Hello everyone,
remember the “Let’s Battle” web magazine, that we had on EU server? Last issue came about a year ago and after that, it was thought discontinued (let’s face it, it was not exactly the best thing WG ever produced), but now, a new issue appeared… in Russian. Given the content, it’s specifically a Russian edition and it’s unlikely there will be a translated version.
- Mad Jack Churchill’s story (a guy using a longbow in WW2)
- “intrigues” – the fight for contracts in German tank industry
- the future of Strongholds with their developer
- Olga Sergeevna photosession
and some other crap. It’s still in mobile-only format (ohgodwhy) tho. From the stronghold article (courtesy of maiorboltach), some statistics:
- on RU server, there are 100+ thousand strongholds with 300+ thousand buildings
- the most popular building is “finance department” (SS: how is it in English? Not sure)
- it took a year to develop the mode
- the game mode is bassed on a board game for 3-6 players with dices
- at first, it was planned to give strongholds only to the largest clans
- there were several variants of the visualisation and UI considered
I haven’t seen the magazine myself (apparently it’s not possible to install it on PC), but if you know how to do that or are running a mobile device, you can get it via GooglePlay, App Store or Amazon.
They should have put the Olga photosession in the beginning, I guess it would attract more readers. Or not exactly readers…
is there an english version of it?
SS, who gives a f*** about Strongholds statistics? Give people the scans of Olga photos! ;-P
There you go http://imgur.com/a/TwecY
Thx.. not bad ;)
Much hotter than the father.
@SS, is there any info whether the Ob 907 will be a choice in this campaign only?(and we won’t see it in 4th campaign)
Or that this will be the last time we can get M60?
Wasn’t that already published? There is a choice.
Oh and SS – nice topic in forums about you :D
Seems that someone got scared to be published on FTR so he asked what is FTR about. SS I think your hall of shame works – an insulter goes to forum to check if the threat of being published is real and how many people know the place. According to number of replies, a lot.
There’s a small chance that he would think twice before throwing insults next time.
The stories look interesting. Hope we can get English version soon.
Olga looks hot :)
What’s her job at WG anyway? PR?
Videomaking I think. And yea, PR.