- (SS: if I understand this correctly) it’s theoretically possible to detrack a vehicle by a HE shell, even if it hits the vehicle somewhere else. When the HE shell “damage sphere” forms (to determine which modules can be hit), the armor layer itself doesn’t limit it, so it’s possible for the tracks to be caught within it, even if the shell penetrated the armor somewhere else and exploded “inside” the vehicle
- the deciding factor in whether a mod is illegal or not is the question, whether it gives the player a clear ingame advantage. If it does, it’s most likely illegal
- the “112″ Chinese heavy premium tank will have HEAT shells for gold, it most likely won’t have limited MM (it will meet T10′s)
- the Waffentrager E-100 will be “with high probability” the tier 10 of the German second TD branch
- the characteristics of the premium T-44 have been roughly decided
- it’s possible to damage other tanks by splash, when a HE shell explodes on the target’s armor and doesn’t penetrate
- it’s possible to have this situation: the Tiger’s mantlet was visually penetrated, but the tank was not harmed and the crew voiceover said “that one didn’t go thru” – because the shell did penetrate the mantlet, but was stopped by the turret armor behind it.
- it’s theoretically possible for a shell to penetrate armor, destroy a module inside, penetrate armor again and fly out
- there are plans for changed water physics, but not very soon
- the adjustable suspension will not be implemented into World of Tanks (SS: this concerns STRV and E-10, neither of which will appear)
- the top tier Japanese tank will be the Type 74 prototype, ST-B1 (SS: article about it will follow)
- LTP tank being faster than T-127, despite having weaker engine? “Better suspension quality”
- SerB speaks apart from German also English
- suspension quality won’t be disclosed to public (in hangar)
- there will be no daytime change (day/night cycle) in the anniversary hangar
- SerB on whine about the LTP coming with 50 percent crews: “Sorry for us giving you a not fully satisfactory gift on our birthday. I hope that on your birthday, you will give your friends exactly the thing they dream about.”
- Q: “But the players are giving you their money whole year!” A: “Funny. And I thought they are getting something for their money.”
- 2014 EU tree? “It’s not 100% that we will add 2 new nations in 2014.” (SS: take it as you will)
Premium T-44? I thought I caught it somewhere before, but now I can’t remember. What does that mean?
T-44-122 a prototype with 122mm gun, google for images
its not T44-A ?
A-44 will come as tier 7 in the new med branch.
A-44 and T-44A are 2 completely different tanks…
I know that .
The leaked infos were only about A-44 and T-44-122 not T-44A and there was some confusion on what tank will be prem and what tank will be regular so I assumed that he typed T-44A referring to A-44.
a 44 is not the t 44 . t 44a is the ingame t 44 with the 85 mm gun and stock engine .
T-44-122 will come as normal tank
Premium T-44 will be T-44A which is early prototype of said vehicle
It makes little-to-no sense having TWO regular variation of T-44, it’s like having PzIVS as a regular, different tank.
- SerB on whine about the LTP coming with 50 percent crews: “Sorry for us giving you a not fully satisfactory gift on our birthday. I hope that on your birthday, you will give your friends exactly the thing they dream about.”
Good answer.
Not just good answer, it’s a damn *perfect* answer!
SerB being SerB, it’s obvious that he says unpleasant things all the time; but sometimes those are plain cold *right* things to be said.
Still, I wish he had at least some secretary taking the edge out… Too much trolling, even if sometimes it happens to be right. Valuable source, but… It’s like having a crystal-clear cold water fountain in the desert, but you must accept the scorpion sting to drink from it. WHY?
At least Serb aint some cold distant suit that has no idea of his own game. And alos has a sense of humor, which many dont seem to always get, but is at least something dammit!
We love him. We also love to hate him. He loves trolling us :P
*not saying he is perfect, just noticably better than most other people in his position in the gaming industry*
because the crystal-clear cold water was OP.
Because scorpion turf, yo. (Also IIRC clear ponds are more likely than not toxic to one degree or another…)
It would be a good answer, if it would be SerB’s birth day, but it is not. It’s the birth day of a damn company. Company birth days are all about marketing and obviously noone gives a fuck about their age. It was a stupid whine from the poster, but the answer was also completely retarded.
I agree, it’s a good answer.
It’s almost impossible to overestimate how much people will complain about their MMO game.
WG could pay us $1US for each victory and NA players would complain it’s very difficult to make minimum wage. ($7.25US/hr at least, $8-10US in some cities/states.)
EU players would echo the complaint and also ask where is their health care and four weeks paid vacation.
8 victories per hour is hard?
You know, i’d love to see WG actually paying people 1 doller per victory. The skill ceiling would go up and the game would be so much more teamwork oriented!
But I can only dream about that
Depends, I guess. Somewhere I read that the average WoT battle is 7 minutes, 60 / 7 is 8.5something, so even if you have everything on auto-repair and just keep whacking “Battle!” as fast as you can, it’s 8* battles an hour. Assume a 50% win rate and that’s, what 4 an hour on average?
*That’s all assuming you don’t die 3 minutes into every match and go play another tank.
I don’t know why anyone expected anything different. Seriously. Crews have been 50% since like what the beginning of the game? xD
- the deciding factor in whether a mod is illegal or not is the question, whether it gives the player a clear ingame advantage. If it does, it’s most likely illegal
Then the only legal mods in the game would be custom skins that have nothing to do with the armor of the tank, and color changes to the UI. So fashion mods…
If we go with that, it’s easier to make a list of the legal mods than doing one for the illegal ones.
Maybe if WG didn’t take freaking years to fix their dumb UI, then we wouldn’t have to use mods that do.
There is a difference between knowing the exact time left for your next shell to load, or zooming way further and ignoring bushes and trees
We could discuss semantics here, but all of those you mentioned offer an advantage.
Failing to see how knowing your reload time is 2.74 seconds rather than “about three seconds” is a “clear in-game advantage”…
Just to give you an idea:
Before 8.6 came along, I was the main Ob. 261 player for my clan. I knew that vehicle like the back of my hand.
I knew exactly how long it took to turn around 180° and fully aim on any spot on the map. If I had to turn 180°, then I had until 13sec in the reload counter to stop, turn, and aim. By the end of the 13sec, my reticle would reach the best aiming possible right as my shell was loaded.
If I only had to turn less than 90°, then I had until 10.5sec to do so.
Now, what did that allow me to do? I’ll give you an example.
My clan was defending the Province map in Spain before this last event began. 6 out of the 7 times we had to defend it, I killed the enemy arty moving down to A3 in the first 30sec of the battle. I did it because I knew exactly when to stop relocating to take that very first shot.
For vehicles like the Batchat arty, I had a window of about 1sec to take that shot before he was arty safe, or the enemy tanks moving south would be close enough to spot me when I fired.
That is how you use Jimbo’s to your advantage. All you have to do is know what your vehicle can do and how long it takes to do it. I was able to use the Ob. 261 without wasting a single second of my time waiting for the shell to be loaded.
You can ask anyone who used to be part of TOTH… I was damn good at my job.
Considering the more important bit would appear to be specifically your intimate familiarity with the specifics of the vehicle, not really seeing the relevance. Not like the aimcircle was any faster for knowing exactly how many seconds the reload took, right?
No, but the counter would allow me to use the reload timer to know when to stop relocating to take another shot ASAP.
With tanks that is close to useless (with their short reload time), but for SPGs that have to relocate after every shot, that was the difference between winning and losing in a lot of battles.
Like I said, almost no one uses mods like Jimbo’s just because they look pretty.
As if you wouldn’t have learned the proper timing with the vanilla load indicator in the absence of a suitable mod…
Let me put it this way, it’s like the difference between an analog and a digital clock when making a split second decision.
…you need to make split-second decisions in arty?
The UI as is is good enough. The fact that almost every player wants “something better” isn’t an excuse (and yes, I am a hypocrite as I use J1mb0).
If MOST players wants something better then it is not good enough ;p
But what is “better”? Yeah, most players want something better, but what each individual wants is different. I heavily dislike dramatically changed HUDs, like those that change the color of the tanks on the teamlist, or those that give way too much info. But some people love those, and can’t play without them.
The vanilla HUD is fine. I played for almost two years with it, and my winrate was at 53%
J1mb0′s is nice, but to say it gives a clear advantage, is just pushing it. When you have played a tank for over 100 battles, you know its exact reload tim (well, if you are a decent player). J1mb0′s for me, allows me to get used to different tanks’ reload times by just looking at the timer, just that.
What the mayority wants is not what the mayority needs
XVM minimap feature gives an advantage. It also shows how many tanks are capping your base. This means XVM is illegal. Or SerB is stupid again for not being clear about this matter.
I think they are just being ambiguous about it because they don’t want to give any mod their support. That way, they can simply say any mod is illegal without anyone pointing out the obvious problem.
The issue here is that people could get banned for using things that only WG knows are illegal. Yes, they can do that as they see fit (is their game), but angry customers have a hard time giving out money.
You can quite easily figure out how many people are capturing your base without the use of mods. On a normal game, it’ll take 100 seconds for the base to reach 100. 1 second for a tick. If you get 2 ticks per second, its 2 tanks. 3 ticks per second (usually two quick ticks, followed by a late one) is 3 tanks or more. It’s stuck at 3, you can’t capture faster than that. Whilst it does give you the time advantage, simple maths can tell you how long you have left.
If the enemy has capped to 63 and its ticking at 3 ticks per second, then you’ve got around 12 seconds left. If its at 12 and its going at 2 ticks per second, you have 44 seconds left. It isn’t that hard.
I’d rather not be thinking about arithmetic when I’m trying to blast tanks.
I got out of school 8 years ago, I don’t need to be doing that shit again.
“Then the only legal mods in the game would be custom skins that have nothing to do with the armor of the tank, and color changes to the UI. So fashion mods…”
So many people clearly not understanding what SerB meant. “A clear ingame advantage” is a mod that provides more information or changes a situation from what would be commonly known or used.
Reticle mod (jimbo’s): does not provide any additional information than what the standard game ui already provides. More accurate, but no additional information.
Mods that show weakspots and module locations on tanks: All this information is already available and it is just providing an easy to read illustration.
Minimap mods: Tank names on minimap are obtainable already so nothing added just ease of use
XVM: Ppl capping: I can tell the difference between 1, 2 and 3 already without the mod.
Lazer Beams for where tanks are aiming: Regularly if you cant see the tank you can tell where its aiming so this is an obvious cheat
Foliage Remover: You can’t see through the foliage normally so obvious cheat.
TL;DR – if the mod gives you info you had before, but easier to use, it’s OK, otherwise it could be illegal
It’s really not that difficult to figure it out. Hell, if you are in doubt, send a support ticket and ask.
For me, if the mod makes anything easier for the guy using it, then that right there is the clear advantage.
Oh well, in the end I guess there is nothing we can do but agree to disagree on this.
- 2014 EU tree? “It’s not 100% that we will add 2 new nations in 2014.” (SS: take it as you will)
That means that only japanese faction will implement sure in 2014. EU tree for 2015. And only new tanks for existing trees in 2014
To be honest, immediately releasing the Chinese tree after releasing the British was a bad move. Not only did it take the attention away from the British (There are more Chinese tanks played than British), it added too much into the game tank wise. Whilst there are still tanks that need to be added to the game to the current trees, other features and fixes must first be delt with.
To be honest, immediately releasing the Chinese tree after releasing the British was a bad move. Not only did it take the attention away from the British (There are more Chinese tanks played than British),
What? This is not fashion dude!
“it’s possible to have this situation: the Tiger’s mantlet was visually penetrated, but the tank was not harmed and the crew voiceover said “that one didn’t go thru” – because the shell did penetrate the mantlet, but was stopped by the turret armor behind it.”
It would be nice to account for it and have a different damage decal (something like a shell stuck in the hole, distorted a bit) there.
Half the shells are APHEs anyway.
I’m honestly a bit amazed somebody apparently wasn’t aware of this armour overlap, though. Guess I’m still not cynical ENOUGH about the playerbase.
SerB <3
- the “112″ Chinese heavy premium tank will have HEAT shells for gold, it most likely won’t have limited MM (it will meet T10′s)
Then let’s hope this is the only nerf it wil receive, if they nerf anything else than it’s MM it will be unplayable in T10 battles.
SerB: “IS-6 superiority must not be compromised!”
Just give it APCR and call it a day.
I’m a Chinese tank player, who plans on buying the T-34-3 AND the 112, and I actually do support throwing the 112 into tier 10 battles. Amongst other things, its better armored than most tier 9′s anyway, and in order to make it NOT OP with its pedo-tank MM it would need even more hideous nerfs than it has already gotten.
The 112 is the Chinese version of the IS-6, who shouldn’t it get premium MM?
“Armor is a lot worse than on IS6.”
According to someone who actually driven the 112 and the IS-6, what you say is not true.
The IS-6 has more well rounded armor than the 112, the weakspot of the IS-6 is also smaller than the 112s lower glacis plate. Also the IS-6′s side armor and rear armor is sloped and much stronger allowing it to side scrape/ angle more effectively.
The determining characteristic for any premium tank on whether it gets preferential matchmaking or not is its gun. And the 112′s gun is far superior to the IS-6′s. hence why it will not get preferential matchmaking.
How is it far superior?
Same pen same accuracy same damage slower ROF but faster aim time.
Actually the the main determining characteristic of a premium tank IS actually its gun.
Also it has been stated that tanks are not balanced around their gold ammo, but only shell price.
or instead of 122 mm gun they don’t pot on him 100 mm 62-100 gun from 110 ? right now this tank will force people to play full gold … and i don’t like that idea
300 pen HEAT round.
So you like the idea of spamming gold ammo?
The 112 has far worse weakspots than the IS-6.. but its strong spots are far, far, FAR stronger than the IS-6′s strong spots.
The IS-6 has 228mm LoS thickness on its UFP, and 194mm effective vs AP.
The 112 has 320mm LoS thickness on its UFP, and 264mm effective vs AP.
If the 112 can manage to keep its LFP hidden [which is possible with 6 degrees of gun depression] it will be practically indestructible in a tier 8 match.
The main issue is that the LFP is VERY weak, and only has 104mm effective vs AP.
The IS-6′s LFP has 183 effective vs AP.
The IS-6 may lack real serious weakspots, but you can’t throw that thing into a tier 10 match because tier 10 vehicles will auto-pen it literally everywhere and its APCR shells are garbage.
The 112 CAN perform in a tier X match because tier X vehicles can actually have a fair bit of trouble penning it at long ranges and/or if the 112 is mindful of its weakspots, and it has a 300-pen HEAT shell that can be used against any tier 10 tank.
I buy tier 8 premiums to earn credits, not stat pad and lose credits.
I don’t need another Excelsior/T14 for losing credits.
Does the T-34-3 appeal to you so far?
In the super-test server it does get thrown into tier 10 matches, though personally I’d be absolutely shocked if that remains unchanged.
The 112 can handle tier 10 matches, the T-34-3 can’t. Its not like the T-34-2 that can at least run and hide pretty well.
If they are to put the 112 into tier 10 games why should at lease give it a better gun.
As said above something like the 110′s 100mm gun with 215pen and not so ridiculous gold ammo.
175 pen on a heavy tank that faces tier X tanks is not enough period, things like a E-75 has 170mm effective armor even on its commanders cupola, the weakest spot.
Forcing a tank to spam gold ammo to not be absolutely useless to your team is never a good idea.
T-34-3 is not coming anytime soon, I will not be surprised that it comes in 8.9 or even 9.0. However that tank is already looking better than the T-34-2.
- it’s possible to have this situation: the Tiger’s mantlet was visually penetrated, but the tank was not harmed and the crew voiceover said “that one didn’t go thru” – because the shell did penetrate the mantlet, but was stopped by the turret armor behind it.
This is somewhat true, however in most cases of this happening, the gun would no longer be able to elevate or depress having such a large wedge of shell crammed between the mantlet and the turret. This is EXACTLY what happened to the Tiger in the Bovington Tank museum which was disabled by a Churchill’s 6 pounder shell wedged between the mantlet and turret armor – the crew bailed in fear not realizing they had the vastly superior tank.
If they made it like that, people would probably complain of German bias.
while WG is at it they can make it so you cannot swing your barrel through objects, its all about realism yo
- the “112″ Chinese heavy premium tank will have HEAT shells for gold, it most likely won’t have limited MM (it will meet T10′s)
It’s gonna be the same with the other Chinese Premium Heavy! I hope it’s not total crap…
The WZ-111 premium, tentatively, has better ROF than the 112′s new nerfed supertester stats…. but that’s about it.
The 112;s hull armor layout is FAR better and, IMO, it doesn’t deserve special MM. Its upper front hull can reliably bounce tier 10 heavies and mediums, which the IS-6 cannot even dream of.
I want a tank…not a faster amx 40…
I hope that at least they are going to give it 110′s gun if they really want to throw it into t10′s
Brilliant comment from SerB, most of WoT players unfortunately bitch and moan like ungratefull freeloading whiners. Most play the game for free still they think that somehow WG owe them something.
I thought E-10 was going to be in the game. I was under the assumption it already had a garage wheel icon done?
They changed their minds. I guess that the suspension thing was too troublesome .
- suspension quality won’t be disclosed to public (in hangar)
Hidden stats FTW!!!!11
You don’t walk around with your penis on display, so it’s length is also a hidden stat. And noone complains about it!
qq moar.
Why wg wants wt e100 so badly? It’s about the worst made up choice available, while stug e75 is historical and could have decent overall stats.
I still remember the T110E5 shitstorm. Maybe we will have to wait and see how it turns up and not yell “wolf” too soon.
WE know it’s an E-100 chassis
We know it will be less armored
We know it won’t go faster than 40kmh
We know it won’t have a good gun, just a crappy one with autoloader.
What are the chances it will be good?
It’s the failpanther all over again.
based on what we know about it, it is far more likely to be good than bad
Mods that give clear advantage without cluttering the interface should be integrated. Among them:
*Zoom out and zoom in mods
*Last known locations of enemy tanks on the MM
I do not advocate integrating anything that would make it harder for newbies to understand what is happening in their first 10 battles. Keep the default as simple as possible.
offtopic question… any idea when can we expect info about 8.8? i look forward on tiger buff and havok so hard…hope at least one of this will make it in next patch
Havok isn’t it for 9.0? For the Tiger buff, only the top speed will get buffed and I don’t think that it’ll come in 8.8.
“- the adjustable suspension will not be implemented into World of Tanks (SS: this concerns STRV and E-10, neither of which will appear)”
I assume we are talking about the STRV 103 “S-tank” ? If so could i ask what the reasoning behind it is? Not compatible with the bigworld game engine? because the S-tank happens to be a personal favorite of mine and seems a decent addition to the hypotetical eu tree (something else i would love to know more about, i only saw it mentioned in passing on this site since i’m not that up to par with WG news.)
>I assume we are talking about the STRV 103 “S-tank” ?
I guess so, there’s actually a third tank that used a similar system, the FV4401 Contentious.
>Not compatible with the bigworld game engine?
I don’t know whether it’s outright “compatible” or not but the suspensions in WoT are quite “simplified”. Maybe they don’t want to spend time on something that will have only a very limited utility right now.
pls categorize as “Q&A only” i’ve nearly missed it cauze i’ve a direct link to it
- SerB on whine about the LTP coming with 50 percent crews: “Sorry for us giving you a not fully satisfactory gift on our birthday. I hope that on your birthday, you will give your friends exactly the thing they dream about.”
Serb would make a fail Hobbit lol.
Hobbits ARE fail.
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