
Oh noes, evil EU supertesters strike again! Today, Japanese lowtier premium/reward light tank Type 97 Te-Ke was added to supertest. More details (picture, characteristics) are currently not known.

- the bug, where in player statistics, damage blocked by your armor is divided by ALL battles and not just those from which it is collected will be fixed
- the same statistic for scouting however works correctly
- the reduction of 30 second battle timer to 10 is not planned
- one “spotting point” of the vehicle is the commander’s copula (top of the turret), while the other is at the point where the gun is attached to the turret. That means that a rear-turret tank, poking around the corner will not see anything around the corner, until its turret pokes out as well. This applies for all tanks in the game.
- all tanks will sooner or later be reworked to HD
- using common parts does remodelling to HD easier, for example Panther hull/suspension on Jagdpanther, Panther II etc., but it doesn’t mean that these “close” tanks will be remodelled together sooner

Yurko2F explains, how Brothers in Arms influences tank statistics:

“In the game, the skill level of crew is clearly displayed in percents. Take this number, deduct 100 from it, divide the result by 2 (to simplify the calculation) and the number you will get is the percentual increase, applied to base tank characteristics.”

- average damage per battle of the arty class is roughly equal to the average damage per battle of other classes (apart from TD’s)
- Yurko2F states that the theory that artillery needs more battles to reach high tiers, because it doesn’t get any XP from scouting and such is crap
- currently, developers are not considering removing the rule that both teams have to have roughly the same amount of arty

From Storm:

- apparently, the crashes were caused by the new tracks render, it cannot be fixed “at home” by changing settings, hence the hotfix
- the bug where the game “freezes” for a second during the destruction of tanks in the game is caused by the sounds of tank destruction not being cached when the map loads, so slow HDD’s cause the “freeze” while loading the sounds. This hotfix will not remove the issue completely, but it should significantly reduce it
- developers are working on a feature, where when there is a significant FPS drop in battle, the game will automatically send setting/PC configuration info to the developers and will also propose you to change settings to lower
- internal WG testing servers do not emulate the access of hundreds of thousands of players at the same time and its effect on the game
- Sherman will not get its 8.11 stats (derp ROF etc.) back – it was a mistake to nerf it in 9.0 (it was planned for 9.1), but it was planned nonetheless. In 9.1, stock turret will also get a ROF nerf.
- there will not be a setting, removing all the fancy lighting features from the game (HDR, bloom, flare etc.)

- Overlord confirms: HD models will be optional (SS: thanks god, half of current 9.0 shit comes from them…)
- Overlord also confirms that right now, the situation in HB where players can basically choose to be top tier by joining with the best tank is problematic
- Ectar confirms that the line for WoT is mid-to-late 60′s, no smoothbores
- no current plans to bring Type 59 back in shop
- “Multicore support is planned for later in the year.”
- FV4202 being replaced/turned into a premium? “Nothing that we’re ready to share atm”
- more French tanks are planned (SS: not in 2014, at least not regular ones – and no, I know of no premium ones either)
- EU players for supertest? “For now supertest access on World of Tanks is only available to players on the RU server”
- Ectar on latency: “From our side we’re doing all we can but there is also other things to consider. We’re not the only major game to experience issues.”
- more tank splits like the Panzer IV? Ectar: “More may happen as and when required” (SS: nothing planned right now, apart from the old KV-1S thingie)

Ectar on night battles:

“They were tested. Initial reports were something like “We can’t see anything!” It’s a cool idea but we have to make sure it’s playable. We’re looking at adding things like weather effects which should make matches more interesting and should help add to the immersion. I know the Xbox 360 guys are working on stuff too which looks really awesome. More info will be shared soon.”

92 thoughts on “23.4.2014

  1. They could buff the PzIVH instead of splitting it,that tank is unplayable.

    • Its a pretty good medium tank. If you find it unplayable, it is not the tank It is YOU.
      And they did buff the Panzer IV H.

      • Yeah reducing speed and depression is a great buff. 110pen is NOT enough against tier 7 tanks. (I play 80%of my battles against tier 7) and you cant even aim for weakspots because of the bad accuracy. The speed is also mediocre so you won’t circle around heavy tanks.
        Against tier 5 is nice but I don’t really play against tier 5…

        • well than why you keep trying to fight with 2 tier higher tanks ? For sure its not you alone vs 15 7 tiers. Look for 5 tiers, scout , detrack. don’t try to push against IS, And T29 but flank from different place is it too hard?. 110 is good to pen even front of kv-1, and 40 kph , is just right to circle it a little.

        • You do not play 80% against tier 7 by default, which means you play in a platoon, which means get a friggin tier 7.

        • The spaced armor on the PzIV H is a huge buff. Sorry you suck at playing tanks.

      • Depression was only nerfed to the sides where the shurzen would collide with the barrel. Front and rear depression remained the same.

    • Why would you play Pz IV H with any other gun than derp?
      If you want to play Tier5 mediums with pew-pew guns, then there are far more better tanks to go for (T-34, M7, Pz III/IV).
      Pz IV H and M4 Sherman are all about derp.

      • The answer is obvious for me. SEAtards are stupid, and usually i have to carry in t5 battles. usually it also puts me in that position where i need to shoot fast and move around because half the server are idiots/retards/13-yr-old-Thais(you gotta admit, they ARE annoying). the derp, although has the power, does not have the RoF to compete with SEA M4s and T-34s, which most often uses the rof guns 75mm M1A1 and the 57mm gun respectively. in SEA RoF seems to be more important than power. it also doesnt help that there are significantly more tomatoes, fodders, and specialists (!) than EU , part of them which are dumber than bots (!) and/or spam gold.

        ookay i better stop here before i create a Great Wall of Text.

  2. - Yurko2F states that the theory that artillery needs more battles to reach high tiers, because it doesn’t get any XP from scouting and such is crap

    How can it be crap when it was stated a bunch of times that it is true??

      • If you want scout exp in your onehand machine then go and scout faggots. See how it works.

      • I think the real issue is that arty will almost never get damage within 100m so you immediately lose out on a good chunk of XP. When I’m in TDs where I can sit at max range and snipe I get roughly the same XP for my damage as I do in an arty. However, in those TDs you can still do significant damage at close range too, so you have matches where your XP is much higher than compared to an arty with that damage.

        When I check matches played, if you only look at tanks that I played while non-elite, arty has more matches to finish their research. (It doesn’t help however that a number of my arty have gone on horrific losing streaks, often with me getting killed in the first few minutes by scouts or the complete collapse of the flank/team)

    • Yurko2F had better start grinding an arti branch instead of saying bullshit, I assume he is also the one who stated that the Churchill GC was fine and that the T57 did not need any nerf.
      Srsly, this is depressing.

    • - Yurko2F states that the theory that artillery needs more battles to reach high tiers, because it doesn’t get any XP from scouting and such is crap

      There are a few SPGs where this is the exception and you can earn a decent amount of XP. Bishop, FV 304, StPz II(you need 100% crew and luck)…

      But for the most part with say a GW Panther you need 1700-1800 damage to get XP equal about 1100 damage done by a normal medium/heavy/TD of the same tier.

  3. Cannot wait for KV-1S split, that thing ruins tier 6 almost as much as the T18, T57 Heavy and WT auf. E-100 ruins their tiers, even at tier 7 i shit my pants when I see a KV-1S.

    • So do I, but then I bring my balanced ARL 44 and Churchill MK 7 to battle and focus on the nubbies in their OP-1s which is perfectly balanced. Much fun times are had.

      • Arl44 with 105mm gun full of apcr, so much fun… Better pen then 1s, better shell speed then 1s, +400dpm over 1s. And two extra degrees of gun depression over 1s. Arl44 is beast on its tier…

        • except that a kv1s can kill u with 2 shots. in a peekaboo it makes arl useless. and i can kill an arl with a t3 due to its slow turret and 20-30mm armor

          • wrong, KV1S has 390 alfa, ARL has 820 HP, you will need to fire or ammo rack to two shot

              • If you want to take all possibilities into account, the ARL can with luck also always one-shot the KV-1S but it’s not likely. That’s not the point though, the point is what will happen most of the time and most of the time two KV-1S shots will amount to 780 damage. Hardly enough to kill an ARL

    • You shit your pants in tier 7 seeing a KV-1S? You must only be playing Chi Ri! In anything else, just angle your armour and see him bounce :3

      In my opinion the best tier 6 heavy tank atm is the ARL 44 using the 105mm. You have more than enough penetration for your tier, and the DPM is simply amazing.

    • Bloody hell, the KV-1S is an easy kill. The thing has got no armour worth mentioning and just about any hit to the sides are a guaranteed bonfire. If you shit your pants facing one whilst driving a T7, you really need to learn to goddamn play.

    • KV-1S is OP but I thik that SU-100 is more OP. You can shit our pants when you see KV-1S but you aint see SU-100 and it kill you anyway. SU-100 is moust OP tank in WOT I have jet meet ( I ain have so many batles abouy 7k) win rate 64% in 167 batle

    • I hear that all the time. Anybody knows what’s mainly responsible for that?
      I have “only” a 16Mbit cable connection plus a decent mid-range gaming PC and I have (a lot) more battles where I actually have to wait for the timer to start, then battles where the timer has started already (in the 25-28s range).

      • I usually have to wait 5-10s for the countdown just to start. PC is a midrange now 2.5 years old, but my connection is pretty stellar (150Mbit). I would love to drop the countdown to 10s, but I can understand others need it. I just wish it would start when the first person loaded in not when the 15th did (or what ever the actual # is). It does provide time to run to the kitchen and back tho.

        • I also get in as one of the first thanks to my SSD, but I’ve developed a habit of tabbing out while still in the matchmaking window and then get back in when the icon flashes red.
          You did know that the wot taskbar icon starts flashing red when there’s four seconds left on the countdown right?

  4. Te-Ke stats from wiki:
    -15 depression +20 elevation
    same gun as the type 95 ha-go’s 37mm (40 pen, 45 damage)
    4–16 mm armour
    2 person vrew
    Length 3.70 m
    Width 1.80 m
    Height 1.77 m
    Weight 4.7 t
    Speed is 42 km/h
    Range 250 km

      • It has this really weird driver’s position in the front left, where the depression is lower (like -8 or something). So yeah, amazing depression EXCEPT that driver’s hatch, which represents about 20° of the full turret rotation. You’ll only be able to use it on the right side :P

  5. - no current plans to bring Type 59 back in shop
    If i had a chance to ask devs one question i would ask this, just for the sake of being annoying troll.

    - “Multicore support is planned for later in the year.”
    Considering how big of a fail 9.0 is and how many shit it caused i would move multicore support to absolute No1 priority.

    • well…seeing the “success” of 9.0 multicore support might as well turn in to no-core support ;)

      • I would be happy to have a no-core supported game :)
        (everybody would equal in graphics :) )

    • That’s funny, because 9.0 is not a fail.
      I am sorry you have a PC from 2001.

  6. Ectar on night battles:

    “They were tested. Initial reports were something like “We can’t see anything!” It’s a cool idea but we have to make sure it’s playable. We’re looking at adding things like weather effects which should make matches more interesting and should help add to the immersion. I know the Xbox 360 guys are working on stuff too which looks really awesome. More info will be shared soon.”

    Hopefully night battles still make it to game..i mean they could put an extra slot for equiptment and add Searchlights/tank lights or a mini slot for only tank lights so it doesn’t un balance anything..Would be nice

    • The problem with night battles is that with lights off you don’t see anything. With lights on you see a short distance in front of you while everyone else sees you from hundreds of meters away. I’m not sure how that would be much fun.

    • I want them night battles just to roll around in german tanks with night vision <3

      They could also make the night battles simply dark, but with strong moon light – you would still see everything, just a bit different.

      • i already dont like the evening battles so im not up for night battles. if they will come, come as a separate mode like assault or encounter

    • …most tanks have hull-mounted headlights. These could be usable in nighttime battles, and make the map only for tiers 8-10 so they can have night vision sniper mode as well.

  7. …Hmm, I wonder if we’ll get old models if we don’t choose dowloading HD models…

    • That’s a good thing, it’s a piety though that tier IV French tanks are a pain in the ass to grind. Because of that, I stopped with the branch…

      • Finished the B1 in a night. I couldn’t stop laughing for most of it. I cannot understand the constant complaints against it. Sure you suck at T5, just go out and have fun, as soon as you get a T4 battle you can just roll over the red team.

        • Me, i will always love my amx 40. it’s an wonderful pleasure to sidescrape a kv-1s and make it lose 1000 credits each shot without be able to pen… mouahahah !!!

        • Agreed. I have like 75% WR over 80 battles with the B1-bis. Mind you it might be harder now that low tier TDs have crazy pen, but when the tank was just released, it was way OP. Almost no tier 4 could pen you. SU-76 and Marder II were pretty much the only threat when you were top tier.

          Too bad the AMX40 had a regular MM, otherwise it would have been even OPer than B1-bis. lol at insane slopped armor on tier4.

          That being said, moar french tanks please. They all look or feel insane.

    • The beautiful amx m4 49 was already in the 7.1 trailer. it is so old… where would we see they come ?

      by the way, SS, can i sent to you some articles about expending the french tech tree ? For put them on the blog I mean.

  8. “Ectar on night battles:……………………..”

    Let the PLAYERS test it. If the night battles are so bad as they think we will tell them. Confrontation mode wasn’t so bad, but we could give them feedback, and WG temporarily disabled it until they make it more fair. I had fun with it.

    • It’s gonna be like Historical battles.
      After: this sucks, why did they even implement it, we never wanted it…
      Players will whine no matter what you’ll give them.

  9. - currently, developers are not considering removing the rule that both teams have to have roughly the same amount of arty

    This is fucked. I’ve seen MM in battle tier 9 match (on himmelsdorf) give one team two tier 9 heavy tanks and other a tier 9 heavy and tier 9 arty. This cripples the team with the high tier arty.

  10. – Overlord confirms: HD models will be optional (SS: thanks god, half of current 9.0 shit comes from them…)

    My eyes already used with low quality setting…………So I’m happy

    • Try this game without 3D render. Need for Speed 1 style. (and i kinda like it ) :D

  11. wg please leave my fv120 allone.he is maybe fake but wg is full of fake.he is just unicorn tank.so awesome to play ewen he is up!

  12. - “Multicore support is planned for later in the year.”

    What the f….? They said it was for 9.0, and in settings the option is also present. There even was a text about this 1 week before 9.0 hitted the servers. Why don’t they just say they have no clue where to start?? Otherwise you would’ve put Multicore support on priority #1 if you see how shitty the game became and how many people asked for this fucking feature since the year 2011.

    • in fact what they made in 9.0 is not “multicore support”. It’s “partial transfer of CPU time from one core to other(s)”. Kinda differrent thing.
      Basicly they implemented a workaround instead of full support.

  13. I reaaly hope they’ll give answers on the fv4202 issue quick, it’s my first tier 10 tank, and I do believe you can make it work, it just lacks that unique selling point other tier 10s have.
    SS do you own one? Whats your opinion on the tank? I personally think it looks cool, and its mobility is good, it’s just that the armor and gun leave much to be desired.

  14. No words or dev reply on the camera/ turret getting stuck bug? This cripples the game pretty horribly too when your camera stops responding making it impossible to see or aim.

  15. - developers are working on a feature, where when there is a significant FPS drop in battle, the game will automatically send setting/PC configuration info to the developers and will also propose you to change settings to lower

    AAAAND HERE COMES THE WG SPYWARE. Communication with a remote server without user`s knowledge/consent, GREAT.

    • Except I can assure you it will be mentioned in the ELUA and everyone will press accept thus giving consent and most will CHOOSE not to know its there by not reading the ELUA

      Its just like WG removing tanks from your account that you put money into like T-50-2 you gave them full permission to do that by hitting accept. Now whether you know you gave them permission or not is your problem not WG’s fault for not telling you its your problem for not reading what they tell you.

  16. ,,- Overlord confirms: HD models will be optional (SS: thanks god, half of current 9.0 shit comes from them…)”

    I dare the say that not only being optional, but also not available for 32 bit operating systems (there will be some changes in web installer/laucher and one of the new texts is ,,You have a 32-bit operating system. To install the HD content required 64-bit operating system. To continue, select client standard quality.”)