- it was confirmed in 9.3 supertest patchnotes that suicides will be punished in World of Tanks. A player asked, how will the game know if I for example drive off the bridge by accident. Storm answered that you’d have to “drive off by accident” three times in a row, so that’s apparently the limit of suicide punishment.
- you won’t get bonus XP for blocking shells with your tracks (SS: for example sidescraping). Storm: “Blocking shells by tracks – that’s bullshit and not tanking”
- Storm confirms that shooting hatches will NOT produce less damage than shooting other parts, because it would be counterintuitive for players
- +/-1 MM will not be implemented (Storm: “It would be boring shit”)
- Storm considers current tier 1,2,11 battles (those that have 1 MM spread) boring
- the biggest problem for creating HD models for now is that outsourced modellers suck (lag behind)
- Storm states that having full HD resolution for all tanks (and not just yours in battle as it was changed in 9.2) is pointless, as you can only tell the difference from like half a meter
- the full HD texture resolution for other tank than yours will not return, not even as an option
- free XP calculation formula won’t be changed
- Storm explains his statement that “there was not enough space in the garage and that’s why the UI got reworked”: “space for extended tank characteristics, that will come a bit later”
- Sturmtiger won’t be in the game, because it’s impossible to balance. I asked Storm whether he is considering replacing it with another candidate, such as the StuG Maus for the Brummbär line, he said it was not yet looked into
- 9.3 performance optimization will not concern only weak computers
- it will not be possible to disable HD models (SS: as in, the things will stay as they are now), the client will also not be split to normal and HD client
- Storm does not think that the HD vehicles, as they are now, look too “new and clean”, they have traces of use on them
- more spotting points on a tank: “when it’s done it’s done”
- no plans to nerf gold ammo as a whole
- new French heavy line will definitely not come in 2014 or 2015
- Storm confirms that the bug where the tanks are oddly tilted when scouted or when the map is loading will be fixed in 9.3
- Storm states that it is not possible to do anything with the issue (for now) where during one session, you get the same maps over and over again
- Storm states that the feature, planned earlier, where it would be possible to move a tank on one track a bit when it got detracked, the way it is in War Thunder, was scrapped
- new crew skills and perks will not come this year
- regarding the transmission/engine split, the vehicles of tiers 8-10 that got reworked in the 9.3 patch were only the first batch, it takes a long time to apply this mechanism to all the vehicles in the game
- both transmission and engine will have a common HP pool
- alternative hulls: “maybe next year”
- when new motion physics gets implemented, tank climbing ability on slopes will likely be artificially limited, the way it is now
- T-50-2 will not return
- it will theoretically be possible for a ricocheted shell to damage second tank
- T49 Light Tank will have two types of credit shells: HEAT and HE. According to developers, the HEAT penetration (SS: 152mm) is not very high and on high tiers, every second tank has some spaced armor, so shooting with it won’t be as simple
- LT video will come soon apparently
- T49 tank destroyer will be renamed to T67
Any word about a general buff for existing tier 7 and 8 lights?
What buffs for old tanks?
I thought people got used to powercreep already :)
First in the place? :)
EDIT: nope :(
Still have to wait for the new French HTs then….
Many tears
Much sad
wow :’|
might have to give the autoloaders a try then.
They can always change their minds.
Its not like they haven’t before.
“- new French heavy line will definitely not come in 2014 or 2015″
awesome! was getting bored of too much interesting stuff already! :P
not adding more (important/real/interesting) tanks won’t do this game any good. or are they already trying to stretch the content to serve it to us drop by drop over the years, before they have to come up with ideas all by themselves, to prolong the game’s slow death by tomatification?
Wg make a lot of cash, French second HT line should be long ago add to game. Sadly WG dont have people to do that stuff. SO small company. HD tanks going slow, add stuff, perks, tanks, etc slow.
We paid real cash, IN 2014 WG said it wll be alternative hulls, NOW no, no this year , next maybe…..No French tanks for 2015 ?. WTF WG doing. Only takes money and dont give noting in return. Sadly how cash change them. Regards
To be fair though, the 2nd heavy line would be very classical in every way…
Think the same type of hulls as the current branch, with the same guns, but normal turrets.
Not groundbreaking, and not particularly interesting on its own…..but WG plz…French tonks :’|
I require the Somua S35 and pre-war super heavies with derp guns ;-;
I don’t know much about the topic, so could someone explain why the tier 5 t49 is being renamed to t67?
Because in 9.3 they are going to put american high tier lts in game and one of them is called T49.
Sorry. I should have clarified, I meant if the t49(td) was part of another project that it can be called t67
The T49 was the 2nd of 3 gun carriers (tank Destroyers) that lead up to the M18 hellcat:
- T42 37mm Gun Carrier
- T49 57mm Gun Carrier
- T67 75mm Gun Carrier
Since the ingame “T49″ already uses the 75mm gun (similar to the Sherman’s), it is actually more historic to call it the T67 -im not completely sure why it was called the T49 in the first place, unless the original one ingame didnt come with the 75mm gun.
It doesn’t use a 75mm, but the in game T49 represents a very weird, ahistorical composite of both vehicles – the turret of the T49 with the teeth of the T67.
ahaahh he is asking why T49 can be named T67 too
It’s two similar prototypes from the same time, using the same concepts. The differences are minimal, and they can be eventually fixed in the HD remodel, if the need arises.
Thank you for the explanation.
Nice article in the thread. Clears up so many confusions. :)
the T49 GMC was the one that had a closed turret with a 57mm. T67 had an open turret and a 76mm
It’s just to have the name better reflect the tank
So what will be the consequences of the transmission is hit?
Perhaps damaged / broken engine, just without a chance to set the tank on fire?
Like when engine is hit, only without fire.
edit: lol, posted this one in wrong place (remove if u can)
Blocking damage with tracks isn’t tanking?
…But they’ve done nothing but eat shots since open beta… ¬__¬
Especially their beloved t5 KV (and its whole family)…
What a moron..effective sidescraping,utilizing the tracks, is a very good skill…and is tanking. Just how fucking stupid is this guy storm..
He’s stupid enough to be in a high ranking position in order to hear guys like you whine while he does his best. I may be disspointed, but the guy does good work. stop hashing on the guy.
Good work, you are drunk ? Where is second French HT line ? Not this and next year? This is good work Kuris ? No alternative hulls this year, maybe in next ?1 In 2013 they said somting else. HD, how many tanks they odd since 9.0 ? No, Storm and Serb dont give a fu** about players, too bad.
Take a look how long we have to wait to odd 2 nowe british top tanks, to 2015. This is no good work, They are lazy. That all.
Being in a high ranking position has nothing to with anything, you ignorant fuck. If you can’t realize that “tanking” includes track absorbing shots you probably haven’t played the game. Fair enough, it would “easily” be exploitable, but saying that it isn’t “tanking” is so ignorant.
His arrogance there is why I hate his comment. Tracks are an important part of the vehicle yet it doesn’t count as blocking damage with your vehicle. What the fuck.
I think sidescraping won’t be rewarded with additional exp for one simple reason – it would be easily exploitable.
1.Stick your heavy armored side out of cover at perfect sidescraping angle (only your side, don’t show your turret and its weakspots)
2.Let pubbies shoot their entire ammo supply at you (people love shooting at the same spot and bouncing)
4.Profit! Here’s your 9001 base exp game.
Still, he could have explained this, and not claim that sidescraping is not tanking (if he really thinks so, then, well… let’s just say I wouldn’t want to have him on my team in game, if he even plays it).
So many people don’t understand. He’s saying getting xp for being hit ONLY in the tracks is bullshit. If you sit at a 45 degree angle and take a shot thru the tracks and it bounces off your hull you get xp. If the shot goes thru your tracks, breaks them the flies into open space, missing all of your armour you get nothing but a broken track. Your armor stopped nothing so you get nothing.
That…..is a good point!
Voice of reason, everyone!
Hmm, that makes sense… Let’s hope that you are right :).
- T49 Light Tank will have two types of credit shells: HEAT and HE. According to developers, the HEAT penetration (SS: 152mm) is not very high and on high tiers, every second tank has some spaced armor, so shooting with it won’t be as simple
Besides of those points, the 152mm probably has a rather slow muzzle velocity. Just like the KV-2 and the 105mm derp canons. So at medium ranges, the muzzle velocity combined with the accuracy makes you miss the weakspots/non-spaced armour quite often. Which results in either a bounce, as HEAT has no normalisation or zero-damage critical hits because you hit spaced armour. So the HEAT won’t be an issue most of the time. Don’t forget it faces tier 9 and 10s quite often, and can’t use it against the majority of them frontally or even from the sides.
yes, loader will be retrained to intuition.
But you always have to aim to weak spots with “big” gun to be effective.
Quite happy about punishing the leavers. But assisted suicide by enemy will be an option forever.
did you heard the T49 is going to be a light tank? easy to go behind enemy tanks without aiming weakspot
yep. But T10 heavies have strong armor on the back. That pen will not be enough to point and shoot even rear ends. :)
I’m counting on the camo and mobility. The higher tier makes a the derp less useful.
I count more then a dozen T10 tanks with less then 100mm of rear armor.
Most of them will be penetrated, just with the HE. T-110E5, and it’s 38mm’s of rear armor will love the T49′s derp cannon. :D
Simlarly to how it already adores being shot at by VK2801′s derp?
I wonder if that counts
-Getting drowned by your own team
-Getting crushed by a dead body on top of you
Both happen occasionally, and often enough to be an issue… with only three chances at “suicidal” actions, you might get punished for your teams fault, and there might be people abusing that…
Not to mention the accidents that really happen… like failing to turn and falling off cliffs, or hell know what else you can do…
At least, the suiciding scumbags will get punished, and maybe artillery drivers may lose that name, maybe.
no, notice that those things are credited as teamkills/enemy kills already.
I don’t suicide in my arty, and I’m annoyed by that nickname.
Neither of the two points you list happened to me EVER and I can count the times I saw a tank getting crushed by a dead body on one hand and again didn’t see a tank getting drowned by own team ever.. I have more than 20k battles by the way, so I definitely have seen my share of ingame situations.
I like the idead to punish suiciders.
Yeah, get that clickers!
Doesn’t affect me, I don’t suicide. :P
we can still suicide 2 times in a row unpunished and then switch to another type of tank :P
But maybe there will also be a harsh credit punishment for every time you kill yourself, even if by accident.
they wont be punished if they shoot a wall. its only punishible if its in the water. and honestly.. i can see alot alot of players quitting the game >> because.. lag spike then lands in deep water.. happens again and again.. and then a ban.. then they stop playing..
- you won’t get bonus XP for blocking shells with your tracks (SS: for example sidescraping). Storm: “Blocking shells by tracks – that’s bullshit and not tanking”
That’s retarded. Just like only hull hits counting towards the xp bonus.
The way they want to implement it is to give xp for nothing for all these fucking idiots in heavies who have no idea what they are doing and drive right into open to be shot to bits. Of course SOME shells fired at them will hit the hull and bounce. And these idiots will die with the “stfu noob team, I’m farming exp” as their last chat message.
If devs wanted to reward smart play they should reward ALL 0 damage shots, as it takes some skill to go hulldown (amazing, but looking at all these retards nowadays, apparently it fucking does) or to sidescrape. And the more shells and time enemies waste on you, the more you contribute to your team, even if getting hit is all you do.
But no, no skill reward for smart players. Just go out in the open and hope for some non pens. Fucking new form of suicide scouting, but for heavies.
I think there’s been some miscommunication and a lot of misunderstanding about what they mean. From what i can see and what would make sense, the damage blocked will only count so long as the shell actually hits the hull. This doesn’t mean not the turret, it means it can’t go through spaced armour (or tracks) and out again without hitting some actual tank, for example the spaced armour of the Pz IV turret is easy to shoot straight through without actually hitting it, and shooting tracks from the front likely won’t contact the hull. These are the cases they’re talking about not counting, i’m sure they don’t mean that if a shot goes through the tracks and then bounces then it doesn’t count.
Imagine a 13 90, or any fast agile tank, going trough open field from bush to bush, he gets spotted and runs away, but a shot from the side hits him, damages both tracks, and takes no damage, should that be rewarded? probably not.
Imagine an AMX 12t scouting a field and gets hit by a tier X heavy at auto bounce on the extra wheel covering its upper frontal plate (which counts as armor). The shell ricochets and gives the 12t a reward for something that happened to him that was pure luck. Should THAT be rewarded.
Storm’s take on the “bullshit” that is side scraping really showcases just how incompetent and blind these Devs can be to their own game. Just the ultimate tomato response to be honest. Sorry, Storm.
Well this whole exp for “tanking” is pure bullshit and rewarding of luck as in 90%+ of the cases in a random match where a shell bounces is not because a player is awesome and knows how to use his armor, but just because the enemy is stupid and doesnt know what weakspots are or RNG just wont let him hit em.
“the extra wheel covering its upper frontal plate (which counts as armor)”
No it doesn’t.
I’ve managed to bounce very high penetration guns (the top 100 mm gun on the WZ-132 for one example) with almost no angling. This particular guy fired three APCR rounds from about 300-400 meters at the wheel and all of them ricocheted. We were both shocked; me to the point that I had to watch the replay back to see what he was shooting. Sure enough, it was the wheel.
In a separate case, I bounced a 12t’s front with my VK4502 A’s gun as well. Since then, I never shoot the hulls on those things.
Sure, keep believing what you want.
Yes, exactly my point. It doesn’t mean that shots that hit the tracks then bounce off the hull won’t be rewarded though.
As explained above, the shell has to actually hit the tank – not so much “tracks completely eat the shell”, but rather “tracks slow the shell down enough that it goes from a pen to a nonpen”. Shots that would’ve only damaged the tracks without actually hitting the vehicle’s hull don’t count against it.
Sidescraping still gets your hull hit if you are playing germans/high tanks and I think it will work through tracks as well since tracks do not “tank” they just reduce pen and the shell proceeds to bounce on hull behind them.
Hulldown.. not exactly hard to do if you have a tank for it, they probably dont want to pu tanks with crap depression and turret armor at disadvantage but apparently dont care about tanks with crap hull armor.
The consistent lack of new french tanks or any news on them is really starting to upset me :(
Yeah, want my BC or 1390 in grorious HD :(
yea, i want my 50b with tbc turret :3
- it will theoretically be possible for a ricocheted shell to damage second tank
A new era of RNG videos will begin!
- Sturmtiger won’t be in the game, because it’s impossible to balance. I asked Storm whether he is considering replacing it with another candidate, such as the StuG Maus for the Brummbär line, he said it was not yet looked into
But maybe in PvE as a enemy bot, even the Karl-gerat could be added in PvE.
Real Karl is totally useless in WoT: it’s a mortar designed for bombing cities and fortified positions.
Seriously can’t wait for the wave of videos of people sidescraping 152-183mm shots and watching the shells proceed to bury themselves into the sides of nearby friendlies for huge damage.
They should make an award ribbon for it.
“T-50-2 will not return”
so why did they replaced it??
Just gonna say, it was a fun tank– and one of my all time favourites.
That said, it could hand-brake turn at 80kph and tokyo drift better than the entire jap tree, so it got canned for being ‘unrealistic.’
When there are things like the WTFourthousand ingame. orz
The t-50-2 could go to places no other tank could it was so impossibly ridiculous. The WT is on its way to being a semi-balanced glass cannon. one I’ve seen far less of since the nerf.
but they could have nerfed it or am i wrong? i would still play it…
Well if you want nerfed T50-2 version you can always play MT-25. Whole reason why T50-2 was removed is because it behaved more like a motorbike than a tank. It was completely unrealistic too.
- Storm considers current tier 1,2,11 battles (those that have 1 MM spread) boring
I consider clan wars and strongholds the least boring (+-0 MM).
Because getting rushed by a 1200-1400 hp tier 7 heavy in your tier 5 tank is so much fun.
But… no… they cant… too fucking incompetent.
Reverse it.
Bringing your 680 hp Tier 5 heavy to bare on a Tier 3 tank is fun too, no? And not everything is heavies – a Tier 4 tank destroyer against a Tier 6 medium or heavy is not as lopsided as you think. And are you going to tell me that killing a “big mean Tier 7 heavy” from full health in a “tiny Tier 5″ isn’t satisfying?
Instances where you would always be top tier – or very close to top tier – mean that there is little to no variance beyond player skill. You would see the same tanks over and over again at the same tier, which would get bland.
- Storm states that having full HD resolution for all tanks (and not just yours in battle as it was changed in 9.2) is pointless, as you can only tell the difference from like half a meter
That is bullshit, if they cant see the difference they should get bigger TFTs or better glasses…………
At the least we should be able to see all tanks in the garage, including ones we haven’t unlocked.
“- you won’t get bonus XP for blocking shells with your tracks (SS: for example sidescraping). Storm: “Blocking shells by tracks – that’s bullshit and not tanking”’
Do you even play your own game? Incompetent developers…
“- Storm states that having full HD resolution for all tanks (and not just yours in battle as it was changed in 9.2) is pointless, as you can only tell the difference from like half a meter”
Maybe if you are blind. Storm, check your eyes. You may REALLY have a problem with them…
“- +/-1 MM will not be implemented (Storm: “It would be boring shit”)
- Storm considers current tier 1,2,11 battles (those that have 1 MM spread) boring”
How terrible… So it’s better to suck eg in a T10 battle with a T-34-2 or a T-44. K.
”+/-1 MM will not be implemented (Storm: “It would be boring shit”)”
+-1 mm will be a blessing, storm is drunk again, speaking bs. they are lying, the truth is that +-1mm will make WG lose money.
It would be boring as shit.. Imagine this, a tank that has enough penetration to deal with the higher tier tanks frontal armor, would have no problem shooting at them, no need to aim for weak spots and such, meaning that you could make tanks with no difference in armor value, just big boxes.
But then you get in matches with tanks of higher tier, what do you do? aim for weakspots! Having higher tier match making means that you need to put your tiny little brain to use… not just point and click and eventually driving forwards or backwards..
you’re totally wrong. try penetrate a maus with a T-44 175 penetration and then come and talk. WG want to keep this +- 2mm policy because they want people to spend money for gold ammunition. no +- 2 mm , no gold buying, no money for WG. don’t be blind.
lol one tank with low penetration lol arguement much.
T-44 goes to side of Maus = Win.
are you a WG employee? you talk like one.
Are you for fucking real?
“Yeah. Implement the damned multi core. It is embarassing.
All those 3 games I mention look a generation apart from WoT, get higher frame rates, and even run on higher settings (though their LOWEST settings >>>>>. WoT on Ultra).
Just… Do… something…
You cant get your ass handed to you by modders playing with a 14 year old engine. Fucking STALKER Lost Alpha looks better and plays better…insane…”
Does this sound like a WG person to you?
SEveral COMMENTS ABOVE YOR OWN I call them incompetent. Not something a WG person will say?
“Do you even play your own game? Incompetent developers…”
Dude. Get your head out of your ass.
And OT: L2 T-44.
Even Chaffee CAN kill a maus. there’s a video.
Since when are tanks like Maus super popular and a problem?
try using ur brain and aim for weakspots :P
try using your brain and stop taking nonsenses.
Learn. To. T-44.
French heavies not even in 2015? wtf kind of shit is this?
i doubt that i play wot in 2016
- Storm does not think that the HD vehicles, as they are now, look too “new and clean”, they have traces of use on them
Please add more mud on the tracks area, not just traces of use by the crew. Because the tracks is always looks clean.
I think that effect is left for after Havok implementation, like bending the mudguards by bumping into rocks and mud being piled up on the tank and tracks.
- +/-1 MM will not be implemented (Storm: “It would be boring shit”)
Well, just drive your T9 and you have your MM spread of one :D
you forgot tier 11. t9 has not 1 tier spread mm.
So what you really mean is you can’t count to 10? From 9?
We’ve got a genius here guys.
Has there been any hints from the devs when the US Premium TD will be released?
Maybe tier 7 M56 Scorpion (or how is that beast called)
That is the leaked likely tank. but when? who can say but the devs?
“- new French heavy line will definitely not come in 2014 or 2015.”
Sooo eventually,maybe we will get them in 2016??? I wonder what are they planing to do in 2015,maybe giving us more “HD” models…
japanese heavys i think
- +/-1 MM will not be implemented (Storm: “It would be boring shit”)
- Storm considers current tier 1,2,11 battles (those that have 1 MM spread) boring
at least remove battle tier 10 from the game. T8s should never face T10s, there is no valid reason for this.
yes there is. it’s fun. quit asking for your pubstomper to have no competition.
fun? for who?
Who the fuck is Storm?
What is he farting about,
Everything he said is all ready been said by 99% of players only with less (shit, suck, fuck…) so, what are you all so excited about?
Please spend more time above the rock you live under and you won’t ask such stupid questions.
it is not easy to be storm and talk bullshit all day.
>> Storm answered that you’d have to “drive off by accident” three times in a row, so that’s apparently the limit of suicide punishment.
What, like in one battle? :P
“Storm: “Blocking shells by tracks – that’s bullshit and not tanking”
Seriously. It’s been a stupid fucking mechanic for years and they KNOW it’s bullshit?
“- +/-1 MM will not be implemented (Storm: “It would be boring shit”)”
And yet people spam the holy hell out of premium tanks and enjoy their 1-tier matchmaking spread. Gee..
Premium tanks also usually have to have a very poor gun to have +1 -1 spread.
Chi-nu-kai, t-25, ram II, Lowe, T34, Su-122-44, Dicker Max, PZ4 Schmaulturm, and more would like to have a word with you.
Outsourced modellers suck
..yet wg still uses them..that makes wg stupid and amateurish.
…from the company that still doesn’t use multicore support, while Frostbite has had 3 engines for the past 6 years.
Amateurish … yep.
Don’t fix what isn’t broken? :P
Clearly your method of reasoning is broken then and needs fixing *reaches for hammer*
Who wouldn’t want multicore support? It’s only been out on the market for 10+ years elsewhere.
+/-1 mm spread boring?
well storm, go and grind a stock tier6-7-8 tank, without gold or premium, 75% crew… we’ll see how much fun is it to get gangraped by 4skill obj140 in your stock centurion paper tank with black prince gun…
sounds like a challenge. :D I went through t54e1 grind with stock gun and no gold. it was easy.
really? sure, with premium account.
+-1mm reality: WG will lose money.
+-1mm Storm twisted-reality: ”game will be boring”.
Balancing SturmTiger is actually just a junk excuse for “we can’t create a viable Assault Gun line.” It’s not that fast, the reload is slow, the aim time would be slow, the accuracy would be horrific. The casemate has weak side and rear armor, and the suspension is so massively overloaded that it would accelerate and traverse like s**t. I think people are forgetting (at least the people at WG are) – that this possible tier 9 or 10 Assault gun would be based on the hull of a tier 7 heavy – meaning tier 7 lower front plate, and the same accoutrements that the Tiger H had.
Play a Tiger H in tier 10 battles… then imagine having the 183 on it, with a dead loader, dead gunner and dead driver – with a shot out engine and broken yellow tracks. That’s what playing a SturmTiger would be like – but “they can’t balance it.” What a joke.
Congratulations WG – SturmTiger is the Vaporware Champion Emeritus.
- new French heavy line will definitely not come in 2014 or 2015
Oldest “new” line, slowest development – another “Award-winning” stride in development.
US is the oldest “new” line. US stuff didn’t make it into the game until a couple months before closed beta ended.
“- Storm explains his statement that “there was not enough space in the garage and that’s why the UI got reworked”: “space for extended tank characteristics, that will come a bit later”
I think they got their vision on the UI all wrong. Why put tanks characteristics on the main screen? That info is only interesting once, while for example your progress on Marks of Excellence is interesting to monitor. Now I have to go through some mouseclicks to check it… Also progress on module research would also be interesting to show on main page.
“Storm: “Blocking shells by tracks – that’s bullshit and not tanking”
- +/-1 MM will not be implemented (Storm: “It would be boring shit”)”
- Q: “Why the bad language, Storm?” Storm: “mE vacAtion not me goOd, Shtorm many tears :”(((( !!!”
but seriously, someone here seems to be annoyed rather soon after vacation…. or soviet geek just got tough (late puberty?) :P
As usual. French and British got (what about new french meds?)… Nothing. New lines, new tanks for the three stronk countries….
“Storm states that having full HD resolution for all tanks (and not just yours in battle as it was changed in 9.2) is pointless, as you can only tell the difference from like half a meter”
HD resolution for all tanks is pointless.
Storm: “Blocking shells by tracks – that’s bullshit and not tanking”
- +/-1 MM will not be implemented (Storm: “It would be boring shit”)
Storm is full of shit today. :-/
not only today.
- 9.3 performance optimization will not concern only weak computers
Is it “good” or “bad”? Cause I can’t tell from context… Should I afraid my old PC won’t run WoT anymore?
Performance optimization usually means good. He just wanted to point out that not only weak PCs will benefit from those optimizations, but higher budget PCs will too.
Why nobody asking what will happen with the VK4502B afther they replace it with the Maus prototype? I’m really curious.
If they can’t balance Sturmtiger then use it as a BoT in later PVE games, honestly it’s like a big grey cyber demon anyway. Could be fun! … It will wrk better in WT though
- it will theoretically be possible for a ricocheted shell to damage second tank
As far as that goes, I’ve actually seen that happen already. I fired a round in my ELC at an IS who turned his tank at the right moment, the round bounced off his side armor and tracked the KV-1 who was coming up beside him. I know because I got a “That one didn’t go through!” message immediately followed by a “Critical Hit!” message, and watched the replay to see what happened.
“- +/-1 MM will not be implemented (Storm: “It would be boring shit”)
- Storm considers current tier 1,2,11 battles (those that have 1 MM spread) boring”
See, this is why I don’t believe a word form WG peoples’ mouths. This is pure spin doctoring, but otherwise both retarded and untrue statement.
The real reason is that this mechanic is frustrating players into spending money on the game.
The most fun matches by far have been those where every player was of the same tier.
“T49 Light Tank will have two types of credit shells: HEAT and HE. According to developers, the HEAT penetration (SS: 152mm) is not very high and on high tiers, every second tank has some spaced armor, so shooting with it won’t be as simple”
>the real 152mm heat can penetrate 7″(177.8mm) at 60 degrees if you do the math 14″(355.6mm) at 0degrees(flat)
Yeah, no thanks, I wouldn’t like my IS-4′s armor being auto-penned by a tier 8 light tank frontally.
- new French heavy line will definitely not come in 2014 or 2015
WHY ?! WHYYYYY!!! ;(
”- Storm states that the feature, planned earlier, where it would be possible to move a tank on one track a bit when it got detracked, the way it is in War Thunder, was scrapped -”
Thats just stupid, this feature already saved my and other’s asses in WT several times.
But yeah, I understand. It would only cause wine by the people that keep de tracking people as tactic to win on a one 1 on 1 fight around a corner and people that wanna use a thing that could be done in real life to avoid this are Obsolete.
WG are soo full of shit, if Storm plays all the T8s( if he plays them at all) without gold ammo, he has no idea how frustrating it is to hit an IS-7′s side and bouce with Tiger II for example, +1/-1 would be alot better, but WG gold spammers think its “boring”
I’m a tier 10 driver, don’t spam gold and I think it would be boring if there weren’t any targets to roflstomp anymore. When talking about fun you cannot only take the players on the lower part of the mm-spread into account.
Also it is A LOT of fun if you manage to kill a tank two tiers higher.
The only times it can get annoying is if you are sitting in a not yet elite tank.
A spread of -1/+1 for tanks that are not elite yet would probably be really a good idea.
Ofc it is boring, because those top tier 10 or 9 would need to do some more serious and more troublesome “work” to dispose same tier tank on the opposing side.
“It is soo much more fun, when those T9 o T10 “alpha tanks” can actually kill a -2 tier lower tank (T8 or T7) in just one shot.
“Click” with auto aiming > -2 tier lower tank goes KAAABOOOM from full hp!
so you would still be fine with a ISU (a tier 8 mind you) hitting your jagdpanther or any tier 7 TD (8-1=7 mind you) and leaving you with ~100 HP left?
tbh, if you look at it that way, +/- 2 tier spread is perfectly fine. all these people who whine about it should be put on a server with pre 7.5 MM, and then complain about the current MM
No it is not fine with more T8 tanks than T6 in those battles!
There should be the other way around more T6 than T8! Not this stupid and blatant money grab by putting a player against all odds agains more tanks that can kill you with 2 or just 1 just, while a player needs 7 of those shot IF IT (big IF, due to way better T2+ armor and due to huge RNG ) even pens. Do I need to mention that those +2 only need to auto aim in your direction and you will lose half you hp in moment notice?
no French heavies in 2015 now?
because we need more russian crap that varies in the most unimportant way
because WG needs to push that 3rd German TD line out
we’ll see fucking armored cars in the game before anything else french….
So the tank inspector data was credit, the 152mm HEAT shell in the T49 is indeed just a credit shell not a gold/premium shell.
It costed about 770 credits for the 152mm HEAT shell on the T49 XM551 Gun Launcher.
The only way the suicide punishment can work is if rather than three suicides in a row, it’s three suicides total over a period of time…we’ll say 24 hours. Of course this means a lot of light tank drivers will be getting themselves punished for poor driving, but in those cases all I’ll say is “git gud”.
Haha I like how Storm is so blunt. They hire modders from outside of WG and he just says “Yeah well they suck”? Funny.
“- +/-1 MM will not be implemented (Storm: “It would be boring shit”)
- Storm considers current tier 1,2,11 battles (those that have 1 MM spread) boring”
Oh, yes.
You know what would be exciting? Going into a tier 4 fight with a PzII. Or any of the other several tanks equipped with machine guns/small autocannons.
Hell, ask Pz1C drivers how great +2 MM is. How it’s thrills and chills to somehow survive until the end of the match and have to try to kill even a medium tank with its peashooter because everyone who is on paper “capable” of it sucked out earlier in the match.
Now, I realize the theory is that “you take out their low-tiers, your high-tiers take out their high-tiers, everyone is happy”, but it’s been shown time and again that that is bullshit and almost never holds up.
Random players tend to, and always will tend to, go for the cheap, easy kills…regardless of whether or not taking the shot means they can’t shoot the more important target slightly to the left.
“Blocking shells by tracks – that’s bullshit and not tanking”
Does that moron even play the game? How does he drive an IS3, a straight line at the nearest tank?
Yeah saying sidescraping is BS and not tanking (despite it being the most difficult move to pull off regarding effective use of armor (or angling in general)) just shows that he is becoming more and more moronic due to him having such a high position. He is just arrogant and thinks he can talk such crap and be believed.
Yeah, when you’re sidescraping the only thing enemy can do is to keep you in one place at the corner by destroying your tracks, and let his teammates flank you, he’s losing credits on shells, you’re losing time, there has to be some kind of compensation for it…
Blah..blah..blah…. Only tier 8 need +/-1 MM spread: as soon as tier 8 have (if that ever happen), any other tier will start whine why they don’t. What about tier 6 when they have to face tier 8? like Vk 3601 vs KT or IS3, or Churchill GC vs ISU-152. So your argument is invalid
Blah…blah…blah…Because it’s make WG lose their money: That’s the truth, and because of his job, Storm only answer to avoid tell it straight. Maybe you want him to tell you “we don’t give you shitty +/-1 MM because it shit to make revenue?”next time when somebody ask about this again?
churchill gc does fine in T8 matches
“you’d have to “drive off by accident” three times in a row, so that’s apparently the limit of suicide punishment.”
so the first two suicides remain just a regular full repair no money death, the punishment already in place? Idiots. Just giving in to endless whining on the forum, again.
“- +/-1 MM will not be implemented (Storm: “It would be boring shit”)”
+/-1 MM would have more tanks in them than the tier 3-10 battles had when this game came out. Did storm consider that game to be boring, too?
“- the biggest problem for creating HD models for now is that outsourced modellers suck (lag behind)”
Oh this again, nice. So you don’t hire people for your company and choose to outsource, saving costs on it? Then you complain that these people are not as enthusiastic about doing work for you? Idiot!
“- 9.3 performance optimization will not concern only weak computers”
Does this mean that even modern, high end computers with have a shitty framerate again? I am concerned.
Storm: “Blocking shells by tracks – that’s bullshit and not tanking”
exactly …. but its U INVENTET THAT GAMEPLAY. and its not blocking shels with tracks its bloscking shels with side armor
“Sturmtiger won’t be in the game, because it’s impossible to balance. ”
But the 183 is perfectly balanced, especially when turned into an autoloader…
I LOL’d.
So they are un linking engine and transmission yet the engine and transmission share a common hit point pool.
So it seems a trans hit will no longer cause a fire but will damage engine and since they are now separate modules you will only be able to repair one of them unless carrying large repair kit?