First, a small correction – remember the Dicker Max individual mission post? It turns out that you get the Dicker Max after completing the previous missions, not straight away. I apologize for the mistake.
- Q: “Everybody knows that in 9.5, tanks will get a viewrange nerf…” A (Storm): “Everybody knows, only I don’t know anything.”
- apparently, IS-7 and IS-8 rear side armor are historical (they have correct shape)
- SerB confirms that it’s possible for a shell to pass through a hole, that is smaller than its caliber in WoT, but: “Probability of that is somewhere around 1 to 100k – we are ignoring that and will continue to ignore that.”
- Q: “Why do you want to nerf the viewrange of 300 vehicles for the sake of 5 tier 8 LT’s? It’s connected to the “war on TD’s” and bad arty nerf. I propose: reduce team size to 12, hardcap arty to 2 per side and take half of their shells away!” A: “Game design by players sucks. Instead of fixing the respective parameter you propose to change the general game rules, after you bash us for making too big changes. Logic, logic everywhere.” (SS: the translation of the answer here is not literal, for example the first sentence is actually a quote, that makes little sense in English. Was trying to keep the point SerB made instead.)
- T-44-85 and T-34-85M in the game? “When it’s done it’s done.”
- Coated optics is active all the time, not only when the vehicle is moving
- Q: “Enough with the “improving” of team battles!” A: “Well, that’s up to you whether you have enough or not. Noone is keeping you here.”
new team battles suck i never play them anymore . A real shame as it used to be so good.
I have to disagree with you.
Team battles now are much much better. More action, no basecamping. Where is your problem? That you cant camp on Ruinberg at A3 and wait for the enemies to attack? You obviously have no idea about the new teambattles.
Camping teams were easiest to defeat. I find more camping now and Two bases is too hard.
There was no need for 2 baces ,another ruined mode
Bollocks. The two based system is amazing and is not too hard. Gotta strategize and actually think before you move somewhere.
If you can’t do that, the game is definitely not to be blamed.
No because one team is always camping so insted of camping teams some games its camping team every game
That’s why you have two bases. If they camp one place, you just go to the other. They can’t camp both bases at the same time without getting destroyed.
If you get destroyed, then again, it’s not the problem of the game, but of your play.
wtf the bases are about next to each other??? so how can you move to the other one fats enough in a slow tank and any decent team will defend both baces
The more you talk, the more I’m convinced that in your case, the playmode itself isn’t the problem.
Really? There was an awful lot of camping on pro level. But apparently the pros just aren’t as good as you.
We tried new team battles, with a normally pretty good team that used to have 70% WR on team battles.
Defending 2 bases? Sure, attackers cap one base with 3 people while they slow down the defenders with 3 AMX 50 100.
Defenders manage to push to the other base in the 1m30 seconds it takes to cap? They get finished off by the remaing full hp attacking team all lined up, waiting for the defenders who desperately try to decap.
2 base system is ass, and massively disadvantageous for the defenders.
Color me old fashion, but I don’t really feel like starting a game with a handicap 50% of the time.
attack/def mode was never good… def team pushed to attack and loses, or attack team camped and time ran out… the cominity is too stupid to play it.
Just because you defend doesnt mean you must camp in base, you can still defend by pushing. 9/10 times the team who just stand still in base gets fucked and it should be like that. Fuck campers.
Hey ss , i have noticed a sincere increas in press accounts/test accounts lately with certain names and have taken screenshots . upon asking one of them , he said it was a “gaming event” . if it sounds interesting , can you look further into it ?
Maybe it’s because of Reboot InfoGamer in Zagreb this week?
Were you by any chance that unlucky T62A that got oneshoted?
Yes, it is InfoGamer in Zagreb and I think I was the one who talked to you…
Oh hey there ! xD i was the IS-8 actually , and you one shoted our T62a :3
>> – SerB confirms that it’s possible for a shell to pass through a hole, that is smaller than its caliber in WoT, but: “Probability of that is somewhere around 1 to 100k – we are ignoring that and will continue to ignore that.”
Can we get to know, how many shells are shot each day on one server? They we get the REAL knowledge how often it happens ;) …
If we take that 140 000 000 000 shells a year from infographic (I think it was per year, otherwise less) and use some Maths…
Divide by 100 000 for probability
Divide by 365 for one day
Divide by 10 for number of servers
Around 350 – 400.
Zerb is partially correct. Game design by players suck when not two players can agree about something. But if a large majority, a true majority (i believe it should be above 50% of member base) not just the loudmouths (i.e.: get rid of arty crowd), request something then it is a good practice to check their request.
The specific problem for WoT is that when you have 1,000,000+ continuous users, and over 60,000,000 members, then getting 50% of the crowd to agree is nearly impossible. Unless the game is seriously damaged, as in the 9.4 bugs.
Especially when 95% of them don’t even visit forums, so you never hear their input.
Yeah, we should get rid of arty buttlickers that shitpost “BuFf ArTy Pl0Z” looking for upvotes of other alt+tab’d skycancers roaming the forums.
Zeus67 WN8: 921
Today, OP was a faggot.
We should get rid of campers and TD players trying to defend their game runing vehicle. Theres no skill sitting and camping and make 400-1000 dmg with a TD. TDs are counterproductive, they take off too much HP compared to their own HP. And that also means they will get less damage from enemies than they make to them.
If TDs are the terrible OP machines you describe, why are HTs and MTs still the favourite classes in platoons, companies and team battles ? Because TDs’ HP is much lower than said counterparts, and they get other handicaps. Most oftenly, their poor flexibility in battle balances the raw firepower. You’re always vulnerable in some way, save for a few slightly OP vehicles. That’s what TDs have been since forever in WoT… And camo when firing already got nerfed hard.
Randoms and clan wars are not the same gameplay tigga.
Waddya know, you’re right! Also, I don’t care. But since you do care, please be advised that my win rate is an abysmal 49.3% and that although I am in a clan I mainly play solo randoms.
I’m one of those who “play for fun” and does not make a career out of WoT.
“- SerB confirms that it’s possible for a shell to pass through a hole, that is smaller than its caliber in WoT, but: “Probability of that is somewhere around 1 to 100k – we are ignoring that and will continue to ignore that.”
Cue all the skill shots between the houses on Fjords…
“Cue all the LUCKY shots between the houses on Fjords…”
fixed that for you.
““Game design by players sucks.”
Well, game designs by WarLaming sucks even more
He is right though. Players, as a whole, lack the distance to the problem. They almost always fail to analyze it properly and suggest some hackney solution for their pet peeve (see above). Listen to their problems, but do not listen to their solutions. Ever.
The Kerbal Space Program community begs to disagree. ;)
Totally dude.
The Arty nerf patch was what the mob wanted. The marginalisation of Lights once spotting for slow firing inaccurate Arty became less effective than just another Med/Hvy charging in like it was Counter-Strike was predictable from mechanics.
The sudden huge increase in TD’s roster numbers and effectiveness as they no longer feared scout spotting or Arty camper killing also predictable.
*Instant* player responce was *TD’s now OP, NERF THEM NOW*
Still miss the dynamics of true pure scout-arty Vs enemy scout-arty. Hell Arty countered each other blind when they fired often enough to chance 2-3 rounds at those predictable Arty that actually ‘were’ clickers.
Glad the Lights are seeing there role imminently appearing again though. Been a loooong wait
Half the shells of arty? That’s a silly suggestion.
They’re still gonna be reloading and aiming for the bulk of the match(and also missing 60%-70% of their shots, actually getting hit by arty regularly requires some extreme bad luck or regularly sitting in a spot for longer than 5 seconds once spotted) , doesn’t really change much aside from the arties that reload relatively quick or have little shells to begin with.
Longer than 5 seconds? Well hello, after you stop your tank and turn turret and hull and aim, that can take like 10+ seconds. Staying arty save all time is bullshit and prevent dynamic gameplay. And moving around will get you hit as well unless you play a really fast tank. Im not saying arty dont take skill, they do, but they ruin the fucking game if they are more than 1.
“A (Storm): “Everybody knows, only I don’t know anything.””
He finally realized it? Good. Realizing and acknowledging a problem, is the first step on solving it. Hm, I always feel bad for dissing him, as I know it’s quite lickely his underlings and informers that apparently screw him over, but still…
I think he meant that in Jest. His EGO and the EGO of those around him is far too big to admit that anything they do could possibly be at fault.
actually, DICKER max is not the only reward u can get:
is that excelsior?
TDs ruin game play really because they have much higher pen and alpha than all other tanks not to mention they just sit and hide and rape players who play active. Arty and TDs have always punished players moving = those who get spotted easier. I think its fair TDs get view range nerf, because they alreaddy have better camo rating to beginn with.
No they dont
at8 , at7 , at2 , su-100m1 , su-101 , arl V 39 , stuG III , jagpanzer IV , obj 263 AND MANY MORE dont have higher dmg so you are talking out your ass
There is more to a tank than just the gun. TDs have generally very poor platforms, limitations such as low traverse speed, limited traverse angle, low health etc. There is a reason why TDs are usually left out of competitive play.
TDs have better guns but the lack of a turret is a HUGE, MONUMENTAL, COLOSAL disadvantage. They are only effective at long range, only because of their guns, if you get close to a non-turreted TD, you can easily defeat it, even if you’re only driving a heavy.
Overall, I’d say they are balanced, the only reason why TDs are a problem is because MOST players are campers. Even if there were no TDs in game, they would still camp in their mediums or heavies, so you can’t possibly fix that by nerfing the shit out of TDs.
And about the view range nerf of all tanks except lights, it’s a very bad idea, just think about it, a light will be able to spot and shoot any tank without ever being detected, even if it’s in open terrain. Is this a good idea for you ??? AMX 13 ftw (or my favorite T49), spot at 400m, fire 6 shots (or 1 nasty derp) then pull back a little, NINJA STRIKE.
” if you get close to a non-turreted TD, you can easily defeat it, even if you’re only driving a heavy.”
and on your way there you get raped by a horde of faggots hiding in the corner of the map.
and I agree that especially EU is full of cowards.
RU players play much e aggressive. maybe because of the slightly higher wodka consume.
Why are you fighting agaist facts? TDs are in deed designed to rape tanks moving, that is why they are called tenk destroyers. TDs do nothing but enhance camping. And the lower HP and armor is bullshit, at higher tiers some TDs have equal armor to mediums and heavys and also close enough HP. Some TDs dont have higher alpha than heavys yes, but then they have much better aimtime, accuracy and rof. Also lack of turret lol, in close quarters yes but you havent been able to flanks TDs for a long time since many TDs have better travrse speed than heavys.
1-2 TDs can work, but not 5-8 as we often see.
So because some Tier X TDs are a bit too powerful, let’s nerf an entire class.
GG, you’d fully qualify as a WG employee, retard test passed!
Many TDs on several tiers are ruining the game. TDard…
Saying TDs dont ruin dynamicm gameplay is like saying artys dont kill tanks from the sky. TDs are designed that way and in large numbers (after 8.6) they are anoying as fuck, specially with the added accuracy that makes TDs snipe far as hell. I am glad TDs gets view range nerf, if you want ti play like a coward you dont deserve to be strong either. The whole idea that TDs play passive makes them annoying and when they hit you they are usually invisible and make alot of damage, or have retarded rof.
And if the maps were open terrain, yes TD would dominate. BUT THEY ARE NOT !!! So what’s up with your inability to engage and kill TDs ? Obviously a personal weakness.
Don’t go into the open, where the enemy TDs have created a killing ground. Use the many alternative routes to advance, you can easily get close to a TD on any map, you just have to know how.
TDs are a problem because of bad maps.
Bad maps are a result of arty cancer.
Remove arty cancer, allow for good maps that have hull down positions that can be flanked = decent game.
Bullshit, TDs and arty are the same they prevent dynamic gameplay by punishing tanks with higher alpha and more pen. For TDs to remain support weapons, they need to get nerfed similar to artys, to make much less people play them and make them a rare sight on the battlefield. Just now, TDs are too good at beeing all rounders that is why almost everyone is having higher average dmg in TDs compared to same tier heavys, despite the many “drawbacks” on TDs.
Ferdinand Porsche you are a moron and please die.
These are facts. Artys and TDs are designed to be played cowardly, just look at avr spotted vehicles TD players have and you will see that are coward vehicles, despite having better view range and camo. I stoped playing TDs because it felt unfair to make such amount of damage on one shot and have so much pen. You TD-Tards only think TDs are fun to play because there are just a tad more mediums and heavyus you can prey on, but what if there would be only TDs, I think you would change your mind. Since the beginning nobody have liked TDs or arty because they are for cowards. Play mediums and heavys ibn a team with 2-6 TDs and come back and you will see how much they limit the movement. Also “die” ahaha, why? Maed cuz OP-TDwagon getting nerfed and maybe getting nerfed even further? The game dont really need TDs and arty, and if it needs it they need like 1-2 MAX. TDs have rendered many tanks useless that is why many TDs alreaddy got nerfed in the past.
You live in delusion and imo if maps didnt got rebalanced we would have even more TDs in games. But still 1/3 of all tanks played are TDs and that is really alot compared to pre 8.6.
TD VR nerf is a good thing. I just don’t think the VR of any other tank should be nerfed out of fairness.
If two STBs are fighting each other on a ridge, they’re both spotted, and therefore spotted to any enemy TD far behind the enemy STB. The difference with an across the board VR nerd is they have LESS of a chance to spot the TD shooting at them.
In that not uncommon situation it’s actually a BUFF to TDs.
*an across the board VR nerf* lol
Since render range will be a circle you wont be able to render-snipe at so far distance. But yeah, as long as render range is a square it will be a buff for campers since they dont spot themselves anyways.
Ferdinand Porche, you cant develop solutions without having access to data. Because there will be so many variations in game play, if you nerf/ buff tanks, or change the game mechanics. That why its important to make changes based on actual data.
To me, a good player should never cry about camping TDs, or Arties. You should always be dynamic and know from where to attack.
WG said a decision will be taken this week about SU76i.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd we’re on sunday and nothing happened.
Retardgaming as usual.
What missions do we need to complete to get that tank and where did the other guy below find that post/art of the excelsior.
seems a bit generous for WG to start pumping out these tanks in missions.
first mission is not playing WoT for ~6 months.
New team battles are great you can use more varied lineups, you use new parts of maps that were useless before, new tactics etc:
Some good RNG on beginning (full reticle snapshot with IS-3 ammo racking full hp 110 through gap between 2 buildings)
Optics are always active except when binoculars are active. Did they forget that or did they change it again?
Optics are active when binocs are active, it’s just that as binocs are more effective you won’t gain from the bonus of optics. As equipment, their bonuses doesn’t cumulate¯\_(ツ)_/¯
WG is nerfing view range across the board because they want to nerf unicums / get them to quit since they are the biggest headache. It’s far simpler to keep the vast majority of tomatoes happy with corridor maps, and close range brawls where using vision (aka understanding game mechanics) is useless.
You mean unicum “bushwanker mode”? Don’t worry poor players will be slowest to adapt to everything.
Eh? What has view range gotta do with unicums or not? The tanks having good view range now will still have it later on compared to other tanks. As far as I know most noobs are camping and not moving up to close range,.
I guess Peter Marcus feels his gameplay will get affected by the upcoming change (probably plays a lot of tanks as bush snipers).
If im not wrong most unicums that play real tanks like heavys and mediums like to get up close and brawl etc, that is why they make alot of xp. Those idots that stay back and only shoot what others spot earn little xp and have low average damage and stats. View range nerf is positive, it will let people move more freely without getting spotted from crazy distance (unless there are scouts) and encourage people to get up closer to fight. Render range as circle is also good which mean nobody can exploit the square to see retardedly long ranges. Also add some accuracy nerfs to make unaccurate guns miss more and prevent sniping with high alpha/low acc guns as it use to be. TDs should get nerfed overall because they are support vehicles just like arty, no fucking all rounders. Want an all round tank, play medum and heavys because these are at least balanced and encourage movement to make damage. Camping is far too rewarded as it is now, specialy for TDs.
And if you’re up close, you’re spotted, and the camper shits in Waffles and 183 cancer have the same advantages as before, plus the advantage of my reduced view range being less able to detect them as they try and click.
No I play as aggressively as possible for map control. I want to be able to spot campers as soon as I do now, not at close range when they’ll still probably outspot me from a bush even with nerfed VR (but with guaranteed binocs).
View range nerf is needed right now many high tier tanks with crew skills and optica can spot almost half tha map and that is retarded.
I understand that, but the way many of the maps work, you want to get spots before you advance to certain positions.
What happens when previously you could spot a TD / group of tanks (or mutually spot each other) at range X before moving between safe positions, and post nerf, you spot them at closer range Y while you’re halfway to where you want to go and totally exposed? You get punished.
VR nerf doesn’t necessarily reward aggression, and existing maps were designed around the long standing VR table.
Well the irony is that many tanks has so high view range that they can get spots far too soon making tanks not even able to advange that long from base. Also with the map rebalances, it makes sense to have kless view range, render range and accuracy,.
Nerf, nerf, nerf, nerf, nerf…
Well… There is new game coming out and it’s called Armored Warfare, so WG if you don’t like money you are doing it right.
Lol, nerf? What is exactly bad nerfing view range and specially nerf view range on TDs, which by the way limit movement of tanks too freaking much? Arty limited movement alot before and got nerfed, TDs became the new arty and they need to get rebalanced because they are roughtly 1/3 of all played tanks and that is too much. The only ones who are againt view and render range nerf are idiots liking to snipe and dont kjow how to move up with the team and support them. Many maps are unplayable due to the long range sniping and this needs to get fixed. Also AW, lol go play it then I wont miss your camping coward ass matter of fact if I have seen u in game chances are I have alreaddy reportrd u as a bot.
- Coated optics is active all the time, not only when the vehicle is moving
Who would knew.
You need coated optics to see your….
“Well, that’s up to you whether you have enough or not. No-one is keeping you here.”
Typical response by people who have no concept of customer service or customer support.
This is why eventually your game will fail and all those world of tanks developers errr bad programmers will again be out on the street looking for jobs with other companies.
“Noone is keeping you here.” You know you are right only problem is the money that we’ve poured into the game and all those vehicles we’ve unlocked. Doubt there will be any compensation back for all those disgruntled past players of the game. But remember something genius’ if we all leave as game players. Then we tell new players not to bother joining because it’s a crap game with no customer support that treats it’s players base like shit. Especially in publication and webmagazines that you advertise you’re product in. Maybe we organize a boycot of your games and your products what then.. hmmmm
Why bother spending your money on a game that has no quality assurances or no customer support, that treats it’s customers and players base like crap. Good luck in the Food stamp line Tovarich.
Read your post. Imagine how many players act the way you do. The devs have to deal with such crap every day. If the playerbase behave like idiots, devs will treat them as such.
Demanding quality of service for the money you pay == being an idiot? hmm speak more oh wise one….
I feel the same way and that is why I stopped spending money on WG.
Wargaming can be as customer unfriendly as they choose to be. I’m letting my premium time run out right now and I’m not sure if I’m going to renew it. There will be lots of choices of games on sale this Christmas.
Example about the hole t26e3 fireball
a shell have run throw the mg hole
some other case in the crosshair
Hole was here just have to put the shell in
it’s more for don’t kickass some model in close with big chrosshair near the gun and knowed for been weak here
if you know what i mean !!!
IMHO a hard cap on the number of arties per game could be the right path in the end. Except the SPG queues would be endless and break matchmaking even further.
Then a hard cap need to be set on TDs as well because they are support vehciles just like arty. Main vehicles are heavys and mediums like it or not. We all knew TDs would be next to get nerfed, because as long as a larger number of artys and TDs are present the game becomes shit.
TDs are perfect for noobs, little movement and use others as spotters and just point and dlick and damage due to large alpha, good pen and accuracy/aimtime.
well once in a while they can make an all arty match just for lolz, nobody would complain about “damn skycancer” and it would reduce the queue too :)
I really think view range and render range should be nerfed so nobody can snipe from longer distance than 390-400 meters MAX! Im tired of low bobs sniping from safe locations and run the game for all players that are moving on the battlefield.
- T-44-85 and T-34-85M in the game? “When it’s done it’s done.”
So there is a plan to bring the T-44-85 back in???