A few answers from Tuccy, Czech community manager or whatever his rank is these days, as collected during NATO days in Ostrava by Svitman (thank you!).
- there will be new extended tutorial (how consumables, equipment work etc.) – allegedly soon, as the developers were waiting for new hangar UI, that comes in 9.3
- WoT Wiki will be promoted more “when it’s finished”
- it is currently not known, whether there will be more “cheap” tier 8 premiums (like Super Pershing is)
- no further info on how how to get the gun barrel marks will be disclosed (SS: as in, battles remaining, exact XP threshold etc.)
- T71 gold ammo price will not be changed
- it’s possible that the company mode will be cancelled altogether
- it’s possible there will be special CW missions
- there will not be more Stronghold missions for now
- T-34-3 will likely not be buffed (SS: oooops, but then Tuccy was never the most reliable of sources)
- T-34-2, 113, SU-101 and Afk Panther “will be buffed if needed based on long term statistics”
- mercenaries might come to CW, if the feature is successful in Stronghold
- WZ-132 advantage compared to RU251: “Better camo”
- the fact that a tank loses armor when the model is remade to HD does not mean the tank will always be buffed to compensate
1st lol
…to be banned.
This is starting to annoy me, guys. Please be so kind and do not spam this crap. Last warning. That goes for “113″ and “Lorraine” especially – you got temporary RO bans for those dicks, please behave.
O sooo good SS
Yay! \o/
I’d ban w/o warning :D
The Mighty Banhammer strikes again !
Ah, I knew grabbing popcorn was worth it when these guys returned from spammers’ hell. :)
actually this is only like my 2nd time saying that ever :(
Do it Do it
Yea, only donkey can haz dick. Tenks haz barrelz!
i only say 1st and what the topics about. not to spam
I didn’t mean to hurt you, m8. As we all know, + and – give 0, so have some boobies to make up for the dicks: ( . Y . )
BTW, it’s pointless to make our posts require moderator approval – my engineers can produce a new Ausführung within a blink of the eye. Destroy one, face millions. Beware. But trust us, we are doing it for a just cause.
And please, let us coexist in peace. You give us quality articles and a bit of laughter when you organise witch hunts and anti-EFE crusades, we keep your blog clear of firsts. Seems like a fine deal, doesn’t it?
Yours sincerely,
Lorraine von Vierzigtonner, Wang Zhong 113 and Equus asinus
If your aim is just to annoy people then you’ve achieved it but i pity you for having such pathetic goals
Ur boring m8
He doesnt seam that annoying , a bit of ambience is not a problem
And where is SU-101? This wonderful result of genius soviet thinking with even mightier gun depression than 113 and more mediocre gun than Lorraine?
The donkey is pleased :)
Oh loophole abuse…
Other news the 113 and su 101 i have unlocked and will have both soon , so it is a boon to me when it happends
113 sucks, go for Lorraine instead.
113 is a big med with a big boomstick . basically a beefed up 121
Lorraine is a big med with a mediocre gun, but still it’s super good.
Well SU-101 was already buffed, I had like 5,5s reload time on it ! :D
Would pay for cheap premiums if they weren’t as allegedly terrible as the Super Pershing. That thing is cannon fodder to me.
- it is currently not known, whether there will be more “cheap” tier 8 premiums (like Super Pershing is)
It is not that Super Pershing is “cheap”. It’s the new premium meds that are overpriced.
the T26E4 is newer than the T-34, Löwe etc. so basicly your point is invalid
Lowe, KV-5 and Type were all 7500 gold when released. Now the new price level is 11-12k gold for most. And he was talking about “meds” anyway
T-34-3 will likely not be buffed
I hope nobody bought it thinking it will be better after the buff
I have it, I was hoping for a buff :(, Even though i have a 60% win rate in it
so…. is it going to be buffed or not?
im confused…
I remember when Type 59 was on sale and I got one, my friend didn’t because allegedly it was too expensive at 27 euros or something ;)
So to all former cheapasses, haaaaaaaa~~
I missed the 2nd sale, I did not miss the third.
- WoT Wiki will be promoted more “when it’s finished”
A wiki is never finished :|
- T-34-2, 113, SU-101 and Afk Panther “will be buffed if needed based on long term statistics”
Only one of those needs a buff. T-34-2 is ok as it is. SU-101 needs to be downgraded 1 tier, AFK Panther needs to be removed entirely (or tier 6 premium light). 113 could use an armor buff but the tank is only owned by a small number of players since you don’t really see it in game. If those players are the ones above average, the tank will appear as balanced and they won’t buff it.
“A wiki is never finished :|”
See? Now you are getting it :)
Haha, never thought at it from that point of view. You’re right. This is WG after all.
T-34-2 definitely needs a buff, it’s so fucking terrible. Worse than the T-44 even.
I wonder if an elite T-34-2 is any better than its fellow Chinese tier 8 equivalents, the Type 59 and T-34-3?
If the T-34-3 gets the buffs that are in supertest right now then the T-34-2 is going to be absolutely useless in comparison.
Learn. To. Play :)
It really isn’t that terrible. I had over 200 battles with approx a 60% WR. It has a unique playstyle (especially if you use the 122) but isn’t “so fucking terrible”
So, are they going to buff T-34-3 or not?, I am confused now :S
T-34-2, buffed,
T-44 sends regards *sigh
T44 was buffed last patch..or 2 patches ago
- WZ-132 advantage compared to the Russians: “better camo”
Better question – what is the advantage over any other scout?
13 90, T49 or RU 251?
IMO its a regular “fuck off” answer. They are just too lazy to buff old LT’s….a uber whine needs to start on forum after 9.3 and then they will buff em…
Thats my fault, i just wrote ”RU” because i was in train and i cant remember the number and SS thought russians
132 is only better than LT-54 :D
with the speed buff the t-54 got, that’s up for debate.
Well the 85mm gun is pretty damn good.
Good accuracy on the move and good reload, with a small caliber that doesn’t remove as much camo when firing…and with the same module damage as a 90mm gun.
It could use a small RoF buff though, seeing as the RU251 has a similar gun, but with more alpha and pen, and is much faster, with better gun depression, and many, many more things that make the RU251 awesome =D
Then T49 comes to send you to garage – keep moving!
>Better question – what is the advantage over any other scout?
13 90, T49 or RU 251?
Ya know… now that I think about it…. you’re fucking right :o
Costs less to repair.
“will be buffed if needed based on long term statistics”
Just how long? 5 years? 113 has been the worst tier10 since it was released.
- WZ-132 advantage compared to the Russians: “better camo”
Yup, you totally need camo on the new “awesome” corridor maps. :)
One thing that annoys me is all the youtubers saying “they completely reworked [insert map which forums whiners hates here] into a completely new map” when they just fucking copy+pasted the same style from all the other maps into that one.
QB and Jingles are examples, but I generally like them.
New tutorial? Wheeee!
Why not several one about game tatctics?
So those tomato children will learn the base must be defended? Do it fast plz.
Plot twist: They all base camp after that.
But they really need to make tutorials about brawling, sniping and scouting which gets unlocked after reaching tier 5
How about teaching it right in the beginning???
And maybe we need more tutorials about “if a scout goes ahead to spot some targets but he does not want to do a suiciderush THEN FUCKING PROTECT HIM”?
WZ-132 advantage compared to the Russians: “better camo”
yea beter camo … by 5%
lets compare lttb 7 tier lt to wz 132 8 TIER
armor wz dont have armor 50 armor is the same as 30 .
lttb 90 armor can totaly bounce amx 75 mag all 140 shots. also rear armor is ultra sloped and it can bounce ridicoulus penetration( even 320) when god slooped only td can use 3x caliber rule
lttb is faster . wz 132 21horse per 1t lttb have almost 30 …
accuracy of gun the same
aim time lttb aim faster
damage per minute lttb have slighty beter.
onlt advantege of wz is 19 more penetration
and the hp … LTTB have 950 thats the same as stock tier 8 wz and top wz have 1050 what is ridicoulus only french td have les (by 50) but its 150 sloped armor) + 250 pen gun,,,
if new chinese lights be in 9.3 wz 132 wod be on tier 7 with 950 hp
also compare scout panther german lt 7 tier to lttb itsridisulous
“- the fact that a tank loses armor when the model is remade to HD does not mean the tank will always be buffed to compensate”
That may cause some butthurt … especially if talking about tanks like the Maus or E100 or w/e that has armor.. ofcourse if you give 50 more mm to the Ferdinand and 200 to the Hellcat, it will all the perfect!
However, nerfing something is always going to cause butthurt … unless we are talking about the WT E100 .. please nerf it more..
Nerf arty.
Better yet – remove it completely.
Woras you should stop with this hate on arty I many times like to have one in team when for example some well armored td camps
Flanking, scouting, or shooting such a TD in the weak spots is not an option I see.
You like having support, and support manifests it in artillery. If that artillery was a fast medium tank instead you could flank and kill the TD.
“Go flank the invisible killer at the idon’tknow coordinates… Good luck!”
BTW you said it right… TD is a tank. Arty is a support. Supports can rarely kill (if they can, then it’s team is made out of idiots). Supports can not defend themselves (if they can, then the enemy team is full of idiots).
- no further info on how how to get the gun barrel marks will be disclosed (SS: as in, battles remaining, exact XP threshold etc.)
But… But… Gun barrel marks are given for damage, not XP or frags. It seems to be average damage done over last 100 battles (so a moving window). Plus once you get a mark, you don’t lose it (if your avg dmg drops), much like mastery class badge.
BTW French marks are nice, others are pretty useless – stars on the Chinese, USA and Russkies are next o invisible, German triple stripes are confusing and barely visible, only the French have nice, clear, thick stripes.
Anyway, without knowing how this e-peen works, it’s an eye candy but basically useless.
Id rather cooperate with who has gun mark than naked one.
You have XVM for that already, do you expect oranges to get MoE? Anyway, my point was that you don’t know exactly what they are given for. The knowledge base article conflicts with itself and the ingame description. One says “damage ratio” (so damage done divided by damage received for a given tonk), the other says just “average damage” for a given tonk. KB article for reference: http://eu.wargaming.net/support/Knowledgebase/Article/View/528/18/
{{gun-marks}} │ │ X │ X │ X │ X │ marks on gun (only for spotted vehicles)
XVM doesnt show what I want and doesnt work for me.
If person has gun mark, it means he is better than 65% of those tomatos – good enough for me.
You forgot to mention the British, the same markings as the French.
Edit: the American markings suck the most. They look like garbage.
I didn’t forget them, I omitted them because I don’t play them so I haven’t seen their marks. I also omitted Japan for the same reason (they have some weird axes).
tucci, gucci and other hi-quality species.
-it is currently not known, whether there will be more “cheap” tier 8 premiums (like Super Pershing is)
Tbh, please don’t add any more “cheap” tier 8 premiums like SP. They are a pain to play in even tier 8, I’d rather have a normal-priced SP with a better gun, I don’t mind the extra gold if the buffed SP is fun to play.
wait. tank COMPANIES?
shit man, where am i going to play my tier 6′s against competent strangers now?
- WZ-132 advantage compared to RU251: “Better camo”
ahem, 13 90
13 90 has an autoloader, giving it a huge advantage in burst damage.
1% better camo than the Ru is hardly an advantage.
“- it is currently not known, whether there will be more “cheap” tier 8 premiums (like Super Pershing is)”
Heh. Super P hasn’t been increased to 10k+ because
1: people would whine about “only” having been able to receive its original value during the resale event
2: people would whine about having to pay more than its original value
3: it’s not popular enough to begin with due to WG’s steadfast refusal to balance the armor nerf by at least giving it its historical gun
And, as another comment somewhere above said, it’s not that the Super P is cheap, it’s that everything else is overpriced…and the poor tank isn’t quite good or popular enough to be overpriced, too. Few enough of them are bought these days at a “fair” price.
(note that I’m not saying it’s a BAD tank, it’s just not as stronk as nearly every other tier 8 premium)
” – T-34-2, 113, SU-101 and Afk Panther “will be buffed if needed based on long term statistics””
Didn’t they just buff the AwfulPanther not so long ago? I’ve heard it borders on decent these days if played right.
” – WZ-132 advantage compared to RU251: “Better camo””
As above, the difference is ~1.2% (4.8 meters for a 400m view range, which will rarely matter due to how the spotting system currently works anyway), so…I’m going to take this as either a really terrible attempt at joking or laziness to the point of not being bothered to find a stat with a more profound difference.
Russian devs are the worst seriously they make so many stupid comments and ridiclous changes thats why europe hates them.