A quick announcement first to avoid any confusion. Several players sent me e-mails complaining that their Object 907 in 9.5 was not buffed properly. I had a quick lock and here’s what happened. In the official post, Grimbru fucked it up – or someone making the patch did, but given the number coincidence, my money’s on Grimbru. Basically, he posted the following, regarding the buff:
Dispersion on the move 0.9.4 – 0.12 0.9.5 – 0.1
What got buffed from 0.12 to 0.1 however was not dispersion on the move, but dispersion from rotating the turret. So, yes, the buff happened, it was just wrongly announced.
Otherwise, not much again. Apparently, rammer equipment mechanism changes are not planned. Oh and regarding the feature that if you buy consumables/equipment for half a price, you have to sell them for half a price as well during the discount event, this won’t change either.
First time I hear about something called Grimbru.
How the fuck can anyone cry about 907? It’s for sure the best tier 10 ussr medium and probably the best medium tank in the whole game.
are u drunk or on drugs?
I am drunk, but it’s still the best.
Gid da fak oudda hier!
Yeah, scrub, you may need to learn the game a bit.
you an idiot if ur saying its the best..this thing is far from the best tier 10 medium, I personally think the gun is crap.. must be your first and only tier 10.
Haha, the gun is amazing.
You must be just really bad.
T62 has the best gun of them all med clones. Check the stats!!
Not in my opinion, only slightly better softstats but less DPM.
140 is still the best USSR tier X medium.
SilentS, what the hell happened with WG?
What is with the premium tank spam. Before we had new normal tanks AND premiums from time to time, and MOSTLY ones that made sense (mostly, SU-122-44 and Lower ought to have been normal).
What changed now?
WG wants you to spend your christmas bonus paycheck on WoT. :-)
But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked
Well almost all of regular tank branches are implemented, so they can now go on and put in everything else that would not fit in anywhere without having Frankenstein line, basically reward tanks and premiums.
There are some more branches but if there is no info, no progress can be made, respectively the guys responsible for that can do something else, make tanks that have info and are not dependent on others.
The other way is to sell them BEFORE event :) …
Or after…not that you can’t wait or something…
I experienced the Obj. 907 as too good.
And people are still complaining and want a buff?
Obj. 907 is just too good to be tier X reward tank, and the best of three campaign tanks. godly DPM, awesome turret traverse. What else? Ppl still complaint?
Well, tbh, i just feel that the only downside, this tank is a walking gasoline truck…….
And firework truck too…
All russian meds (and some heavies) have that problem.
Object 140: Fuel tank + ammorack in the front…
Object 430 Fuel tank + ammorack in the front…
T-62A Fuel tank in the front…
and people complain about that on a reward tank…
- “I had a quick lock ”
Is there a slow lock too?
There is also an “in-between” lock.
And you don’t want me to start talking about their derivatives.
They get a free tank and moan it’s nof buffed enough?! Oh fuck off!!