Don’t forget to get your free 1 day of premium – the bonus code is 2015WGNY.
- the 9.5 minimap will be reworked further, according to Storm
- the new 9.5 minimap can reduce FPS, but only a tiny bit
- the “flickering transparent bush” bug was not fixed. According to Storm, there was no way found how to fix it without losses to FPS. This bug emerged in connection with the changes in render, that in turn were made to optimize the game and so it’s not possible to roll the render back to the version before the bug appeared
- regarding implementing a damage panel, Storm doesn’t want to do that at all
- additional hangar filters will be implemented
- player stats reset for gold is not planned
- I asked Storm how it is with the Mittengard map, since he wrote earlier that it would be a map for newbie players only (and not for pedobears and twinks), yet I played on it recently, as did other players. Storm stated that there is no internal consensus in WG on this matter.
- apparently, some players see a text “no missions selected” when pressing Tab in battle. This is tied to individual missions, that aren’t released yet
- Q: “Do you plan more Prokhorovka-like maps?” A (Storm): “What does it mean ‘more Prokhorovka-like’? Are you interested in standing in the bushes in the alley, or fighting your own gun depression on the hill?”
- no plans for now to introduce more open maps (SS: like Steppes)
- Q: “Why don’t you simply buy rights to useful mods?” A: “Partial reason is, that we don’t think all players need by default (for example damage panel). Implementing mods ‘as they are’ also often causes FPS losses and there is no time to rework them.”
- reworking the render range to circle was not scrapped, WG is waiting for a new version of Big World. Immediately after that it will be implemented.
- patch 9.6 will be quite small, as new Bigworld version was postponed from 9.6 to 9.7, which in turn delayed the introduction of many features. This is a source of frustration for Storm.
- the list of features delayed by the new BW version includes new spotting/visibility features and new motion physics
- it’s possible 9.6 will bring new HD tanks, “if outsourcers do not fail us”. If they do fail, there will be a large batch of HD tanks in 9.7
- apparently, there is a bug where you can activate first aid kit under certain circumstances even though your entire crew is ok, Storm will investigate
- according to Storm, the color of minimap tank names is “the same as in XVM”
- no plans to introduce a dynamic IM goal counter to the game (SS: as in, seeing “you have to do 5000 damage in total, you have 2000 damage remaining to do” after pressing Tab)
- patch 9.6 will be quite small, as new Bigworld version was postponed from 9.6 to 9.7, which in turn delayed the introduction of many features. This is a source of frustration for Storm*.
I wonder if they’ll manage to get Havok implemented before the 2nd half of 2015?
I wonder if they’ll ever manage to get Havok implemented
They will but when this will happen… It might be too late.
AW :)
If they can at least let us play our already-bought tanks in HD that would be already great.
For now, want HD = grind new line.
Hope they dont get too many probmems with their sources
I dont understand their decision to implement HD tanks for those only mass produced first. Who the fuck cares about M3 Lee HD?
Do for most popular ones first. WG Logic – since 2009.
Woras, I agree. It seems to make a LOT more sense to me to do the HD models for the most popular tanks before the least popular ones.
They probably are doing HD for the most popular tanks… but some tanks are easier to model then others… it all comes down to the amount of info you have on the tanks.
I think the logic makes plenty of sense.
It would be harder for WG to historically model a tank that they cannot get much information about. On the other hand mass produced models are very easy to find and find information on.
For example the T29 is pretty popular (I think) but there isn’t that much information on it for WG to base their model on.
Havok will come when they about-face and release the SturmTiger, and create the Object 279 and MBT and KpZ-70′s.
The SturmTiger…. Sure….
Stop weed pal
Did you mean 2nd half of 2017?
no, no the 2nd half of 2107…
Whait ?!
Did you mean the 2nd half of 21070 ?
Havok will come after Half Life 3 release.
+ 1000
What is the qualification of Q&A in RU? I want question to them by myself.
Knowing Russian.
Is that all? Nothing to same with ASIA? ex) over 10 battle
Ну да, немножко панимаю – НУ НЕ ВСЁ!
Well I should study Russian first and than. make RU account. Then I will know what to do.
Its easier if your language has similar grammar rules – for me, russian sentences are back to front :D
actually they run same way our ones do:
Ну да, немножко панимаю – НУ НЕ ВСЁ! – Na taip, siek tiek suprantu – bet ne viska!
Or it was names for things, I dont remember….И к чиорт сним :D
Unfortunately Korean grammer is unsimilar with Rusian. It will be hard but this language relates my fun. So I think this study is not boring
If i could i would ask them to reconsider track effects and ability to move while detracked. I think thats one of the coolest things that could happen.
Than if they implemented multigun feature you wouldnt have to fear getting detracked all the time…
Also it looks prety damn cool
..Havoc – u meant 2016? :) So no news on FV4202 switch? im afraid it wont be so soon :(
No Centurion ActionX, No Chieftain… :(
It’s done when it’s done!
The WG mantra.
Im so happy that they are so slow… im at Cent 7/1 and 9k away from the top gun..
than a fast grind to the 4202 and im fine
IF they will really give prem FV to the owners
So I guess those are the reasons why Storm’s mood was fouled when he read the plans for 9.6.
If everything SS wrote in the last 2 years is 100% true, then I believe that even Valve has delivered on schedule more things than these people.
On everything WG planned to do in WoT for 2014, we dont have even 10% of it I’d say.
-no havok
-no 300 hd tanks
-no motion physics
-no hd maps (not all at least)
WG and schedule, still a better love story than Twilight.
Still better than Valve.
Aside from the fact that Woras should either get banned or leave for AW (omg can’t wait when he leaves! So excited for AW to come out for only that reason.), there is a reason why most companies hate telling the public what their plans are or timelines.
Because majority of vocal community (which is 90% trolls and 100% idiots) will take timeline as A PROMISE and then lose their shit when it doesn’t happen. I don’t even know what I am going to eat for dinner and how many of you know EXACTLY what they will do next year?
So two things are obvious:
1) Yeah, we all want guaranties that something will happen on a specific date, so we can wait for it and be excited. Hard to be excited for something that MIGHT happen sometime in the next YEAR.
2) Companies more and more unwilling to give those commitments to us because it is ruined by sheer morons like above. Priorities change, ideas change and company if forced to answer for every decision to worthless turds who think because they pay 50 dollars they DESERVE everything.
But again, it’s pointless to point out the obvious. Shitty people will need to rage about something, it doesn’t matter what it will be.
We should drink alcohol together, but seriously – TWO YEARS to develop Havok? Come on now…..And what exactly so gamebraking they introduced in 2014? At least I can hope for motion physics which will probably come at the end of year….Or EU tree :D There is shitload of info already for it – WG monke- personel should model it fast :)
Woras is right, you are wrong, rage is good.
Personally, I don’t care that much about HD maps. If they’re as “easy” to make as the regular ones, fine. But I’d rather have more maps than fewer HD ones.
As for HD tank models, I can take’em or leave’em.
That “flickering transparent bush” bug is a pretty easy fix, its just a simple Z plane orientation error from their tech artists being incompetent retards, I’ve worked with BigWorld before and have come across that issue with transparent textures and its piss easy to fix, so don’t give me that bullshit WG.
WG fails… Even Ctrl+Z can’t help them :]]
It’s a programming bug, becaus it appears on all maps. So, it’s not a tech artists fault. And, according to Storm, “flickering” fix caused FPS drops.
Everybody knows that Current BigWorld engine is a coding mess and it will never be optimized. The only thing that would help is to remake WoT from scratch.
See X-ray engine noob
The engine is perfectly fine, its not a coding issue, its how the engine handles layered transparency textures, if you get the order wrong and fuck up when importing assets into a scene then you get the Z plane error, which is the flickering bug. It’s entirely the tech artists fault.
“becaus it appears on all maps”
Don’t try to talk about things you have no idea about.
It’s not a programming bug, its the inability of the tech artist to correctly import assets into a scene without fucking up that causes it. It’s not a bug at all.
Invite codes for new players, NA server only.
500 Gold
3 Days Premium Playtime
Premium Tank: Tetrarch
Mods cause FPS losses, yeah right.
not sure if stupid or really thinks that additional features can come without additional computational costs
Get an average fps for a replay, then install deegie’s sight mod and get average fps for same replay.
Yes, extra sight mod(especially ones that show more than hit indicator) do lower fps, considerably if your CPU was weak to begin with.
They do cause FPS losses, you ignorant :D
Mods are pretty much the only reason for fps losses. Vanilla client works smooth for me. With mods average fps drops by 10-15 or even more and causes fps drops a lot more.
Mods = UI.
UI = FPS loss.
Remove UI by pressing V – no more lags!
Now press ALT F4 – no more stress! :D
Tried, guarantee it works, 100% satisfaction!
A (Storm): “What does it mean ‘more Prokhorovka-like’? Are you interested in standing in the bushes in the alley, or fighting your own gun depression on the hill.”
BS, its like the only map where you need to have knowledge about spotting system, distances, etc. without brainless rushing to some corridor.
So there will be no new tanks in 9.6?
Almost certainly not. Possibly a premium though.
I don’t get it. Why they stick with “we need more HD tanks” instead of introducing new lines? I am pretty sure the biggest gold spending in the game is on free exp conversion for unlocking the latest OP tier 10. IMHO this is the main reason FV 4005 was introduced after all – a line without tier 10 would be played by few and with very little gold spent on it.
Hey! thx for sharing the code with us all! You rock bro!
Why are you calling SS a rock? You think he is that stupid? Not cool, bruh, not cool…
Woras, you make nice video’s but your comments are annoying as hell. And the point ‘dont like it then dont read it’ is quite hard when you spam the comments like this. I can’t hide yours only. So please, take it down a notch.
Giving love needs to be in correct grammatical form. Otherwise I arrive.
The seizure bush defect is the most annoying bug. Unacceptable it remains unresolved, poor form WOT.
Thanks for the code!
Flickering bush not fixed -> bush-removal mod officially made illegal.
Working as intended.
“- player stats reset for gold is not planned”
I keep getting accused by random retards that I spent 2500 gold (I never had 2500 gold in this game) to reset my stats “because there is no way anybody would have my tanks with so few battles” (I had one tier 7 at ~3800 battles and a number of lower tiers).
So there is no way to reset stats for 2500 gold after all? LOL.
IIRC you can change your username for 2500 gold, maybe someone mixed it up with something
Wierd, I had ~3500 games when I got the JPanther. Still not been accused of resetting…
I have an AMX 13 90 and I only played 2400 battles. I never got accused that I reset my stats lol.
- the “flickering transparent bush” bug was not fixed. According to Storm, there was no way found how to fix it without losses to FPS. This bug emerged in connection with the changes in render, that in turn were made to optimize the game and so it’s not possible to roll the render back to the version before the bug appeared
And couple of days ago before the 9.5 patch this was mentioned as fixed. Now all of a sudden it’s impossible to do it. They are openly lie about stuff w/o any shame.
- Q: “Do you plan more Prokhorovka-like maps?” A (Storm): “What does it mean ‘more Prokhorovka-like’? Are you interested in standing in the bushes in the alley, or fighting your own gun depression on the hill?”
Prefer that over 3 corridors any day.
Dont dont lie, they just misinform there own people. Its a company, not one person -.-
“- Q: “Do you plan more Prokhorovka-like maps?” A (Storm): “What does it mean ‘more Prokhorovka-like’? Are you interested in standing in the bushes in the alley, or fighting your own gun depression on the hill?””
I think he means getting shot from at least 2 sides wherever you go, whatever you do.
Oh you mean where support tanks can actually perform their role and create a crossfire?!
Yes, we would like more of that!
Does anyone know if the E-25 will actually go on sale tomorrow as it says this under the calendar event :
* Valid only for regular Premium vehicles available both in-game and in the Premium Shop (new and/or rare Premium tanks excluded).
Following logic: E-25 is removed only from in-game. Its still in Prem Shop.
I know it’s in the premium shop and Silenstalker said it will be discounted tomorrow when the rest of the tanks go on sale. However looking at the fine print it may turn out that the E-25 will remain with the same price.
Can anyone confirm ?
Just wait a few more hours and you know ;)
They need to work on making the game more playable. I don’t care if they ever make HD tanks, I do care that spotting is still screwed up, my shots going wide outside of the aiming circle, massive lagging when to many tanks are close to my tank, ect…
If they want to lose their user base when new tank games come out they better start fixing some these bugs soon. Maybe they should hire some real programmers and dump these script kiddees!
Well FU storm. I think that damage panel in game is way more important than the other crap WG is implementing…
It leads to.bad gameplay
Check RBS
Prokhorovka is so fucking terrible, it would be best if WG just removed it.
Only a terrible player thinks Prokhorovka is terrible…
Amen, believe it or not it is more accurate of actual tank encounters than city maps. The absence of infantry in the game simply makes cities more viable for WOT style gameplay. Imagine the rage if random partisans could drop Molotov cocktails or pop up with sticky bombs at every opportunity in a city.
Not only is urban combat retarded in a tank game, but Prokhorovka (as I stated countless times already) is one of the few remaining maps where passive/active spotting are very important – and one of the few where long range shots are still possible
Brawler tanks are advantaged enough as it is in WoT
Prokhorovka, it’s twin Fiery Salient and Steppes are 3 of the best maps IN THE GAME. You just need to know how to play them.
I do like the city maps as well. However, most of these corridor maps like redshire…PAIN IN THE ASS!
+ 1
If you know how to play these and use your tank on these, they’re great maps. The only draw back is players camping at either end of the road.
Although I’m not a huge fan of city maps, especially the smaller ones. A prime example is Ensk in T7′s plus a complete shite of a map which I’d be glad to see the back of.
Anyone knows how long the code 2015WGNY is valid? I can’t play today/tomorrow, want to add it between 26-29 decembre.
Well, last year the new year’s code was working until February 1st and I guess it’s pretty much the case this year too.
they definetly need that upgrade bigworld engine asap but strengly this update is good for my comp better fps(stable)and les ping and micro lags so gg and i play on standard graphics..
Patch 9.6 will mark the start of the downfall of WoT, because chances are AW beta will be released by then.
> Implementing mods ‘as they are’ also often causes FPS losses and there is no time to rework them.
Yeah, a billion dollar corporation doesn’t have the time to fix something a guy on the internet coded in an afternoon…
“What does it mean ‘more Prokhorovka-like’? Are you interested in standing in the bushes in the alley, or fighting your own gun depression on the hill?”
This kind of answers… If they think that way, why in hell are they still doing this 15-min-boring-camping maps?
Since I play this game most players keep claiming about 3 main topics:
- Better ballance on teams – This doesn’t mean 15 purples vs 15 purples, 15 blues vs 15 blues and so on… Means players with similar skills on both sides. That odd rating they have added, why not start from there?
- Arty rework/remove – Self-explanatory
- Rework camo/spot mechanics. A tank firing shouldn’t remain invisible, no matter what, that’s ridiculous… For example…
In almost 2 years playing this game, I keep reading complaints about this stuff, no matter which server, no matter how skilled (or not) players are, ALL of them are asking for changes, they just don’t care.
Maybe if we are lucky enough, Armored Warfare will fix this, stop wasting money on this game guys! Make them care about their costumers… I won’t quit playing at least of for a while, but thank god I didn’t give them a single dime…
“- Rework camo/spot mechanics. A tank firing shouldn’t remain invisible, no matter what, that’s ridiculous… For example… ”
That would be the death of any and all tanks that are DPM-based and with paper armor.
So how about no?!
Most (good) players are aware that the best armor of all is not being shot at in the first place. And yes, as far as the maps are still allowing it, abusing view range & camo rating are still what makes a good player a damn good player
100`s of millions of dollars made and they still outsource models….OMG
+ 1
At least that way they have someone to blame for the failed delivery of them, not so stupid after all at WG! ;-)
There were two things I wanted to have in this game:
1. “Saving” premium time when not playing — This will never happen, at least that’s what WG said.
2. Top 3 players of defeated team getting the same amount of experience and credits as if they had won. Also, they needed to set certain criteria as making 2k dmg for example. There is such a thing as courageous resistance but you can’t achieve that many times (I got my Ace Tanker on 7/1 on defeat with that reward! 2100+exp) — Let’s hope someone in WG will get the same idea.
“Saving” premium time, what do you mean?
Or is it the same thing I’d like to see, where if you don’t log in to WoT in a 24 hour period I keep that days premium?
Yeah, something like that. For example, you bought a month of premium but then you go on business trip for 2 weeks. You stop your premium account for that period of time because it would be wasted… They already said “not going to happen…EVER!”