Source: VK Express community
Hello everyone, another “Developer Time” show took place on the Wargaming radio (RU only), here’s a transcript. Today’s topic was “graphics”. Answering were two guys – one a video-making derpartment developer (derpveloper?) and the other guy is from the game engine derpartment and deals with graphics.
- the derpartment of the graphics engine development consists of 15 people, but not all deal with the development directly. This is the “skeleton crew”.
- at first, the developer video about how to improve FPS was 30 minute long, but they had to cut it down to 15 minutes (SS: the video can be found here along with some translations, it was never made in English)
- in the future (summer of 2015), WG is planning series of videos, the topic of which will be “how to improve your FPS”
- there will also be an independent video (not tied to WoT), where various aspects of your computer will be explained: how to optimize its running, how to set the graphics, how to clean it, how to update your drivers etc.
- the minimum GPU required for WoT is Nvidia GT6800 from 2004
- with the CPU Intel Core 2 Duo or better processor, WoT should run fine
- 30FPS is the lower border, below it the game is unplayable according to developers. Optimal FPS is 50.
- the things that affect the FPS the most are the 3D render resolution (most important), screen resolution, anti-aliasing, shadow quality, lighting quality, water quality
- when buying a notebook for WoT, please pay attention not only to CPU (Core i3, Core i5), but also to the GPU
- on weak notebooks, set lower screen resolution, it will make it easier for GPU to work by an entire order
- a large percentage of players are still playing on old dualcore PC’s
- to create separate setting presets for every GPU or GPU group would be too complicated
- if you have an older computer, do not forget to clean it from dust, open it up and blow the dust away (vacuum clean it), it is really important
- the statement above applies even more for notebooks, it’s very important to clean them
- following GPU’s can be recommented for WoT – they are midrange and offer best price-to-power ratio: GeForce GTX 760, Radeon R7 265 and R7 260X
- especially notebooks HAVE to update GPU drivers, it’s completely possible that graphic artefacts in the game appear due to obsolete drivers
- putting cooling pads under older notebooks is a very good thing
- to keep FPS in WoT high, clean your computer every three months or so
“- A large percentage of players are still playing on old dualcore PC’s”
Seriously, where do they even get these dinosaurs. Even the most low-end PC’s in my country have at least a quadcore.
Okay man. Get ready. I have big surprise for you. Are you ready?
You may not believe…. but there are poor people on this world. Shocking isnt it?
“A large percentage of player are still playing on old dualcore’s PCs”
A large percentage of players are russians.
That´s what you should have read :)
PC means personal computer, not desktop. My laptop is also PC even though it is not desktop and laptops rarely come with quad core processors because they are pretty expensive.
Quad cores are expensive?
They are not, even the most commercial site for ordering electronics in my country doesn’t even offer anything that still has a dualcore. Also even a half decent laptop only costs 200-300 euros nowadays.
i3s are not sold in your country? What weird kind of embargo are you suffering?
i3 arent quadcores… they are dualcores with HT. first quad begin with normal i5, not low power ones (still 2cores 4 threads)
Exactly what I said, he said in his country dual cores are not sold, so there must be an i3 embargo :P
Only some people may not have those 2-300 of euros to blow away so maybe wot runs better. Again shocking news. And since you’re such a great archaeologist looking for dinilosaurs…here’s another piece of news for you: even I5s are dual core(laptop versions). So…hurr durr dual core dinosaurs..derp. Stop stealing oxygen
So, just because I don’t know that much about computers I am stealing oxygen? But then again, that logic is not surprising coming from a poor man that can’t even spell dinosaurs right. Keep thinking capitalism is the devil.
2/10 for making me reply
@Degeneracy: I think this whole discussion is about how you look at money and valuable stuff like cpu, gpu…
Just trying to be objective, you make the impression that money is no issue for you and that pisses people off really fast! Even if you are right it just sounds a little ignorant. edited: to be honest, I just read your last comment: now I think you are ignorant! ;P
Maybe people should get less pissed off at things said on the internet? Seriously, if you get butthurt just close the tab or ignore it. Same as why I don’t understand people that commit suicide because of cyberbullying.
Sometimes I would rather question the right to freedom of expression…
Yeah I don’t understand people who don’t wanna live anymore. Cause… You know… I am not them. And I’m not that presumptuous to judge these people! ;)
The fact you think the minimum cost of a decent quad core gaming PC costs is 2000 euros shows you have no idea what you are talking about…
If you don’t know THAT much about computers, why did you open your mouth? Are you the type of person who enjoys smearing themselves in blood before jumping into a shark tank?
Sorry mate, in my contry (Viet Nam) 300 euro (cca. 339$) is equal to a month salary of a junior developer (other job have lower wage, eg. junior accountant have average wage about 120 euro/month) so a computer that cost a month is quite hard to aqquire unless you are a computer enthusiast. And many wot player from my conutry are playing in public internet cafe which some time only reach minimum requirement of wot :-)
And most of computer build for college student is in range ~200 euro
They should stop spending the money on WoT, and save it for a PC. :P
Weird, considering i3s are dual core :P
I still play on an Intel Dualcore 2.60 ghz processor…
Why? Because the computer works ok, and I don’t feel like spending 900€ for a new one just to play 1 game better when other games work fine on it.
You can always update the most critical hardware of your PC, saving your monet on the process. You know, PCs can be upgraded piece by piece.
Laptop i3 and i5s are dual core ONLY, moron. Considering that many people (students, for instance) use laptops, there are lots of dual core PCs shipped. And barely anyone gets a laptop i7, because it makes the notebook hot and the CPU throttling kicks in. And it costs more as well.
Even those laptop i7s are sometimes dual core :-)
Uhm,some i5′s do have quad cores.. some simulate 8 with hyper threading IIRC
only i3 and i7 have HT i5 dont have it they are phisical quadcore cpu i3 simulate quads with HT and i7 simulate octacore*
Leave M series alone as they are “super power saving” cpu sow even i7 can have i7 with 2 cores
Lol. How ignorant
I use dual core processor.
And guess what?
I don’t feel the need to change it. It works just well.
And btw. 200-300 euros is a lot of money in some countries.
lol u must be one of those AMD noobs…Intel dual cores are pretty strong actually…
Keep that 12 year old logic going strong man.
And no I have an i7 for my build actually.
dude thats the limit. dont humiliate yourself even more.
understand that your country is not the center of the universe, the situation is different in other countries. and stop bragging about your i7 and shit.
Why people with anime avatars are always insufferable faggots?
Alright you got good PC from parents for good high school grades, its nice.
Why are you so mad man? Can’t stand it that there are people in this world with decent jobs?
I have a decent job, enough that I earn more than almost two-thirds of Americans, but since I pay my own bills instead of living with my parents, much of that money goes to things other than my computer. Those that earn less than I do are even less likely to have the spare cash for a new rig unless they eschew things such as living in their own place or supporting a family.
Really man you go on and on . Degeneracy…
You’re probably one of these degenerate teen aged/ early 20 year old guy living in your parents basement.
Who runs to mommy and daddy when you need money even though your working at the 7-11 full time.
i7 or i7 u have?
i7-950 for 170$ (1st gene)
i7-5960X for 1050$ (4th gene)
i7 varies now from 2 cores/ 4 threads up to 8 cores/ 16 threads
I’m one of those dinos…
Mobile DualCore Intel Core i3-350M, 2333 MHz (17 x 137)
and playing under 30fps… actually, around 15 to 20 fps…
Degeneracy it’s not as if Russia is a rich country or anything close to it/”sister” countries. They’re not. They are still alot behind US and even european countries. ALOT!
Alot of russians are still using 4:3 aspect ratio CRT monitors. But yea i agree it’s kinda weird they still use dual-core CPU’s because you can find absolutely dirt cheap quad cores on merchandise websites (from $20 q6600, to even $100 i5 2500k).
Quad core is not everything (although I have only (almost) quad cores since ’08 (q6600)), all i3 and many i5 are dual core, and they can beat q6600.
u wot m8?
I believe this is what is known as snobbery.
My PC is over 8 years old, it originally had AMD Athlon X2 +5600, i played my first 5K battles, now i have phenom X3 unlocked to 4 cores runing at 2.7 GHz and GTX750Ti and i run this game at high settings at ~40FPS.
Im now playing at Phenom II X2@ 3.2Ghz, 10Gb of RAM and gtx 550Ti with stable 50 FPS, min ~35 max ~100
Edit: And i cannot unlock to 4core:/ MB doesnt allow me to do that (for now^^)
Why even play on high and get 40 fps? Why dont lover and get 50, much better.
AMD master race
You must come from Qatar then. Congratulations.
I play with Core 2 Duo processor and the game runs at cca 45 fps. Why would I need more cores when WoT runs only on one of them? And no, I don’t feel like dinosaur, I just see no need to pay few hundreds for new PC when the old one runs fine.
That is true you dont need more cores. How ever the performance increase in core per core performance increased alot with the introduction of the current generation cpus, like intel i5 2500k (sandy bridge).
If a 3.4GHz dualcore processor is a dinosaur, then it means that notebooks are also dinosaurs. And yes, people with that old computers (hell, even my big fatass PC still has a Cortex 1.8GHz and a 2006 video card and it still ran WoT for 7 MONTHS!). Not all countries have such a “stronk” currency. For example, in Romania, 1 euro means 4.5 lei. So, a 500 euro computer (presummed to be good) can cost you 2500 lei in Romania, which means a 1-month income. And no, I’m no more playing on that grandpa. Now I’m playing on a 2014 dinosaur, according to you, with a dualcore I5 (1,6GHz, Haswell techonology), 2GB NVidia GForce 840M and 4GB of RAM. Yet, still because of BugWorld and WoT demons (aka ruskies+SerB), with all the optimization I could do, the highest FPS value was 56, with average of 35
Dont feel offended by these rich elitists. If I would be wealthy I would give PC parts to needy gamers.
My i3 is more powerful than a quadcore for the same money. And one more thing – wasn’t WoT running only on 1 core? Or in some cases they said it uses 2. Then why would you need a quadcore???
Yes, they explained that main things are on 1 core, and the rest least important are divided by an exact number (if they are 8 tasks and 7 cores remaining, it would be 6 cores with 1 task and 1 core with 2 tasks). The problem is: they won’t move their fat vodka-dependant asses and implement multi-core support. Why? Because WG. Anyone that registered in 2012 or 2013 should know how they work. If not, then it’s your fault.
Here’s some news for you…
Desktop Core i3 processors are…dual-core!
Mobile Core i3, Core i5 AND Core i7 U series processors are ALSO dual-core.
Amazing what you can learn if you take your head out of your arse…
why is everyone argueing about cores???????? WOT only uses 2iirc.
and heres a shock (a gpu that can run WOT without a problem,can be bought at best buy ,for not very much)
I played more than 2 years on an old laptop with C2D 2,4GHz, and the CPU wasn’t that much a problem……
lets make videos explaining how to lower settings instead focusing on improvements to engine to make use of full computer potential.
That would cause black hole in WG HQ.
No, it would cause a very nasty disease (even though it’s already existing), called “capitalismio”, where everyone thinks that Stalinskaya computers are the best. But, that black hole may be better, considering it would feed on their very very “great” ideas
Thats cool, now when I ordered components for new PC including MSI GTX 970 GAMING 4G they start releasing videos about “How to improve your FPS”. Epic.
Honestly, a 970′s beyond overkill for wot. I’ve got one, but I’m also running a lot of other shit than just this game.
Well, WoT was not the first thing I thought about when I ordered this GPU. More like GTA V, Far Cry 4 and such things :) Atm I have 3 years old laptop with AMD Radeon HD6630m and its not a good GPU for playing games.
Enjoy your 3,5 GB of VRAM Kappa
Enjoy overhyped by AMD fan base issue. Only if u use more than 3.5Gb of ram VRAM will slow down to 20Gb/s (only last 0.5Gb). In normal 1080p u wont see difference anyway. In 1440p its possible to detect that (its about 5% fps less cca 2-4fps in FC4). U can only feel that in 4k but who buys GTX 970 when he can afford for 4k display?
Sorry, I forgot about the coil whine issues.
Wow :D don’t try to tell me that AMD never had problem with coils :D. Holy shit, AMDfanboys are so toxic.
Who can be fan of AMD GPUs :D Their GPUs are so shitty … (takes popcorn)
“30FPS is the lower border, below it the game is unplayable according to developers”
People that play with 10 fps consistently don’t seem to agree. How anyone can do that without going insane, however, is another question.
I was used to play Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory back then with a really old laptop without mouse (so, Mousepad it is) on ~12-20fps. If you are used to it, it is playable, but only if you have non fluctuating fps, then it still fells kind of smooth (I could not play like this today, since I now have a proper PC)
I get around 20 FpS in WoT now on low settings… I may not have the best computer but I run Warframe on medium at 100 FpS on the same resolution (1440×900)
WG really have to get their head out their asses and learn how to optimize a game.
honestly i can play on 20fps…its kinda slow but its playable, 30 is optimal frame count and anything above is bonus tbh…
(yes yes ik, 60fps looks better blah blah blah)
play for 1-2 months with 144Hz monitor @ 140+ FPS and then comment.
U wont get back to 60fps, u will see difference
Human eyes can recognize 45FPS…. so for me 30FPS is awful anything more than 60FPS is about the response and not the eyecandy even on 120-144Hz screens…
Well I play WoT in my notebook with 10-15 fps. and still okay, I tell ya
I generally average something like 12-14fps most of the time. Up to 22 in ideal conditions. Bush translucency killed me for a while, until they changed it in a recent patch so you could turn it off (thanks WG!) – it used to drop me down to 4fps. Now that WAS unplayable!
When lots of fast tanks or particle effects from autocannon fire are on screen, then yeah, it drops down to single figure fps and it is unplayable. But you can manage the worst of it by turning all the graphic options down and limiting your play style. Don’t play fast lights, don’t play anything with an autocannon, don’t try to fire on the move unless you’re driving something slow, don’t use mods. Long range sniping is also hard because the low fps makes it hard to make very small aim adjustments without overcompensating (especially when the tarket is moving) plus you can’t use zoom mods, I still get a lot of fps jerkiness at times and at times it does get your tank blown up cos you just can’t aim accurately at a quick tank in close, but it’s mostly playable.
14-22 fps, you really need to get some upgrades because the game will be different.
Played around 10fps my first 7-8k battles at lowest settings, only problems you get is shooting at things that aren’t modelled (rocks usually), otherwise the game is ok-ish but well, at least you have stronk argument when people blame you for being yellow :D
tripled my wn8 coming from a old laptop on wifi-> aurora ALX on a wired connection.
a lot of people arent that bad, they just dont have a good machine to run on
“derp-art-ment” :-)
deep-derp-ment… XD
I’m pretty sure you should not vacuum the inside of a PC, but should use some compressed air to blow the dust out….
Yes for the love of god don’t vacuum inside the static electricity will destroy parts. SS please make note of this
Srsly? xD
I vacuum my computer since always (like last 16 years) and never had problems.
Unplug it before vacuuming xD
unplug and put it on something plastic
Seriously? Unplugging it won’t make a difference, you can still destroy parts with static electricity, the amount of static needed isn’t nearly enough to make YOU feel the shock, but it is enough to turn your high-end PC into a useless bucket of bolts. Vacuuming increases the risk on static buildup in the components, which can and will destroy them. Luckily most modern components (from about 2010 and later) have ESD protection, but it’s still not worth the risk, there’s a reason why we IT guys work with anti-static mats and wristbands.
And dude, on something plastic? Seriously? Have you never gone down a slide as a kid? *sighs*
Lolz. I dont know, maybe u are touching and scrubing the parts with your vacuum? xD
just take the side panel down and take it to a tire shop.
compressed air will clean it for you without any component damage.
small aerosol “pressure air” flask are also OK, but not to environmentally friendly.
I just take mine outside every few months and with the case open aim a leaf blower at it from a decent distance. The cloud of dust that comes out is amazing. Then I just check all connections and reinstall it.
I use to connect a hose to my mouth and suck because I dont have vaccum clenur.
- the things that affect the FPS the most are the 3D render resolution (most important), screen resolution, anti-aliasing, shadow quality, lighting quality, water quality
I’d put foliage quality in there as well – when I had to use an older GPU a while back, looking through trees had a massive impact on framerate. The forest on Murovanka was an even more magical experience at a cinematic 10fps D:
Anti-aliasing should only have a big impact if you’re using standard graphics – MSAA / CSAA is much more intensive than FXAA.
DO NOT VACUUM YOUR PC! Vacuuming creates static electricity which can cause damage to your computer. Instead, buy a can of compressed air or use an air compressor. Just be careful not to blow any small components away!
I second that
I’ve got an air brush tied up to one of those small compressors. I haven’t used it to do any actual painting but it’s great for cleaning the PC.
Hey look, someone with common sense!
You can suck PC, just dont touch components. Also you can put a paper roll on the hose = no static electricity.
I was wondering, would it run on a 1007U? Might have to check the rest of the specs
Edit. GPU is Intel HD Graphics, the one in 1007U, ram should be 2GB
a 1st gen intel processor? i highly doubt it….
intel hd graphics….which one? also integrated graphics=ur fucked
2gb of ram? lol nice toaster, an ipad has more ram…
- It’s an Ivy Bridge, so it’s 3rd generation
(Yeah, 3rd generation Intel Core includes Intel Celeron 1xxx series)
- It just says HD Graphics, and on Wikipedia
it says “HD Graphics – six execution units” “Celeron and Pentium have Intel HD, while Core i3 and above have either HD 2500 or HD 4000.”
- I know, I have a phone that has everything better than that, it’s just a netbook-notebook I got some time ago, and since it’s very portable I was wondering if it could run WoT (it can even run Nazi Zombie army 2 [just a test], Crusader Kings 2, etc.)
Just try to run it. But if you are semi serious about gaming you shouldnt even play on notebooks.
I’d have to copy it, hoped someone knew it so I didn’t have to :D
And by the way, tha’s just my “university netbook”, my main PC is an i7 4770 / Palit 780 (that has Titan or even better performance), so I’m serious :D
Good, then dont waste tyme on notebooks and books xD. Btw can u play wot on a regular book? :)
Only the Ipad Air 2 have 2gb of ram. The rest of the ipads got 1gb or less.
The laptop I played WoT with for my first two years had like 20-25 FPS under good conditions and it could go as low as 7 FPS when sniping through bushes…
bushes are the work of satan lol
“WoT is unplayable under 30fps ”
I know plenty of people with shitty PCs and I have tried WoT on them. I’d say the limit is 10-15 fps, and even below that you can still you can still play arty and some heavies
You can even play T95 with 10fps
I played the T-44 with 12 fps.
I played the T-50 back when it had a 60 km/h topspeed on 12 fps.
10 fps in a Heavy or TD is easy.
I have a good computer now, but back then all I had was a Nvidia610GTS.
Forever I will remember that card as GT-shit. (it’s practically the same as integrated graphics )
The reason they say it is unplayable below 30 FPS (and this should be 30 minimum fps, not average) is that below 30 FPS they can see a massive performance decrease (as in COMBAT performance). You will hit less, you will pen less, you will get flanked more often, you will get hit more often, you will react too slowly etc.
For all those saying that you can play fine on 10-20 FPS: Try playing on 50-60 FPS for a couple of days. Your WN8 will skyrocket (probably easily 50% up) and you will never want to go back to what you had before.
As for a setup to get WoT to run like that:
You need an Intel Core i3/5/7 of the 3xxx or 4xxx that can run at least one core consistently at a minimum of 3.5Ghz (ie if your laptop throttles the CPU down even for just a couple of second you will notice a MASSIVE frame drop). Alternatively an AMD with at least 4Ghz. Unfortunately WoT is so badly optimized, that this CPU requirement applies at essentially any resolution and settings (from ultra-low to ultra high).
For highest graphics settings, GTX960/270X should be enough provided you play a “normal” resolution (1600×1200 or 1080p). For UHD/4K you will need something along the lines of the 290X or the GTX980. Again poorly optimized shit on WG part. But the clue is that the gfx can be turned down and at minimum, you can run this game on an HD4650 (4 generations old butget-midrange card).
Bottomline: To play WoT (unlike nearly all other games) the CPU single-core performance has to be very high to achieve 50FPS regardless of settings and resolution. The GPU can be mid-high for highest settings and hopelessly outdated for low settings.
For reference:
Desktop 1 FPS 60+
Core i5 4690K @3.9Ghz + 2x280X@UHD @any settings
Desktop 2 FPS ~35-40
Core i7 920 @ 3.6Ghz + 280X @any settings (high or low)
Desktop 3 FPS 15-25
Athlon II X4 620 @2.6Ghz + HD4650 @low or mid settings (high settings decrease FPS)
Laptop 20-45FPS (average about 35, massive drops due to CPU throttling under load)
Core i7-3635QM @2.4Ghz with turbo @3.4Ghz + HD8870M @any settings
Really sorry, had to stroke myself for a second there…Ahh all better now.
On another note, I think 60fps is more optimal than 50fps, WG guy. Or is 50fps more “cinematic” :P
Can you honestly tell the difference? you got some super eyes right there…
Yes..the difference is 60fps means it runs better :D
plus, there is a difference , no matter how small, so why say 50 in the first place?
If u ever get into 144Hz monitor and rig that can support your with 140+FPS for at least month to test u will see difference. USA jet pilots see picture of plane displayed for 1/220s and can recon what type it was
Sorry if I call BS on this but i need the source.
BS because of what? Eyes see a sequence of pictures, the more pictures per second in a sequence the more fluid experiance. Obviously if you have never played on a 120-144hz screen with +120 fps you dont know what its like. But I have had both 60hz and 120hz screens and that differance is very big.
Eyes dont see pictures per second, they see a sequence.
A month or so ago I hit a nerve with central and eastern EU players suggesting donating replaced GPU’s to player who might benefit from them in other places. I managed to pass on two much better than baseline GPU’s to players I know personally who had an improvement in their playability and FPS. So don’t waste time ebaying GPUs that you no longer need; there is probably someone in your clan or another WoT player who could benefit from it.
Yes many benefits can be had using used PC parts. The problem I see with this is that wot players will explot this opportunity due to share lazyness and because they want things “free”. The postage isnt cheap to send parts and also, if one can affrord internet and spend money on gold, why cant they afford to buy used pc parts? I have a second r9 290 that I dont use, should I give that one for free? Huh.
30 was my max fps up until 3 months ago lol
It’s cheaper to do videos about cleaning PC to run terribly optimized game for lower end of acceptable framerate than optimizing game engine.
And after those hints, game still runs at terribly low FPS’s.
It’s harder to optimize game for ppl with pentium 1 with 128mb ram and geforce 4.
I dont say WG is doing good job but…. IMO they do best what they can and what they know (or less)
You have no idea what are you talking about.
“the derpartment of the graphics engine development consists of 15 people, but not all deal with the development directly. This is the “skeleton crew””
So then 14 managers, and 1 researcher, that has to code the stuff too? And what are they doing all day long, with 15 people, you can rewrite this shitty engine in 2-3 months, if they are slow and have no clue.
this may be:×600/Nur-Herbert-arbeitet.jpg
“30FPS is the lower border, below it the game is unplayable according to developers. Optimal FPS is 50″
To be correct, multiples of the refreshrate of you monitor is the best value, 50 can even look worse, because of uneven updates on the monitor if vsync is off (tearing). So if you got an 60hz monitor, 30, or 60 are optimal, depending on your preference (some still say 30 will suffice, because, you couldn’t see more, this is wrong, the eye has no fixed frame rate and you can notice the difference even between 60 and 120 hz if you are used to it).
Most of the “this effects the framerate the most” stuff, is very dependant on what the bottleneck of your system is.
The first thing, is to identify the bottleneck, there are tools to monitor the cpu and gpu usage.
if its the cpu:
- shadows, they require submitting the scene multiple times, which cost a good amount of cpu (especially with the unoptimized engine)
- draw distance, simply put, less to draw, less submitting work for the cpu
- switch to old render mode, its way more cpu friendly than the new
- field of view can have somewhat of an effect, but if you need to change this to get acceptable framerate, your getting desperate
- other stuff is somewhat implementation dependant but should not affect that much
if its the gpu ram (if the usage is constantly in the 85% and more range):
- texture quality, the only thing you can do…
- resolution, if you have to change this to reduce the memory usage to acceptable levels, then your system is on a level of a pocket calculator :O
if its the gpu usage:
- shadows, similar reason as for cpu limit, shadows are quite expensive
- resolution and rendering resolution, has the larges impact after shadows
- switch to old render mode, the new mode has a quite hefty fixed cost on the gpu side (especially if your gpu is limited by the bandwidth to the video ram)
- every thing else, but probably not that much, is largely dependant on the implementation of that effect, so you have to play around and find whats suits you best on your own
Yes, but the issue with WOT and many modern games is that when playing at 1080p majority of graphical settings will tax the cpu more than the gpu. Rarely are you gpu limited in WOT as long as you have something like a gtx 660ti or 7950 or equivalent. WOT strongly benefits from a clocked intel cpu, the newer ones like the sandy bridge up untill the newest generation because they have very strong IPC. Basicaly a system with a 3-4 year old i5 2500k and a 7950, and a system with a i7 4790k and a gtx 970 will be as fast because you are still cpu limited. If you play on 1440p or higher resolutions then you will be less cpu bound I have heard and then you will benefit from a better gpu.
But the general situation is that the gpus has become much faster than the cpus and instead of increasing the core speed the manufacturers add more cores, and that dont really benefit gamers since most games use max 2 cores if even that. Most mmos and mmorpg use 1 core just like wot.
This whole “gpus are more important than cpus” is an old myth from the single player times, but multiplayer games tax the cpu much much more.
On the cpu side, it is not always about, multi core or not, some things can’t (or shouldn’t) be spread out on multiple cores.
In the case of world of tanks the problem is the software optimisation as a whole, their rendering code does a lot of unnecessary, redundant and silly things that cost a lot of cpu cycles. They only need to tidy this mess up, but as it seems they don’t get it.
Its cheaper to insult people in forums, than investing in cleaning up your messy code.
That is correct, they even made some patches ago a utter retarded thing, which was to increase the cpu taxation and release gpu load because “players gpus were overheating due to beeing under 100% load”. Omfg, that is what you want, you wouild want higher gpu usage and lower cpu usage. I think they have fixed some of the issues 9.0 and 9.1 introduced in terms of fps. But the overall fps is still worse than in 8.0.
They are on such a basic level that it doesnt make sense in a western world anymore. They are stuck in the 2005 era and hence the reference to a 2004 GPU.
I’m going to make a 3 hour long fps improvement tutorial video witch will contain a single picture for all it’s lenght with the message “WG improve and optimise your freakin’ game so we can get better game experience without the need of NASA custom computers!!!”
C++ for dummies? oh that was mean :O
Half the code of WoT is sysout “hello world” anyways…
More like “helo warld” xD
- 30FPS is the lower border, below it the game is unplayable according to developers. Optimal FPS is 50.
Raise FPS above 60 is pointless, you wont notice any difference between 60 or 120 FPS
This is not entirely true, if you are used to 120 hz, you can notice the difference if its lower than that.
Stop beeing stupid, there is alot of differance.
60fps difference xD
I am glad they made a overall guide because as i have seen it the knowledge about computers is really low in wot community. Also in this time and age and with the huge amount of second hand hardware, there is no need to still be using dual core cpus and obsolete gpus.
“the derpartment of the graphics” you sure you got enough “derp” :)?
This mistakes are known as ‘Freudian slip’ :)
Unintentionally doing what you really (or subconscious) think and not what you want to do.
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Let the Russian’s eat their dust, they do not need to have advices for their calculators!
- in the future (summer of 2015), WG is planning series of videos, the topic of which will be “how to improve your FPS”
Step 1: play warthunder with 2x fps on same system
Step 2:
- there will also be an independent video (….) how to clean it, how to update your drivers etc.
OH thats new… i never ever EVER seen something like this on any video portal or other media for that matter.
Its good finally some one does that, since im really interested in such stuff but was to afraid to ask :)
Note: this post contains a hint of sarcasm.
but srly… if ppl dont get how to “pet” their pc… why should they start now after idk… 20+ freaking years of such tipp-sources laying around?
Other ways to increase fps:
Play a game that is much better optimized
Considering that WoT has the lowest FPS of any game I play while NOT being the most detailed/best looking, I agree.
“Vacuum your PC”
*Computer-Guy Level Intensifies*
I’ve been playing wot with 5-30 fps ever since i can remember ( Patch 7.3 /4 ? )
And it has been sucha pain. Bought a R9 280x a week ago.
I feel like im walking on tank sunshine right now.
I don’t know where I sit on this, but… my laptop runs WoT on low settings with more FPS than my desktop on max settings. On the other hand, I knew that an FX6300 would bottleneck.
But, of course, I can play War Thunder on max settings, 60 FPS. Titanfall, 60 FPS. Splinter Cell Blacklist, 60 FPS. So, I guess, it’s WoT. I don’t really see how adding multi-core support (which is what everyone goes on about) could possibly harm the game. If you don’t have multicore, it won’t make a difference.. if you’re like me, you have two physical cores sitting around twiddling their electronic thumbs…
on another note, my graphics card is a hot on WoT as with Titanfall, and yet the graphics are…. different….