
- regarding the accuracy nerf, a player asked Storm whether WG statistical method is correct, since the difference after the nerf is only 1 percent. Storm replies: “We checked. Everything’s as it should be. I think that if I didn’t write in the patchnotes anything about the accuracy, your feeling would be different.” (SS: as in “you wouldn’t even notice”)
- for now there are no plans to change the accuracy further
- platoon finder tool development will start soon (SS: as in, an automated tool that will allow you to look for platoon members)
- it is not true that matchmaker 3.0 (new version that is being developed) will bring symmetrical teams (same vehicles on both sides)
- starting from 9.6, the rule that open topped vehicles have longer viewrange is no longer valid
- it is not known yet, how T-62 HD model turret armor will look like
- in 9.5, an issue appeared that after several battles, some models start having black textures instead of the regular ones. Storm states that this is caused by insufficient amount of memory and that players should reduce the quality of textures to fix it (SS: Bullshit, it’s a bug. The game is simply memory leaking. I don’t have this issue, but Ritagamer (the streamer) has about the same PC as me and has it.)
- no T34 rebalance is planned. These rumors are apparently caused by Russian videomaker TheJoves, who is immensely popular on Russian server – he sometimes posts garbage and lots of people take it as truth.
- maps are always balanced so both bases have about the same winrate (no base has advantage over the other)

114 thoughts on “15.2.2015

  1. “for now there are no plans to change the accuracy further”
    - How can they possibly change it more? They buffed it and now the nerfed it little and now what? Buff it again or nerf it more?

    • From Democracy 3:
      “//Flip Flops//
      You have managed to second-guess your policy decisions so many times that the electorate are accusing you of being the ‘flip-flop’ politician. Perhaps you should be more decisive in future?”

      Apparently, the problem is to please everybody, not just find the optimum accuracy system.

      My idea is that the accuracy number (e.g. 0.46) would govern the actual shot distribution rather than the size of the aiming circle, or a balance between the two. Accuracy penalties for moving the tank/turret should also be looked at. You’d still be able to shoot at targets far away, yet not be able to consistently snipe that cupola at 500m or an ELC moving at full speed. You’d still be able to brawl and hit weakspots at close range, or even press your bottom-tier IS into a static ambush role.
      Would obviously require some rebalancing of DPM etc, but I’d find it mighty interesting to have more defined roles for tanks.

      Oh well, I’m dreaming, anyway. : – )

      • I bet my golden tooth that such suggestions were given to WG by dozens, but WG is too incompetent and “it would confuse players”.

        Breaking news: 80% of players DOES NOT care about mechanics.

            • I know that there are more educated people in northern europe and also more uncums per capita in countries like sweden ,denmark, finland, germany and netherlands compared to other lands.

              • Damn, that sounds like a pretty interesting statistic.
                Could you please post it here? Do you have any other similar statistics?

                • He’s talking out of his ass.

                  “uncums per capita” LOL

                  There was this dude from Austria that also had that logic “we in sweden ,denmark, finland, germany and netherlands are the best! hurr durr”

                  Ended up blowing his brains out before his henchmen burned his body.

            • Linking intelligence with formal education is brilliantly logical too, saffron-tea.

              • It’s true though, not just for WoT but for all PC games. Higher standard of living means faster hardware, fibre broadband as standard and having time to game instead of trying to put bread on the table. Look at the top players/clans in BF, CS etc.
                Plus, and I know my pals back home use this…, in the Nordic countries you get paid to stay home if your child is sick… “Go to bed and stay there! Ahhh, now let’s see about those personal missions”

  2. - maps are always balanced so both bases have about the same winrate (no base has advantage over the other)

    Like Attack/Defense on Sand River ? Bitch please.

    • I don’t get it either.

      Some maps are horribly imbalanced, especially when people know how to play them.

      Fisherman bay is very very easy for north spawn if they rush west.
      Malinovka is still favoring north spawn (even though it has become slightly better)
      Prohorovka is very very imbalanced, north gets hill and kinda controls the entire map.
      Redshire seems to favor north.
      Arctic Region seems to favor west.
      But also Cliff, Fjords, LiveOaks, Mines (man they messed that one up !) Pearl River and Sacred Valley.

      If I could choose the side I spawn on I think my winrate would go up 20% :P

      • Some maps are only “imbalanced” in random games and more or less fine CW/TB/CB/SH. Dont blame it all on the maps, blame the enemy team and your team aswell.

    • Funny thing is, they don’t try to make maps ballanced by means of “advantage for advantageL, like camphill on one side vs artysafe ridge on the other, but simply by making them basically mirror-symetrical.

      World of Tanks is slowly turning into World of OCD…

      • Most of the “imbalanced” maps are advantage for advantage ight you said. But Merquise comment shows clear, that people doesnt know it, so thats why they need always “rebalance” the map. Like on Prohorovka. If you know, that south get the hill, then why are you going there? You need push the other side. Until there will be people who dont know the maps, there will be always “imbalanced maps”. Thats why WG have to do simmetrical maps, because players will be whining.

        • The problem is that some advantages of one side on the map are not as obvious as the other side. While one side can have very obvious hill to snipe from, and most players will understand it’s importance, the other side can have some well placed bushes for spotting or even ninja-sniping, but only very few players will be able to take advantage of these positions, or even know they exist at all.

          So if you put two unicum teams against each other they will use the terrain to it’s maximum potential and the map will seem to be balanced. But if you put 2 teams made of brain dead windowlickers (as in, the majority of the playerbase) the side with more obvious advantageous spots within their reach will likely win.

          If you have that in mind it seems to explain why map devs choose to mirror maps rather than give different advantages to either side.

    • The WoT Map developers need to put down the crack pipe. Balance? Bovine Scatology. They have yet made a good balance map IMO.

  3. Quite OT, but I have an idea for new poll. Question would be: What do you think about replacing unhistorical vehicles by other, historical ones?
    1, Leave tanks as they are, I don’t care about historicity.
    2, Replace them, I don’t want unhistorical vehicles in game.
    3, I don’t give a fuck at all.

  4. hahahah that black skin thing is something i have too, i have a really good pc play battlefield 3 on ultra with 90-100 fps and i still had the black shit

    • No you are wrong! It is never their programming that is bullshit, always dumb players with bad setup! /s

  5. in 9.5, an issue appeared that after several battles, some models start having black textures instead of the regular ones. Storm states that this is caused by insufficient amount of memory and that players should reduce the quality of textures to fix it (SS: Bullshit, it’s a bug. The game is simply memory leaking. I don’t have this issue, but Ritagamer (the streamer) has about the same PC as me and has it.)
    ^– Well, it could also be that she runs more GPU-memory using programs in the background, runs it in windowed mode etc.
    If it were leaking memory, it would be far more common and not matter on the texture quality, since it would eventually still fill the memory.

    • I agree with SS – the explanation is bullshit. They either fucked up the update or Storm is simply kidding…
      I never had such a bug but since 9.6 I got it every 20 games, interestingly mostly on British vehicles. Unfortunately I dont have my screenshot folder at hand, but Conqueror with black wheels (rest of vehicle completely fine), Conqueror with no tracks (but still leaving track traces), Firefly with black hull (but still HD, interesting btw) was quite common with me lately.

  6. - in 9.5, an issue appeared that after several battles, some models start having black textures instead of the regular ones. Storm states that this is caused by insufficient amount of memory and that players should reduce the quality of textures to fix it

    Do you mean this? – http://postimg.org/image/59ibxlmen/

    Yeah, 16GB of RAM + GeForce GTX 970 with 4GB VRAM. So, Wargayming suggests I should get something better than this potato PC? Any recommendations?

      • The last 0.5GB has lower bandwith, but it doesnt really bother me, because when that becomes and issue, I will already have some newer GPU. I am playing at 2560×1440 resolution and havent encountered any issues whatsoever.

        Didnt even consider returning the card, because there is simply nothing better, R9 290 and 290X are crap with ridiculous noise and power output while having overall worse performance. Plus nvidia drivers are sweet and I love DSR – playing older games in 5K resolution (5120×2880) is just pure joy. :-)

        • Lol r9 290x are “crap”? You do realise they are one generation old and still keep up pretty good with even the gtx 780ti and gtx980 in some games? It also had 4gb ram. Sure they are loud if you have the reference cooler.

          • Aye, in some games they are not that far behind, because even the newest GTX 900 series are still manufactured using the good old 28nm process from TSMC, so there was not that much room for improvement. But in many other games they perform like a goddam three year old GTX 770 – http://s23.postimg.org/evl1nw7bf/http_www_gamegpu_ru_images_stories_Test_GPU_Sim.jpg

            The thing is they are not better in any way when compared to GTX 970/980. More noise (cooler doesent matter that much, even a quiet cooler will be loud with that much power consumption), more power draw, lower performance (even though not by that much, still worse), crap drivers (see example above), almost zero support for gaming studios (NVIDIA has TWIMTBP and GameWorks) etc.

            The truth is only a madman or silly AMD fanboy would buy anything from AMD in that price range. Will see what happens when AMD introduces the 3xx series and NVIDIA reacts with ther big Maxwell GPUs. Until then, the situation is what it is.

    • You have to write a TICKET… i also had GTX970oc…
      they send me 2x TITAN BLACK for free! … and now it runs well :)

      • Who send you gtx titan in return? Lol they dont even stock those gpus in belarus because they dont have online shops these (due to tribal society).

  7. I hope that platoon finder will be implemented soon, that will be the biggest change in the game for me, since…. well since i started playing a year ago, i always find it difficult to complete missions wich involves platoon, you basicly can’t complete a platoon mission if you are not in clan, and for the moment the time doesnt allow me to be in a clan….

  8. “Storm states that this is caused by insufficient amount of memory ”
    Well, a memory leak would certainly cause the PC to start experiencing memory allocation problems, and using settings that require less storage would technically postpone the problem long enough for most players not to notice anything, soooo… not entirely untrue ;)

  9. - starting from 9.6, the rule that open topped vehicles have longer viewrange is no longer valid

    So…. is there pretty much no benefit to open tops?
    You can’t have vents already. All you get is an increased probability of having someone lob an HE shell into your crew’s face.

    • A little known fact: Being open topped, doesn’t make one weaker to HE impacts per se. It’s the thin armor that usually comes with being open topped, that does that.

      • However, it does make your roof armor effectively zero, so someone with an arcing shell can shoot straight into your crew compartment.

        Like artillery and howitzers.

        • That’s the theory. In practice, crew members do not initiate an HE shell explosion and the gun’s breach takes up a huge part of the internal compartement and of course the gun as a whole is counted as an external module. This flaw is especially noticable in the WT-series of tanks. As a matter of fact, hitting the crew compartement without penetrating armor beforehand, is about the worst thing that can happen to your HE shell.

  10. - in 9.5, an issue appeared that after several battles, some models start having black textures instead of the regular ones. Storm states that this is caused by insufficient amount of memory and that players should reduce the quality of textures to fix it

    How about this one? Definitely pre-9.5, as we’ve got a T49 here. NO mods. Clean PC with sufficient drivers etc, etc.

    OK, here it goes:


    Got it since 9.0 TBH. The most wonderful patch in history of WoT.

  11. >maps are always balanced so both bases have about the same winrate (no base has advantage over the other)
    >implying all the maps are actually balanced

  12. - no T34 rebalance is planned. These rumors are apparently caused by Russian videomaker TheJoves, who is immensely popular on Russian server – he sometimes posts garbage and lots of people take it as truth.

    Here that doesn’t happen at all…

    - maps are always balanced so both bases have about the same winrate (no base has advantage over the other)

    Both bases having about the same win rate means shit… Since teams are random, and the battle’s outcome is MORE than random, that statement only means “rigging”…

    • T34 should be rebalanced it has too good accuracy (0.35) in relation to the alpha (400) and pen (248) as well as hull down fuck turret. T34 has always had too strong of firepower to be fair and they are ultimate camper tools making all armor at tier 8 useless.

      • haha, you are quite the funny one right? read your comments for some time now. Dude i never encountered someone as full of shit as you. Would you please do us a favor and just stop posting, or even better stop breathing?

        First you whine about tds, then about premiums , whats next? How about not having 100% winrate? No, to easy? hm how about.. ah screw this, i´m just gonna keep laughing about your comments ;)

      • You played a lot T34 i bet :)
        It does fine – is a lot of fun and yes… one of the strong prems.
        But its expensive and can take quiet a beating on some town maps or open terrain… still its nothing else than T29 and many other tanks with good turrets… nerf them as well (same reasons)… ???

        It also meats often TierX since there is no Limit MM … so so much about that.
        ps. the rof equals this out… just compare DPM to other tanks and you find its not “over the top OP” or so.

        Never seen some one upset about my T34…
        they rather cry on my Is6 for “trollarmor” or such :|

        • Future rebalances may affect premiums as well I think since there are too many premium having too good global stats compared to regular tanks. 248mm pen and 400 alpha is too much for a tier 8 heavy, basicaly a tier 10 heavy tank gun on a tier 8 chassis. 248mm pen makes 100% of all armor useless at tier 8, that needs to change.

          T34 needs a nerf in terms of accuracy and dispersion on move and maybe reload time and mobilty.It should have less than 50% global WR on noobmeter so I guess some nerfing must be done. Why do vk45a and tiger II have 2nd lowest wr when they are regular tanks? In my logic, take any regular tanks wr and balance the tank so wr becomes 5% lower than the lowest = balanced premiums.

        • Perhaps they meant the T-34 that thing with its accuracy,rof,damage done with 57mm is very OP.

  13. If Rita has the same pc maybe this has something to do with the driver and/or the fact she is using capture software that puts further strain on the GPU.. I rather trust people who know a thing or two about programming on this.

    • Just look at anything WarGaming says… First they blame the user or deny the issue completely then finally admit there is a problem. Look at the repeating map issue…

  14. I’m seriously thinking about the experience Storm has, as a programmer… The guy is turning into a “young SerB”, who’s not more worthy than a barking dog…

  15. My wot client has had a memory leak since patch 9.4. I have to use task manager to get it to close sometimes. Even then it doesn’t work. I hope they fix it soon.

    • Yea, I smell another Havok case

      “Physics inc Q3 2015″
      “Physics inc Q4 2015″
      “Physics inc Q2 2016″
      “Physics were scrapped and put to rework because we are a bunch of incompetent devs”

  16. “- starting from 9.6, the rule that open topped vehicles have longer viewrange is no longer valid”

    …because fuck you, that’s why!

  17. “- maps are always balanced so both bases have about the same winrate (no base has advantage over the other)”

    Oh rly ? Then how it comes that they still manage to make totally imba maps that either need to be reworked or they are simply deleted from the game after some period…

    • Ofc its a bug.

      Srly ppl why you all let your self talk into “its a pc problem” …
      the problems never had shown up on any pc till patch-day and all of a sudden:
      “all PCs are crap” … makes sense ^^

      They just have to fix that issue and “your pc is fine again”.

    • Storm is right, 100%. Since they introduced a (new) memory leak with the last patch, you sooner or later run out of available RAM. If you had installed more RAM, you’d run out of it later than now, so it’s of course your fault!!!11

    • They dont need to play 1 minute to see such stuff… they watch statistics.
      (or throw a coin or so)^^

      but aside of that… maps like Prokhorovka (what a name. i dont care if its typed wrong) …
      even if its 50-50 winrate… its still no fun to play, since there is just to static gameplay, something statistics not really can reflect… good they have “plans” for some change… :(

      • Fiery and prokhofucka are joke ass camper maps, all about view range and tank gun accuracy. It is static as fuck and i wish them to be removed or heavily balanced so you can actually move without getting sniped.

  18. (SS: as in “you wouldn’t even notice”)

    True… in fact i found it even better. Since i played first time in … 3~4 month or so… i had a good comparison. “Some distance” to notice.

    I find it better when the spread is equal everywhere – than “bulls-eye in the first shot and than totally of in the next one”… so you get a better feel for the gun… a more “natural” behavior than those “random spikes”.

    Little smoother and well … good thing i say – especially since aiming (some brain) gets rewarded.

    • lately I can use the AT15 and the T28 armor to some extent, while enjoying the enemy struggling to aim my weak spots. :)

      • Yes, but those tanks will get rebalanced soon due to “standing out on its tiers” in terms of camo rating and armor. AK15 is OP as fuck and noob friendly due to the accuracy, aim time and rof. T28 is also OP due to rof and pen.

        I hope all TDs should dissapear just like arty, pls WG let it happen!!11

        • misterspex i like you

          T34 too good
          AT-15 OP as fuck
          T28 OP
          Prokhorovkas are TD/Clicker maps

          so you get outplayed by superslow TDs everytime?
          ur A1 camp with IS-6 on prokhorovka just wont work yet you try again over and over?
          oh yeah jesus T34 so good by far bestest Prem-Heavy cuz fuck you FCM thats why…

          Are you a rommel-potato? you know the guy who dies first/camps A1 and then pings the map for 5mins and tells unicums what to do?

          still not sure tho if troll or that kind of special

          • Sorry I dont even own is6, I own a tiger II which I love and also play pretty effecive unless there are OP shit tanks abusing their OP stats to make all other tanks on their tier useless.

  19. “- platoon finder tool development will start soon (SS: as in, an automated tool that will allow you to look for platoon members)”

    While this will help with the “personal” missions requiring a platoon, it is in itself a double-edged sword if you look at how World of Warcraft has been changed community wise by introduction of the Dungeon Finder or worse, the Raid Finder.

    I’d much more prefer the Host-/Join-List like implementation Guild Wars 2 did.

  20. - starting from 9.6, the rule that open topped vehicles have longer viewrange is no longer valid

    Because the crew in my Hellcat are all blindfolded and looking at the floor

    • I know, it’s a bullshit change. This and other changes to both tanks and maps just make every tank and every map feel almost the same. It feels like tanks and maps are losing a lot of their unique character and flavour that makes them interesting to play.

      All because WG are trying to protect the sub-45% winrate fuckwits whose playstyle isn’t just ineffective, but harmful to their own team’s performance. I’m not sure how it is on EU or RU, but on NA most of those people aren’t sucking for legitimate, excusable reasons like physical/mental handicaps or being very young/old, but because they just get drunk and high and fuck around, thinking putting a single 300 damage shot into something from their T-150 before dying is having a good game…

      …or thinking 268 penetration on a tier 9 medium gun is bad because they keep shooting the single strongest piece of armour on every enemy tank they see.

      As a result of that kind of ineptitude from the majority of the playerbase, you see WG devs justifying viewrange nerfs for TDs because “they’re too good on defense”. TDs are mostly a defensive tool, they better fucking be good on defense.

      There’s also the recent witch-hunt against high penetration shells. Yes, it sucks when that T-54 loads the skill rounds and spams it through your perfectly angled armour. The problem isn’t the penetration, it’s WG’s complete lack of imagination when it comes to solving balance issues.

      The way people talk you’d think realism and gameplay were polar opposites and gains in one meant losses in the other. With creative thinking you can use realism to enhance gameplay while keeping the uniqueness and flavour/feel of tanks. For kinetic rounds, transition from calibre = damage to kinetic energy = damage. All of the sudden that high-pen APCR you’re being hit with does less damage per shot and you have a better chance to weather the storm and move to a better position.

      tl;dr WG devs are unimaginative and incompetent.

    • Now, for the cost of being weak to HE lobbed through the non-existent roof and an inability to equip vents, we get ….

      What do we get, anyways?

    • They did look out the open top, but having an open top does not magically enhance your crew’s eyesight. If anything, the entire turret should be considered a viewport for spotting purposes on open-topped vehicles, if it isn’t already. Normally the ‘line of sight’ of your tank is determined by if you can draw a straight line to a target from any of your viewports/cupolas.

      Plus, open-top vehicles do still generally get better soft stats due to the ‘improved ventillation’.

  21. The amount of ppl who have no knowledge whatsoever about how statistic works in the comment section is fascinating.

    I guess I should stop reading the comments and stick only to the article…

  22. Ok so now I should sell my open top tanks and buy only light tanks.
    Then sit in the bushes and snipe seeing as that I will not be able to hit anything on the move.

    They are making this game worst and worst.

  23. Tell me about the 1%!!!!!

    Played Prokhorovka, TD, shooting on the LT scouting.
    5 out of 20 shots hit the target. 15 shots, 75%, missed stationary targets at full aim.

    • Funny, me and my friend played yesteday me in tiger II and him in is3 and we rarely missed even though we sniped at 300-450 meters. Stop beeing scrib.