19.4.2014 – Part 2

- Panzer IV was changed in 9.0 in order to be historical, it’s “fully playable”
- Storm confirms that the alleged depression nerf for Panzer IV Ausf.G in 9.0 applies only when the gun aims to the sides in order not to clip with the Schurzen model
- there will be no infantry with AT rifles in the “Fortification” mode
- SU-152 HEAT shells in Kursk historical battle are actually unhistorical, they were developed after the war. They are there for balance reasons.
- Storm states that the results of the Confrontation mode were “as expected”
- Storm confirms: Confrontation will return after its balance is fixed
- Q: “Will there be an infantry game from Wargaming?” A: “That you have to ask our superiors and not tank developers. We make tanks.”
- the variant of having ST-I on tier 10 and IS-4 on tier 9 was not considered, as the info on IS-4 was acquired a lot earlier (several years) than the info on ST-I
- historical battles’ settings (like tanks, ammo configurations) can be changed “on the go” and don’t need special patches to do so
- Storm on alleged Tiger participation in Ardennes: “It’s a lie and provocation. There were several Tigers, but they didn’t participate in fighting”
- Storm states that this picture has the same Tiger on it, the difference is the lighting quality


- the “silver Chi-Nu Kai” bug is caused by mods (SS: specifically, the white corpse mod)
- Q: “How will you solve the issue with battles loading too long” A: “We won’t for now”
- Storm states that the new 9.0 notification window is a correct feature, people only have to get used to it

Overlord on Historical Battles:

“On HB. The mode hasn’t been in development for 3 years. I’d say 6 months top. The main incentive for any mode should be fun it brings, not some credit/exp bonus you can get there. Personally, I wouldn’t expect that any tanks apart from real historical ones could participate in it. I think the mode is ok for the first iteration and has some potential for further improvement. Definitely, it’s always better to do exceptional things from the first try, however it doesn’t always work out.”

145 thoughts on “19.4.2014 – Part 2

  1. “- SU-152 HEAT shells in Kursk historical battle are actually unhistorical, they were developed after the war. They are there for balance reasons.”
    Then don’t call it “historical” battles ffs.

      • It is part of the engine of the game, they don’t have to change that. But damn, they claim that they are giving tanks historical loadouts.. Oh, wait, they used to. But still on the test server they increased amount of AP shells to unhistorical amounts.. Then why bother with historical modules? For sake of balance, screw it! Give KV-1S its 122mm back, it is too weak in HB!

        WG is basically trying to copy Gaijin and they are failing miserably.

        • lol, spread the KV-1s spam to Historical Battles, good idea. While you’re at it, give the ISU-152 the BL-10, the Tiger the L/71, Ferdinand the 12.8cm etc. OP-1s must be counterbalanced some how.

          • Oh god another retard calling the KV-1S OP when it is not. Stop believing lies.

            • Except that this has been proven with statistics, something that even this site has covered and hence the nerf that it will most likely receive in the future.

              Honestly man, if you are going to defend your god, make sure you bring the faith.

                • Giving the KV-1s the 122mm gun would make people spam it like crazy in HB. Nobody wants more KV-1s spam, we get enough of it. They should give it a more competent 85mm, however.

            • The only retard here is you. That is why you play and support it.

              My buddy just went baddie mode for 5 games in it, firing right away and such. He came out with two top guns and three 4 kill games. Quit being a shit player and start using proper tanks.

              • LMAO! A shit player calling people that are better than them shit. LOL! The irony is strong. The ARL-44 is a superior tank than the KV-1S. 1 on 1 the ARL-44 will always be the victor unless the ARL-44 is ran by a bot.

                • 390 dmg, 175 pen vs 300 dmg 165 pen OR 240 dmg 212 pen.
                  Hell yeah, KV-1S is UP and ARL-44 is OP. I mean WTH.

                  Not to mention ARL-44′s fragile, HUGE turret and HUGE track. Fight against ARL-44? Shoot turret first, destroy gun, and there you go. Or, you can just kill its track then flank it.

                • You are right, the ARL 44 is superior…in being the better balanced tank, and one of my favorites in the game. Keep being a hypocrite, please.

                • Don’t forget that it takes a year to get the hull around, and the stock grind with the barn is just lovely. And don’t even mention when it gets hit by arty…

                  And you’re calling me a shit player xD
                  Even if you’re remotely good, it’s probably due to padding in your favorite tanks like the Hellcat, OP-1s, the Waffentraeger’s, the T57 Heavy etc. Because those are balanced tanks, and make you a good player.

              • Sorry buddy, but I rarely play the Hellcat and the KV-1S. I play the Jackson more than the Hellcat and the KV-2 over the KV-1S. KV-1S is just a KV-1 with less armor and a bigger gun. Hell, the KV-2 has more armor than the KV-1S. Sorry you suck at the game.

                • “KV-1S is just a KV-1 with less armor and a bigger gun.”
                  “Hell, the KV-2 has more armor than the KV-1S.”

                  HA HA

                  You just don’t know how to play KV-1S. Sorry to hear you suck at the game.

                • Coming from the person who says the KV-2 has more armor than the KV-1s, I doubt that you’re competent.

                  The KV-1s is twice as mobile as the KV-1, and it has a gun depression advantage, plus it just so happens to be one of the most overperforming tanks in the game. That’s no big deal though, right?

              • @Fischer I am sorry you suck at the game. I recommend uninstalling it if you have to insult people vastly superior than you. :)

                If the KV-1S is so overpowered, why can a Matilda and ARL-44 chew through them like paper?

                • Because the Matilda has a very good gun, and the ARL 44 gets a 90mm DCA 45 with terrible soft stats.

                  ” I recommend uninstalling it if you have to insult people vastly superior than you. :)”

                  Please do us all a favor and follow your own advice then :)

                • There are people like you who are so incompetent to drive heavy tanks like KV-1S. Usually they get sniped by meds or tds in long-range battle, do 0 dmgs then die. Not so hard to find such players on the game. Next.

                • Right? He can claim that the ARL 44 is better than the OP-1s because he doesn’t know how to aim for the massive turret weakspot, and from what I’ve read, he can’t properly drive one of the best performing tanks in the game(And for his sake, yes, it is the OP-1s, hopefully this helps his reading comprehension). You have to be pretty incompetent to accomplish such a feat :D

                • Indeed, TankaTed. Some people just don’t know how to play heavies properly, die within minutes, then they get raged and blame the tanks they drive cause they simply have no idea why they get killed at all.

                • And these players, unfortunately, call everyone else retards and deem themselves of a superior intellect. It’s quite sad, really..

                • @Fischer and TankaTed.
                  LMAO! You two scrub trolls are hilarious.
                  “There are people like you who are so incompetent to drive heavy tanks like KV-1S.” So people who deal 1000+ damage minimum passed T4 and always work with the team are incompetent? LOL! Thank you for admitting you are shite at the game.
                  Also, I know how to drive a KV-1S, I just prefer sniping (ARL-44) and dealing more damage than most KV-1S drivers, then laughing at you scrubs who call the KV-1S OP.
                  Also, I know that the KV-1S’s turret is a huge fucking weak spot, it’s kind of obvious. Can pen the front with tier 4 tank guns afterall. XD The ARL-44 has a bit more armor, but can also be penned by most tier 5 tanks.
                  “Indeed, TankaTed. Some people just don’t know how to play heavies properly, die within minutes, then they get raged and blame the tanks they drive cause they simply have no idea why they get killed at all.”
                  Like you two? Glad I know how to drive heavy tanks more than you filthy scrubs. :)

                • When you said “KV-1S is just a KV-1 with less armor and a bigger gun”, you just showed that you don’t know what you’re talking about. KV-1S is a fundamentally different creature from KV-1 or KV-2 and cannot be compared as they have completely different roles. You just proved that you don’t know what KV-1S is. Hence you don’t know how to drive it.

                • Oh and, since you provided no proof to support your claim that you’re better than other KV-1S drivers, i’m ignoring that “dealing more damage than most KV-1S drivers” drivel. Hit KV-1S’s turret and dmg 300, and you’ll get 400+. In case of platooned KV-1S, 800+ or even 1200+. Your ‘overpowered’ ARL-44 got like 820 hit points so good luck.

                • @Fischer.
                  I want to assume you were talking to Ted, but you quoted me. So that means you lied about me. Rather pathetic.
                  Sorry to burst your bubble, but I have known what a KV-1S before this game was even out. And I know how to drive one in game, too.
                  Also, your hypothetical situations just make you more invalid.

                • @Random Sniper
                  Pardon me but, who are you? I didn’t quoted you. Maybe I missed something.

                • Now this butthurt loser is using different account names. I guess we really rustled his jimmies.

                  He’s also having a hard time comprehending the ARL 44′s turret, which happens to be far weaker than the KV-1s’. 30mm sides, flat 110mm plate, 75mm gun mantle, it’s exceptionally hard to get through, I bet.

        • Yeah, mainly because Gaijin isn’t doing so hot to start with. They are basically trying to make a “Anti-WoT” and all it will do is force them into a corner where they won’t be able to improve the game or add content.

          • ummm no. They have a plane game without hitpoints even in easiest(arcade mode), of course they will make tanks without hp and wot stuff. Repairing on field can take long time in realistic battles. IMHO it is refreshing compared to wot. Also it’s not finished yet, so we can’t really compare the two.

            • You mean hit points you can see. Just because there’s not a visible health bar doesn’t mean it’s not there. It is not a dynamic systems and structures vs ballistics simulation. It’s just not a pure hit point sink. But they are there – don’t kid yourself otherwise.

        • You are retarded. WG is not copying Gaijin. In-fact, the historical feature was in development since before Gaijin put their game into open beta.
          As for Nya-chan, are you retarded, too?

          • ^^you are an idiot paratrooper. did you not read the article? they just stated they only put 6 months into HB

            • And even with that claim from someone who is not on the development team, that is still before and GF footage was shown.

            • It says they only worked on it for six months. It doesn’t say they only thought of the idea six months ago… It was planned since long ago. Maybe you should read more carefully before calling someone an idiot.

              • Another Wargaming apologist. They had tons if ideas – NONE of which would see daylight if not War Thunder. There would be no HD tanks, no multi-core support, no Historical Battles, no new shaders, no new physics, no improvements to the driving model, etc. etc. if not the competition. Get over yourself and stop being so naïve to think that Wargaming does everything on their own and competition got nothing to deal with it.

                • Oh look, another WT fanboy. You make us WT players look bad. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there would still be multi-core support, historical battles, HD tanks, new shaders, physics engine, etc. And WT is not competition until it gets into open beta.

          • @Paratrooper1n0 Keep calling people retards, but look at yourself first, dumbass.

  2. “shells in Kursk historical battle are actually unhistorical”

    then what’s the point of making them … you know. Historical?
    “balance reasons.” Sure. Because there are no other options how to balance the historical accuracy of the battles. Play around with MM weight, hardcap some of the big tanks, get low tier tanks their respawns up, make historical battles limited by time (huge bulk of enemy tanks approaching, your army had to deal with the “forward scouts” asap). I don’t know. You are the developers, come up with something. Preferably not something fantasy, it’s enough that a good third of the game consists of fantasy tanks and module loadouts.

    Also, am I the only one who’s T29 (and T32) looks like it’s made of brownish plastic instead of metal?

    • I havent played single HB yet… everytime 10 minutes in queue then I give up. I dont play russians, have only german tanks.. and its always like 6 soviets 75 germans in queue… stupid game..

      regarding plastic… most of the tanks look like they are made of rubber. like toys. its the stupid light.. it was awesome in 8.11.. looks horrible now imho.

  3. >SU-152 HEAT shells in Kursk historical battle are actually unhistorical, they were developed after the war. They are there for balance reasons.

    but PzIII won’t get more APCR to be competitive, huh?

    • There exists detailed, down to the shell, inventory’s of the number of APCR and other rounds for each of the calibers. Such numbers were compiled monthly into reports and send back to Berlin were they were further compiled to a much larger report. % of available shells usually works out to about 2-8% of the total shell stock depending upon the caliber and the date in question.

    • Insulting Captian for no reason, wow. Also, 3 rounds of HEAT, I never used it on the test server, and I won’t use it on the live server, it’s pointless.

  4. “- there will be no infantry with AT rifles in the “Fortification” mode”
    This game needs more random shit!

  5. What I would like for historical would be the loss of the red enemy outlines and map icons and the loss of bushes going “see-through” at close distance.

  6. History repeats:
    Pz.4 nerf = historical reasons
    SU152 OP HEAT shells = balancing reasons

    • Yup.

      Why they just throw the Historical reasons to the trash and just do balancing reasons?

      Since it’s a game and it needs balancing more than historical accuracy.

      • Because they need excuse to make russkie stronk tenks better somehow. They will always pull out of their arse either historical/balance reasons whenever it suits them. You see, if they ditch the historical reasons there wouldn’t be strong enough argument on why they nerfed PzIV to shit several times already eventhough it’s one of the worst T5 tanks and used to be quite fun and balanced tank.

        • Pz4 wasn’t nerfed as far as I know, more like buffed.
          And it’s no where near one of the worst T5 tanks, especially when it’s on par to the M4 Sherman.

          • Pz4 wasn’t nerfed as far as I know, more like buffed.

            The speed was nerfed, the gun depression to the sides was nerfed. All for a little bit of spaced armor on the sides, and for historical speed. But the KV-1s doesn’t get its historical -2 gun depression…But no big deal.

            • The speed of the tank is the same. The gun depression is the same. Being blocked by armor is not a nerf. That spaced armor also makes the effective side armor immensely thick.

              • Yes, against HEAT, which is quite welcome, but I wouldn’t say that it’s immensely thick, because it isn’t.

            • Typical German fanboy.
              Speed was nerfed, still higher then historical. Gun DEPRESSION TO THE FRONT was buffed, a MAJOR, GIGANTIC, TITANIC buff…

              KV-1S gun depression is -2 with 122mm gun.

              • KV-1s gun depression is -8 with 122mm gun.

                German fanboy? That’s a bold statement, care to stick with it?

                • I meant in real life.
                  In game it is -8 with 122mm. It should be -2 though.

                  You yourself got em confused :D :D

                  And No, I dont think you are a German fanboy :P …
                  But some people are.

                • Make up your mind, or at least try to be more clear.

                  You call me something that I’m not, that’s fine, it’s amusing enough to see you say that. I may have more Russian vehicles than any other faction on my account, but I think that the Waffentraegers are balanced and that the Ferdinand should go 65kph ;(

                  Edit: Okay ;) Internet sarcasm is hard to understand sometimes :D

                  And yes, there are plenty of wehraboos.

    • It’d be nice if WG would cut the crap and just tell us the actual reason: because they feel like it. I’d honestly prefer a slightly unhistorical and more balanced game, crazy idea I know.

      • No, it’s not that they “feel like it”. It’s that the Russian audience was unhappy to see Germans win the tank battles so they complained – and Wargaming had to do something about it.

        It’s really as simple as that. This game is directed mostly at the Russian audience – and they don’t give a shit about history, they only want to see their glorious red army ROTFLSTOMP everything.

  7. Change to Panzer 4 armour makes it very hard to play :(

    60mm + shells autopenetrate the frontal sloped plate. 152mm HE shells auto pen turret, sloped plate and deal FULL damage.

    :( :(.

      • Meanwhile in War Thunder Ground FOrces, I easily kill Tigers and KV-2s with my Panzer 4 F2. It is nice to see the downfall wot, developers takes the bunker mentality with historical/balance shit. Russians can programme, beloruse can’t.

  8. ‘SU-152 HEAT shells in Kursk historical battle are actually unhistorical, they were developed after the war. They are there for balance reasons.’

    No they are there to make the top Russian tank OP as usual. 700+ damage with one shot, 4 or 5 of them decimating the German team in minutes. Total joke. There were only a handful of SU-152s in the whole battle, none of them with gold ammo, yet here we have whole teams of them firing UFO ammo around the map just because they are Russian. Meanwhile the Germans get no Tigers in Ardennes because apparently the US Army is lying about fighting them, and photos of the time showing Tigers are also photoshoped and lies.

    All hail Soviet Russia, home of fairies and make-believe.

    • When I first heard of this game, I was very excited. When I heard it was made by russians, I know it would be bad. Not in the “these gfx suck” kind of way, but in the “russian tanks must never lose” way. And sure enough, this is what is happening. Thisw is why I play random battles only. because WG doesn’t know shit about reality, and only that russian tanks must be the best at everything all the time.

      All the 9.0 bugs only confirms that the programmers know jack shit about programming and error checking…

      • Pure whining and lack of gameplay knowledge. I would call you tabibu juha’s but i won’t.

        I did few historical battles in my US/USSR tanks and guess what. In my experience when kept together german tanks were dominating most of the games. That is the actual reason ive stopped playing historical battles because i think german tanks are just OP against US/USSR tanks. Without good quality organisation, which is more than rare in randoms with random tomatoes, you just cant do much against KT2 in your paper Hellcat. Not to mention mine clan mates and their experience which is similar to mine.

        So please do us all a favor and go play some other game because, judging from your comments, you really suck in this game.

        • Well so far I only had 1 Tiger II, and fillers of 4-6 Panzer IVs/StuGs vs 6-8 Jacksons/Hellcats plus fillers of 2-4 Shermans. The battle results were predictable, with the Americans often easily out DPMing the “supporting” Germans. And most of the time the Tiger II can’t compete vs about 5 circling enemies.

          In the Soviet/German battles a good German Team can stomp easily. If the team is clever enough to us it’s view range advantages and keeps. If not, the fights against virtual hordes of SU-152s aren’t much fun… But maybe that will change sooner or later.

        • “I did few historical battles in my US/USSR tanks and guess what. In my experience when kept together german tanks were dominating most of the games.”

          Well then. Simple solution: Give Russians more tanks. Just like it was in real life.

          Adding ahistorical OP ammo is a horrible idea.

      • Weird, cause all of the OP tanks are not Russian, Radium, so yeah, you are retarded.

  9. - Storm states that this picture has the same Tiger on it, the difference is the lighting quality

    Well, every Tiger in the game is the same Tiger…
    The lighting should be obvious….and the black background makes the first render kind of dubious since it could’ve been done anywhere.

    I don’t get why they said this, it seems obvious and completely random…
    - Storm states that the results of the Confrontation mode were “as expected”

    You mean , you expected it would fail or …. ?

    • They mean “imblanced”. My suspicion is that the mode was added to see which tech trees were overperforming at each tier, and in that respect it worked.

  10. - Q: “How will you solve the issue with battles loading too long” A: “We won’t for now”
    Answer of a genious. At least he is honest about it.

  11. “- Storm on alleged Tiger participation in Ardennes: “It’s a lie and provocation. There were several Tigers, but they didn’t participate in fighting””

    I smell bullshit

    • They don’t give a shit about the Ardennes, they don’t care who fought what there. I’m sure their will always be far more Russian battles (vs Germany, vs Japan) then all other nations combined.

  12. both pictures contain the same Tiger? Really? I could swear the one the right is a King Tiger…

    • Left one says ‘Healthy person’s Tiger’, right one ‘Smoker’s Tiger’. So, they’re different, i guess. Right one must be darker ‘cos of cancer and shit.

  13. You know what? It would be nice to have a WW2 tank game not made by Russians. Those who hope for Gaijin to save them…no. If you have line of sight, no matter how many bushes are between you and them (or a jungle on a map called Jungle) you can see and shoot them.

    More tactical? Is that why I lost a battle because some FPS 12-year old rushed four tanks, 2 capping, two waiting on a reverse slope defending the cap, drove over a ridge, took out two tanks even though we got the first shots in (got two well placed “damaging” hits in on him, he one shot me without aiming), killed the two capping and 5 minutes later was still sitting next to the cap even though both teams had pushed each other back and forth several times? You can shoot tanks 14 times and it will tell you that you “damaged” them, but after shooting a tank point blank range three times in what should have been critical hits it turns the turret around and puts one shot into you and “Tank Knocked Out”. Then he drives away. Or even better, firing a Tiger’s gun into the cab of a flak truck and it just saying “Hit”. Yeah, I know I hit, why is it still moving and firing! If there had been a driver in it he would have been torn in half! No, it turns around and starts blasting you. I put too more shots into it and it killed me. With a 37mm gun. At the front of a Tiger that put three shots into it. At point blank range. The muzzle blast should have knocked the crew out.

  14. Could it be that the SU-152 did have HEAT shells at Kursk, but the specific HEAT shells it has in game are different, more modern versions of those HEAT shells?

    I don’t think it’s fair to call out the SU-152 for having OP AUTOPEN HEAT!!!! that it didn’t have in real life when the Tiger also gets OP AUTOPEN APCR!!!! for the short 88. Why should the Tiger I get to pen at long distances while the SU-152 can’t pen at short distances unless it tries to play the HE roulette?

    • The HEAT isn’t as overpowered as everyone is saying, if I must say so myself. That shell is going to troll you by going into tracks and spaced armor more than you’d want.

      • That is mostly true, but your beloved tier 6 pad tank still needs to receive its historical -2 gun depression.

            • Yes you do fail at trolling, Ted. We know this. I have also known you have been trolling this whole time. You knew my favorite T6 was not the KV-1S yet you belittled the ARL-44, whether it was intentional or not is not relevant.

                • “Yes you do fail at trolling, Ted. We know this. I have also known you have been trolling this whole time.”

                  You sound like a certain someone now, perhaps you are the same scumbag? In that case, please go back to your hole and die, please.

                  “You knew my favorite T6 was not the KV-1S yet you belittled the ARL-44, whether it was intentional or not is not relevant.”

                  Calling something perfectly balanced is not belittling it, it’s using common sense backed by facts.

  15. When WG will satisfy the customer base of WoT, I will grow breasts. I swear, I will do it.

    But I know it’s impossible, because people of WG are complete retards (from the Moderator’s of all froums to that Victor “Boss of Idiots” Kislyi).

    • Didn’t know you had breasts. The only retard I see is you, who is lying out your ass.

    • another guy who doesn’t even know how hard it is to do so….comeback after you make your own online game and satisfy your customer

      • Just because he may not have written a game, doesn’t mean he cannot complain about shitty programming, or pleasing your customer base.
        I used to be a programmer, a mainframe one, so does that give me the right to complain when WG does really stupid stuff, like releasing untested patches into a liver server? Does this negate LaterTimeLord’s right to complain because he is not a programmer?
        We play the game, we give them money, our voices carry equal weight

        • Weird, cause Wargaming has done some of the best programing in the Industry on the PC platform. As for pleasing their customer base, the majority of the customer base (me included) are extremely happy.

          • Oh look, another WG fanboy. Your argument is automatically invalid.

            Weird, cause Wargaming has done some of the best programing in the Industry on the PC platform.

            You better quit being a hypocrite, because that statement makes you look like a retard.

            I love WoT, but I disagree with some of the decisions that WG makes. Doesn’t mean I hate them, but they could do a better job. But alas, I am not complaining about anything, other than Komarin maybe..And I long for your beloved OP-1s to be beaten down, the -2 gun depression would be enough imo.

            • And I do not play Warthunder, nor do I necessarily support it.

              As for pleasing their customer base, the majority of the customer base (me included) are extremely happy.

              You don’t have a right to speak for the entire customer base. I am overall satisfied enough with what WG has done with WoT, for the most part, but it’s not all rainbows and butterflies. But, no game can completely please everyone. WoT is no exception.

            • Oh look, a lying sack of shit thinking that the most unbiased person here stating facts is a fanboy. Your argument is automatically invalid.
              Stop being a hypocrite, moron.
              I personally have never been a fanboy since 2008 and never been a hypocrite.
              “And I do not play Warthunder, nor do I necessarily support it.” You are more of a WG fanboy than I am. LOL! Hypocrite.
              “You don’t have a right to speak for the entire customer base.”
              Actually, I do. Until I see more than 200,000 people complaining, I stated a fact about the majority.
              If the KV-1S is OP, so is the Jackson, M6 Heavy, VK 30.01 (P), ARL-44, Nashorn, Churchill Gun Carrier…

              • I think I just lost a couple braincells watching you rage, but it was totally worth it. Have fun rotting in your delusions.

                “I personally have never been a fanboy since 2008 and never been a hypocrite.”

                That’s very comedic to say, especially since you are a liar in that case.

                “And I do not play Warthunder, nor do I necessarily support it.” You are more of a WG fanboy than I am. LOL! Hypocrite.

                I could list issues that make me look down on WG, but I do like the game. You seem bitter, need more salt in your wounds?

                If the KV-1S is OP, so is the Jackson, M6 Heavy, VK 30.01 (P), ARL-44, Nashorn, Churchill Gun Carrier…

                You have no right to claim that the ARL-44 is more overpowered than the OP-1s, because you forget that the ARL 44 is one of the most well balanced tanks in the game. All of those tanks are far more balanced than your favorite pad tank, and the GC? Hah.

                • That’s funny, glad I was able to make an imbecile lose whatever braincells he started out with. I however have remained calm, no need to worry.
                  The last time I was a fanboy was in 2008 when I was riding MS’s dick about the Xbox 360. If I was a WG fanboy, I wouldn’t be playing Panzer Front (PS1 tank sim), War Thunder and soon to be Armored Warfare. All of which I do play (aside from Armored Warfare for obvious reasons).
                  As for the ARL-44. Able to penetrate every tank it goes up against with boss DPM is not OP? lol Okay. I bounce KV-1S shells in my T-150 often, cannot do the same against an ARL-44. I have killed many KV-1S’s with many tanks. Matilda, M4 Sherman, Pz4, Stug III G, etc. and have rarely died by them. The only people who call the KV-1S OP do not know how to go against them, are noobs, etc. I rarely play the KV-1S, myself, by the way.

                • Boss dpm? Back up your shitty statements with valid evidence, at least. The ARL 44 can either pen with the DCA 45, or have good dpm with the 105mm. Your pick, it’s either one or the other. If you’re having trouble dealing with both, then perhaps you should stop playing poorly and learn to counter ARL 44′s, or uninstall the game because you can’t face a balanced vehicle and play an overpowered vehicle.

                  My intellect is far higher than yours could ever be, your lame comebacks prove that, and your hilarious attempts to hide your stupidity and hypocrisy with invalid, and biased evidence further prove that. The OP-1s is OP, there is plenty of evidence to prove that, search up to your little heart’s desire, or hold on to your delusional and overall laughable beliefs. Your choice.

                • ” If you’re having trouble dealing with both, then perhaps you should stop playing poorly and learn to counter ARL 44′s, or uninstall the game because you can’t face a balanced vehicle and play an overpowered vehicle.” LMAO! Did you tell this to yourself? Because you just called the ARL-44 OP if you were talking to me.
                  So your intellect is higher than 140? I find that difficult to comprehend as you contradict yourself at every reply.
                  I have killed more people in KV-1S’s than the deaths I have had by them. THAT is a fact. And me playing with the ARL-44 will chew through KV-1S’s like they are paper.

                • You can’t play the OP-1s, and yet you can’t face ARL 44′s, a tank with an entire weakspot of a turret. xD

                  Please keep contradicting yourself and making up amusing lies on the spot, as it is blatantly obvious that you are trying to make your pointless statements as if though they make any sense, which they don’t.

                  I doubt that your IQ is 140, but that’s judging solely on the stupidity that you have spewed in this comment section, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.

                • Keep lying and copying me, puppet. Oh, and lying about me? LOL! Knew you would cave in. All noobs do. They like to lie about people superior than them.

                • Unfortunately for you, you have long since stooped to your own delusional attempts at trolling in a rather unwitty way of brazen reverse psychology, which is very entertaining btw.

                  And I guess that makes you the ultimate tomato, right? :D