Okay, here’s a MUST see for history fans: Listy found in archives (amongst other things) accounts about Japanese tanks. Go check it out!
Russian server and EU server have this weekend a special offer – conversion of free XP to crew XP (yes, for free, you already paid for the free XP once – 1 free XP = 5 crew XP). For EU, you can read about it here.
Storm also reports that the physics test is going “really well”. There is an effect in the test that they call “gear shifting” (basically, the tanks slows down as if you were shifting gears), this is actually a bug and will be fixed (maybe even in the current test). Another bug is the strong drop of mobility in some vehicles (T-62A, AMX-50/100 and others), will be also fixed.
- according to Storm, 9.7 HD Superpershing is not getting nerfed, it will definitely not be possible to sell it for gold
- there are no plans to remove unhistorical M62 gun from IS-4
- for now it was not decided yet whether the fact that VK4502B will only have one loader while the Mauschen will have two will be compensated somehow (SS: for example by a “free” multi-skill loader)
- for now, there are no plans to introduce the Panther with GT turbine into the game, Storm is trying to prune the plans of “such nonsense”
- the first round of physics test will take three days
- motion physics do not depend on reworking all vehicles to HD
- Storm doesn’t know whether HD Superpershing will “lean” on its frontal wheels to simulate the frontal part being overstressed by additional armor
- in new motion physics, the ground resistance parameter will no longer be used. Instead, they will introduce a “traction” (ground contact) modifier with various grounds having different passability. Basically, the current tank terrain passability will remain at the same level.
- developers will not introduce damage from crashing into environmental objects
- the current test represents “realistic” physics variant. There was a simplified physics variant prepared as well (second server), but it turned out to be bugged
- even in new motion physics, there will be several points deciding the movement on the tank (SS: under roadwheels), the entire track surface will not become a contact area
- all the physics developers, in order to prepare for new physics, were given (paid by WG) an actual T-72 to drive, so they do it well
- it’s possible that STB-1 will have its hydraulic suspension implemented at one point
- multiple physics (dynamics) variants will be tested
- shell “mass” (effect of shells on tank trajectory) will not be implemented
- the independent suspension is tied neither to mobility physics, nor to Havok, it’s basically a render thing, it doesn’t work on “old” render
- it’s not clear yet, whether the improved terrain passability from physics test (the ability to get the tanks to strange places) will come to live server
WG worse than Joffrey, confirmed.
Out-of-context Joffrey is quite nice, while WG isnt even in that…
But WG isnt dead, I hope that the AW is gonna be at least kick in the dick for them.
hahahah :D
cant help but feel wg is corrupted with power. Soon as AW popped up wg has been stepping up its intresting.
Another bug is the strong drop of mobility in some vehicles (T-62A, AMX-50/100 and others), will be also fixed.
Very glad to see that, was really worried they were leaving the 62a that slow.
I expected as much. They’re gonna return all the tanks to their old mobilities over the next few months, I think. This is purely a test of the system itself.
- all the physics developers, in order to prepare for new physics, were given (paid by WG) an actual T-72 to drive, so they do it well
They gave the developers T72s? :)
In soviet russia, you can buy tanks when you want :D
So? You can buy T-72 too where i live. Or BMP, T-55 or any other military vehicle. They just weld your gun breech shut and off you go, as long as you have someone to transport you on trailer, as tracked vehicles are not considered roadworthy here.
Where do you live? I’m sick of my country anyway :D
No, they’ve just let them drive those tanks across the Ukrainian border. ;p
In which case they come with complimentary rounds and supplies.
and a bit further :D Military parade, axaxaxaxax))))))
“- for now it was not decided yet whether the fact that VK4502B will only have one loader while the Mauschen will have two will be compensated somehow (SS: for example by a “free” multi-skill loader)”
This is important to know. How many “free skills” will WG give to the players for the second loader? Some have two skills, others have four skills with their 45.02B crew. I doubt that they will check the skills of each and every player’s crew members in their VK 45.02B.
I think we will get a free 100% loader without any skills, just like the MT-25 switch at 0.8.7:
I would only expect an extra 100% primary loader, without any secondary skills; that would be fair imo and in-line with previous changes like you say.
The best thing I could imagine would be a 100% loader with 100% first skill to compensate at least the BIA feature…
we can already change the roles of crew members. so if anyone wants to have a multi-skill loader to match the rest of the crew, they can just take one from other crew – WG won’t give them any.
what about the ones that already played through? if everyone gets a free %100 loader i want one too i played with 4502B long before lower plate buff
“- all the physics developers, in order to prepare for new physics, were given (paid by WG) an actual T-72 to drive, so they do it well”
Pretty good idea,me thinks.Its far better to have them recreate their own experience than having them develop it based on theory.
“- it’s possible that STB-1 will have its hydraulic suspension implemented at one point”
Would be pretty awesome.
“- shell “mass” (effect of shells on tank trajectory) will not be implemented”
I could imagine quite a few funny situations that this would cause if it was implemented…Imagine a KV-2 derping a ELC…
The STB 1 had around 12 degrees with the hydraulic suspension, right? I do wonder how that would work though…
there are many videos of Type 74(the nerfed *cough cough* production model of STB-1) working its suspension on youtube if you are interested.
Imagine a KV-2 derping a ELC…
And capsizing due to the recoil if the gun isn’t aligned to the hull front…
- for now, there are no plans to introduce the Panther with GT turbine into the game, Storm is trying to prune the plans of “such nonsense”
At first I was like *deskflip.jpg* since the GT-101 Panther has more historical substance than quite a few “fakes” in the game – but then I re-read it and the “For now” gives it a chance of showing up … eventually.
Even if it was part of the alternate hull features for the Panther (unlock hull then have access to unlock GT-101) that’d be fine. Not only would that make the Panther unique and interesting, but it would allow for the possibility of the Porsche Suspension equipped JagdTiger as an alternate hull which could unlock the GT-101 test bed which also has historical significance.
It would have a GT-102 or 103 tbh. And never a GT-101.
- even in new motion physics, there will be several points deciding the movement on the tank (SS: under roadwheels), the entire track surface will not become a contact area
Anyone know if they will at least add more contact points? Tired of getting stuck with long tanks (KV4/5) in river beds and other tight spots. Doesn’t happen often, but it’s still not fixed.
Honestly… for KV-4 and KV-5 .. it’ll more than likely get more contact points *when* they HD model them so the suspension will droop and “Catch” the ground below it.
BTW… thrown any fruity-prince’s lovers out of castle-tower windows lately? (love your Avatar!)
“Who is this person who talks to me as though I needed his advice?”. Yeah, he was a wonderful actor.
AFAIK in Storm’s commentary about the physics test, there was mention of increased number of contact points for tracks, which should be why tanks won’t be slowed down by small obstacles.
Last I heard, the contact point number was something like 5 per side maximum. No idea how they handle tanks with more than 5 roadwheels to a side though, probably have one or two “sharing” a contact point…
But then, this was a LONG time ago, thinking about it. No idea what they’re doing now, but it sounds similar.
“- there are no plans to remove unhistorical M62 gun from IS-4″
This makes me wonder, is there a more historically accurate gun that the IS 4 mounted that isn’t totally outclassed? Otherwise I have no idea why people would want to remove the M62.
Because if they removed the gun, it would allow them to drop it back down to tier 9.
Then… Object-279 can finally make a tier 10 appearance! :3
Isn’t the historical gun for the IS-4 the D-25T? If so that would be really problematic for a tier 9 unless Wargaming did some serious ammunition tweaking. Even the IS-5 with its current 221mm of pen would be weak for a tier 9 heavy.
just one question – everyone keeps saying “IS-5 this, IS-5 that”, as if it was already in the game. does anyone know when it will appear?
Next patch if guys from ballance department are thinking everything is ok with him
ST-II, actually
shell “mass” (effect of shells on tank trajectory) will not be implemented
but….but….shooting MS-1 with a 155mm…….flippy flippy. :’(
“- even in new motion physics, there will be several points deciding the movement on the tank (SS: under roadwheels), the entire track surface will not become a contact area”
Dashed are my hopes of climbing up small, flat-sided objects (e.g. the sides of train platforms).
“- it’s not clear yet, whether the improved terrain passability from physics test (the ability to get the tanks to strange places) will come to live server”
Considering that no longer being arbitrarily limited in where you an go is one of the major selling points of the new physics…yea, it’s not coming to live, is it :<
For some reason, when I launch the physics test, A white window opens and then it just closes. I have no mods, what could be wrong??
Delete all the files from the world_of_tanks_CT folder if you used a previous CT, re-install :) I believe it’s because they are testing it on 9.2
THANK YOU!!!! :) It works!!
Did you guys see the video w panzer 4 taking a jump from a hill and landing at the bottom without damage and keep driving? Too Low gravity or what the f…?
We’ve seen a PZ4 jumping and taking damage.
If the customer service is crap it has nothing to do from which nation they are or in which country they operate.
The people in charge simply chose people by wrong parameters or the people neede’d for that job weren’t attracted by the offers. Or – as we (might) have learned in another FTR post – The policy of operations set by the company in general is a failure.
ups this comment belonged to another article.
I love the curent test server physics as they are. I like them to bee more realistic. Makes you feel like your actually driving something heavier.
This new inertia and movement and clutch and everything about this new movement is awesome.
PS. This current physics are pretty simplified imo.
“- for now it was not decided yet whether the fact that VK4502B will only have one loader while the Mauschen will have two will be compensated somehow (SS: for example by a “free” multi-skill loader)”
News flash, Maus has 2 loaders, they’re gunna need to train one up anyways, let em suffer.
Wish they gave me a 3 perk loader for my maus :\ the “new guy” still hasn’t caught up lol
SS NA Server has that same free exp to crew exp thing going on too.
- shell “mass” (effect of shells on tank trajectory) will not be implemented
Is this referring to the tank that is firing the shell, ie, recoil forces, or the tank being hit by the shell? If the latter, that sucks, because that means that there’s always that chance for another ELC to bounce a 155mm HE round and keep rolling unscathed.
ELC will never bounce 155mm
HE and HEAT don’t overmatch IIRC
HE explodes upon contact, no matter angle. Not sure about HEAT.
Same thing with HEAT (that`s why they are HE anti-tank).
ELC will never bounce 155mm AP shell? Shall I dig hard and find a replay where it bounced 183 mm/310 pen? Even Waffentrager’s superstructured bounced this shell. Overmatch is nice, but it doesn’t always work. According to my observations, it has problems when you hit dimensionally complex structure. Better works if you hit plain surface.