Thursday Musings

Yes indeed. It’s been a year since For the Record closed its gates and I started to work as a content manager on Armored Warfare. More than a year actually. I had this really long post drafted for a month about how things changed and WoT changed and I changed and how Rita’s doing on her blog. I kept opening it day after day, adding, editing stuff, wondering what to say. Today, I just deleted it all.

Because nothing changed. WoT’s the same old game I left a year ago plus new sounds, physics and the Czechoslovak tank branch I helped implement (Yeah I know, I talked enough about those for a lifetime, damn that was fun!). Rita’s doing an okay job blogging considering she doesn’t speak Russian, but she has help for that, which was one of the main reasons I prolonged my contract with AW for another year. Was considering returning to FTR and doing something else for living but hell, some aspects of my job are a lot of fun.

Obviously, I can’t and won’t talk about Armored Warfare here. That’s the deal with Edrard and even if I could, I wouldn’t want to. I think everyone can see the state of things for themselves.


There were some recent changes in my life that allow me to spend more time with other things thank just work, so I’m gonna start writing again for Rita maybe (historical pieces, probably about Czechoslovak and Soviet vehicles and other stuff that interests me and yes, before you ask, there’s nothing preventing me running a blog or writing about things not related to my job) or – if she refuses – I’ll start publishing stuff here.

I’ll probably finish writing my book as well, that’s my personal goal for this year.

So that’s it. See you on the battlef… uck this, see you when I see you.


19 thoughts on “Thursday Musings

  1. SS for president!
    Whenever you post something, be it article, historical piece, book, diary page, comment or grocery list, please also put it here, I’ll read the shit out of it. I don’t follow Rita and I would really love reading your stuff.
    Stay healthy and good luck!

  2. Well, anything you write here I read. Miss your blog, please write something here from time to time. It’s never the same after you stopped blogging.

  3. “if she refuses” …. that would be a dick move from her since you helped her a lot …. a lot lot lot lot lot …..

  4. “Obviously, I can’t and won’t talk about Armored Warfare here. … I think everyone can see the state of things for themselves.”

    Obviously SS can not say anything, but to the other posters… AW is doing fine, right? I mean it looks like a good if a tad different game.