Igromir Q&A

Source: http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/3537548.html

Hello everyone,

somewhat lengthy Q&A from yet another meeting of players with developers (or, in this case, community people).

- developers are collecting and analyzing shell accuracy and damage statistics (SS: related to accuracy nerf apparently)
- LTTB is in some ways similiar to the old T-50-2, gameplay is different however
- no new info on FV4202 fate
- future plans for Stronghold mode: special shop, consumables. A part of the consumables will be also usable in random battles (no ETA for now)
- British LT, Japanese TD branch? No comment.
- the reactions on new large amount of obtained medals is mixed, some get many, some can’t get even the simpliest ones
- your low winrate vehicles do not have higher chance of appearing on the top of the team (SS: reacting on such a conspiracy)
- hiding your statistics is not planned
- gold ammo for credits: “statistics are being collected and analyzed. Apparently there are some plans to nerf their damage and/or a hardcap (SS: this is most likely wrong, Storm specifically said this variant was scrapped)
- developers are “reviewing the role of armor in battle and the penetration inflation”
- Super Pershing is fine statistically, won’t be buffed
- there will be new perks and the old ones will be rebalanced, Sixth Sense will be tied to the radioman and everyone, who has it on their commander as a perk will get a free skill reset

- SU-5 shell amount will not be buffed
- the new anti-bot system is working effectively: on RU forums, 10k people were already banned “and that’s just a start”. Some developers really hate botters, the punishments will get only stiffer and the bot detection will improve
- insults in WoT? “Use the profanity filter”
- statistics of camouflage and spotting are being collected, there will be changes to LT’s and TD’s in this respect (“when it’s done it’s done”)
- no more strict arty hardcap will be implemented
- there are plans to make the game more newbie-friendly (accessible), at the same time the system of education (tutorial) will improve
- T57 Heavy nerf was justified
- roaming was basically shelved, as during its development, it was discovered that it puts a lot of strain on main internet lines. It would cause high latency for all the players and some players would really be hurt by that.
- NPC’s (bots) will appear in the game, they will have a functional AI, “when it’s done it’s done”
- “many are fed up with Clanwars”, developers are working in improving the mode
- soon, there will be a CW event where tier 10 medium tanks are needed
- regarding optimization, the developers are working in two directions: building the HD client and optimizing the SD one. The main problem with optimization is that the computers the players have are extremely diverse, from “calculators” with Windows XP to cutting edge gaming PC’s
- 9.3 or 9.4 brought/will bring the removal of the last remnants of the original Bigworld code. From now on, the engine counts as Wargaming’s own engine (and not a Bigworld version).
- you can get an automatic ban (apparently for unsportsmanlike behavior), if you “randomly” shoot other teammate’s tracks a lot
- new gift tanks are not planned for now
- BL-10 shells being eaten by tracks too much? “They work normally. If you don’t like it and want realism, go play War Thunder or join the army.”
- WoT 2.0? “There will be no modern tanks”
- there will NEVER be transfers of credits between accounts, this includes credit transfers within a clan
- it’s possible there will be a Wargaming version of “noobmeter”, but “the current one demotivates some people a lot.” Currently, developers are considering the XVM noobmeter to be more of a problem than a good thing
- XVM-style minimap will be added to the game
- regarding premium tanks: IS-6 use doesn’t depend much on skill, FCM does
- developers are planning new “historical maps”, based on real life places, they will not be totally accurate, they have to be balanced by map designers for gameplay purposes
- old premium tanks’ (Matilda, Ram) rebalance? “If needed”
- the developers are aware of the bug, where MM puts you over and over again on the same map. It’s being fixed.
- in the game, the shell is modelled as a single point, everything else is graphics
- apparently, economy of WoT is working correctly
- Dragon Ridge is apparently doing fine, but only on Chinese server. If it ever returns, it will be after an overhaul
- regarding the removal of the gold shells altogether – won’t happen: “Some of the tanks are unplayable without gold shells, for example T69 in tier 10 battles”
- loading gold shells has no effect on your matchmaking
- team battles for tier 6 and 10? “When it’s done it’s done”
- the bug where you can’t invite people in your friendlist for a platoon is known, it will be fixed
- historical battles: “when it’s done it’s done”

99 thoughts on “Igromir Q&A

  1. - developers are “reviewing the role of armor in battle and the penetration inflation”

    armor is pointless now unless it’s either very thick or very sloped your better off driving a fast tank

      • U MENA VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B?
        The fucking thing that I sold two weeks before the buff was announced?


      • The E75 is still a more pwerful an versatile vehicle than the VK 45.02 B.
        Only gold noobs and TD idiots not aiming for the turret or flanking this tank complain all day long.

        But it is true that the armor of many tanks is virtually worthless for their tier. The British TD line is a great example.

    • ahahahah they realize that the game has a retarded powercreep just now?.

      T95 used to be unstoppable, now any fucktard in their stupid T10 med can pen the front with “frremium” infflated ammo

          • Which is a normal reaction!.
            alas only you and maybe 4 others fear a t28/95, T10 TDs just autoaim at your(impenetrable) mantlet and autopen and T10 meds can laser-pinpoint the hatches at the same time they circle you to death

      • I like your “freemium” term. Don’t know what it means though? There are so many things I want to say here.

        I have never had a problem w/ gold ammo. I treat every round coming at me as if its gold. Don’t see the issue really.

        Basically, I cant afford to fire gold, its one of the things I cant stand about the Top clans and the gold handouts.

        What I have noticed more and more w/ new guys and some older ones is this, Sidescraping. Its a good tactic, but if you setting your tank up to hold a corner and your whole plan hinges on you bouncing everything because you’ve figured that the armor angles are never going to be penned, well, that’s just foolish imo. I shot large caliber HE rounds into Scrapers and it works.

        Hint, go for the rear sprocket and the hull.

        I also see allotta guys claim to think they know where ALL their damge came from and they don’t. Sure, go ahead and save all your replays, watch them endlessly, prove WG wrong.

        WoW, sounds like fun. Kinda like writing tickets all day trying to prove to WG that your right about the game you’ve already payed for.

        Again, sounds like fun.

        2ndly, I am a good shot imo, and I cant penn the front of a T95 with a gold round in my 50m. Anyone that does is just wasting their rounds and you should be able to waste them. Of course what you prolly mean is, “I got penned by something from the front? and then a Tier Ten killed me”

        Hint, their is a little plate that sharp shooters go for on under your mantlet…..Another hint for heavy armor TDs is this, HE to any hatch.

        Your a tier 9, your supposed to die to Tier 10s?

        • “I am a good shot imo, and I cant penn the front of a T95 with a gold round in my 50m”

          I can easily snipe it from 400m in my 50m, or 200 whole moving…

          • Your saying you shoot at the front of T95s from 400m away? And then your leaving me with the impression that you penn?

            Here I was trying to flank in my mediums………

  2. “- regarding the removal of the gold shells altogether – won’t happen: “Some of the tanks are unplayable without gold shells, for example T69 in tier 10 battles””

    Some T69 noobs even shoot HEAT shells to enemy tank’s track. :]] No damage, no de-track

    • u kids make me laugh, i did 1,6k average dmg on that tank without single gold fired (CW and team battles excluded), and i am only average noob… it is just about knowing the enemy weakness and taking advantage of it… but not a lot of people is interested in finding those weaknesses, since they can buy gold ammo instead….

        • It was highly amusing to watch noobs with no knowledge of HEAT rounds play the T49 on the 9.3 open test. On the test server, people would be like “Oh, I have 100,000,000 credits. I’ll load nothing but gold.” and hop into a battle.

          The noobs would lob HEAT at you, and hit spaced armor and go “wth happened?!?!?!” All you have to do is show them your side armor and the shots have a half-half chance of fizzling… HEAT doesn’t need a nerf, APCR doesn’t need a nerf, it’s the quantity of shells that needs a nerf.

    • Unplayable without gold shells in tier 10 battles? So what does the Foch say?


      Yep. Bullshit.

      173 pen is playable, as it goes through ~90 % of all stuff in the game when fired anywhere but 60 – 80 degrees frotal arc. Pretty every tank introduced after 0.7 has retardedly weak sides so it can be penetrated by lights/meds 2 tiers lower with no problem (OK, brit TDs are exception).
      I would even say that any new tier 10 has to have 175 penetrable weakspots in the front… But you can’t camp and “snipe” at 500 metres or just fire at general direction of the enemy, so “unplayable”.

      The only gun I would consider useless while being on the bottom is German long 5 cm – mainly because KV-1′s (one tier higher than Pz III for example) have hardly any spots penetrable for 67 mm pen, and none of them are on the sides… That frenchie gun (or AMX 40 gun-howitzer) is also pretty bad. Just give them ~80 mm pen, similar to Japanese 47 mm gun (it’s perfectly fine on tier IV).

      Other than that, penetration is pretty well balanced. Some tanks even have too much of it. But gold is unnecessary in most cases, even the devs say they balance the game for AP ammo.
      So if there are tanks “unplayable on AP” that means they have just failed, right?

  3. “- the new anti-bot system is working effectively: on RU forums, 10k people were already banned “and that’s just a start”. Some developers really hate botters, the punishments will get only stiffer and the bot detection will improve”

    Well I’ll be damned.

  4. “- developers are “reviewing the role of armor in battle and the penetration inflation”

    World of Corridors ain’t enough, you gotta make HT immortal too. Only that way your zombie 300WN8 crowd will be pleased and pour more money into WoT :)

    • yes, Mause like open maps….dev said Mause have only armor and Hp, sadly armor is bad on turret. That slow shit need armor or better gun.

  5. - regarding the removal of the gold shells altogether – won’t happen: “Some of the tanks are unplayable without gold shells, for example T69 in tier 10 battles”
    Correction: WG is unprofitable without gold shells.

    But on a more serious note – of course, they are needed. Not only for T69, FV183 and German mid-tier meds, but for shitloads of mega-painful stock grinds with epically shitty guns too!

    • FV183 is shit with 310 pen and 1150 damage so it so necessarily needs HESH(gold ammo)?? Never go full retard.

  6. “it’s possible there will be a Wargaming version of “noobmeter”, but “the current one demotivates some people a lot.”

    Isn’t that why there’s an in-game Personal Rating? Even if it feels like it weighs Win Rate too heavily, it’s not a bad way to get an at-a-glance sort of measure.

    As for things like Noobmeter, people who care about things like stats are typically reasonably good anyway, or are at least in a position to use poor stat performance as a motivator to get better at the game if they’re serious enough to bother looking. Conversely, people who are bad enough to be demotivated by their performance typically don’t really care anyway.

    • Or Wargaming could just hide the player stats from everyone except the player himself, his mutual (!) ingame friends, and any clans who look at him in the recruitment station (when he’s actively using it).

      People who need the information can see it, everyone else can’t.
      Problem solved?

  7. “there are plans to make the game more newbie-friendly (accessible), at the same time the system of education (tutorial) will improve”

    Let me translate:-

    there are plans to make the game playable for those with no situational awareness, no common sense, and absolutely no skill. The amount of effort we will put into destroying this game in our pursuit of excess profit knows no bounds.

    • Accessible doesn’t mean “We’re looking for a wider audience”, it means they’re trying to make their system more transperant. It takes new players hundreds, if not thousands of battles to begin to understand the spotting system and that’s with them paying attention. You still have 30k battle players who make “invisible tank” whines because it’s never explained ingame.

      Making a game accessible in no way necessitates changing actual gameplay. At best your translation should read:
      “There are plans to make the game understandable for those with no desire to learn from 3rd party websites and youtube videos. These efforts will likely eat into time better spent making the game more profitable, as it has been proven WoT can still profit with either a shitty or no tutorial at all.”

        • You still have 30k battle players who make “invisible tank” whines because it’s never explained ingame.
          Those morons should have uninstalled 20k battles ago. If someone is so retarded that it can’t understand most simple game mechanics after having played 30k battles i have no pity for him and he can fuck off.

          • “Simple”.


            I like to think I’m not a poor player, but the spotting system still gets the better of me, often enough. And that’s 11k battles later.

            • I’m not saying that spotting system is flawless and not bugged. It’s far from it, but still doesn’t justify when some players can’t grasp the basic concept of how it works and yell invisible tanks instead.

  8. - there will be new perks and the old ones will be rebalanced, Sixth Sense will be tied to the radioman and everyone, who has it on their commander as a perk will get a free skill reset

    Woot? I’ve thought that we ALL get a free skill/perks reset (even automatically) with the introduction of the new ones, wtf.
    Also, the sixth sense for all is one of the most retarded ideas ever. It wil drastically change gameplay, and also will be an another dumbing down of the game… As for now, the Sixth Sense is a REWARD for a player that sticks with a specific crew. It is not that hard to hit 100% on the first skill. I usually have it on the second, after reseting to BiA… I just can’t imagine how bad the gameplay will be if everyone will have it (hello camperfests, hello nerfing arties to the ground (as well as TDs)).
    Additionally tying it with the Radioman is probably logical, but BAD gameplay-wise. That dude is dying most of the times, and I am not even speaking about the KV-5… There is just a handful of tanks were it is worthy to heal his sorry ass (or on all when the battle is won, and we want full XP for him). Seriously, this is bad. Health pack should be used on the other crew members, and do not even try saying about the premium one, as it is not only quite expensive, but also these dudes rarely die all at the same time…

      • of course. Otherwise enjoy having no 6th sense for roughly 40 000 exp on every new tank.

        • 40k experience isn’t really that much and not having Sixth Sense when others do is a problem, but nothing a good player can’t handle.

          Also when the baddies see the lamp 80 % of the time they’ll probably start to ignore it anyway or be generally confused what they did wrong and wonder where to hide. So nothing would change on the lower end, really.

    • Woot? I’ve thought that we ALL get a free skill/perks reset (even automatically) with the introduction of the new ones, wtf.
      You will get them all reset, because other new skills and rebalancing of old ones will come in the same time too.

      • afaik sixth sense change and overall perk rebalance are separate things. so when sixth sense change will come (it will happen before perk rebalance) they’ll probably reset just commander’s perks.

    • You’ve got it the wrong way round – tying 6th sense to the radioman gives you an incentive to heal him if he is injured.

    • The “gold” repair pack gives you added protection for the crew (when not used) from injuries, not only heal all at once. That is its main advantage over the small one. I can confirm it is effective, in my ELC i needed to use (having 1 of 2 crewmembers not active sucks big time…) the small med kit in almost every battle. Ever since the large one became available for credits i started loading it and dead crewmember on ELC is largely a thing of the past.

    • Also please note that the radioman is THE LEAST common crew member, and in more or less half of the tanks the radio is tied to the commander.

  9. - the reactions on new large amount of obtained medals is mixed, some get many, some can’t get even the simpliest ones
    Yea.. How bad you have to be, not to even get the new ones?
    I think now, in even terribad game you can get 2-4 of those new medals, if you play and shoot couple of times. I mean – do 5 critical (even track) hits.. do your own HP of damage in a low HP camping TD.. C’mon, there are maybe couple of games since the patch came out, where I didn’t got those..
    Ok, if you are so bad, that you can’t even shoot, then don’t touch your teammates, and you’ll get at least that fancy Battlebuddy :D

  10. - the developers are aware of the bug, where MM puts you over and over again on the same map. It’s being fixed.

    That explains why yesterday I keep getting Pearl River and the day before I keep getting Prokhorovka..

  11. - it’s possible there will be a Wargaming version of “noobmeter”, but “the current one demotivates some people a lot.” Currently, developers are considering the XVM noobmeter to be more of a problem than a good thing

    Fuck yeah. Problem that WG made on it’s own, and now they are blown back with it right into their faces. Since XVM is so popular, it means that there was a demand for such functionality.

    - regarding the removal of the gold shells altogether – won’t happen: “Some of the tanks are unplayable without gold shells, for example T69 in tier 10 battles”

    So don’t introduce tanks that are unplayable on certain battletier without gold.
    OTOH – statpadders use gold to shot everything at, so WG would lose a lot of revenue if they would mess with gold for credits. I always wonder listening to HEAT hisses on my shoebox tanks like T54E1.

  12. - Currently, developers are considering the XVM noobmeter to be more of a problem than a good thing

    Well, it must be a problem for them since players can see what a fail MM actually is (or it’s that way on purpose so it can maintain 50% -+10% WR aka rigging the battles).

    • … Yes… conspiracy…. It never occured to you that most ppl actually have close to 50% win rate? Just because… statistical propability? And utter baddies and unicums are the anomalies?

      • @rabiesdog – If you have seen what I have seen in the past 4,5 years… This system guarantees the best money income! It’s simply psychology and economics… well, you have your opinion and I have mine. Lets just agree to disagree?

      • So I’m 53, partially sighted, and because I THINK, and get 55%WR, what does that make me?

        When you see the stats in the loading screen, and see players in higher tiers with <50%WR, usually 45% and 20K+ battles, you know that there is something wrong with the game design where your success in game is dependant upon the top 3 tanks in the rank, and they are utter idiots? Automatic progression regardless of performance is bad for game play.

        It really needs to based upon XP AND some measure of personal performance. So you'd have this situation cropping up:- Not good enough to progress past tier 5? tough! learn to play, and stop screwing up the enjoyment of others. Serb can say how terrible.

        • Maybe it’s bad for gameplay, but for sure it’s good for business – imagine how much such siemka tomatoes have to pay to keep their tiers X running.

          And the fact that people leave the game because of that? Who cares, will make more advertising.

  13. - roaming was basically shelved, as during its development, it was discovered that it puts a lot of strain on main internet lines. It would cause high latency for all the players and some players would really be hurt by that

    Well then i will just stop playing WoT because i am sick playing with non English (not able or just stubborn not to learn it) speaking players. It’s impossible to play with that kind of ppl. Most of my battles are lost because of lack of communicating with each other.

    - regarding the removal of the gold shells altogether – won’t happen: “Some of the tanks are unplayable without gold shells, for example T69 in tier 10 battles”

    For T69, go f*** your self WG. I need to spend my credits for that useless tank (on tier 10). Even gold shells are not penning tier 10 tank (or i have just really shitty luck).

    • “”” Even gold shells are not penning tier 10 tank (or i have just really shitty luck).”””

      Or… you are not shooting at the the tanks that you can pen. If you cant pen it, shoot something else and leave the Maus/E100 to someone who can pen it.

  14. - regarding the removal of the gold shells altogether – won’t happen: “Some of the tanks are unplayable without gold shells, for example T69 in tier 10 battles”

    i have 58% winrate on the t69, and never used gold. deal with it

  15. JUST GAH make it +/-1 matchmaking take away gold shells and bam, no t69 with no chance anymore, plus probably a more happy community.

  16. I want a skill reset for ALL crewmembers. its bullshit, i didnt choose BIA becasue i wanted SS first, so all my first skills are something else instead. Now that i could have chose BIA i want all crew members resetted so i can choose it as first skill :<

    Sucks if you only get commander resetted :(

  17. - the reactions on new large amount of obtained medals is mixed, some get many, some can’t get even the simpliest ones

    I propose a competition, on who can get most medals!!!
    Max I got was 9. how about you guys? anybody got like 15?

  18. - the developers are aware of the bug, where MM puts you over and over again on the same map. It’s being fixed.

    This is a major factor in why i quit wot, playing 4-5 times in a row on a maps i hate and getting my favorite maps on a weekly basis (of hundreds of battles). Being forced to play on WGs seeded maps where they want map statistics farmed to get statistics on new map balance…

  19. God I hope they won’t touch the LL Matilda, in regards to average damage per battle, it’s my best T5 medium and one of the best T5 tanks in general. I really like Matilda IV, having shitloads of medals and great income on it – changing its properties and by extension playstyle is much more likely to break the tank imo… >_>

    • It wouldn’t hurt to have 91mm of penetration and 130ish mm of APCR penetration, to match the other premiums.

      The tank has surprisingly decent acceleration, but it’s still slow, and its armor has been slowly overcome by power creep; having “standard” penetration to, with its other statistics, make its gun something special, shouldn’t “break” it.

  20. Pingback: Igromir 2014: Letecké útoky na randomu?

  21. - regarding the removal of the gold shells altogether – won’t happen:

    If lowering damage is (most propably) not going to happen, how about lowering the RoF for gold shells? And include a WG-style explanation like “the shells are not stored in the ready-rack, so it takes longer to load them” :))

    “Some of the tanks are unplayable without gold shells, for example T69 in tier 10 battles”

    So, considering pen only, T-44 (+2 pen) or Pershing (+7) with regular AP shells are unplayable too? :)

    • Yes, certainly playing t44, pershing or t69 on tier 10 is a pain in the ass, or you camp or you do bullshit (if you dont use gold).
      For this reason I thenk that these tanks need a penetration buff (less buff for the t69 for the autoloader), but anyway the penetration of the Indien, Centurion and STA1 is far a way better and gives them much more flexibility.

      • I think people are spoiled with high-pen tanks (well, WG is to blame), just take T3 tanks that encounter KV-1. They are totally screwed.

        Some T7 tanks encountering T9s as well. So it is not exclusive to some T8 meds etc :)

        • Any tank with a gun smaller than 75mm is screwed when facing a KV-1, just like it happened in real life. It is a shitty situation and it forces you to use gold and to seek the KV-1 weak spots, but most don’t do that. They just turn around and run screaming “KV-1 RUN FOR YOUR LIVES,” and that is when you increase your KV-1 kill ratio.

          • Exactly – but it should be tuned more towards learning weakspots than firing gold left & right – at least from my (player’s) perspective.

            Game economy-wise, the premium shells (for creds or gold) win without a doubt :)

    • T-44 is fast and agile, Pershing has gun depression and gun mantle that can surprise.
      T-69 has neither. Even drum is so small that can’t stand against full HP tank – out of 4 shots 1 will miss, 1 will bounce, 2 will do damage, and then 27 seconds of being badly beaten up.

  22. i don’t get that accarucy nerf..again..don’t they wan’t us to hit these tanks or wtf!!?..i am suprised when i shoot with e50 and it goes way left or right and tanks with 0.4 acc just snipes me with no problem..for ffs deisgn better maps work on mm and gameplay in general don’t give us this shit about skill and perks and other insignifacant shit..gg WG

    • I guess that WG is looking for a way to nerf the gold rounds without damaging their income, WG’s income that is ;)

      They probably are trying to increase the sigma so the rounds will start moving towards the edge of the aiming circle and thus spoiling your aim, but they don’t want to return to the old sigma that made over 80% of your shots move towards the aiming circle edge.

  23. “- BL-10 shells being eaten by tracks too much? “They work normally. If you don’t like it and want realism, go play War Thunder or join the army.””
    kudos, at least they realize their own game is fantasy trash without any kind of realistic terminal ballistics or realistic damage.
    And yes i will do just that and play WT where a shit track won’t stop a 152mm APHEBC shell and where normalization works as it should

      • i’ve already left before 9.0, game has been shit trailer-park redneck trash for far longer than that tho’.
        Also WG doesn’t use doorknobs, they’re too realistic and players will be confused by them, it’s better to use a hanging sheet or tarp

    • That’s bullshit. 90% of those “tracks eating a shot” is a shell hitting the tracks and going BELOW the hull. Tanks often had a lot of space between their hull and the ground, but those idiots don’t understand that.

  24. - developers are collecting and analyzing shell accuracy and damage statistics (SS: related to accuracy nerf apparently)
    I still can’t understand their intention to nerf accuracy. Wtf is wrong with it? Do we need more RNG horseshit than we already have even with post 8.6 accuracy buff? Why make game with tanks where they can’t hit shit whereas irl they could hit with pin point accuracy?

    - the reactions on new large amount of obtained medals is mixed, some get many, some can’t get even the simpliest ones
    Yes, that’s why we need shit like Lumberjack so even most braindead retards could get some achievement(imo lots of them is gonna fail even with this medal because knocking down the trees is so hard)

    - there are plans to make the game more newbie-friendly (accessible), at the same time the system of education (tutorial) will improve
    Can’t get much further than it already is newbie-friendly. Funnel everyone into lanes and make them shoot eachother.

    - developers are planning new “historical maps”, based on real life places, they will not be totally accurate, they have to be balanced by map designers for gameplay purposes
    I wonder what will those balancing parameters be. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    - the developers are aware of the bug, where MM puts you over and over again on the same map. It’s being fixed.
    So, it’s a bug now and not feature. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    - regarding the removal of the gold shells altogether – won’t happen: “Some of the tanks are unplayable without gold shells, for example T69 in tier 10 battles”
    They couldn’t come up with better exampe than T69??

    • I still can’t understand their intention to nerf accuracy. Wtf is wrong with it? Do we need more RNG horseshit than we already have even with post 8.6 accuracy buff? Why make game with tanks where they can’t hit shit whereas irl they could hit with pin point accuracy?

      IMHO they have a problem with the fact that accuracy ratio doesn’t matter that much when fully aimed, thus allowing pin-point weakspot hits on large distances (pre 0.9.3 KV-1s stronk snoiper) with not-so-accurate guns, while not fully aimed shots fly all over the place (like they should).

      • Yes, i am aware of that. I myself kind of hated that russians after 8.6 became snipers too, but even that is easier to bare with than to have those retarded wide RNG shots every second time you pull the trigger. I don’t want the game to depend on luck, but rather on skill more.

        • I get your point, but luck goes both ways :)

          Pre-buff accuracy was a nightmare too, just in the opposite way, but people nowdays learned to shoot at tiny cupolas sticking out of cover knowing that it might very well hit and it often does :( Taking such shots pre-buff was just a waste of credits and time and a sign of desperation :)

          • As long as there is at least 1% of RNG, luck will take part in battles. I’m just saying that less accuracy means(at least for me) much more frustrations with the game. I will rather take a hit into my tiny commanders cupola from a red tomato, than to miss more of my own shots even though i was fully aimed. Afterall if this post 8.6 “improved” accuracy affected the game in a bad way, i’m pretty sure we would see tons of forum threads with that subject and lots of whining, but we don’t see because people are happy with the current state of ingame gun accuracy. And from what could be seen 8.6 accuracy buff got mainly positive feedback from player base, so why change something that works, for no apparent reason?

    • I guess that WG is working for the future. They are not worried that people will leave WoT for either WT or AW. They are worried that new membership will fall because those guys will feel better with WT or AW.

      I’m not sure but I guess that somebody who stuck with WoT for the first 100 to 500 battles will remain in WoT since he has already learned WoT mechanics. This is why they never were afraid of the “Great WT Migration.” They knew that just a minority would have made the switch. But now with AW, they have to worry about new members. With 3 tank games the fight is on for new people to populate the game.

      One of the things they can do is probably try to prevent seal clubbing. That is anybody with less than say 1000 battles will not face anybody who has more than 2000 battles.

    • “Funnel everyone into lanes and make them shoot eachother.”

      It was much, much worse with the older maps. They’re actually improving with the new maps and overhauls of the old maps.

  25. “- developers are collecting and analyzing shell accuracy and damage statistics (SS: related to accuracy nerf apparently)”

    so no aggressive gameplay, no shooting on the move.
    Everybody camping on the same spot, trying to hit target with their beautiful 0.8 accuracy after 4 seconds of aiming…

    • I agree, the current problem is not too accurate guns, but rather the usage of gold fucking ammo. Beieng able to hit where you aim is important and a basic feature. We dont need more noob protections.

  26. Penetration infaltion….still allowing gold ammo for credits and claim some tanks are unplayable without gold….pfft. I bet they will nerf pen on all standard ammo, so people are forced to use even more gold ammo, you know to make armor more valuable.

    • In fact, armor would not be close to useless if they would remove gold ammo. Having high enough pen so people can damage tanks aiming for weakspots is okay, eg. aiming for cupolas or lower plate. How ever load gold and aim at non weakspots is totally bullshit. As long as all tanks use standard ammo, everything is balanced much better.

      So this penetration inflation is all due to having gold ammo avalable for credits, and a huge fucking error. Still I find it ironic that they claim some tanks are “impossible” to play without gold ammo, still talking about penentration inflation and the role of armor. Want to make armor more valuable? Then remove gold ammo or make it less common in randoms. I am just affraid they will nerf all pen on standard ammo, making it even harder to pen with standard ammo. And I am thinking about tier 8 tanks which particularly sees tier 9 and 10 more often now days. Sure standard ammo works, but you really got to aim carefull to pen tier 9 and 10. Which is all okay having the current AP pen, but god forbid if they nerf AP pen on tier 8 heavys and mediums just to make armor “more valuable”. All tanks are balanced shooting only standard ammo, thats the thing.

  27. “it’s possible there will be a Wargaming version of ‘noobmeter’, but ‘the current one demotivates some people a lot.’ Currently, developers are considering the XVM noobmeter to be more of a problem than a good thing”

    I’d agree. I’m sure the XVM designers have the best intentions in mind, but it HAS lead to a culture of denigrating people with low stats. Talk of “reds” and “tomatoes” is all too common. Not to mention people leaving battles if XVM tells them their chances of winning are below 50%. Personally, I turned chance to win off; it does not help me win.

    “XVM-style minimap will be added to the game”


    Now this is the one reason why I bother to install XVM at all. Knowing the last known position of enemies is quite valuable information, and should really be a standard part of the UI.

    “the reactions on new large amount of obtained medals is mixed, some get many, some can’t get even the simpliest ones”

    Not even Fire for Effect?

    It’s my opinion that Fire for Effect should be a basic medal that even the lowest skill players should be aiming to get as often as possible. Dealing damage is a basic part of this game.

  28. “- the developers are aware of the bug, where MM puts you over and over again on the same map. It’s being fixed.”

    Yet more of an indication map selection is NOT random at all.

    People have complained for ages about certain tanks and arty getting stuck on maps that exaggerate certain vehicles weaknesses (arty on city maps, tanks with no depression on Himmlesdorf etc) more than would be expected, and WG always said map selection was random and quit crying. Now they admit the map selector is bugged (and I doubt they realize what the admission of that bug implies). At least now when my Type 59 gets stuck on Himmlesdorf every other map I know it’s not in my head.