- there will be no compensations for VK3001H owners, when it goes down a tier
- Object 430 was not scrapped, only delayed
- there will possibly be a third (yet unannounced) Soviet medium branch, of which the Object 140 will be the top tank, this branch will consist of vehicles designed in Omsk (SS: the original branch is “Nizhny Tagil” branch, the 8.8 one is “Kharkov” branch)
- tier 9 of this new branch might be a version of T-54, designated “Object 139″ (which was a prototype of Object 140)
- the anniversary hangar warships looming on the horizon are a little “hi!” from WoWs developers (SS: the second from the right is allegedly Yamato)
- Object 263 drowning too soon (as soon as the water reaches the tracks)? “How terrible…”
That’s it for now. There will be more in the afternoon I think.
“- there will be no compensations for VK3001H owners, when it goes down a tier”
Whut I read?…
Like, you won’t get T6 for free.
no more free tanks… (like Panther II and M26 move down to tier 8)
how terrible
Don’t cry. There is no reasone. As a reward for downgrading tanks, you can buy Stalins inscription!
And put them on your German tanks!
Damn, that’d be worth it…
OK, I genuinely hate all the Stalin drama but this made me laugh, it looks like I still have something like a sense of humour after all.
I don’t really remember .. What happens to a tanks stats that gets put down a tier ? so now i will have a tier 5 in my service record with 1000 damage per game :P
I already have BDR with 1k dmg per battle…
Of course they wont give u thr 88 L/56
Why not ? As a heavy tank ? BDR has its 90mm and KV the 85mm, both better than the 88 ..
I understand that, but you do know that now people that already got it will get downgraded without compensation (you spend like ~850 k credits and now that is ~350k and by selling it is 1/2). In other words, time to sell it and then rebuy it and will gain some money back…
So if there is no compensation for the VK 30.01 H, what is about the experience? Will it be transfered to the VK 30.01 M? It’s the same process as it was with the T-50 which experience was transfered to the KV-1S, so I hope they transfer atleast the experience from the VK 30.01 H to the VK 30.01 M.
This sucks. Every other tank line that has been changed like this so far has resulted players getting free replacement tanks. Like when the kv and kv3 tanks changed, or when the amx 12t line was changed and players got free elc amx.
It is only fair that players should get the new t6 tank for free because essentially they have paid for it when they bought this crap bucket that is also know as 3001h. Now when the 3001h drops down a tier the players who bought 3001h lose their tier 6 tank from that line and also lose the resale value of that tank as well. For players who bought 3001h just to grind through it this means literally that you have buy the same tank twice.
Typically retarded wg decisions…
Wooohooo gotta catch em (Russian med fetish, cant help it), T-62, obj 140, 430 and 907 (or was it 970)
catch em all :|
Can has edit option pls?
pls delete i misclicked reply button ;__;
I lied, I didn’t misclick
u a nigga i want it to be deleted, stop pretending its my comment
Cool story bro :)
Lol, so even more T-54-like tanks…. How boring… ;)
Should I say ‘more T54 clones’ or ‘more T54 competitors’?
Anyways – going for them both :D
If anything im sick of Type 59 clones.. BTW is the gun model on T-34-3 identical to WZ-120, even tho they have different pen values and stuff?
Im 90% sure its a made up tank, at best they rad somewhere that some Ching Chong comerade wrote “we must cory T-54, start at once and carr dis project T-34-3!!”
oh lel it is, checked the video “thread” again..
cool racism bro.
Were the fuck did you get racism from?????
Cool Story Woras :)
Buy RC ship – add fireworks – ??? – Profit! WoWs gameplay :D
Add Stalin – EU rage – profit no more. :P
I dont think ships did have anything political at all.
True, even some german Admirals refused to make Nazi salute in presence of Hitler
’twas just a joke. A bad one, but still a joke. No need to get your panties in a twist…
The Navy was not allowed to join political party’s until something like 1943/44.
They also iirc had the option to not do the Nazi salute once the Navy could join political party’s.
…and the U-boat guys could actually get away with blatantly insulting the regime.
So it’s a really good idea to pregrind the next tier 10 from the T54.
T-54 was so badass I want to play it again.
T-54 has a bad ass. I want to fuck it again. :P
I’m still at T-44, and it’s kinda meh…i don’t really like this one.
The Type59 and T-34-2 (with 100mm) are really nice, but the T-44 is pretty bad compared to these:(. I really hope that T-54 will be better.
I quite liked T-44 :P
I never sold mine, it’s a great tank!
Am I the only one here who thinks those rear turreted tanks are sexi?
Only that tier 8.
Well I suppose that some people like to bang one out from the rear. (trollface)
Oh yesss… :D
- there will be no compensations for VK3001H owners, when it goes down a tier
Well, that’s grade A bullshit. Now I don’t care that much because I’m enjoying a lot german mids, but really, I’m not kind enough to disregard a potential 20k XP loss.
Though I can’t think of any tank having been bumped down a tier before, so I don’t know if there’s any example of that.
Don’t whine. You will have the new T6 tank researched and most likely cp transfered to it. It just means you won’t get it as a free tank.
I’m already expecting the worse. At this point I don’t think we have more to go on than speculation. Especially about the meaning of “compensation”. I assume I’d be well-compensated with the new tier 6 researched and XP transferred to it. Which I even doubt would happen.
Looks like the EU special arrived well, I only have to grind 20k XP in one night.
The current T8 mediums (well at least the Pershing and panther 2) were originally tier 9s
Is it possible that the 3rd line would start from KV-13, or it would be completely another branch?
It seems that the KV-13 is a dead end and is not going to be the start of a branch any time soon. It is a fun tank and I say that as someone who actualy likes the KV-4 so my judgment could be consicered as suspect.
There seems to be enough material for a third RU med branch so the KV-13 might stil be a stepping stone to a future branch,
I’m still waiting for an excuse to buy it actually, I grinded both T-34 and KV-1 line so I wouldn’t need it, but I find it very sexy.
Historically unlikely, KV-13 had nothing to do with Omsk, that’s Leningrad development.
Agreed. If you like the T-43 the KV-13 is close enough to play as a alternitive it the T-43 is locked in a game. It is slightly slower and does not quite have the acceleration but is tough and bouncy with a smaller frontal profile that more than makes up for it being that bit less nimble. The cramped turret of the KV-13 should have an effect on the reload time in real life but is exectly the same.
It actually has a noticeably slower rate-of-fire than on the T-43.
On that note, Frank what do You think about an article showing what tanks can make the Omsk branch? Maybe involve Ensign.
Damn… me thought me be clever and rebought it already.
Me no clever… me stupid.
Lol, man wait for testeserver at least before trying stunts like this. XD
More trash, i want T-55 and T-64, not this trash!
T-55 is less armored.
T-64 is probably too modern.
I want Object 430 or Object 277! ;D
Okey. Now, T-54 will be the T9 med at 2nd med branch too, or not?
only for now, until they figure out what the tier 9 will be for the other lines
Iam now confused. So will the Obj 140 go (for now) from the current T54? Or will there be a variant of the T54 all in a separate branch?
I knew the ships as soon as I looked atm them they have two Iowa’s a Yamato & I think* Either Bismarck or a Brit Battleship next to the Yamato..I believe it’s the Bismarck..to dark to tell
This will be funny when the TIER IX VK4502Ausf. B gets downgraded to TIER VII next year.
I predict a massive rage, when sth like this will be announced:
“there will be no compensations for VK4502Ausf. B owners, when it goes down 2 tiers”
I mean just aprox. 6.1 Million credits 100thousands of xp wasted.
lol. Just sayin…
when that happens, grab your popcorn and enjoy =D
Source that it will get downgraded by 2 tiers?
1. 30-6-2013: Source: FTR
- apparently, regarding the earlier announced intention of SerB to remove the unhistorical buffs of the VK4502P, while moving it down a tier or two, its replacement could be the “Protomaus” (one of the Maus prototypes the developers ran across)
2. 2-7-2013 Source: FTR
it’s possible that the VK4502 Ausf.A and B will be united as one tank in the future (specifically, both will become hull options for the VK4502), developers already started to work on this feature
So in conclusion it could be also a tier VIII but that depends on:
- the implementation of the “hull-option” system
- the new tanks they can find and WANT to implement like vk100.01 (google this and the other tanks mentioned. You will find articles on fthe “old” ftr homepagel)
and/or Porsche Typ 205 / 205 A
That doesn’t mean that it will become T7 as you stated. Where Tiger(P) then would go?
I made the first post as a “joke” to get your attention.
Therefore i made the decision to choose the worst possibility for VK4502 ausf. B owners.
The post was made on REAL statements from SERB which were published also on ftr.
As i posted to your 1. question it could also be, that it will be tier VIII.
But thats the highest Tier the Vk will be.
It is 100% shure that it will be downtiered. So the initial “joke” stays valid.
To your second and newest Question regarding TIGER P
The tiger P can be easily a tier 6.
Couple of options for balancing are available.(i name just the most visible points)
1. Possibility Take away the bolted/welded front armament like the GW TIGER P.
2. Take away the long 8.8 for tier 6
3. It could stay at tier VII as an alternative to the vk branch, which splits at the vk3001p and reunions at the new tier VIII.
What i want to say in the end is, that the vk4502 ausf b will be downgraded eventually. Wether it is 1 or 2 tiers is debatable, but for the players it will be unfair in each case.
How the new and existing tanks will be arranged? I don’t know. I guess we have to wait.
Has anyone seriously thought a couple of month ago that there will be new tanks at tier V/VI in the german tech tree? WG is always good for a suprise.
1. http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/06/30/30-6-2013/
- apparently, regarding the earlier announced intention of SerB to remove the unhistorical buffs of the VK4502P, while moving it down a tier or two, its replacement could be the “Protomaus” (one of the Maus prototypes the developers ran across)
2. http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/07/02/2-7-2013/
it’s possible that the VK4502 Ausf.A and B will be united as one tank in the future (specifically, both will become hull options for the VK4502), developers already started to work on this feature
So in conclusion it could be also a tier VIII but that depends on:
- the implementation of the “hull-option” system
- the new tanks they can find like vk100.01 (http://ftr-wot.blogspot.cz/2013/04/this-is-how-maus-started.html)
and/or Porsche Typ 205 (http://ftr-wot.blogspot.cz/2013/04/porsche-unleashed.html)
205 A (http://ftr-wot.blogspot.cz/2013/04/porsche-unleashed-typ-205a-mauschen.html)
1. 30-6-2013: Source: FTR
- apparently, regarding the earlier announced intention of SerB to remove the unhistorical buffs of the VK4502P, while moving it down a tier or two, its replacement could be the “Protomaus” (one of the Maus prototypes the developers ran across)
2. 2-7-2013 Source: FTR
it’s possible that the VK4502 Ausf.A and B will be united as one tank in the future (specifically, both will become hull options for the VK4502), developers already started to work on this feature
So in conclusion it could be also a tier VIII but that depends on:
- the implementation of the “hull-option” system
- the new tanks they can find and WANT to implement like vk100.01 (google this and the other tanks mentioned. You will find articles on fthe “old” ftr homepagel)
and/or Porsche Typ 205 / 205 A
“- the anniversary hangar warships looming on the horizon are a little “hi!” from WoWs developers (SS: the second from the right is allegedly Yamato)”
and the planes are from WoWP developers?
“SS: the original branch is “Nizhny Tagil” branch, the 8.8 one is “Kharkov” branch”
In fact, the Objects 139-140 were also designed in N.Tagil.
Any news, expectation about the xp of the VK ? Will it get on the new VK, or it’ll “stay” on the VK (H) ?
And what if you unlock the Panther?
If someone have ideas… :)
>there will be no compensations for VK3001H owners, when it goes down a tier
Oh, It looks like WG is modifying the GERMAN tree again.
When the T34 went down a tier US players got a FREE PREMIUM TANK.
WG said afterwards that they would never do that again
I miss the days when WG actually cared enough of their players to compensate them for doing stuff like this.
When is this patch supposed to come out? Last two were shit. This one doesn’t really have much going for it outside of the balancing stuff, and it’s standing in between the long-long-long-long promised 2nd German TD line, which is at least interesting compared to more russian junk tanks with a log and/or a tool box in a different spot on the tank.
And a turret at the other end of the hull. But, you know, that’s practically the same thing right?
You see one russian tank you’ve seen them all. The only enjoyment you’d get out of playing a rear mounted turret medium is what Id imagine to cutting yourself while watching reruns of The View and actually trying to agree with them.
oh i’m sorry, i didn’t realize the KV-5 plays exactly the same way as the IS-7 and the T-54
And KV-1/2 is TOTALLY similar to T-43. Or even an IS for that matter.
Sov tanks tend to have no gundep anyway, so I suspect the usual problems of rear turret aren’t as salient.
So far as I can tell based on the ship silhouettes (they’re not full models btw, just cutouts) they’re from left to right:
Iowa, either a Bismarck or King George V(Not enough detail), Yamato, another Iowa.