Thanks to Anthony for this one.
So, in 2015, we will get more French medium tanks, according to Tanatoy (French community manager) and his post on Facebook.
Is it true? Yes it is. There will be more French medium tanks, but somehow, I have this feeling that the French will be disappointed. Call it a hunch. After all, the plural word “tanks” might also refer to “two”…
untill then, WoT will be history.
Why is everyone on this blog such a nihilist, stop whining people, its a great game with a few kinks…
I have a strange feeling about this guy, he seems like a troll.
Don’t be rude, Tanatoy never troll like that.
Dude, SS refers to Comment above him
perhaps he is WT Fanboy
Or a banned botter.
Or a FAME guy. (they weren’t mentioned in the winner interview on WG Portal)
Its not a reply to me but the comment above mine. Either way im not a botter nor a troll, i like the game and thats why im on this site. Soo many people play the game, visit this site and all the while moan and whine how its all horrible and that is wrong in my book.
Be careful, the dark side of the force is strong in him =)
The screenshot is from me :)
It was on facebook, on the official WoT page, with the AMX13 90 picture.
And unless the official page is owned by trolls, it is not one
Are the transmissions finally going to be historically accurate and go faster in reverse than forward? Lol
Yeah, and in light of historical accuracy, American tanks will randomly shoot them after panicking because they saw a Jerry, while British tanks attempts to scuttle them, or just leaves them behind while they retreat back to England.
History is fun like that ;)
100% original joke, will tell again.
WTS authentic french ww2 rifle:
– Mint condition…
– Never fired…
– Only dropped once…
WTS Authentic US WWII rifle:
-Mint condition
-Still in plastic bag
-Dropped in the sea by a beach
I hope they wont give everyone a s35 like they did with the hotchkiss, driving my pz s35 is a special pleasure :)
In T3 the S35 is OP, did 8 kills in my first battle, but after 10 battles or so I sold it again, since it never went into a T3 battle after that.
Oh its totally OP, my max kills in a game is still 9 with the s35. Pretty much owns t3 games but in t4&5 its kinda crap so in the words of wg its… balanced :-) would hate if wg gave everyone the same tank for free when i had to buy it with gold. Same thing that happened with the hochkiss…
Ehhh.. it wont be the same. Just like the German Hochkiss isn’t the same as the Frenchie. Besides yours has all the premium tank benefits like awesome exp and bonus crew training.
Arguably the French model under historical stats would be more OP than the German model in certain ways, although it does have some failings otherwise.
Armor was substantially stronger historically – 47mm frontally for example – and it has -18 degrees of gun depression.
However it didn’t get the 220 horsepower engine of the S35 model, only on the S40 model, which is historical.
The most worrisome thing is the gun – in game the French SA 35 gets lower penetration than the same gun firing the same ammunition on the same tanks in the German tree for bizarre reasons, as it is with the SA 38 too. 45mm instead of 52,, alongside worse accuracy.
I also imagine that the Somua S35 will not get the ridiculously fast aiming time and gun control that the German unit gets.
So it should be balanced with better armor in exchange for worse gun control and slower speed, although I really think that the SA 35 should get its historical penetration that is found in the German tree. Same for the SA 37 for many tanks, historically it was 106mm at 100 meters rather than… 66mm.
Wut? The S-35 is an iconic french tank. It would be absolutely retarded if the Krauts were the only nation to have it.
Thats true, but im happy with the way things are :-P
It would be like if only France had access to the Panther
The Somua S35 was one of the most important tanks to the French war effort in 1940. They’d HAVE to get it (plus it saves them some time with modeling).
we want french heavys not mediums…
Nope. Sorry.
da, we need more copy tanks from the leopard :D
The amx 30 is as much a copy of the leopard as the leopard is a copy of the amx 30 you know… they both were initially the same tank.
We want super-fucking-heavies. Tier 4 with 1000 HP and lolderpguns.
The only good super heavy, is a steampunk super heavy with a forward mounted 155mm derp gun =D
the only t4 super heavy is that pzb2 that eats b1s for brunch
No it doesn’t, they’re the same tank. Hell, the B1 bis is slightly better in terms of stats, it just isn’t top tier all the time (hence why it doesn’t perform as well as the B1)
that is pretty accurate…the FCM 2C /2C Bis might get a steampunk related nickname…
How about “Le TOG” (since I imagine it getting a similar reputation as the TOG II)?
Couldnt care more if theyre bad, its just the fact that were actually seeing new french tanks after two years.
My inner baguette is pleased.
Same I just want more french tanks I don’t care what their like.
If this is the AMX 30 line, they’ll be fine. Yes they won’t have autoloaders, and they’ll be similar to the Leopard 1, but it’s something different, and that’s what matters.
He is still WG EU, and far from being reliable. He might even be just repeating what his polish colleague told him. Or he read it on FTR, even, haha.
He’s actually right. I know that for a fact.
As usual, they will do massiv bullshit on french tank…
The starnge looking balancing turret is for equilibrate the shoots in mouvements, but on 13-75/90…
Same for 13 75, IRL he has more than 144mm penetration and 12 shells in the auto loader…
I’m of course not speaking about B1 and AMX 40, some of the strongest tank in early WWII (even if mimix 40 is only a project)
“Same for 13 75, IRL he has more than 144mm penetration and 12 shells in the auto loader…”
… but it took several minutes (I guess more than 10) to replace spent drum and, as a bonus, the crew had to go outside the tank… be careful what you ask for.
Is something i never understand well… why they dont release low tier french tanks to have a base to expand in future 2nd med and heavy lines??? this help to balance lower tiers and give them more time for top tiers and his balance.
Maybe if they release in 2015 french meds is to have a bonus to sell a french prem tier 8 med… or a lower one because today french tree has 0 prem med trainers and regular tanks are useless for this because are 3 crew tanks… fun but today the only trainers are heavy tanks and only one is premium… this or use a lower TD as trainer.
I confirm few French tanks are planned for 2015. There is no plan for AMX 13 105. There is plan for AMX 13 57.
Source :
Ufff i dont see it… i dont like a lot MT-25 gun… and has fast reload in a normal gun, a 57mmL100 with revolver could be trash, because i doubt a lot they give it 1s of reload between shots… or they give a normal gun??? then why use it over revolver AMX… 12??? because i think is more a tier 6 with the gun it uses.
Lets see what do WG but remember they allways say no no no no to meds and TDs tier 10…
The dude here says that WG is having problem accessing French military archives. Why am I not surprised?
Pingback: Francouzské střední tanky v roce 2015?
Slightly off the topic, but any ETA on 9.3 release ? I know you said it will be this week but its ususaly on Tuesday or Thursday and there is still no announcement.
I wanted new French heavies. Muh AMX M4 (1949), muh AMX 65t. ;_;
Well, it’s still better than nothing, French are the most neglected nation in this game.
Great, but 2015 has 12 months so, as we know Wargaming the new french tanks will come at the end of 2015
And, WG will have a issue to balance the tank (or something like that), so the introduction will be postpone for mid 2016 …
Need a Tier 7? I have three words….French….Modified….Sherman. I don’t even care which one. (Well, obviously not the one with the 105mm from the AMX 30A).
Seriously? They can’t find more then two tanks to add? Out of the following…
Somua SM
AMX 65t
ELC “Even” series
Sherman FL10
ARL 40 Char C
AMX Char Moyen
Char G1 (and all related designs)
AMR 33, 35
AMC 34, 35
…and all the rest I missed. You mean out of all those tanks they can only find TWO to add?
To make a full branch with all tiers, yes. Most of those are low tiers, light tanks, or heavies. :\
There is enough to a full medium line, most of a light line and most of a heavy line. Not counting a few TDs they could add as well. Without going the “LTTP” route.
S-35 > S-40, Char G1R > SARL 42 > AMX 45 > M51 (French in design but used by Israel, can at least put it into the French line since Israel wouldn’t arrive any time soon) > AMX 30A > AMX 30B
Took what, 20 seconds?—93-patch-release
I want the AMX-30 as a cw tank
Lel ask for M1 Abrams while your at it, AMX-30 is for popular comrades of WoT.
Even if WG adds only tier 9 and 10 the AMX 30 prot and AMX 30 i will still be verry happy
Has anyone contacted you about doing research, SS?
On an unrelated-to-this note…when is 9.3 coming to the NA server? Thought it was today? :( Was all excited…
I bet EU and NA will both get it tomorrow. That ios ofcourse just a guess that depends on WG not having screwed things up badly…
I’d rather see the half-assed trees get complete reworks rather than the half-assed trees getting half-assed additions.
The US medium route is in pretty bad need of a rework. It’s so ahistorical it’s almost sickening.
French mediums?
AMX chasseur char is 34 tonnes
Sherman FL10 could be a giggle
I do see the problem in filling a tree though as I can’t really find any else
SARL 42 at tier 6, Sherman Fl 10 at tier 7, M51 at tier 8 would work entirely well. The Arabs and Israelis aren’t arriving any time soon and wouldn’t complain about their French designed tanks being used in the French tree.
I translate the FB posts :
“Will we finally get the French medium branch ?
–I dream of it every night !
–2015 ! -Tanatoy
–So I can go bed and sleep until then ! Thanks !! :D
–Thanks Tana :)”