soldiers would blow up their tanks or drown them in order for them to not get in the enemy hands!
what is “unsportsmanlike behavior” is the fuckheads that camp, and do nothing all shitty match, resulting in a certain defeat that you have to suffer and be fighting alone against 10 tanks after the first 4 minutes!
there are not enough reports to go around, and even if there are, these assholes don’t get banned!
or some asshole that goes the other way and doesn’t do his job with the tank he has!
And on the left we have a purple player who is always everywhere, never camped, never hide behind anyone, always did everything, and never got yelled for being useless.
I consider this:
“actually that is a tactical retreat, when losing the soldiers would blow up their tanks or drown them in order for them to not get in the enemy hands!”
to deny the enemy extra XP ;)
Not a simulator. Invalid.
- according to the developers, the fact that FCM 36 with PAK 40 TD (also known as Marder I, German conversion) is in the French tree and not in the German one is historical
and what about 105 leFH18B2 ?
My guess is that because there where not much french premium tanks, WG put lefh into french tech tree (and the same goes to FCM36 too)
French M10 Wolverine and M7 Priest say hi.
I’d like to read an article about free frenchs using German modified tanks in 1944-45, I knew they used SOMUA S-35 and B1 but things like Marder?
I have some…
… in french
I’d really like to see the FCM36 (original version) to be implemented as a gift tank..
At Tier 2 it would be very tough but undergunned.
oops I failed,
nothing about german modification, but some about german tanks in french service.
- there will not be a HD E-100 in 9.6 it was removed and switched back to SD version, as the developers will not be able to fix all the mistakes of the model until the release
BHAHAHAHA, at least they admit indirectly that they are incompetent and cant fix nothing in time, or do it corectly the first time
Better to admit that you are inadequate than trying to type English and failing at it…
- there will not be a HD E-100 in 9.6 it was removed and switched back to SD version, as the developers will not be able to fix all the mistakes of the model until the release
WG will never, ever fail to amuse me. But in everything else they apparently do.
“- according to the developers, the fact that FCM 36 with PAK 40 TD (also known as Marder I, German conversion) is in the French tree and not in the German one is historical: after the Normandy landings, captured obsolete French tanks converted by the Germans to TD’s were transferred to the Free French troops, who then used them in combat”
Never heard , nor seen any evidence about it.
French troops used re-captured tanks (H39, B-1 and so on) but no german conversions.
Some captured Pz IV, Panthers and even one tiger were used from 44 to the 50s’, there are also photographic evidences of the use of hanomags during Indochina war
The most common problem in “not” completing mission requirements is that they just can’t read the forums and they come only when they need something. Its almost every day that I see a new topic about capping base without finishing the mission and the screenshot says “All enemy tanks destroyed”. Its discussed all around and yet people dont know about that.
- there will not be a HD E-100 in 9.6. In test 3, it was removed and switched back to SD version, as the developers will not be able to fix all the mistakes of the model until the release
But it looks so great, I want it now damnit.
Yesterday on IM:
Went through a mission in my STB 1 Japanese Medium tank – Received Credit for an LT. mission.
Went through a mission in my T110E4 TD received credit for a HT mission.
Went through a mission in my FV 215b received credit for a TD Mission.
What the F**K is wrong with their system.
Didn’t SS drown himself a few weeks back to show how the PM’s were flawed?
“” – drowning yourself (suicide) before the battle is over is considered “unsportsmanlike behavior” and should be reported as such “”
Newsflash! D:
So wait- shooting allies… rigging missions annnnndd being a coward is unfair?
Man *slaps head* all those years….
I have a question, maybe it was discussed earlier, i just don’t have the patience to look it up.
Why in earth is no Team Kill option in the report system??? Simple as that. They could leave the Unsportsmanlike conduct for the rest, but not having a clear option like that is nonsense. Maybe if they had this option, and would be punished quicker (meaning less reports needed) and harder (at least 7 day ban and credits penalty, lets say 1 mill), there would be fewer teamkills.
It’s because their team kill system is automated in place and NEVER suffers from any errors what so ever. (/sarcasm)
I will continue to drown myself when games are absolutely unwinnable (e.g. 5 full health MTs vs my SPG), until WG somehow determines when you are ‘intentionally’ drowning yourself.
Believe me, I am more than aware that you can have epic comeback games, but I know when the writing is on the wall. Might as well get revenge on the enemy team somehow.
We had one on Highway yesterday lost city lost the field in a Tier 8 battle. We were out gunned 10 to 5 and we took them all out because they attacked the base 1 at a time. We were all in shock. Sheer stupidity
“there will not be a HD E-100 in 9.6. In test 3, it was removed and switched back to SD version, as the developers will not be able to fix all the mistakes of the model until the release”
Sorry E-100, I guess I cant have you ready in HD model for couple years.
Yep Naydin is really bugged
Pingback: 4. 2. 2015
So glad the allies turned over obsolete early war french vehicles to the free french forces. (Doubt that ever happened) Imagine a Somua S-35 or a Char Bis going up against a Panther, Panzer IV or even a Tiger.. LMAO
Free french forces landed and were equipped outfitted with vehicles the rest of the forces were using Sherman’s/ M-10′s etc the vehicles they TRAINED WITH!