- the gun shield on the ingame M56 Scorpion is 5mm thick
- the penetration of the D-10-85 gun on the LTTB tank in game is actually historical
- M6A2E1 now has limited MM in 9.3 (its top battletier was removed)
- the T67 (former T49) turret switch is intentional and historical (now there is T49 turret with T49 guns and T42 turret with T42 guns)
- the way the Soviet heavy line looks in 9.3 is apparently final (SS: not sure why anyone asked about that, did I miss anything?)
- M56 Scorpion is being developed, it won’t come in 9.3
- IS-3 in HD is still being worked on
- developers will investigate alleged FPS drops in 9.3
- Storm confirms that all vehicles will be reworked to the engine/transmission split system
This part is from “private sources”:
- WoT Generals has already a webpage, and its close to release on several extra languages. Generals will be a browser game, that requires cookies and java enabled, no special addons. The idea is to allow the player to play on multiple devices and is compatible with most web browsers (Opera, Chrome, IE, Firefox). Player sessions can be reopened at any time from mobile devices. Battles are intended to be around 10-15 mins long and there will be tutorials.
- WoT Blitz was pretty successful, the Android port will connect to the same servers to play and will have the same economy system. SerB is mainly focused on Blitz for the time being.
- politic talks are banned very strictly on Russian forums and in the client (“pro-Russian” players or Ukrainian “agitators” are given the boot)
- IS-3 in HD is still being worked on
Fix model for several times and then remodel to HD. Then fix model several times more :D
T54 log relocation should be their job as well.
something about the t49 second 90mm gun?
There is no such plan?
damn it…
Not sure if this has been mentioned anywhere at all or if this is done on purpose, but on the test server, there seems to be a serious malfunction with the ammo rack mechanism, as in people get ammo racked by bumping into someone, or with every other shot. Also is it just me or are the camo patterns screwed up when put on the new light tanks?
Maybe increased ammorack chance for testing purposes? Also for more action :D
yeah but 4 or 5 ammo racks per GAME? Dude its excessive
yes i also noticed a huge amount of ammo racks today, in every round there are at least 6-7 ammo racks. especially when you are driving the (new) t49… and the camo are screwed up, they are way to huge…
I noticed that the turrets dont fly off anymore when u ammorack someone I wonder if thats a bug?
They added ammo burn out effect in 9.2 or .1 – rare but its there. Maybe increased chance?
Isn’t it because everybody uses 152mm?
I rammed an Obj. 140 with T49 and ammo racked it… definitely bugged.
> M6A2E1 now has limited MM in 9.3 (its top battletier was removed)
Took them only 3 years to do it
can i buy one? :3, would be cool if we can win one like now the type 62
ive only ever seen 1 in the 9k battles ive been in…ugly piece of shit…
Too rare to even give slightest fuck about it :)
but i want one :DDD and a kv5 :3
I have it and I havent played it for at least 2 years maybe I will start playing it again when it gets limited match making.
I’m hoping this isn’t going to be it for changes to M6A2E1.
Its thick unsloped (pretty much) frontal armour has been obsolete for a long time now against anyone who knows how to press #2 while in most mediums, heavies and tds it comes across.
The armour on the other three sides hasn’t ever been an issue for light tanks or larger non-arty HE shells.
Gun is an inferior (RoF) version of the same thing on the T29 a tier below.
28kph top speed, weak traverse and huge penalties for showing the very large and thin sides of hull or turret round off the package of a flankers second best wet dream after the one about molesting artillery.
Has anybody noticed the free desert skin for the Tiger? (Same as the one in bovington?)
wha’ ?
Apparently free camo for Tiger, guessing its related to Bovington and their tank fest?
“Generals will be a browser game, that requires cookies and java enabled, no special addons”
Java is like cancer, no one in their right mind would ever develop an online game using it. WG developers are still living in the last decade with their rotten tech, they obviously have no clue about modern technologies such as HTML5 and WebGL which can deliver much better online content than anything made with Java.
Relying on NPAPI plugins such as Java will be a nightmare considering that browsers such as Chrome will be deprecating NPAPI support by next year.
Minecraft agrees.
Minecraft isn’t an browser-based game not does it use the Java NPAPI plugin, it relies on the Java JRE which is not browser dependant. Having the Java plugin enabled in any browser is like opening flood gates to all sorts of malware especially when the Java version in question has security flaw that could lead to your computer becoming infected. Let’s not forget that Java vulnerabilities and 0-day exploits are fairly common these days. To make matters worse, most people don’t usually update their Java installation on a regular basis.
Stop using the term cancer in contexts like these, you inconsiderate twit.
Here’s a happy cancer for you!
Arty is cancer
Indeed..thats what being a closed off communist society gets you. They are 10yrs behind the times.
Lets hope I can play WoTG on me old ass X10 Mini :D
How is the T67 turret? It’ll have the 9.2 stock turret as the upgraded one and it’ll keep the 2nd gun as best?
seems like it It was on a long time ago allready.
they just swapped the models, stats are the same (it still has the 76mm M1A1)
“the gun shield on the ingame M56 Scorpion is 5mm thick”
So it gets overmatched by the .50 cal and autopenned by the Besa. I’m pretty sure pistol rounds will go through that. :P
T49 (67) aesthetically ruined and now awaiting for the incoming nerf as well.. RiP
So shouldn’t the T49 a.k.a. T67 get extra 10 viewrange thanks to the turret switch? Right now the stock turret has better viewrange (which makes sense since it’s open-top).
>(now there is T49 turret with T49 guns and T42 turret with T42 guns)
Ummm, T42 turret only mounted the 37mm guns. T67 turret on the other hand, mounted 76mm M1
I guess they’ll replace the T42 turret w/ T67 turret when they turn it into HD
> “the way the Soviet heavy line looks in 9.3 is apparently final (SS: not sure why anyone asked about that, did I miss anything?)”
Well, there are now 11 tanks in the IS branch. It’s the longest branch in the game now, because you have to pass 5 tier tank twice: KV1 and KV1s.
The same if you choose from med line, two 7 tier tanks: KV-13 and IS.
WG seriously “nerfed” that line of tanks.
Given the extreme popularity of certain tanks in that line, is it really surprising that WG would like players to spend more time reaching the higher-tier tanks? For every extra step to Tier X, they make money from players buying premium time, gold ammo, and converting free exp. Profit keeps them in business, and usually means that they can continue to produce new content. I’m also happy to have noobs and/or newbs spend more time at lower tiers rather than rushing up to the IS, IS-3 and being unable to be a contributing team member.
Beautiful, isn’t it? :D
All give a warm welcome in chat to new FPS drops in 9,3!!!
This happens so often that it should be added in the patch notes.
Wonder if they nerfed the FPS loss or buffed it this time!?!
That Premium US TD doen’t look that much interesting