- Q: “What are the advantages of the T-54 Light? It has none compared to other vehicles!” A (SerB): “Don’t want to play it? Don’t play it. Better whine some more instead, for practice.”
- Q: “Will the D-10-85 gun, that was planned to be installed on SU-85, be added to other vehicles than LTTB?” A: “If needed.”
- Object 430 accuracy was decreased to 0,38 “to make it different from other Soviet tier 10 mediums”
- very slow tanks that sometimes have no activity due to their slow speed (like the US T95 GMC) will not suffer from the “anti-AFK” system – developers do keep them in mind when designing the system
- Chaffee and MT-25 gold camouflage will not be compensated (transferred to other vehicles) now that they won’t be the top light tanks of their nation anymore
- no tank in the game is balanced with players using only gold ammo on Wargaming’s mind
- Q: “Will you add medals for killing people with ricocheted shells?” A: “You think there are too few medals in the game still? :)”
- it’s possible that in the future, engine fires will be extinguished by driving the tank into the water, no ETA
- more tanks will have their engine/transmission split implemented in one of the upcoming patches
- new dynamic tracks (as shown in 9.3 test) are still work in progress, they have many bugs
- roadwheels of the Tiger in 9.3 test are not bugged
- Storm states that the new HD models turned out much better than the ones that were made for 9.0, for example he thinks welds are looking pretty good. IS-7 is an exception – that model is bugged – low LOD gun barrel is displayed instead.
- Q: What are the advantages of the T-54 Light?
It looks like T-54.
That is all.
Woras, when wil G.E.R 14 come out? :D
Tommorow, in worst case, after tommorow.
sweet, I’ll be on watch :)
http://i.imgur.com/S24O66z.png :D
It pwns T49 too. That frontal armour shrugs off the 152 with far less than 900 damage. then you kill the t49.
Too bad its fucking T-54 at tier 8 who goes to constant T10 battles.
Which the T49 also gets.
Played the T-54 LW on test, it’s kind of meh unless you fire pure APCR.
I tried it, actually quite liked it. It lacks A LOT in flair but it’s more than workable. Considering how much I’ve used the T-44 in T10 matches, it’s more than workable especially considering it’s better in almost every conceivable way than the T-44 in general.
But, it isn’t a very special vehicle. It’s workable and that armor will help it significantly against long range snap shots (especially if hulldown) and retarty splash but it’s not very stellar otherwise.
Overall it’d be better if they just made it a medium and replaced the T-44 with it.
why the assumption that everybody uses the stupid 152mm derp? 90mm is way better.
I find it funny, we get a T-54 clone but no new French Heavies.
Heavies in a update about light tanks seem a bit misplaced.
Of course that is just my unqualified opinion.
He meant that T-54 and clones have had:
T-54 Light
Come out in as many different patches, and still not wind of one of hte most neglected nations. And that’s not counting the Chinese Type 59 variants.
And we’ll probably have more T-54 clones before even getting wind of new French heavies.
So yeah…So much for diversity.
Introducing T-54 Heavy next patch…A prototype T-54 with heavier armor introduced.
You mean 430U? :D
And after that, a T-54 proto on tier7…
I require a dose of prewar super-heavies, STAT!
T-54 1944
T-55 prot.
T-54 prototype will be a premium, didn’t you know?
They can still find a prototype to the prototype and put it in tier7!
And add the obscure demolition T-54 with the 122mm howitzer, brought to you by the same WG dev that made the E50M xD
Type 59 with Light Tank camo bonus. That is all.
Did I miss something…
“Chaffee and MT-25 gold camouflage will not be compensated (transferred to other vehicles) now that they won’t be the top light tanks of their nation anymore”
I assume they will at least keep the gold camo they already have?
When they took the T-50-2 away, the camo transferred to the MT-25. No doubt, someone was hoping they would do the same for the Chaffee camo – that is, moving it to the higher tiered light tanks. Obviously, WG has no plans to do this, so now they get sell more permanent camo for the new tanks.
MT-25 replaced the T-50-2, T-50-2 is gone and whatever there was on that tank was transferred to the MT-25.
the Chaffee is not getting replaced, it will still be in the game hence whatever it had on it will stay on it. Why is this so hard?
“Whatever it had on it will stay on it”
Except the modules that made it worth spending 75k exp…
Just sayin’.
Yes, they will.
how about if someone asking in the russian q&a ask them about the US premium tank reimbursement system that when the other servers going to have it?
That would be awesome
That system proved too buggy, and isn’t in place anymore. Every NA server tanker I’ve talked to about getting premium tanks back has submitted a support ticket and successfully got their “accidentally” sold premium tank back (one was a Type 59). Do other servers not give them back even if you submit a support ticket?
in EU server they only give back prem tank only one time,
They don’t give back at all on ASIA server, unless you submitted the support ticket at most 3 weeks after you sold it -_-… I’m never gonna get my M3 Light back…
EU has that. I recently had my Tetrarch restored when I sold it two years ago.
The new system is shit.
“- very slow tanks that sometimes have no activity due to their slow speed (like the US T95 GMC) will not suffer from the “anti-AFK” system – developers do keep them in mind when designing the system”
I have a very bad feeling about this new punishment system. Judging by WG’s record on most complicated additions to the game, they will screw it up.
I strongly doubt it will actually stop the type of behavior it is designed to prevent, but will instead cause lots of butthurt from players who are accidentally banned due to drowning etc.
This is the first time I agree with sentiments like this. The first time I crash once I am given a warning.
I think WG should try this system out, and if it doesn’t work, just trash it.
Not to be an asshole but if your computer/game client is crashing enough to cause this system to ban you then you have WAY more serious problems than the possible ban to worry about.
And assuming, as others have said, it’ll probably work like the team damage system and they may likely count client disconnects as another thing altogether. It likely wont be a problem for you.
Certainly it’s possible to, if you repeatedly drown yourself, by accident of course, you will get banned for it. I have little doubt the system works similar to the team damaging system. After a certain amount of time, it forgives you for team damage you do once in a while. If you aren’t careful after being given the warning, the system must assume you are doing it intentionally.
I would share your concern, if WG had a bad track record for wrongfully punishing the occasional team damager. I damage my team mates about once in 20-25 battles, but the system never assumes I deserve to be blue. I drown myself about once in 100 or so battles. I’m sure I’ll get a warning every time I do, but as long as I avoid doing it repetitively, I’m confident I won’t be banned for it.
The population that will be most affected by this are those with consistently bad lag. While I feel sorry for them that they may soon be unable to enjoy WoT, they aren’t usually productive to team success anyway.
Will it separate crashes, drowning and inactivity into different reporting sequences? Because, I would guess many players experience one or more of these three things in fairly short succession quite regularly.
“After a certain amount of time, it forgives you for team damage you do once in a while. If you aren’t careful after being given the warning, the system must assume you are doing it intentionally.”
hardest part while I was ginding KV-2 … friendly fire one-shots are common there. ..aiming aiming aiming, booom, and suddelnly Le Wild teammate in light tank appeard in front of the enemy tank trying to circle it or facehug it… needless to say the team rage followed …
SerB you will not win Golden Dildostick 2014?
How terrible…
“SerB you will not win Golden Dildostick 2014?
How terrible…”
Surly, you mean buy, not win?
give that man a cookie :3
He does not need to win anything
He just spends his money on this
I got a warning after I intentionally drew into water to drown on test. I like that alot! How are they tho knowing if someone intentionally went into deep water to drown and when someone drives of a bridge or cliff by lag and/or accident
you need to drve off a cliff 3 times to be punished .
3 times within a certain number of games, or time period? That might work, but if it’s open-ended then virtually every player will be caught by this.
They have likely set up something similar to the anti-team damaging system. You can kill a team mate once in a while and never get banned for it. The main annoyance here is that you are likely to get a warning every time you destroy yourself, no matter how long in between.
Thats what bugs me. What kind of span is in play for this? What about enemy players I push into water? Coz I did that quite a few times. Especially on Arctic region, Erlenberg, etc.
When someone Pushes someone down a cliff or drowns them it counts as a kill for that player . so fear not , WG arent a bunch of monkeys ( even though they proved otherwise quite a few times ) so they’ll figure it out if they didnt already
“When someone Pushes someone down a cliff or drowns them it counts as a kill for that player .”
I’m pretty sure it does not.
It counts as suicide. (A was lost in battle)
it doesnt say (B destroyed/pushed to water player A )
Does, actually. I’ve seen it in replays.’[Player A] drowned [Player B]‘, for example. Will just say the normal message if you throw them off a cliff though.
very slow tanks that sometimes have no activity due to their slow speed… a T95 should always be moving, if you are camping you are doing it very wrong.
Not necessarily. While it might be good to use the frontal armour to push a flank, using the T95 defensively is still a valid tactic. This is especially true on certain maps, and with an unbalanced team distribution on the map.
I found the T-54 LT to be a T-54 with less armor , HP , worse gun , same speed and higher chance of seeing tier 10
In other words: shit :D
It’s not THAT bad, but it sure is the worst of all T8 LTs and has nothing special to go for it.
- Chaffee and MT-25 gold camouflage will not be compensated (transferred to other vehicles) now that they won’t be the top light tanks of their nation anymore
WG has changed a lot. in 9.3 IS-4 owners could keep their camouflage in the IS-8 too. Which was cool because I bought it for half price, then in 8.0 I got back full price for both of them. xD
There’s no point, Chaffee isn’t getting moved, so you keep your camo on Chaffee. I don,t get the problem, the rest of the tanks are completely new, so there’s nothing you can transfer camo to!
What do people want, instant camo on T37? They forget they have to buy it first!!
“- no tank in the game is balanced with players using only gold ammo on Wargaming’s mind”
Actually, the better example is the 183 UK TD. Everyone used gold, so they nerfed the round. Now, not so many tankers play it anymore.
Use HEs.
Well, that’s probably what they actually had in mind.
E-100 came way before premium ammo was available for credits.
All premium ammo (non-HE) should have a standardized percentage bonus based upon the AP values.
“- it’s possible that in the future, engine fires will be extinguished by driving the tank into the water, no ETA”
With the new anti-drowning system it will be fun, just a failed fire extingush in water and not enough that you will die in the battle, but you will be punished :)
Seem that after we got rid of SerB from WoT project, more and more ideas are getting pushed through – the ones which previously were stalled and laughed upon…
Your right, a lot of obviously OP and UP tanks are much more balanced (and will be balanced) now that he is less involved.
Speaking of balance, WG acknoledges that gold imbalances vehicles, but they balance tanks ariund theyre standard ammo, and refuse to rebalance the worst cases of this. T54 for example, worse ap pen than the patton, but better gold pen with that ridiculously op heat. Wg logic.
“What are the advantages of the T-54 Light? It has none compared to other vehicles!”
I shooted at its frontal armor from 50m with HEAT from T49 (250 pene) and it dinged, than shooted his turret and ding. With 250 pene. Im ~1770 wn8 in case someone think that “tomato ding even on WT E100″
But T49′s HEAT has 150pen. So your WN is bought in ebay.
Unless he tried 90 mm HEAT, which is the same shell as on T69…
Ah, bonkers.
reminds me when a Leo1 hull dinged my E100 gold shell twice in a row :D
I was like WTF ? once in a life time
Dinged or tracks ate it?
dinged. sure the angle was really, i mean really bad.. but isnt it supposed to pen anyway ? 15cm caliber vs paper thin hull and all that stuff…
btw same thing happens with batchat every now and then.. but thats the famous “french UFO armor”
There is no overmatch or normalization for HEAT rounds.
Tell me about it – bounced 4 times on batman with Maus.
- it’s possible that in the future, engine fires will be extinguished by driving the tank into the water,
And when this get implemented we can expect even more suiciding tanks :D
Well, it’s not like it’d be a new core feature. More like something to stop it looking weird that a tank submerged in water is still burning.
It’s not like you have to completely submerge the vehicle to cover the engine deck with water, and you have ten seconds to drive out from the water even if completely submerged. If you get lit on fire and then drive off the cliffs in say, Cliff, to try and extinguish yourself you probably deserve some kind of punishment.
i think t54 light will be peace of crap in random battles, but in team battles, clan wars and such it will be a beast not as a scout but as a medium tank
If its anything like the WZ but with armor, I think it will do quite nicely in pubs. A decently stealthy medium.
It’ll work a lot better in live pubs than on the TS. Test server gameplay is really hard to judge the pub performance of the vehicle. And when one considers how much scouting a T-54 can actually do in game, it’s pretty easy to assume the light T-54 can at least passive scout and then late game harass and exploit.
btw, am I the only one who smells huge nerf on LTTB ? Never been fan of LTs (apart from ELC AMX) but that thing is crazy awesome… I mean, its SO MUCH FUN to drive…
I prefer m41 Walker bulldog from lttb (but this tank is VERY similar to current chaffe which i love) i didn’t notice it being op
Im not saying its OP, just that its fun to drive… it actually moves ! :D
“it’s possible that in the future, engine fires will be extinguished by driving the tank into the water”
brace yourselves. German swimming tanks are comming
So, I will drive my Panther now “water down” instead of “hull down”? -.-
what is ETA and LOD?
Are they abbreviations?
Estimated Time of Arrival
Level of Details
i think i’m one of those guys who hates whiners as much as SerB does, and with good reasons
RIP old arty accuracy.
now the fucking noobs dont know how to take fucking cover
“no tank in the game is balanced with players using only gold ammo on Wargaming’s mind”
Yeah, because we try to make a balanced game but… hell, who cares! Gold ammo is expensive nobody uses too much of it!
It was really expectable – even a blind man would see that penetration of gold rounds has nothing to do with regular penetration and is sometimes completly imbalanced. Correcting it would take est. several hours, or even less, just give it a fixed penetration buff eg. +25% for APCR and +40% for HEAT – IF tanks are balanced well with regular ammo, so they will be with premium ammo.
But no, why? Leave 330 pen Ob. 416 and T-54 as it is, since nobody plays them in such configuration, right?